Poirot S 02 E 03 The Lost Mine - TV Tropes
- ️Thu Dec 15 2022
The Lost Mine
Original Airdate: 21 January 1990
Written by: Michael Baker and David Renwick
Directed by: Edward Bennett
Recurring cast: Captain Hastings, Inspector Japp, Miss Lemon
- Adaptational Nationality: Charles Lester, who was a British bank clerk in the original, is now an American stock broker.
- Artistic License – History: Downplayed. The episode is shown to take place in 1935 through the hotel register, but the Monopoly game Poirot and Hastings play was released in 1936.
- Chekhov's Gag: A subplot throughout the episode involves Poirot and Hastings having a rather animated game of Monopoly. The killer is unveiled when he assumes the Monopoly rules pamphlet Poirot gave him is something that he shouldn't have known.
- Impersonation-Exclusive Character: The Mr. Wu Ling we see in the introductory scene turns out to be an imposter, with the real one later turning up dead.
- I Never Said It Was Poison: Poirot nails Lord Pearson by inviting him to the Red Dragon, where Charles is being detained. Poirot puts a stack of paper on the table, which Pearson angrily claims is Wu Ling's passport, even though Poirot never said that, only that it was in Charles' jacket pocket. Pearson tries to cover by saying he can see the damn thing... only for Poirot to reveal what he actually put on the table was the rules to Monopoly.
- Mission Control: Japp coordinates a fleet of police cars to help apprehend a suspect.
- Named In The Adaptation: The character named Dyer receives the first name Reginald in the adaptation.
- One Dialogue, Two Conversations: Played for Laughs. Lord Pearson arrives at Poirot's place to ask for assistance in the murder of his associate Mr. Wu Ling, while Poirot assumes Lord Pearson (who happens to manage the bank Poirot patronizes) is visiting to apologize for the errors in his bank account. It takes a while before Poirot is disabused of the notion.
- Spotting the Thread: When bank security presents a man of East Asian descent to Lord Pearson as Wu Ling, he berates them for getting the wrong man, but when he and Poirot are sent to identify the dead Wu Ling, Lord Pearson confides that he can't tell the dead man from Adam. This makes Poirot suspicious of him.
- Take That!: One at Americans that later becomes a plot point:
Poirot: The Americans always put the month before the day, Hastings.
Captain Hastings: Ah!
Poirot: Yes, they're very backward people.