Batman The Brave And The Bold S 1 E 23 When OMAC Attacks - TV Tropes
- ️Tue Nov 07 2023
The teaser: Batman tries to stopping two alien factions fighting with the 'assistance' of Hawk & Dove.
The main story: In the not-too-distant future, Batman is summoned by the Global Peacekeeping Agency to assist their newest operative, the One Man Army Corps, in dealing with the malevolent General Kafka. But as Batman learns, other parties have a vested interest in Kafka's actions.
- Blue-and-Orange Morality: We get a glimpse into Equinox's mind; Empowering Kafka restores balance, even if his plan results in a nuclear plant going up and irradiating the place, but he saves Batman when thwarted because Batman wasn't meant to die.
- Da Chief: The masked leaders of the GPA, who begin by tearing Batman a new one for not doing what they wanted the way they wanted it, and refuse to hear him out.
- Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: Buddy Blank, an ordinary and klutzy human janitor, manages to tackle Equinox, empowered by the Lords of Chaos and Order.
- The End... Or Is It?: After the crisis is averted, Batman knows Equinox is still out there, and he muses that the worst is yet to come.
- Foreshadowing: Equinox hints at his origins by telling Batman that he serves a higher order.
- Heroic Sacrifice: Batman exposes himself to a fatal amount of radiation to thwart Equinox's plan, but Equinox simply cures him with a wave of his hand.
- I Just Want to Be Badass: Buddy, who is unaware of his transformations into OMAC.
- The Klutz: In his first scene, Buddy Blank is summoned in to clean up a spill the GPA head makes, and gets so excited seeing Batman he knocks over his bucket, causing an even bigger mess.
- Leeroy Jenkins: OMAC, before the Character Development kicks in and he realizes he needs to fight smart as well as hard.
- "Not So Different" Remark: Equinox is amused by Batman's talk of bringing a war criminal to justice.
Equinox: The scales of justice, balancing right and wrong. It seems our goals are really quite similar.
Batman: We're nothing alike! - Oh, Crap!: Batman in response to Equinox turning a batarang into an actual bat.
- Punch Catch: OMAC in response to Shrapnel becoming too weak to properly fight.
- Setting Update: The original OMAC comics were set at some point in the future. The GPA of this setting seems to exist in the present.
- Sibling Team: Hawk & Dove... theoretically. They spend more time exchanging insults than fighting their enemies, eventually descending into a childish brawl.
- Spanner in the Works: Batman spoils Equinox's plan for nuclear devastation just by being there.
Equinox: Batman. Once again you've ruined my beautiful equipoise.
- Unexpectedly Dark Episode: Not the darkest episode of the series, but we've got Batman nearly dying of radiation poisoning, and the GPA being a heck of a lot more sinister than the show's usual Black-and-White Morality, implicitly having destroyed Kafka's home village and explicitly turning Buddy Blank into a cyborg superweapon without his knowledge.
- Unwitting Pawn: Both sides of the conflict are just a means for Equinox to destroy one city in order to balance out the earlier destruction of another.
- Villain Respect: Equinox says he finds Batman to be an intriguing example of balance and quite formidable.
- Wham Shot: Equinox transforms a batarang into an actual bat, demonstrating he's much more than just a guy in a costume.