She Ra And The Princesses Of Power S 5 E 07 Perils Of Peekablue - TV Tropes
- ️Fri May 15 2020
Mermista, Scorpia, Perfuma, and Sea Hawk go undercover underwater to recruit Prince Peekablue. Netossa notices that Spinnerella is acting strange.
- All for Nothing: Not only was "Peekablue" really Double Trouble in disguise, but Mermista gets chipped and Scorpia makes a Heroic Sacrifice to allow the remaining members of the group to escape. For now, Double Trouble’s intel had to suffice.
- Bad Guy Bar: The nightclub that Peekablue is rumored to frequent is themed after a 1920s speakeasy and is frequented by pirates and other ne'er-do-wells.
- Black-Tie Infiltration: Since Peekablue is rumored to have been seen at a fancy nightclub, the rebellion members dress up to sneak in. Perfuma and Scorpia put on fancy dresses, while Mermista rocks a suit and fedora.
- Bluff the Imposter: Scorpia manages to bluff "Peekablue" into referencing a non-existent event with Perfuma, knowing that the two have never actually met.
- Call-Back:
- Peekablue was mentioned way back in season 1 during "Princess Prom".
- Admiral Scurvy and his crew from "Boys' Night Out" are among Sea Hawk's vengeful former cohorts.
- Contrived Coincidence: When Scorpia asks Peekablue to use his farsight to see what Adora is up to, he predicts that she is cutting down the Horde with her sword as She-Ra in space. When Scorpia points out that Adora does not have her sword anymore, he clumsily hand-waves this off as just being what he sees. With the reveal that he is just Double Trouble in disguise, the fact that they were right was seemingly a total accident (Double Trouble knew from impersonating a clone that She-Ra had returned, but it's not clear that they stuck around long enough to have exact details of what happened last episode).
- Conviction by Contradiction: When Scorpia becomes suspicious of Peekablue, she remarks that they must have met at one of Perfuma's parties. When he agrees, this gives him away as an imposter as Scorpia knows that Perfuma never met Peekablue.
- Downer Ending: Most of the Rebellion has been chipped.
- Dramatic Irony: What tips Scorpia off that Peekablue isn't who he says he is is when he claims that he's used his farsight to see She-Ra fighting Horde Prime with her sword. Unbeknownst to Scorpia and Double Trouble, Adora has actually done just that.
- Everyone Has Standards: Double Trouble shows very little care for anyone and even outright admits that they would have joined the Galactic Horde if clones and brainwashed people weren't so boring, but even they are shocked and remorseful when Scorpia sacrifices herself.
- Evolving Credits: Catra is gone from the villains shot, which just has Horde Prime, his clones and Hordak. The struggle between the short-haired Catra and She-Ra ends with them smiling, like it was friendly roughhousing. The heroes shot has She-Ra in her new outfit, and Catra now part of the group.
- Fetch Quest: The heroes have to recruit a hermit Prince for his farsight abilities to determine Horde Prime's plan. However, the person they tried to recruit wasn't available, so they settle for Double Trouble's intel, even though they are a hardened criminal at heart.
- Five-Second Foreshadowing: "Peekablue" tells Scorpia that he has to "get into character for [his] next performance", hinting at "his" true identity.
- Foreshadowing: Peekablue being at a club despite supposedly being a hermit hints at it really being Double Trouble in disguise. Scorpia even makes a comment about misunderstanding the definition of hermit when she sees "Peekablue" onstage.
- Forgotten Anniversary: Netossa initially attributes her wife's odd attitude towards her being mad at Netossa for forgetting their anniversary. That’s the least of her concerns at this point.
- Funny Background Event: Just before (the fake) Peekablue makes his entrance, as Perfuma and Scorpia are having a serious discussion, Mermista and Sea Hawk can be seen in the background dispatching yet more people who have a grudge against Sea Hawk.
- Furry Reminder: Catra sits on Adora's lap and purrs.
- The Gadfly: Bow and Glimmer deliberately distract Adora with their exuberance while she's trying to focus on regaining control over her She-Ra form, Glimmer cheerfully pointing out that sooner or later Adora will have to learn how to transform with or without distractions. When Catra sees what's going on, she gleefully hops into Adora's lap, tickles her face with her tail while purring, and joins in on teasing her. Even after making a Heel–Face Turn she still clearly enjoys getting under Adora's skin.
- The Ghost: The real Prince Peekablue never shows up. He really is that reclusive.
- Heroic Sacrifice: Scorpia stays behind to make sure that the rest of the group can escape.
- In Love with Your Carnage: When Mermista admits that she burned someone else's boat just to see what it feels like, Sea Hawk says he's never been more attracted to her than in this moment.
- Mythology Gag: "Lynda D'Ream" was Scorpia's real name in the Filmation She-Ra series.
- Not So Above It All:
- Despite getting annoyed at Sea Hawk's antics, like setting his ship on fire, Mermista reveals that she once set someone else's ship on fire so she could see what it was like.
- Perfuma is rather ticked at Peekablue not RSVPing for a drum circle she once hosted.
- Oh, Crap!: When Scorpia suspects that Prince Peekablue is an imposter and comments that they've met before, Peekablue — who is actually Double Trouble in disguise — reacts in shock at their cover being blown, and laughs nervously when she comments it must've been at one of Perfuma's parties.
- Out-of-Character Alert: Netossa works out that Spinerella is being mind-controlled when she calls her "Beloved," which she never normally calls her.
- Please Get Off Me: When Catra hops into her lap, Adora complains that it's not helping her focus on learning to turn into She-Ra at-will. Catra just purrs and tickles Adora's face with her tail. Adora bats it away, seemingly annoyed... only to look dumbfounded and dismayed when Catra does get up.
- Refuge in Audacity: When put on the spot as an onstage performer, Scorpia sings a song repeatedly saying she's a spy in the main verse.
- Retcon: Back in Season One, Peekablue was name-dropped in the Princess Prom episode and mentioned to be dating Sweet Bee. However, this episode establishes that Peekablue is a recluse who nobody has seen in a very long time.
- Sarcastic Confession: Scorpia sings about how she's a spy.
- Save the Villain: As much as Double Trouble is a criminal and a scumbag, Perfuma and Sea Hawk decide to rescue the shapeshifter from the mind-controlled patrons anyways.
- Shapeshifter Swan Song: Double Trouble shapeshifts into the various people they've impersonated when Scorpia stings them, before passing out in their normal form.
- Sitting Sexy on a Piano: Scorpia does this during her song.
- Something Only They Would Say: "Peekablue" saying that he needs to "get into character" is what initially makes Scorpia suspect (correctly) that they're actually Double Trouble in disguise.
- Stalker Shot: Mermista, Scorpia, Perfuma and Sea Hawk are having a meeting in their tent about going undercover to recruit Prince Peekablue to help them find Adora and her friends to warn them about Horde Prime implanting Etherians with mind-control chips, but with the reveal that Spinnerella is one of chipped victims, the camera zooms out from their tent to reveal she heard their whole plan and then walks off.
- Wham Episode: It's revealed that Spinerella chipped most of the other members of the Rebellion after they returned to camp. Mermista and Micah also get chipped, as do many civilians, and Scorpia stays behind to help the others escape.
- You Shall Not Pass!: Scorpia stays behind to fight off the Horde-chipped Etherians to allow Perfuma, Sea Hawk, and Double Trouble to escape.