Captain Planet And The Planeteers S 2 E 5 The Predator - TV Tropes

  • ️Fri Oct 21 2022

When a town on the Florida coast freaks out about shark sightings, Argos Bleak decides to play a lone hand and offer his services to eliminate the sharks. Gi and Ma-Ti protest his overzealous hunting and get themselves captured, forcing the other Planeteers to come to their, and the sharks', rescue.

This episode includes examples of the following tropes:

  • A Day in the Limelight: For once, Bleak is operating on his own and not as Plunder's lackey.
  • Agony of the Feet: Kwame gets his foot stung by a sea wasp while he, Linka, and Wheeler are getting to shore. It leaves a nasty-looking burn that proves their story to the mayor and gets him to realize what a mistake he made by letting Bleak hunt down the sharks that would ordinarily have eaten the extra jellyfish.
  • Almost Kiss: When it looks like three of the gang are going to drown, Wheeler successfully talks Linka into sharing a Now or Never Kiss. Kwame kills the moment by explaining how they can escape. Wheeler is annoyed his announcement couldn't have waited another five seconds.
  • And I'm the Queen of Sheba: Having failed to find anything as big as the townsfolk claimed, Bleak mutters that maybe there isn't a killer shark in the area. Ma-Ti hopefully suggests that maybe he'll call it quits, and Gi sarcastically retorts that perhaps nuclear waste will turn out to be healthful.
  • Beach Bury: During a scene on the beach, one guy is lying on the beach, buried in sand.
  • Bound and Gagged: After finding Gi and Ma-Ti on his hydrofoil, Bleak drops a net on them, ties them up and gags them with rope to keep them from using their rings.
  • Chekhov's Gun: Wheeler brings his windsurfer on the mission in case there's any downtime, and it ends up allowing him, Linka, and Kwame to get to shore when their transport gets sunk.
  • Close-Call Haircut: Wheeler's efforts to burn Gi's gag so she can use her ring naturally involve fire getting very close to her face and (according to Linka) burning some of her hair. Linka calls him on it; Wheeler, still concentrating on his aim, retorts that she should try burning through something on a moving target.
  • Deadly Prank: Played With. The townsfolk are already panicking about the alleged killer shark when two boys pull a prank with two shark fins and a damaged surfboard. The prank only throws oil on the fire and further inclines the town to accept Bleak's offer to hunt down every shark off the coast. Including the harmless basking shark minding its own business nearby.
  • Fed to the Beast: Bleak ties Gi and Ma-Ti to the back of his hydrofoil after dumping chum into the water, hoping to get them both Eaten Alive by the remaining sharks in the area.
  • Forgot About His Powers: Lampshaded; when Ma-Ti tells her about his shark encounter, Gi asks why he didn't just use his ring to make it leave if its presence bothered him. He admits to being too scared to think straight.
  • Gossip Evolution: When Ma-Ti is telling Gi about the basking shark in the beginning, he says it was scary to be followed by a 40-foot-long shark, even if it didn't attack him (and she claims it wouldn't have). A waitress overhears it and spreads the news, claiming that a boy was attacked by a man-eating shark. By the time Bleak arrives, reports claim that the shark is much larger and has already attacked multiple people.
  • Hurricane of Puns: Captain Planet and Argos Bleak engage in a pun duel during the climax.
  • "I Can't Look!" Gesture: When Gaia shows the remaining team members a scene of Bleak cutting off a still-living shark's dorsal fin, Linka shuts her eyes and turns her head so she won't have to see it.
  • It Has Been an Honor: While the three of them are trapped in the sunken Eco-copter as it fills with water, Wheeler tells Kwame that it's been great knowing him, before turning his attention to Linka.
  • I Warned You: A third-person variation; Kwame tells the mayor that the jellyfish are so numerous because Bleak is destroying their natural predators. The mayor admits that Gi and Ma-Ti told them this was a mistake.
  • I Will Show You X!: When Gi protests that Bleak's overzealous hunting will mess up the balance of nature, Bleak retorts that he'll mess up her balance, and shoves her hard enough to knock her into the water.
  • Let's See YOU Do Better!: In-Universe; Wheeler manages to burn off Gi's gag while they're still some distance away, but he causes her some discomfort in the process. When Linka calls him on it, he retorts that she should try burning something on a moving target that's being pursued by a shark.
  • Now or Never Kiss: Thinking they're about to drown after Bleak sinks the Eco-copter, Wheeler asks Linka for a goodbye kiss. Despite teasing him about having only one thing on his mind, she's ready to do so... until Kwame brings up that once the water pressure equalizes, they can get out.
  • Pun:
    • When Gaia appears as a hologram and interrupts Wheeler's windsurfing to tell him the team has another mission, she apologizes for taking the wind out of his sails.
    • Bleak refers to the Planeteers as a "pain in the boat" when he sees the Eco-copter.
  • Save the Villain: After spending the entire episode slaughtering sharks and trying to kill the Planeteers when they attempt to stop him, Bleak gets knocked into the ocean near a blue shark and has the nerve to beg for help. The Captain snarks that he'd hate for the shark to get indigestion and pulls Bleak out of the water just before the shark can sink its teeth into him. He's not amused when Bleak complains about his not killing the shark afterwards.
  • Ship Tease: Linka almost kisses Wheeler when they both think they're about to drown, and when Wheeler takes longer to reach the ocean's surface, it's her and not Kwame who expresses worry.
  • Shoot the Rope: Wheeler burns through Bleak's harpoon line after the group gets close enough, keeping Bleak from reeling in the basking shark he speared, and allowing the shark to escape.
  • Shout-Out: While talking about his encounter with the shark, Ma-Ti mentions a man-eating shark in "that movie" and Gi claims that it gave sharks an undeserved bad reputation.
  • Skewed Priorities: Both subverted and played straight.
    • Subverted when Linka worries about Wheeler not surfacing along with her and Kwame. He pops up a few seconds later, saying that he had to get his windsurfer out. However, he almost immediately brings up the practical benefit – the windsurfer can get them all to shore.
    • Played straight while Wheeler is burning off Gi's rope gag. Linka chides him not for potentially hurting Gi by accident, but for burning a small part of her hair.
  • Spit Take: When the waitress tells him about the "shark attack", a man at the bar spits out his coffee.
  • Threatening Shark: The episode begins with Ma-Ti freaking out when he sees a huge shark (which Gi later identifies as a basking shark) following him while he swims. The townspeople hear the discussion and panic as well, which leads them to bring in Bleak. When Gaia gives them the standard pre-mission breakdown, Wheeler comments that he feels pretty weird trying to save sharks, and Gaia explains that only some sharks are potential man-eaters and all of them are important to the ecosystem.
  • Trapped in a Sinking Car: Bleak shoots the Eco-copter out of the sky when he sees it coming, causing it to plunge into the ocean. The water pressure keeps the doors shut and Wheeler's attempt to burn their way out fails. However, as they're beginning to believe they can't escape, Kwame remembers that they can open the door once enough water gets into the vehicle for the pressure to equalize.