Resident Alien S 1 E 8 End Of The World As We Know It - TV Tropes

  • ️Thu Mar 18 2021

Harry must rely on Asta's help to survive as D'arcy goes on her own trek.


  • Abusive Alien Parents: Harry’s species abandons its offspring in the “great ice wind desert” where they fight each other for survival.
  • Alien Blood: Harry's blood is blue and it glows.
  • Amputation Stops Spread: Harry explains that the only way to save him is to chop off his injured leg.
  • Alternative Character Interpretation: In-universe. Harry with his Blue-and-Orange Morality has a different reading of The Wizard of Oz in which he assumes that Dorothy, her vicious dog and the other companions are invading the monkeys' territory and thus had it coming.
  • Circling Birdies: Discussed. The sheriff mentions little cartoon birds cycling around his head as a way of saying he is enjoying his life without Liv. Liv corrects him that cartoon birds are usually indicating unconsciousness.
  • Climb, Slip, Hang, Climb: D'Arcy does this several times as she free-climbs out of the crevasse.
  • Double Meaning: When Asta asks how Harry's wife couldn't know he wasn't the real Harry, he replies "people see what they want to see." While he can be talking about her, it can also be about Asta seeing Harry as a wounded friend in trouble, not an alien out to destroy her planet.
  • Glamour Failure: Harry's weakness through injury makes his glamor crumble much to the shock of Asta.
  • Heal It With Fire: Asta is burning out Harry's leg wound with a flare.
  • Help, I'm Stuck!: Harry's leg is stuck under an ice boulder.
  • Hidden Depths: D'arcy, who up until now was shown as a borderline alcoholic who makes poor relationship decisions, comes through in a big way in rescuing Harry and Asta from the crevasse. She gets knocked out against the ice, dangling in mid-air, but still manages to climb out (on a leg so badly injured she almost lost it), and pulls Harry and Asta out.
  • Hostile Weather: The storm prevents the rescue helicopter from taking flight and spells certain death for D'Arcy, Asta, and Harry if cannot make it out of the crevasse in time.
  • Humanity is Infectious: Harry invokes this as he never cared about any of his 342 children but "now I cannot stop thinking of number 62."
  • Internal Reveal: Asta and Dan discover Harry is an alien.
  • Lizard Folk: The reptilian aliens of UFO folklore exist, Harry confirms, and are trying to conquer the universe by breeding hybrids on Earth, but they won't succeed because they're "gross" and have "serious hygiene problems".
  • Shout-Out: Harry dreads the townspeople discovering his alien form, bearing Torches and Pitchforks and chanting "KILL THE CREATURE! KILL THE BEAST!" in the same fashion of Beauty and the Beast
  • Sure, Let's Go with That: Harry tells Asta that he's been searching for something he lost up on the mountain. She asks what he means, "Like, a radio to phone home?" "How did you guess?" he replies. She explains that all they know of aliens comes from movies, so it's either a radio or he's there to kill everyone and eat them. He replies that his species doesn't eat humans, allowing her to continue to believe that it's a radio.
  • Tell Him I'm Not Speaking to Him: Deputy Baker returns to the Sheriff's Office to collect some possessions and has this type of conversation with Sheriff Thompson, with Mayor Hawthorne as the go-between.
  • Torches and Pitchforks: Asta tries to comfort Harry by telling him that there will soon be a whole bunch of people looking for them. Harry has an Imagine Spot of the townsfolk of Patience coming after him with torches and pitchforks. Asta, staring at his increasingly alien body, comments that she can see how it could be a problem.
  • The Unpronounceable: Harry reveals that his true name is an overlong series of weird noises, which Asta doesn't even try to pronounce.
  • Video Wills: D'arcy records a video will on her phone since she doesn't know if she is going to survive.
  • Wounded Gazelle Gambit: Played with. Harry is seriously injured but realizes he can use this to his advantage by giving Asta the idea he's a harmless refugee to get her help, rather than plotting genocide on humanity.
  • You Look Like You've Seen a Ghost: When the sheriff enters the diner and talks to Asta's father he drops this line. Little does he know that Dan had just had his First Contact with an alien in the diner kitchen.