Ed, Edd, n Eddy S4E22 "Here's Mud in Your Ed" - TV Tropes

  • ️Fri Sep 03 2021

Jimmy is having a bad day when Sarah and Jonny 2x4 fight over a shovel and wrecks a cake they were making. It only gets worse after Eddy cruelly tricks him out of all his money via Smileyville, a fake amusement park. Disgusted, Rolf tricks Eddy into trading all of his possessions for a "money tree seed".

This episode contains the following tropes:

  • Big Brother Instinct: Rolf immediately offers to help Jimmy get back at Eddy for his scam.
  • Call-Back: Rolf once again has to deal with someone moving into his home, though Jimmy is more merciful compared to the Eds.
  • Don't Wake the Sleeper: When Eddy angrily bangs on Rolf's door, demanding he and Jimmy give him his stuff back, Rolf begs him to stop out of fear he will wake his Nana.
  • Everyone Has Standards:
    • Rolf is outraged by Eddy scamming Jimmy out of his money and reducing him to tears, so he helps Jimmy get back at Eddy.
    • Even Ed is shocked at how Eddy's greed has blinded him to common sense, namely how he’s stupid enough to fall for Rolf’s "money tree seed" trick twice.

      Ed: Even I am not that dumb, Double D.

  • Foreshadowing: When Eddy pulls out the “money tree seed”, Edd points out it’s actually a discarded spool. Him having to point this out means Eddy wouldn’t have realized the money tree seed was a fake without that. As showed when giving the “real money tree seed” and not noticing it’s a bolt.
  • Grows on Trees: Rolf fools Eddy into buying a seed for a "money tree". Eddy finds out he's been scammed, so Rolf gives him the "real" money tree seed in exchange for everything he owns, and Eddy never figures out he's been double scammed.
  • Hand Puppet Mockery: When Eddy is trying to trick Jimmy and Rolf into giving his stuff from his room back, Ed and a crudely-rendered hand puppet of Double D try to convince them to take a meat bush that he "grew". This of course didn't work and only infuriated Double D, who wasn't there due to needing to use the bathroom:

    Double D: Well, well, well. Seems one cannot tend to their natural functions without being REPLACED BY SOME RAGTAG HAND PUPPET!
    Eddy: Hold this. [Throws the jar of dirt in Edd's face.]
    Ed via Puppet Edd: Oh dear. I fell!

  • Horrible Judge of Character: Double D sincerely believed that Eddy built an amusement park to cheer Jimmy up. He should have known better.
  • Hypocrite: After Eddy finds out Rolf and Jimmy scammed him, he’s outraged and sees Rolf and Jimmy as the bad guys, even though Eddy scammed Jimmy first.
  • I Will Show You X!:
  • Idiot Ball: Eddy holds it big time in this episode.
    • After scamming Jimmy out of his quarter, Eddy decides to have ED of all people to hold onto it for safe keeping. Predictably, Ed uses it to pay to ride on a rocket car ride. Eddy even lampshades his lack of judgement by saying "What am I, nuts?!" when Edd reminds him of the fact.
    • In the episode’s conclusion, Rolf offers him the “real money tree seed” and he agrees without hesitation, in which he accepts the “seed” (a bolt) and enthusiastically plants and waits for it to grow without even realizing that he has been scammed once again. Even Ed himself retorts that even he isn’t that gullible.
  • Kick the Dog: Eddy tricks Jimmy out of his money by making an amusement park seem real, but as it turns out (as expected), really didn’t build anything and it's only an abandoned alley.
  • Laser-Guided Karma:
    • After tricking Jimmy, Eddy didn't even get to spend his money on jawbreakers, as he foolishly entrusted the quarter to Ed, who spent it on a rocket car ride outside the candy store.
    • Jimmy and Rolf gets back at Eddy for his greediness by making him trade all of his possessions for a "money tree seed" (a spool).
  • Medium Awareness: At the end, Edd asks for an Iris Out, then says "Thank you" after the screen goes to black.
  • Moral Myopia: Eddy scams Jimmy out of his money, but once he realizes that he has been scammed by the latter and Rolf as revenge, he gets angry and lashes out while seeing himself as the victim.
  • Never My Fault: Eddy plays the victim card after finding out that Jimmy and Rolf had scammed him, ignoring the fact that he conned Jimmy first.
  • No Ending: Rolf fools Eddy once again with the "real money tree seed", with Eddy none the wiser. The rest of the Eds look at Eddy in disbelief, with Edd asking for an Iris Out to end the episode with.
  • Odd Friendship: The wimpy and feminine Jimmy spends the episode hanging out with Rolf the macho farm boy.
  • Potty Emergency: When Eddy plots revenge against Rolf and Jimmy, Double D can't get involved in the planning because he has to take a piss.
  • Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: Jimmy and Rolf have this dynamic, with Jimmy as the sensitive guy and Rolf as the manly man.
  • A Taste of Their Own Medicine: After Eddy scams Jimmy, he and Rolf scam Eddy back. After Eddy figures it out, he confronts Rolf, who then scams him again.
  • The Thing That Would Not Leave: Just before Eddy comes to demand his stuff back, Jimmy is shown to have overstayed his welcome at Rolf’s house, wearing his pajamas and putting up new wallpaper. Rolf calmly asks him when he’s going home.