Phineas And Ferb Face Your Fear - TV Tropes
- ️Mon Mar 16 2020
When Doofenshmirtz decides to take over the Tri-State Area by enlarging harmless creatures into giants, he soon regrets his decision when he uses his inator on a bat. Meanwhile, Phineas and Ferb create a revolving foam city so it's safe to skateboard, and Candace goes on a tour of the Danville Space Laboratory with Jeremy.
- 2D Visuals, 3D Effects: Foamtown is CGI.
- Acquired Error at the Printer: The painter of the sign realizes his mistake when the narrator says "Meanwhile, at the Danville Space Laboratory..." and sees that the sign says "Danville Space Labrador".
- Brick Joke:
- Both Doof and Vanessa mention that the bat resembles his cousin Narthelliot. Later, a man who resembles a bat appears next to Vanessa, and she says "Oh, hey, Narthelliot. We were just talking about you."
- Doof off-handedly mentions he has an irrational fear of shellfish. At the end of the episode, he ends up at the same seafood restaurant (despite it being in Danville, and he was supposed to be in St. Louis) expressing his fear.
- The Casanova: Perry enters his lair on a speeding hot tub. At one point, he stops at a red light and Peter the Panda can be seen riding his own hot tub accompanied by two ladies.
- Continuity Nod: Jeremy brings up some Mars rovers sent by the Danville Space Laboratory that stopped working earlier in the summer, in reference to the events of "Unfair Science Fair Redux (Another Story)".
Jeremy: You wouldn't know anything about that, would you?
Candace: Uh, how would I... heh heh... what do you mean? Heh heh.
Jeremy: All right... Your Highness.
Candace: (gasps) Who told?
Jeremy: Stacy. - A Day in the Limelight: Jeremy's father, Jack Johnson, has a more prominent role in this episode. Despite this, Todd Stashwick, his voice actor, is still listed for playing "Additional Voices".
- Don't Try This at Home: Norm is about to throw a crowbar at the bat, but Doof tells him not to because it is "imitatible" by S&P rules.
- Exact Words: Major Monogram walked through a spider web. When he turns around, he asks Carl if there is a spider on his head, unaware of the huge spider on his back. Carl says there is no spider on his head.
- Face Your Fears: What Doof had to do. It's right there in the title.
- Hidden Depths: Apparently, Linda has a background in astrophysics, but she doesn't like to talk about it.
- Punny Name: After showing the Mars rover and the Moon rover, Jack Johnson shows Candace and Jeremy the Irish rover. There is even a song all about it.
- Shout-Out:
- The movie that inspired Doofenshmirtz's evil scheme, "Night of the Felis", is a reference to Night of the Lepus.
- During the Irish rover song, the rover approaches a man carving soap, in reference to the Irish Spring commercials.
- Spit Take: At lunch, Candace does this when she realizes she can use the space lab's satellite to spy on her backyard.
- Terrifying Pet Store Rat: In-Universe, the movie "Night of the Felis" has crudely-edited footage of playing kittens as monsters.
- Three... Two... One...: Jeremy does this when they come to a global surveillance satellite and Linda says "So, you could look down on anybody's backyard and see what they're doing?". However, Candace does not respond right away. It takes a cut back to Doof's wild ride with the bat for Candace to realize.
- Title Drop: By Vanessa: "Just stand up. Come on. It's time to face your fear."
- The Unreveal: After Baljeet asks "Where is Perry?", Isabella mishears him. When asked what she thought he said, Isabella just drops it, simply saying that it was "too weird."
- Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: Doof is revealed to be afraid of bats. And also shellfish.