Skull Island (2023) S1 E6 "Terms of Endearment" - TV Tropes

  • ️Sun Jul 09 2023


  • Ammunition Conservation: Sam tells his subordinates to stop firing off their machine guns when the Kraken harasses the cast, cautioning them after the attack that they're almost out of bullets.
  • Anywhere but Their Lips: In Annie's flashback, her father kisses her on the forehead before he goes to his death fighting off Dog's father.
  • Big Damn Reunion: Cap and Charlie are reunited after spending most of the season since before shipwrecking on Skull Island separated from each-other and trying to find their way back, and they embrace in the field.
  • Didn't See That Coming: Irene and her mercenaries knew that Annie's Island was an uncharted island in an area where ships have a patterned habit of rapidly vanishing without a trace, so they packed firearms when they set out to look for evidence of Annie on the island themselves, but even so, Irene emphasizes that nothing could have prepared them for the island being an Isle of Giant Horrors hosting a gigantic, pitbull-like, superhuman Sub-Titan which is unlike any known animal on Earth, much less for said creature being allied with the still-alive and now-feral Annie who sees them as a threat, which exacerbated the disastrous introductions between the mercs and Annie.
  • Downer Beginning: The episode opens with a flashback to a terrified younger Annie being comforted by her father before he ventures out to fend off what looks like a duller-colored version of the adult Dog, which is attacking the shipwreck they're holed up in. We know from Annie's brief account in Episode 4 that this is the last time she'll ever see her father alive, as neither he nor the creature will walk away from their fight alive.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero!: The entire reason the mercenaries are trying to kill Dog is because Dog and Annie attacked them when the expedition found Annie's boat. Annie never gave them an opportunity to talk or explain, so she never understood why the group was after her.
  • Platonic Declaration of Love: The familial kind. As shown by the flashbacks, these were the last words that Annie's Disappeared Dad said to her before he died defending her.
  • Say My Name:
    • The blonde mercenary crying out for help when the Kraken attacks him:


    • Irene in her flashback to when she saw her daughter for the first time in a decade after the latter was presumed killed at sea:


    • Charlie when the Nightboys swarm Dog:


  • Super-Persistent Predator: Dog's father on Annie's Island was so persistent in hunting Annie and/or her father that he clawed through the metal hull of their shipwreck to try and get to them, a process which would've taken him several minutes to complete from what we saw in the flashback, and he fought Annie's father to a Mutual Kill despite having a small pup to look out for. What we see of Dog's first interactions with Annie in the flashback hint this might have been because food for their kind was scarce at the time.
  • Tastes Like Friendship: On the night that Annie and Dog's friendship began after their fathers fought each-other to their deaths, Annie demanded that Dog surrender a pack of hot dogs he'd tried to make off with. He gave the pack to Annie, despite the wrapping being covered in saliva. When Dog begged Annie for a share of the meat, Annie gave him it.
  • Wham Line: Downplayed, as contextually it is the only answer that makes sense, but still works in context for the characters.

    Irene: Because I'm your mom!

  • Wolves Always Howl at the Moon: A variation. In the flashbacks to Annie and Dog's first meeting, the vaguely bulldog-like Dog howls at the moon in the night sky in mourning after realizing that his father isn't alive out there.