Beast Wars S 2 E 13 The Agenda Part 3 - TV Tropes
- ️Thu Jun 01 2017
Backed into a corner, Megatron takes the ultimate risk to win the Beast Wars.
Tropes featured:
- Accidental Misnaming: Megatron calls Teletraan-1, "Teletrron-1". This name continues until the finale where Rattrap irritably corrects Blackarchnia.
- Actor Allusion: Silverbolt admires Venus in the night sky while sharing a tender moment with Blackarachnia.
- Armor-Piercing Response: Blackarachnia feels having the codes gives her the protection and leverage against Megatron. He deflates her tone by saying she's only half-right.
Blackarachnia: So, what are you gonna do? Shoot me? You still don't have the codes.
Megatron: Oh, I was never planning on shooting you. No, I had a much more [points his blaster at Silverbolt] effective target in mind. - Artistic Licence – Geography: Hardly the first instance in the series but one of the more notable ones. It's heavily implied that the Beast Wars takes place in Africa yet the Ark crashed in America. The Maximals chase Megatron across the entirety of the Atlantic in a little under an hour with the sun's position in the sky changing accordingly. Maybe Pangea split up late in the Transformers universe.
- The Bad Guy Wins: Megatron has shot Optimus Prime and history is changing to create a Decepticon victory.
- Big Damn Heroes: Rattrap basically does this; just as Ravage and Tarantulas are about to destroy the Maximal ship, Rattrap breaks into the ship and tosses explosives onto Tarantulas, leaving the ship to explode and destroy Ravage.
- Big "NO!": Optimus when he sees the Predacons enter the Ark.
Optimus: No! By Primus, NO!!!
- Big "WHAT?!": Tarantulas when Rattrap breaks into Ravage's ship.
- Blatant Lies: Blackarachnia tries to bluff Megatron out of killing Silverbolt by saying she does not care about him. Megatron isn't fooled, and the more she tries to talk him out of it while denying that she cares about Silverbolt, the more obvious it is she is lying.
- Boom, Headshot!: Megatron blasts Optimus Prime square in the face with everything he's got.
- Breaking the Fourth Wall: Optimus turns to the camera to comment on how die-cast construction is a lost art.
- The Cameo: Aside from Optimus Prime, we get to see several prominent G1 characters. During the flashback, we can see Prowl, Ironhide, Jazz, and Ratchet. As Megatron moves about the ship, we can also see Skywarp, Starscream, and Soundwave.
- Captain Obvious: Silverbolt comments on the geological instability of the Ark's crash site. As Blackarchnia retorts, it's a volcano, of course it's unstable.
- Card-Carrying Villain: As the time storm assails the Maximals, Megatron boasts that "evil triumphs".
- Cliffhanger: Megatron makes an epic boast as he begins to unravel the past.
Megatron: Say goodbye to the universe, Maximals. The future has changed, yessss. The Autobots lose! Evil triumphs! And you... YOU NO LONGER EXIST!
- Continuity Nod:
- Blackarchnia says that the Ark crew is due to awaken in 1984. Teletraan-1 is still projecting a forcefield around the ship.
- Megatron mentions Blackarchnia downloading his backup copies of the Ark's access codes.
- As the Maximals are being erased from existence, Optimus flashes back to his original body.
- It's never been confirmed but it's likely the discussion Optimus and Dinobot had about the Golden Disk's contents was the location of the Ark as Optimus seems to know exactly where the ship is located.
- Darkest Hour: Optimus Prime has been shot (point blank) by Megatron and history is now changing so that the Decepticons are the victors of the Great War and the Maximals are phasing in and out of existence. Doesn't get much darker than that.
- Didn't Think This Through:
- Downplayed. Megatron did truly falter at the idea of altering history due to realizing how dangerous it would be, but he ultimately decides to go through with it. However, killing Optimus Prime will result in a Decepticon victory in the Great War and leave Cybertron without the Matrix of Leadership when Unicron arrives in 2005. The Beast Wars: Transmetals game will later point this out in Megatron's ending when Unicron arrives and Cybertron is helpless to stop him without the Matrix.
- Silverbolt upon seeing the Ark, assumes Megatron coveted it for its power. He is very wrong about his assertion.
- Dynamic Entry: Just as Tarantulas is about to fire on the defenseless Axalon, Rattrap bursts through the ceiling.
- Even Evil Has Standards:
- For all that he wanted power, even Megatron thought it risky to kill the stasis locked Optimus Prime given that even he could be wiped out by the time storm. He even calls it "the ultimate risk for the ultimate prize."
- The trope is also downplayed when he rants about his motives. He genuinely thinks Predacons got a raw deal and were made subservient to Maximals. He wants to change that, though he notes that he wants to be the one in charge when it's all over.
- Everyone Has Standards: Optimus and Cheetor look away in disgust when Rampage runs over Quickstrike.
- Eviler than Thou: Megatron to Blackarchnia.
- Face Death with Dignity: Before being engulfed in the explosion destroying his ship, Ravage simply stares quietly and then proudly shouts, "Decepticons FOREVER!"
- The Fourth Wall Will Not Protect You: Megatron's line "You...You no longer exist!" almost seems like it was aimed at the audience.
- Godzilla Threshold: Megatron following the plan of his namesake. He admits he was initially unwilling out of fear of what would happen if he changed history by killing Optimus Prime. By this point all of his other options for victory are exhausted, so he is prepared to take that chance.
Megatron: Unwilling though I was to follow my namesake's instructions, it has all come down to this: the ultimate risk, for the ultimate prize!
- Hidden Depths: Rhinox has Acrophobia (a fear of heights).
- Hidden Heart of Gold: With Megatron holding Silverbolt at gunpoint, Blackarachna says she doesn't care, yet she then suggests it'd be a waste of ammunition of course and that it'd be best to flee before the Maximals break in. When Megatron's about to finish off Silverbolt, Blackarachnia relents, all while insisting this is just about getting to cover before the Maximals get inside the cavern.
- Hope Spot: For a brief moment it looks like Rhinox will open the Ark...then the time storm hits them.
- Hostage Situation: Megatron holds Silverbolt hostage so Blackarchnia will open the Ark and while she tries to say he means nothing to her, Megatron isn't fooled for a moment and continues to threaten him until she complies.
- It's All About Me: Megatron rants about the Predacons getting a raw deal being ruled by the Maximals, but above all else, he sees Cybertron as being rightfully his to rule, to the point where he will risk his very existence by changing history to claim it.
- Leaning on the Fourth Wall: Megatron points right at the camera when he says " no longer exist!" reminding the audience that if the Autobots had lost the Great War, the Decepticons would have killed all of humanity.
- Lost Technology: The technique behind the Ark's die-cast construction.
- Love Is a Weakness: Having been privy to their developing relationship since Bad Spark Megatron knows that Blackarachnia has feelings for Silverbolt, so he threatens to gun him down if she doesn't help open the Ark. Fortunately for Silverbolt, she relents.
- Ludicrous Precision: Assuming he's not using shorthand, Megatron apparently travelled back in time to a point very recently after the Ark and Nemesis crashed.
- Made of Indestructium: The Ark. Rattrap lampshades this.
- Make Wrong What Once Went Right: Megatron's ultimate goal is revealed to be this. By killing Optimus Prime, the Decepticons will win the Great War and the Predacons will be the rulers of Cybertron, rather than oppressed "slaves".
- Mythology Gag:
- The Ark is the obvious one and it's still packed full with the 1984 cast.
- Optimus swears by Primus.
- The Ark is said to be made from die-cast construction as the G1 toys were.
- Not-So-Well-Intentioned Extremist: In Megatron's Motive Rant, he claims that the Predacons are slaves under the rule of the Maximals, but he makes it clear he feels the Predacons are the rightful rulers of Cybertron and he wants to rule Cybertron himself. On top of this, he is prepared to risk the very existence of himself and all other Predacons by radically changing history. So as usual, he makes it clear his motives simply amount to wanting the Predacons to rule the universe with him at the helm.
- Oh, Crap!:
- Tarantulas over Rattrap's bombs being stuck to his hands. He gets a moment to scream before they go off.
- Rampage gasps when the missile from Ravage's ship activates and is about to hit him point-blank.
- Cheetor's reaction to seeing the Ark itself. Followed by Rattrap being more concerned about the blaster that just deployed.
- O.O.C. Is Serious Business:
- Optimus notes that Megatron isn't heading back to the Darksyde after Ravage's ship was destroyed deducing that he's headed for the Ark. The fact that Megatron of all people was afraid of the potential consequences of altering time shows just how seriously he took his predecessor's instructions and the damage he could cause.
- If one pays attention to Rhinox, he's uneasy about boarding Primal's surfboard and later takes a peek down while riding it only to snap back up to a rigid sitting position in pure fear. This is the first time the big guy's ever shown to be truly afraid of anything.
- Ret-Canon: This is the first piece of media to name the golden Autobot starship from the original series as the Ark, taking the name of the Autobot ship from the Marvel comics.
- Riding the Bomb: As Ravage's ship starts to crash, Rattrap rides on the extended missile. It doesn't explode upon the ship hitting the group, and Rattrap bails before the ship collides with some rocks.
Rattrap: Yee-haw!
- Shoot Out the Lock: Rattrap tries to hack into Teletraan-1 but the power surge caused by the fusion cannon's destruction jammed the door controls. Rhinox just shoots the mechanism and the doors open. It's probably why the Ark had such bad security in the original cartoon.
- Shout-Out: The Ark takes design cues from the Defiant.
- Blackarachnia dismisses Megatron's attempt to barter Silverbolt's life for a tactical advantage with the same bluff James Bond and Natalya Simonova used in similar predicaments.
- Smooch of Victory: After the missile explosion, Rattrap is sent flying, but he's caught by Rhinox. Rattrap can't resist doing this to annoy him.
Rattrap: My hero! [kisses him on the cheek]
Rhinox: Oh, get down! [drops him] - Tempting Fate:
- After avoiding being crushed by Ravage's ship, Rampage laughs. Then the missile activates and hits him point-blank.
- Hardly a second after Blackarachnia gloats the Ark's power is all hers, Megatron blasts her and Silverbolt from behind.
- The Unfettered: Megatron has already been established as a Bad Boss who sees his underlings as expendable and a sociopath who will sacrifice anything to achieve his goals. With his other options for conquering Cybertron unavailable, he makes the decision to alter history, risking the very existence of him and all other Predacons if it means they will rule Cybertron.
- Villainous Face Hold: Megatron grabs Blackarachnia by the chin, after she faces away from him, to confront her about stealing the Ark's access codes from his computer.
- We Have Reserves: Unsurprisingly, Megatron is totally prepared to sacrifice most of the Predacons to ensure victory for himself; Blackarachnia, Inferno, Quickstrike, and Rampage were all originally Maximal protoforms, so they would have been erased from existence along with the Maximals had his plan succeeded.
- Wham Shot:
- "That, Bowserboy, is called The Ark!" accompanied with the ship from the G1 Cartoon, revealing what Megatron's plans had been all along.
- "So, we are now face to face, Optimus Prime." accompanied with the camera panning to the stasis locked Autobot leader.