South Park S 15 E 1 "HumancentiPad" - TV Tropes

  • ️Sun Apr 17 2016

South Park S 15 E 1 "HumancentiPad" Recap

Original air date: 4/27/2011

After Kyle clicks on the latest iTunes user agreement without reading it, Steve Jobs forces him to be an unwilling participant in his latest project. Meanwhile, Cartman equates his mom not giving him an iPad to sexual abuse.

Was the subject of the documentary TV special 6 Days To Air: The Making of South Park.

This episode provides examples of:

  • And I Must Scream: Kyle having to get his mouth sewn to an Asian person's ass while turned into a device while still alive. It could have been worse if the HumancentiPad wasn't discontinued.
  • Artistic License – Law: The idea of Apple being able to force those that agree to the Terms and Conditions to perform acts such as donating large amounts of blood or partaking in human experimentation flies in the face of Contract Law regarding children and "Unconscionability". In the United States, minors are incapable of legally entering a contract without the authority of a guardian, meaning the contract is null and void already due to Kyle being 9. "Unconscionability" falls under any terms and conditions considered unjust or extremely one-sided, in which case the contract perpetrator would be unable to benefit from the contract due to being unfair to the contractee, which Kyle would definitely fall under since he's effectively signing his life away just to use an Apple product.
  • Asshole Victim: Cartman gets his ultimate comeuppance by getting brutally electrocuted by God. Not even his mom gives a shit for him at that point.
  • Belated Child Discipline: After Cartman causes a scene in the store, Liane decides to actually punish him by not getting him anything rather than cave in to his demands.
  • Big Bad: Steve Jobs, the one who came up with the HumancentiPad that Kyle gets made a part of.
  • Big "NO!":
    • Steve Jobs angrily screams "No!" each time Kyle stupidly signs an agreement without reading it first.
    • When Cartman asks his mother to go back to Best Buy to get the Toshiba HandiBook instead of the iPad Cartman wanted and made a scene, his mother yells out "No!"
  • Black Comedy Rape: While Cartman's claims about his mother fucking him are lies, it's heavily implied that one of the audience members actually molests his son, as he immediately kisses the child after criticizing Liane for not kissing Cartman before "fucking" him.
  • Bolt of Divine Retribution: Cartman yells at God after his HumancentiPad is taken away. Cartman is then struck by lightning and ends up in the hospital.
  • Boring, but Practical: Butters proves himself one of the few people in town able to outwit Apple's schemes. No, it's not Heroic Willpower or any mental discipline... he simply reads the user agreement, which is seemingly rare.
  • Bread, Eggs, Milk, Squick: Cartman is overjoyed at the capabilities of the HumancentiPad: e-mail, web browsing, and shitting in Kyle's mouth.
  • Brick Joke: One of the audience members in Dr. Phil's show criticizes Liane for not kissing her son before "fucking" him and kisses his own son after saying that. At the unveiling of the HumancentiPad, that same man and his son are part of the audience and he kisses his son again.
  • Butt-Monkey: Kyle, holy crap. Because he didn't Read the Fine Print on Apple's latest update, he gets made part of a Human Centipede, the Japanese man shits in his mouth twice, and Kyle is given hope that he will escape multiple times, only for Apple to take it away from him.
  • Cassandra Truth: Kyle tries to tell one of the Apple employees that he (and the others) didn't read the terms of agreement and signed up by mistake, but the employee just dismisses it as nonsense.

    Apple employee: Heh, right. Who just agrees to something they don't read?

  • Comically Missing the Point:
    • When Cartman's mom is mad at him for his tantrum at Best Buy, Cartman thinks he's just getting punished for not getting the iPad he wanted due to "fuck" being a "no-no word."
    • One of the audience members is disgusted with Liane allegedly molesting her son... because she never kissed him before doing so.
  • "Could Have Avoided This!" Plot: As acknowledged by the characters multiple times, Kyle wouldn't have become the middle of the HumancentiPad if he had simply read the agreement and declined the conditions.
  • Cluster F-Bomb: Cartman has this with his mother. It's most certainly used in the scene at Best Buy because of the iPad's high price.

    Cartman: Go ahead, Mom! Fuck me! Fuck me right here in the Best Buy! You wanna fuck your son so bad?! Go on, Mom! Fuck me! FUCK ME!!!

  • The Dog Bites Back: After fourteen seasons of being an Extreme Doormat and giving in to all of Cartman's demands, his mother Liane finally stands up to him. She punishes him for his horrible tantrum in Best Buy, refuses to buy him an iPad, and, at the end of the episode, shows no remorse for her son as he's in the hospital.
  • Entitled Bastard: When Liane drives Cartman home from Best Buy for throwing a profane tantrum, Cartman seriously expects her to give him another chance. Liane rightfully refuses his pleas.
  • Gilligan Cut: The aforementioned Cluster F-Bomb results into Cartman crying in the car, getting nothing out of it.
  • Hope Spot: Just when it looks like Kyle might be surgically taken apart by doctors, it turns out to be a simulation by Steve Jobs to see if Kyle could read, and unfortunately, he didn't read it (not like Kyle could read, since his mouth is attached to a Japanese man's anus).
  • Idiot Ball: Kyle grabs it hard for not reading or at least skimming the contract even after he was forced to become a HumancentiPad, and again when he doesn't read it before his "surgery."
  • Jerkass Has a Point: Steve Jobs might be holding people against their will and doing horrible things to them that spits in the face of man and God, but he's not doing any of it without their legal, written permission. He even gets angry at Kyle for just signing a contract placed in front of him without even looking at it, even if it allows them to keep doing the experiment.
  • Karma Houdini: Jobs and his workers get no punishment for what they do to Kyle and the others.
  • Large Ham: The Japanese man. As you can tell from this video, Trey Parker had an absolute blast as this guy.

    Japanese man: Here it comes! Oh, it's going to be a rot! Hold on, Kyle! I believe in youuuuuu!!!

  • Laser-Guided Karma: Cartman rightfully gets his well-deserved punishment for being his usual Spoiled Brat of a Fat Bastard self.
  • Literal Metaphor: Eric frequently berates his mom for "fucking" him over, or denying him an iPad. Everyone else within earshot thinks his mom literally fucks/rapes him the more he says it, and it puts him in an advantage near the end.
  • Mad Scientist: Steve Jobs is portrayed this way, as he conducts an experiment that involves physical torture on three people including a child.
  • Mistaken for Pedophile: Liane because of Cartman's horrible lying (and people taking his words literally instead of figuratively).
  • Never My Fault: Since Liane wouldn't buy him an iPad until his birthday, Cartman screams that it will be her fault when the other kids call him a liar, after he couldn't wait and went around school bragging to them with a fake iPad.
  • Nice Guy: The Japanese guy refuses to eat if people are forced to eat on his poo. Though he eventually gave in.
  • No Sympathy: Liane couldn't care less about Cartman getting brutally electrocuted. Justified given how fed up she is with him at that point.
  • Only Sane Man: Gerald is literally the only person in this episode with his head on straight.
  • Read the Fine Print: Kyle and the others clicked yes without knowing what they signed up for:

    Butters: "By clicking 'Agree,' you are also acknowledging that Apple may sew your mouth to the butthole of another iTunes user. Apple and its subsidiaries may, if necessary, sew another person's mouth to your butthole, making you a being that shares one gastric tract." I'm going to click on... 'Decline.'

  • Replacement Goldfish: Since Apple took Kyle away, the Geniuses offer the boys a replacement friend.
  • Save the Villain: In the end, Cartman angers God and gets struck by lightning for his profane language. His mother Liane remorselessly whisks him off to a hospital.
  • Shout-Out: The episode's plot and title are based on The Human Centipede.
  • Smite Me, O Mighty Smiter: Cartman yells at God after his HumancentiPad is taken away, vulgarly accusing God of "fucking him", moments before God smites him.
  • Space Whale Aesop: Read the fine print, or else you'll accidentally agree to be surgically conjoined with two other people in a human centipede and agree to further waivers of your rights.
  • Suspiciously Specific Denial: Steve Jobs constantly hammers in to his audience that his three subjects "agreed" to do his experiment. Naturally, the audience is none the wiser.
  • Take That!: Steve Jobs is portrayed as a Mad Scientist obsessed with innovation and the future, doing ridiculously unethical experiments in the process, and not caring about the present consequences of his actions.
  • Tempting Fate:
    • The episode starts with Cartman pointlessly antagonizing people who don't have iPads, pretending to have an iPad of his own when it's actually a piece of glass with an iPad cover on it. Then Craig points this out and suddenly Cartman is scrambling to get an iPad just so he doesn't look like a Hypocrite.
    • Kyle tells a man that Apple doesn't really track where users are at all times and it's just a rumor. Seconds later, Apple employees show up to abduct him to become part of the HumancentiPad.
    • Cartman accuses God of "fucking him" and subsequently gets struck by a Bolt of Divine Retribution.
  • Toilet Humor: Kyle's mouth is literally sewn into a man's anus, while a woman's mouth is sewn to his. This is a part of the HumancentiPad experiment that powers the tablet by feces. It Makes Sense in Context, to their horror and disgust, when the man feels like he needs to do a number two.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Liane doesn't stand for any of Cartman's nonsense in this episode.
  • Villain with Good Publicity:
    • Angry that his mother Liane won't buy him the $899.99 iPad, Cartman implies to everyone that she sexually abuses him on a daily basis, when it really means that she's "fucking him over" whatever he wants to get. And his horrible, twisted lies actually work — everyone believes him and works to help him gain an iPad afterwards.
    • Steve Jobs as well, as he is the inventor of Apple and all Apple products. The fact that he inserts very abusive terms and conditions into Apple software agreements before netting the people who clicked Agree and forces them to become his next experiments gains him no notoriety at all.
  • Unusually Uninteresting Sight: Virtually no one bats an eye over Steve Jobs subjecting three people, including a young boy like Kyle, to a twisted experiment. As far as they are concerned, this is pure innovation since those three people unwittingly "agreed" to this.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: The subplot of everyone thinking Liane molests Cartman is never really resolved, as the latter is never revealed to be a liar by the end of the episode. For all we know, everyone still thinks Liane is a child rapist.
  • Would Hurt a Child:
    • Steve Jobs has no problem subjecting Kyle, a fourth-grade student, to his experiment.
    • Apparently, God has no qualms in sending a lightning bolt to strike Cartman, justified on the fact that Cartman himself is a Spoiled Brat who remorselessly insulted him.
  • Wounded Gazelle Gambit: Cartman pulls off two of them:
    • He pretends to apologize for his outburst to make his mom take him back to Best Buy, but she doesn't buy into his crap one bit.
    • He convinces the public his mom sexually abuses him regularly, which they totally fall for.