Adventure Time S 6 E 11 Little Brother - TV Tropes

  • ️Fri Jul 04 2014

Shelby is thrust into a new role after a party-related accident.

  • Achievements in Ignorance: Appears to be the reason why Kent grew limbs. Shelby tries to do it as well, but nothing happens. Heck this is how Kent achieves everything in the episode. Doesn't want a bride because he is unaware of love, doesn't want eternal life because he has no concept of death from just being born, doesn't want endless wealth because he has no concept of money. Even his fight with the Rat King Kent admits he is just pulling off an Indy Ploy.
  • An Arm and a Leg: Shelby gets his rear end lopped off in a parkour accident. It comes to life and thus, Kent is born.
  • Fetch Quest: Kent has to collect three materials needed to forge the Sword of Plot Advancement.
  • Forging Scene: Once Kent collects the aforementioned materials.
  • The Hero's Journey: Kent's adventure follows all the standard beats.
  • Hope Sprouts Eternal: With the Rat King unable to gnaw at its roots, the willow where Finn and Jake live blooms for the first time in years.
  • How Is That Even Possible?: Jake is surprised how Kent came to be, given the idea that an earthworm's segment becomes a new earthworm when cut off is supposed to be a myth.

    Shelby: Myth is a powerful force in my life, dude.

  • "Leave Your Quest" Test: The guardians of the materials needed to forge the sword all give Kent this, as does the Rat King at the end.
  • Indy Ploy: Kent fully admits he's got no plan to fight the Rat King. He even quotes Indiana Jones's line "I'm making this up as I go" word for word.
  • Parkour: Shelby's attempt at it is what caused the accident.
  • Reforged Blade: Subverted, Shelby's broken original sword is handled by the blacksmith in a way that hints at this, but the sword made for him turns out to be completely new.
  • Shout-Out: The rats chewing on the Tree Fort's roots are reminiscent of the Nidhogg chewing the roots of the World Tree in Norse Mythology.
  • Sophisticated as Hell: Leafbeard varies between high-flown High Fantasy speech and childish slang

    Leafbeard: Your sword was shattered to butts when I found you.

  • Unfortunate Names: Shelby's brother was initially named "Butty Butterson" since he was Shelby's rear that was cut off. Shelby decides to call him Kent instead.
  • The Worm That Walks: No, not Kent, but the Rat King, whose body is made up of smaller rats.
  • You Can't Go Home Again: Having eaten food from the underworld, Kent must stay there for the rest of his life. This is similar to the Greek myth of Persephone. Although it's not like he can't see Shelby again; Shelby lives in Jake's viola after all.