Craig Of The Creek S 1 E 22 Doorway To Helen - TV Tropes

  • ️Sat Aug 18 2018

Craig Of The Creek S 1 E 22 Doorway To Helen Recap

Written & storyboarded by Deena Beck & Angel Lorenzana

Craig makes a long distance connection with a kid that loves the creek as much as he does.


  • Dramatic Irony: The kids assume Helen lives in another dimension, but it's easy for the audience to see more mundane causes for her situation: Her mom is her teacher because she's homeschooled, which is why she learned cursive handwriting years after the other schools stopped teaching it. She describes an abandoned version of the Creek where one of the locations is much warmer because she explores it during the day when all the other kids are at school, and stays away during the summer because of her allergies.
  • Hidden Eyes: Helen's eyes are not visible (in order to make her look mysterious)
  • Phlebotinum Analogy: A theory about overlapping alternate dimensions is explained by showing off some linking rings.
  • Portal Door: Two doorways are set up to create a passage to Helen's "other dimension", but they weren't actually doing anything.
  • What Are Records?: J.P. and Craig have no idea what cursive handwriting is, and Kelsey only knows it from her grandmother's birthday cards.