Ready Jet Go S 1 E 37 Castaway Carrot Jet Cant Sleep - TV Tropes

  • ️Wed Dec 07 2022

Air date: October 9, 2017

Castaway Carrot

Celery, Jet, and Sunspot accidentally leave Carrot on the moon.

  • Animals Fear Neutering: Celery says "let's fix this puppy" (referring to the saucer) and Sunspot screams in terror. Jet reassures him that Sunspot isn't going to be 'fixed' and the 'puppy' in question is the saucer. Due to Bizarre Alien Biology and Barbie Doll Anatomy, it's unknown if Bortronian pets even need neutering, but the context suggests that they do and Sunspot is afraid of it.
  • Big "NO!": Jet screams "NOOOOOOOOOO!" when the turbine wire wrench floats away.
  • Bland-Name Product: Jet mentions wanting to play "Bortropoly" when he and his parents get home.
  • Brief Accent Imitation: While Carrot is stranded on the moon, he decides to go in his "talk-with-an-accent" crater, and briefly talks with a British accent.

    Carrot: 'Ello, guv'nor. Fancy a spot of tea or bangers and mash?

  • Cloneopoly: Jet mentions wanting to play Bortropoly, presumably a Bortronian version of Monopoly.
  • Distressed Dude: Carrot gets stranded on the moon, but gets rescued by his family.
  • Glass Smack and Slide: The saucer malfunctions which causes Jet, Celery, and Sunspot to end up smushed against the saucer window. They then slide off.
  • Go Mad from the Isolation: Carrot undergoes a major Sanity Slippage while stranded on the moon. He gets a twitchy eyelid at one point, attempted to farm pizza on the moon, and drew pictures of his family on rocks, and made out with the Celery rock.
  • Growling Gut: Carrot gets one due to hunger.
  • Hidden Depths: This episode reveals several hidden traits of Carrot's, such as that he is a great ballet dancer, and he can hold his own while stranded on the moon.
  • In Touch with His Feminine Side: Carrot decides to wear a pink scarf to keep himself warm.

    Carrot: (looking into a mirror) Carrot is wearing a cutting-edge woolen Earth scarf. Ooh, all the rage.

  • Ironic Echo Cut:

    Celery: Way the by, your dad is fine. I can hear him testing his moon wilderness skills.

    Carrot: (from outside the saucer) I love testing my moon wilderness skills!

  • Knuckle Cracking: Celery does this at one point.
  • Noodle Incident: Apparently, Celery once left Carrot on Mars.
  • Robinsonade: The episode revolves around Carrot getting stranded on the moon.
  • Sanity Slippage: Played for Laughs. Carrot goes insane while stranded on the moon. He attempts to farm pizza on the moon, and gets lonely so he draws pictures of Jet, Celery, and Sunspot on some moon rocks. He even briefly makes out with the Celery rock!
  • Sentimental Music Cue: One can be heard when Carrot worries that Jet and Celery won't come back for him.
  • Shout-Out: At one point, Carrot screams "DOES ANYONE REMEMBER LAUGHTER?!?"
  • Twitchy Eye: As part of his Sanity Slippage, Carrot gets a twitchy eyelid.

Jet Can't Sleep

A storm hits the neighborhood, causing a power outage. Jet is so excited about it, that he can't sleep.

  • Big Storm Episode: This episode involves the Propulsion family dealing with a loud thunderstorm, and learning about thunderstorms in the process.
  • By the Lights of Their Eyes: There was a brief black out, and only the Propulsions' eyes were visible.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: Dr. Skelley's hand is shown tucking Sydney into bed, but she doesn't make her proper debut until the season one finale, three episodes after this one.
  • Green Around the Gills: Mentioned in "You're Never Too Big For a Lullaby," where one lyric is "I'll sing a song if you're green or you're blue."
  • Insomnia Episode: Jet is unable to fall asleep because he's so excited about a storm happening at the moment. His family tries absurd methods to get him to go to sleep, but Celery gets him to sleep using a lullaby.
  • Parental Love Song: Part of Celery's lullaby to Jet, "You're Never Too Big For a Lullaby."

    'Cause I am your mom and a mom is true / I'm always right here to comfort you / I'll sing a song if you're green, or you're blue / 'Cause I am a mom, and that's what we do.

  • Power Outage Plot: The electricity goes out in the Propulsion house because of a thunderstorm. Luckily, they have their emergency Bortronian lights (which don't use earth energy). The rest of the episode is dedicated to the family learning about thunderstorms and trying to get Jet to sleep.
  • Smite Me, O Mighty Smiter: The Propulsion family is playing charades. In one round, Celery pretends to be sleeping. Carrot guesses a coffee table, but then Sunspot correctly guesses that Celery is sleeping. Carrot then remarks that he was gonna say that. Carrot says: "If I wasn't, may lightning strike me!" Then lightning flashes in the sky, and Carrot jumps into Jet's arm. Carrot then remarks that tonight isn't a good night to say that.
  • Waxing Lyrical: During a game of charades, Sunspot acts out a thunderstorm by dancing around with a flashlight and drum. Jet guesses "I got rhythm, I got music."