How I Met Your Mother S 3 E 12 No Tomorrow - TV Tropes
- ️Mon Feb 23 2015
Ted decides to give Barney's nonstop partying lifestyle ideas a chance on St. Patrick's day, while Marshall and Robin struggle with telling Lily about a major problem with their new apartment.
This episode provides examples of:
- Arc Symbol: This episode marks the first official appearance of the mother's yellow umbrella.
- Chekhov's Gun: Ted's phone butt-dialing Marshall comes back to play when Marshall shows Ted the eighteen voicemails, chronicling Ted's entire foray into jerkassedness.
- Description Cut: While Ted and Barney are enjoying ill-gotten champagne and caviar at the club, Barney asks "I wonder what the grown-ups are doing right now." Cut to Marshall, Lily, and Robin, who decided to spend the night moving the couple into their new apartment, playing Hungry Hungry Hippos.
- Dutch Angle: Invoked. Some shots inside the apartment are tilted to create the illusion of its crookedness. Marshall even speaks, at one point, to Robin, intoning her name in Adam West's famous clipped staccato. This also happens later when Marshall reviews Ted's shitty behavior at the bar.
- Karma Houdini: Ted realizes partway through the night that, for some reason, every time he acts like a jerk, the universe is rewarding him. Even though he gets punched out, he never really gets a full comeuppance for all the terrible things he does.
- Once More, with Clarity: Through the mechanic of Ted's constant butt-dials and with Marshall calling him out, Ted's behavior is seen not as awesome, but incredibly shitty.
- Noble Confederate Soldier: Discussed. Marshall and Robin lie to Lily that her and Marshall's new apartment has the ghost of a Confederate general living in it to try to cover up the fact the floor is crooked. Lily is not pleased to hear this, pointing out being a Confederate ghost means he fought against the United States and is probably racist. Marshall then claims the ghost loves people of all races and was simply fighting for states' rights.
- Pocket Dial: Ted keeps pocket-dialling his friend Marshall when he's drunk at Saint Patrick's Day party. Marshall's phone actually records scraps of Ted's evening, and those scraps speak badly about Ted as a person. For example, he was making out with a married woman or drank champagne, exploiting somebody else's bill. Marshall feels very uneasy and anxious about Ted's character and thinks Ted has not been himself lately.
- Sherlock Scan: Barney is able to (or at least believes he is able to) deduce the area code of a woman and the fact that she doesn't have any children.
Barney: So she's married. It's not like she has kids.
Ted: How do you know?
Barney: [exasperated] Wrists! It's like you don't even listen to me.
- Shout-Out: Barney's green suit gets many wisecracks from his friends, including The Riddler and Peter Pan.
- Barney convinces Ted to go clubbing with him by saying that he's had a premonition of the world ending, calling the night Bro-pocalypse Now and Bro-mageddon.
- Upon pointing out that the apartment is crooked, Robin says "It's like the last twenty minutes of Titanic in here."
- When Ted, Marshall and Lily tell Barney that they're not going out for St. Patrick's Day, he says, "That's so not Raven!"
- Took a Level in Jerkass: Ted acts worse and worse as the night goes on. It takes Marshall reviewing his behavior the next morning for him to realize what an ass he was being.
- Unreliable Narrator: As Ted first tells the story, he's just casually deciding to do morally questionable (and occasionally illegal) things to have fun. Marshall reveals that he was really being a drunken, uncouth loudmouth all night.