Phineas And Ferb Spa Day - TV Tropes
- ️Fri Sep 13 2019
Candace decides to help Jeremy at a construction site, blowing off her spa day plans with Stacy. Phineas and Ferb also build their own spa back home. Meanwhile, Doofenshmirtz adopts a stray cat, which causes trouble for him.
- Aside Comment: Doofenshmirtz when acknowledging how he's going to have to be nice and return the cat to its rightful owner.
- Big "OMG!": Candace and Stacy react to the sight of Phineas and Ferb's home spa with an "Oh... my... gosh..."
- Brick Joke: About halfway through the episode, Dr. Doofenshmirtz says he's nicknamed Carl the intern "Dr. Coconut", and then admits Perry doesn't want to know where that nickname came from. The Stinger has Carl putting a coconut bra and grass skirt on over his clothes, along with an otolaryngologist's mirror, and practicing hula dancing.
- Butt-Monkey: For a change of pace, Stacy takes on the role of victim of circumstance at the construction site while Candace keeps fawning over Jeremy.
- Continuity Nod: The kitty Doofenshmirtz adopted messes around with some of his inators, most notably his Gloom-inator (from "Leave the Busting to Us!") and Media-Erase-inator (from "Voyage to the Bottom of Buford"). Also returning from the latter episode is the giant squid that Buford fought, seen in this episode fighting with Buford over some seaweed.
- Cute Kitten: Mr. Fluffypants. His appearance gives Dr. Doofenshmirtz the opportunity to rescue him and Pet the Dog, though he gradually grows more frustrated as Mr. Fluffypants keeps setting off his Inators.
- A Day in the Limelight: The A-plot is mostly centered on Candace.
- Disney Acid Sequence: The "Spa Day" song.
- Don't Explain the Joke: Doofenshmirtz has nicknames for all his friends and enemies. His nickname for Major Monogram is Monobrow; Doof quickly realizes that his joke wasn't as funny as he thought it was.
Easily Forgiven: As Candace apologizes for wrecking the spa day in selfish and chaotic fashion, Stacy says it's cool since she was motivated by her love for Jeremy. Stacy likens it to a time she tried to impress Billy Clark at Candace's expense.
- For Inconvenience, Press "1": Played with. When Candace tries to pull Stacy aside with Jeremy next to them, she imitates an Interactive Voice Response system, saying "Please hold" and "Your call is very important to us" each time Jeremy interrupts.
- Formally-Named Pet: Dr. Doofenshmirtz adopts a kitten he names Mr. Fluffypants, after his Uncle Fluffypants who, oddly enough, never wore pants.
- Fun with Homophones: Phineas says making a spa would give them a chance to show off Ferb's seaweed wrap. Cue Ferb beat-boxing, indicating it's actually a seaweed rap. Sure enough, the "Spa Day" song features Ferb busting out some rap verses.
- Gesundheit: Said in the "Spa Day" song after the word "shiatsu" is mentioned.
- Knows a Guy Who Knows a Guy: How Candace and Stacy were able to get a reservation for the spa.
Candace: Well, I know Stacy...
Stacy: And I know this neighbor who knows this hair-washer who knows this bank teller who knows this back waxer that works at the spa.
Candace: Yeah, and I know Stacy. - Lame Rhyme Dodge: Jeremy overhears Candace say "spa day", to which she responds, "You heard 'spa day'? Because I said 'hurrah day'! Like, 'Hurrah, I can't wait to build houses!'".
- Mistaken for Stray: Mr. Fluffypants, the cat that Doofenshmirtz finds outside his building and believes to be a stray cat. At the end of the episode, the owner finds Dr. Doofenshmirtz with the cat, whose real name is simply "Mr. Cat." He reluctantly returns the cat to its true owner.
- The Nicknamer: Doof explains that he loves giving nicknames to people. He calls Perry "Mr. Duckbill Face", and Major Monogram "Monobrow", as well as Carl "Dr. Coconut"...
Doofenshmirtz: Yeah. Sometimes I wish I didn't know so much.
- Noodle Incident: Stacy forgives Candace for making them miss their spa day, saying it makes them even for that time in the third grade when Stacy glued a hamster to Candace's hair to impress Billy Clark.
- Not Me This Time: Mr. Fluffypants keeps poking around Doof's lab, accidentally setting off various -inators and causing a good deal of chaos. When Perry arrives, Doof insists none of this was his doing. Perry is incredulous of claims that a now sleeping cat was somehow responsible instead.
- Pet the Dog: Played with. After Perry saves Doofenshmirtz and Mr. Fluffypants, a boy comes up and tells Doofenshmirtz that Mr. Fluffypants is actually his family's cat. Doofenshmirtz looks at the camera and says, "Ah, I'm going to have to do the right thing here aren't I? Fine, here you go." Doofenshmirtz returns the cat to the boy as a crowd of onlookers says "Aww!".
Doofenshmirtz: Don't you people have jobs?!?
- Record Needle Scratch: When Stacy stops Candace's apologetic monologue.
- Self-Deprecation: Walking home from the construction site, Candace profusely apologizes to Stacy for the whole mess. When Candace starts to talk about learning a lesson about being a bad friend, Stacy interrupts her and says she sounds like some cheesy TV show.
- Skewed Priorities: Upon seeing the lavish spa that Phineas and Ferb set up in the backyard, Candace is ready to try to bust them. A glare from Stacy, though, prompts her to realize this is a way to make up for the botched spa day.
- Slapstick Knows no Gender: Due to Candance being distracted by Jeremy at the worksite, Stacy gets hit with a hammer, crushed by a wall section, plastered with wallpaper, and sent on a wild ride with a jackhammer.
- Start My Own: Since Phineas and Ferb don't have enough connections to get into the spa, they decide to build their own spa instead.
- Subverted Catchphrase: Isabella approaches Candace and Stacy and asks them, "Where ya goin'?" in the same intonation as "Whatcha doin'?"
- Title Drop: By Candace and Stacy at the beginning when the title card coincidentally appears. Also multiple times throughout.
- Underwater Fart Gag: Implied when Buford is shown sitting in a bubbling hot tub and he says, "It's not plugged in".
- A Wild Rapper Appears!: An extreme example. The song "Spa Day" starts out as a smooth, Bossa nova song a la "The Girl From Ipanema", but then transitions abruptly into a rap.