Sonic the Hedgehog (Archie Comics) - House of Cards - TV Tropes

  • ️Fri Apr 09 2021

Sonic the Hedgehog (Archie Comics) - House of Cards Recap

Featured in issues 178-179

After the destruction of Knothole, Amadeus and Rosemary Prower have lost all faith in the monarchy of the Kingdom of Acorn and launch a revolution, determined to make change, and Sonic and Tails are caught in the middle, forced to choose sides.

  • Armor-Piercing Question: Sonic and Tails get into a massive fight. Initially it's believed to be because Tails is trying to protect his family from Sonic for turning them to the authorities, but it quickly reveals that it's much deeper than that...
  • Cliffhanger: No sooner when things finally calmed down in New Mobotropolis, Dimitri of the Dark Legion arrives with some troubling news: "Enerjak" has returned!
  • Disappointed in You: With Sally's help, Amadeus and Elias work out a compromise: turning the kingdom into a constitutional monarchy, with the king sharing power with a council of six. The only one not happy with the change is the former king Max, who was in favor of just quashing the rebellion and having Amadeus and his supporters locked up; he refuses to acknowledge Elias after the event and just wheels away. Sally and Elias' mother Alicia assures him that Max will see reason one day.
  • Fighting Your Friend: Sonic and Tails end up fighting in between the two-parter. This time, it's not out of mind control or Unwilling Roboticisation, but due to Tails' dedication to his parents. Sonic relents once it becomes clearer that Tails is more pissed off at him due to the hedgehog's ignorance and take his crush Fiona at the time, even after she betrayed them both for Scourge later down the road.
  • Innocently Insensitive: Aside from rudely insulting his father right in front of him and seeing nothing wrong with doing so, when Tails finally snaps and attacks him, Sonic has absolutely no idea why he's so angry at him or what he did wrong... until Tails flat-out screams into his face that it's because he went out with Fiona despite full knowledge of Tails' own crush on her.
    • It's later revealed Fiona only did this because she wanted to see how Sonic was in comparison to his evil counterpart in terms of relationships. While this doesn't serve to make things any better for this short arc, it at least serves for justification on both Fiona & Sonic's ends of the story.
  • Instantly Proven Wrong: When Amadeus and Rosemary call Sonic out on his loyalties to Tails, asking how they think he'll react when he finds out Sonic helped keep his father locked up, Sonic responds, with a smug grin, that even if they're his parents, Tails grew up with him and worships him, so he'll get over it. As soon as he says that, he's attacked from behind by a rip-roaringly pissed Tails, who was helping break Amadeus out and heard everything.

    Tails: Get over yourself.

  • Jerkass Has a Point: When it comes down to it, the Prowers' criticisms of the Kingdom of Acorn's leadership, especially King Max's, are perfectly valid; while King Max meant well, he was still a slave to tradition and a Horrible Judge of Character who's decisions and refusal to heed the warnings of others led to the Great War, the destruction of Old Mobotropolis and Knothole Village, and subjected all of Mobius to Robotnik's tyranny for over a decade, and the Freedom Fighters, a group of children, were far more effective at forming and running a working government than Max ever was.
  • Jerkass Realization: Sonic undergoes one during his fight with Tails after the fox reveals the crux of his anger and issues with him. Sonic had dated Fiona, despite full knowledge of Tails' crush on her, and just expected him to move on when it became clear that Fiona had no interest in the boy, not to mention that Sonic himself was still a bit affected by his breakup with Sally. Sonic realizes just how insensitive and selfish his choosing to date Fiona really was (not knowing Fiona's own intentions behind dating him until Scourge) and he apologizes to Tails:

    Sonic: I've been a jerk to you, man. I didn't mean it, but it doesn't change the fact that I was.

  • Poor Communication Kills: Sonic and Tails' falling out and fight in the end is entirely because of failure to communicate about their issues, especially regarding Sonic's dating Fiona; Nicole even insists to Sonic that he sit Tails down and talk things out, but Sonic shoots her down.
  • Rage Breaking Point: Tails' friendship with Sonic had been left rather rocky since the latter dated Fiona. After getting embroiled in his parents' warring with the Acorns, Sonic attempts to help keep them incarcerated. When called out over his loyalties to Tails, he gloats he's close enough with him that it will pass. Tails, who was secretly helping his parents and overheard, finally snaps and attempts to beat the living daylights out of Sonic, laying out a twisted version of all their previous hardships to him while doing so.
  • The Revolution Will Not Be Civilized: Amadeus' revolution attempts spiral into an outright duel with Elias, the former demanding he step down and Elias refusing to do so. Sally is forced to intervene and calls the Prowers out on it, pointing out that while the people may want change, they did not call for a bloody coup.
  • Took a Level in Jerkass: Both Sonic and Tails are victims of this during the saga, but Tails definitely had it worse. While Sonic only reassured Rosemary and Amadeus that Tails would be OK during their time in prison (even if it was in a not-so-polite manner), Tails goes COMPLETELY INSANE over the fact that Fiona (at her own request) was dating Sonic.