Ridonculous Race Got Venom - TV Tropes

  • ️Tue Mar 20 2018

The teams head to Indonesia, where they have to obtain saliva from Komodo dragons, and then find a rug with the show's logo on it.


  • And the Adventure Continues: While the Reality TV Pros get eliminated, Noah mentions that he and Owen have already been accepted onto another game show, and they leave on another adventure.
  • Batman Gambit: How the Goths get the saliva. Loki sits in a tree and throws stuff at Komodo dragons to get their attention. As expected, they drool while seeing a potential meal, right into a bucket placed at the bottom of the tree. This was apparently Loki's idea.
  • The Big Damn Kiss: Noah and Emma after the former is eliminated.
  • Cannot Tell Fiction from Reality: Geoff and Brody believe Komodo dragons can breath fire, have secret treasure stashes and keep princesses locked up in towers.
  • Cliffhanger: When Noah says what reality show they'll be competing on next, the screen goes static.

    Noah: (While walking off into the distance with Owen) Didn't I tell you? We've been asked to be on the next season of *static*.

  • Eye Scream: Owen gets a drop of Komodo dragon venom in his eye, causing it to swell up.
  • Heroic BSoD: Yet again, Devin starts the episode really depressed, before he finally moves on.
  • Lampshade Hanging: Brody hails a taxi in the middle of the jungle. When Sanders questions how this is even possible, Geoff tells her not to worry about it.
    • Later, Owen is still trying to find Noah in the rug pile when they're eliminated, and a distraught Emma proclaims that she'd kiss him if he was there right now. When Noah excitedly pops out, Owen asks where that energy was a couple of minutes ago.
  • Morton's Fork: Noah notes that he's actually encountered a rare positive-outcome inversion of this; if he wins, he gets 1 million dollars. If he loses, he's dating a lawyer, so he'll never have to work again.

    Noah: This race has become a win-win situation; the second Emma or I get booted, I get to date the hottest girl alive. So if [Owen and I] win the race... I win. And if we get eliminated... I still win!

  • No Fair Cheating: An accidental case for the Surfer Dudes: after attacking the Komodo dragons with a fire extinguisher, they attempt to turn in what they believe is the Komodo dragons' saliva. It turns out to be foam from the extinguisher, and Don sends them away to actually find the saliva, threatening to eliminate them if they "cheat" again.
  • Pop-Culture Pun Episode Title: The title is a play on the the advertising slogan "Got Milk?".
  • Series Continuity Error: Owen mentions he's not sad about being eliminated since he'd already won a million dollars, despite the original prize of Total Drama Island being 100,000 dollars and Owen having lost the money he won in the "Total Drama Drama Drama Drama Island" special.
  • Shout-Out: The challenge that involves taking saliva from the Komodo dragons is called "How to Milk Your Dragon".
  • This Is Gonna Suck: Owen when Don walks up to him and Noah.