Red Dwarf Season VII "Ouroboros" - TV Tropes
- ️Mon Aug 28 2017
As part of their eternal drifting through space, Starbug encounters yet another dimensional anomaly. Flying into it for safety reasons, they discover a link has formed to a parallel universe — one in which Lister's heartthrob Kristine Kochanski is the last human alive! As great as this discovery is, it's what it will reveal about Lister's parentage that truly becomes important.
This episode contains examples of:
- Alternate Self:
- The Cat and Lister of Kochanski's timeline are more intelligent and sophisticated, with the alternate Cat's voice being deeper.
- The alternate Red Dwarf wore blue uniforms instead of "our" Dwarf's grey / beige numbers.
- The extended version has Kochanski stop on realizing the boys are operating out of Starbug and asks what happened to their Red Dwarf.
- Always Someone Better: To Lister's dismay, it's quite obvious that Kochanski views him as inferior in almost every way to her own universe's version of Lister, whom she has "tamed" into a cultured, well-mannered "metrosexual" instead of leaving him a coarse, lowbrow, slobby "real man. All she needs from "Lister Prime" is the sperm sample her own holographic Lister can no longer provide.
- Alternate Universe: The plot revolves around the crew meeting another version of themselves from another universe (specifically, one where Kochanski was put into stasis, and Lister was the hologram turned on to keep her sane). The alternate Kochanski ends up having to join our crew thanks to them screwing up.
- Buffy Speak: The Cat and his "wibbly things" and "swirly things". Parodied, when Lister asks him to be more specific.
The Cat: At this point, I'd hate to commit myself and wind up looking a fool if I'm wrong.
Lister: A wibbly thing or a swirly thing, and he refuses to commit. He's losing it, man, he really is.
- Call-Back:
- Lister begins the episode plucking out nostril hairs with cooking tongs, something he mentioned he did during "Out of Time". Here, it turns out it's not just Lister trying to be disgusting, he legitimately doesn't realize there's an easier way to do this.
- The gang are attacked by Lister's vengeful Kinatawowi bride from way back in "Emohawk".
- In the flashback, Alternate Lister grumbles about Kochanski going back to her ex, a catering office, as Kryten established during "Psirens".
- Canon Immigrant: Tim, Kochanski's ex-boyfriend whom she goes back to after breaking up with Lister, was first mentioned in Infinity Welcomes Careful Drivers (where Lister couldn't remember if his name was Tom, Tim, Tony, Terry, or possibly Trevor).
- Dressed All in Rubber: Kochanski's rubber trousers. These were quickly ditched due to the inevitable problems of rubber clothing and warm studio lightning (and a primarily male cast getting Distracted by the Sexy).
- Green-Eyed Monster: For the rest of the season, Kryten remains ragingly childish toward Kristine for fear she'll try and steal Lister from him.
- Hypocritical Humor: Lister grumbling about the Cat "losing it" occurs while he's got a piece of floss stuck to his teeth with glue, thanks to an accident involving his tooth cap and some superglue.
- Ignorant of Their Own Ignorance: The two people who find baby Lister mistake the "Ouroboros" written on the side of the box for an extremely poorly-spelt "Our Rob or Ross". The male then proceeds to mock the writer for their supposed lack of intelligence.
- Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: Lister manages to save Kochanski from being sucked into the vacuum of space by (unintentionally) shooting her through the thigh with a rescuing line.
- Lame Comeback: In the alternate Lister's Flashback, Rimmer responds to a dig about his sex life with a flat "Oh, ha-ha."
Lister: Rimmer, people who say "Oh, ha-ha" have no sense of humor. They just can't think of a witty retort.
Rimmer: [Beat] ...Oh, ha-ha.
- My Own Grampa: With Kryten's help, Lister realizes that this is where he comes from; he was abandoned in that pub because he brought the newborn son of himself and Kochanski back in time and left him there to become Lister himself, a Stable Time Loop tied into one eternal paradox.
- Narrative Profanity Filter: Kochanski's obscene phone call to Lister, which we don't hear.
- Off-the-Shelf FX: The "disintegrator" that Kochanski almost disposes of Frankenstein in during the flashback is very clearly a microwave oven, and the control panel on the front is a Tiger Electronics' "Lights Out
" game with the front panel painted black.
- Precision F-Strike: Or, B Strike, in this case. On getting a harpoon in the leg, Kochanski gets out an annoyed "bastard".
- Retcon: Lister mentions off-handedly that Kryten killed the Nova 5 crew, something that's not come up before, but was a part of Infinity Welcomes Careful Drivers (which explained Kryten caused the ship crash by washing the computers with soapy water).
- Theme Tuneless Episode: The usual opening is missing in this episode, rolling right from the flashback scene to the present.
- You Can't Go Home Again: Thanks to the gang's screw-ups, and some angry GELFs, Kochanski's stuck on the 'bug.
- You Need to Get Laid: Kochanski's reaction to Rimmer asking if she'll support his salute.
Kochanski: Rimmer?
Rimmer: Yes, ma'am?
Kochanski: Have sex with someone, and that's an order.
Rimmer: Yes, ma'am.