She Ra And The Princesses Of Power S 4 E 02 The Valley Of The Lost - TV Tropes

  • ️Tue Nov 05 2019

She Ra And The Princesses Of Power S 4 E 02 The Valley Of The Lost Recap

Glimmer sends Adora, Perfuma, Bow, and Huntara to retrieve Mara's ship, but the Horde beats them to it. Catra meets Double Trouble, a shapeshifter.


  • The Cavalry Arrives Late: Glimmer tries to teleport to help her friends in the valley, but the bad guys are already defeated before she arrives.
  • Continuity Nod: After Adora captures (who she thinks is) Catra, she says "it was fun distracting you." Catra pulled a similar move on her during the Princess Prom.
  • Didn't Think This Through: It doesn't occur to Glimmer it's a bad idea to send Mermista to a desert until Adora points out Mermista's powers depend on water.
  • How Do I Shot Web?: Perfuma never got the hang of using her powers on cacti, only managing to make them bloat before exploding, blasting her with needles. At the climax of the episode, she finally figures out how by working from their root system rather than the stem of the plant.
  • I Choose to Stay: When Huntara sees that the Horde have taken over the Crimson Waste, she vows to remain there and fight them rather than return to Bright Moon with Adora and the others.
  • Ironic Echo: A variation; Huntara says to Adora that spending time with the princesses has "made her [Adora] soft". Then halfway through the episode, Grox tells Huntara that "[she's] gone soft" for not anticipating her betrayal.
  • Literal Metaphor: Perfuma rants to Bow about how she can't stand cacti. Bow assumes that "cacti" is referring to Huntara and tries giving her some personal advice. Perfuma clarifies that no, she's talking about actual cacti.
  • No Sense of Personal Space: Glimmer apparently just teleported Mermista and Perfuma without warning out of their morning routines to Bright Moon.
  • Out-of-Character Alert:
    • "Scorpia" confidently flirting with Catra immediately tips the latter off that something weird is going on. Indeed, Double Trouble was impersonating her.
    • More subtly, "Catra" doesn't give her normal "Hi, Adora" catchphrase when attacking her. Sure enough, Double Trouble again.
  • Playful Cat Smile: When she learns members of The Rebellion are in the Crimson Waste, Catra makes a ":3"-like Psychotic Smirk. Given she's a Cat Girl, it fits her.
  • Troll: Double Trouble makes their appearance by taking Scorpia's form and messing with Catra.
  • Twitchy Eye: When Scorpia sees Double Trouble impersonating her, she rambles about having a sister or a clone, causing Catra's left eye to twitch in irritation.
  • Voluntary Shapeshifting: Double Trouble is a shapeshifter and makes their debut by mimicking first Scorpia, then Catra.
  • Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: Perfuma's mood is soured for most of the mission because the only plants in the Crimson Waste are cacti, the one plant she has any trouble nurturing mundanely, let alone controlling with her powers.