Phineas And Ferb Primal Perry - TV Tropes
- ️Sun Sep 04 2016
Dr. Doofenshmirtz hires an infamous platypus hunter named Liam McCracken to trap Perry in the Danville Botonical Gardens while Baljeet finds himself incapable of making different decisions, so Phineas creates a generator that allows Baljeet to split into two clones depending on what choices he has to make. However, things get out of hand when the Baljeet clones start to gang up on Buford, plus McCracken betrays Doofenshmirtz, as he plans to turn both him and Perry into trophies. As such, the gang must find a way to calm down the Baljeet clones while Doof and Perry have to work together to stop Mc Cracken from killing them.
- Actor Allusion: One of Liam's boomerangs is named "Sharpay". ("'Cause she's sharp, eh?") Anyone familiar with the fact with Ashley Tisdale (Candace) and her work on the original High School Musical trilogy will immediately make the connection.
- Air-Vent Passageway: Monogram and Carl sneak into the Flynn-Fletcher household to give Perry his mission, hiding out in the air vents.
- Artistic License – Cars: When Baljeet is testing out the effects of infinite probability at the ice cream truck, the truck is on the left side of the road with the driver's side facing left; it should be facing the right since the US has cars driving on the right side.
- Artistic License – Politics: Baljeet insists that if he chooses one flavor of ice cream, he'll end up on the path to the Presidency, but if he choses another flavor, he'll get hit by a bus. However, Baljeet can't run for President, since he is not a Natural Born Citizen.
- Bait-and-Switch: When confronted by members of the Danville Botanical Club for ignoring a "Keep off the grass" sign, it sounds like Doofenshmirtz is literally about to tell them that he's a Card-Carrying Villain. He pauses for a second after "carrying" and instead says he's a member of the Botanical Club.
- Battle Boomerang: Liam is armed with several boomerangs, each of which he gave names to.
- Bottle Episode: In all three plotlines. The Doof and Perry plotline exclusively takes place in Danville Botanical Garden, while the Phineas and Ferb and Candace plotlines only takes place in the Flynn-Fletcher household.
- Breaking the Fourth Wall: At the end of the first act, Doof and "Steven" fall down an Inevitable Waterfall, and Doof comments how it is just in time for the commercial break.
- Brick Joke: Major Monogram tells Agent P to stop and smell the roses once he gets to the Danville Botanical Garden. At the beginning of act II, when Doof and Perry are setting up a trap for Liam, he does stop to smell a rose briefly.
- Catchphrase Interruptus: As soon as Phineas says the first half of the magic words, Buford interrupts him to ask where you-know-who is.
- Chained Heat: Perry and Doofenshmirtz end up handcuffed together and have to survive against McCracken.
- Character Catchphrase: McCracken has the very Australian "What in the blazes?"
- Chekhov's Gag: Doofenshmirtz is able to stop McCracken by bringing in the two ladies that confronted him earlier for stepping on the grass. They revoke McCracken's membership card and drag him away in a wheelchair.
- Clark Kenting: McCracken chains up Doof and Perry, and also takes away Perry's hat. As a result, as usual, Doof fails to recognize him without his hat, so he calls him "Steven", because he looks like a Steven. Later, Doof attempts to introduce Perry to "Steven", so Perry attempts to play both parts, but when Doof notices Perry's absence, "Steven" pulls him out of the botanical garden.
- Continuity Nod: The Baljeet clones begin to get wise about Buford and questions their friendship since he stole their bike, but then state in fairness, he stole everyone's bike.
- Continuity Snarl: The bounty hunter Doof hires is initially introduced as Liam O'Cracken, but is later referred to throughout as Liam McCracken. So he went from being Irish to Scottish within two minutes.
- Delayed Reaction: It takes Cloudcuckoolander Lawrence about five seconds to notice that there is more than one Baljeet in the house.
Lawrence: Wait, if you're Baljeet, then you must be...
Baljeet clones: Baljeet!
Lawrence: Oh. Alright, then, carry on. - The Dog Bites Back: After the Baljeets start talking about all the times Buford's picked on Baljeet, they decide to gang up on him since they outnumber him. Lampshaded by Phineas.
Phineas: (As Buford is being carried away by the Baljeets) Huh, so that's what 'comeuppance' looks like.
- Enemy Mine: Perry and Doofenshmirtz get handcuffed together and are forced to team up against McCracken.
- Even Evil Has Standards: Doof starts to see some red flags when Liam names his boomerangs.
- Eye Am Watching You: Perry gives this gesture to Liam during their frisbee-boomerang battle.
- Five-Second Foreshadowing: The first shot after the Special Edition Title is of the Flynn-Fletcher house and a bus with an ad for the Danville Botanical Gardens passing by, establishing the setting for the main plot.
- The Faceless: Liam's mum in the flashback. We only see the back of her head.
- Freudian Excuse: Liam is known for his hatred of platypuses because as a baby, he was separated by his mother (who was distracted by a platypus). Him not really being Australian implies this excuse might be fake and he is just a crazy hunter.
- Hiroshima as a Unit of Measure: Linda dismisses Candace's claim that the Baljeet clones are coming after Buford because "Buford outweighs Baljeet by, like, ninety hamburgers."
- I Call It "Vera": McCracken names all of his boomerangs. It weirds Doofenshmirtz out.
- I Take Offense to That Last One Apparently, Liam doesn't have a pharmacist trophy on his wall... yet.
Doofenshmirtz: Wait, whadaya mean, "Yet"?
- Idiot Ball: Candace has no excuse to not pull Linda outside to see the Infinite Probability Generator right there… It likely would have still vanished, but still.
- In the Style of: Baljeet's songs are a tribute to New Wave band DEVO, and Baljeet is even seen wearing the iconic red dome hat at points.
- Inevitable Waterfall: Doof and Perry fall down one, just in time for the commercial break.
Doofenshmirtz: What's that all about, anyway? It's not a clifffaller, it's called a cliffhanger, and here we are, falling, and— watch, watch ,watch, here we go, wait, look, yup, yup, see? There you go! Fading to black!
- Knight of Cerebus: Liam McCracken. He is much more competent and cruel than the average villain for this show, he even planned to turn Perry and Doof into trophies.
- Me's a Crowd: Phineas and Ferb's machine of the day causes Baljeet to split into multiple copies whenever he becomes indecisive. This lets him experience multiple outcomes at once.
- My Friends... and Zoidberg: When Baljeet enters the backyard, he shouts out, "Help! Phineas and Ferb, and to a lesser extent, Buford!"
- No Fourth Wall: While going over the Inevitable Waterfall with Perry, Doofenshmirtz mentions it's just in time for a commercial break.
- No Ontological Inertia: When Liam's boomerang destroys the generator, it causes all the Baljeet clones to retreat back into the original Baljeet.
- Noodle Incident: When Buford asks Baljeet how he feels after spinning, Baljeet responds, "Effervescent and frothy."
Buford: Just like my mom's homemade toothpaste!
- Ooh, Me Accent's Slipping: It turns out McCracken is not Australian at all. He is actually from Pittsburgh, and he speaks with an American accent at the end. (Jesse Spencer, who voiced Liam, was actually born in Melbourne, Australia.)
- Orphaned Punchline: When we first see Phineas and Ferb, they are somehow engaged in a conversation with Buford about the rich history of the Wedgie.
Buford: In fact, it was the ancient Tunisians who developed many of the techniques still used today.
- Perplexing Plurals: Liam confirms the correct plural form of "platypus" is "platypuses".
Doofenshmirtz: "Platypuses"?
Liam: Yeah, I know. It sounds wrong, but it's actually right.
Doofenshmirtz: I always thought it was "platypi".
Liam: That's also acceptable. - Rogue Soldier: Doof initially hired McCracken just to trap Perry. The red flags start coming when he reveals he gives his boomerangs female names. When Perry escapes from his trap, McCracken says he is officially off the clock and has a score to settle with both Perry and Doof and hunts them down. Apparently, Doof should never have ignored the reviews on his web site about his tendency to go rogue.
- Running Gag: Monogram and Carl attempting to get out of their respective vents.
- Screw This, I'm Outta Here!: On the kids' end as Candace is spying on the kids behind the ice cream truck, as they are talking, the truck drives away behind her, revealing Candace unguarded, and she realizes and flees the scene before anyone can see her.
- Stalker Shot: Candace pops out from behind the tree in the backyard, watching the kids use the Infinite Probability Generator on Baljeet. Later when the kids test out the effects as Baljeet is getting ice cream, Candace spies on them from behind the ice cream truck, which soon drives off prompting her to flee the scene before the kids notice.
- Special Edition Title: A special opening title sequence for this episode is where a silhouette of Perry runs in the letters.
- That Came Out Wrong: After Baljeet shows his video, he tells the gang it sounded a lot better in his head.
Buford: Exactly what time did you get up this mornin'?
- They Call Me MISTER Tibbs!: Ruth, one of the docents at the botanical garden, calls Doof "Mr. Doofenshmirtz", causing him to correct her with "Doctor Doofenshmirtz".
- Tree Cover: Candace does this as she spies on the kids.
- Unusually Uninteresting Sight:
- The photograph that Major Monogram hands to Perry contains and number of U.F.O.s and aliens, with one alien shaking hands with a Kaiju. Monogram is more concerned with how some barely visible clouds in the background spell out "Doof".
- Lawrence sees multiple Baljeets in one room and readily accepts it.
- The Voiceless: The two old ladies acting as docents for the botanical garden are named Ruth and Esther. However, only Ruth has speaking lines.
- When Things Spin, Science Happens: In a deliberate reference to This Very Wiki, Buford's reaction to Phineas and Ferb's spinning machine is to ask "Is science happening yet?"