South Park S 2 E 4 Ikes Wee Wee - TV Tropes

  • ️Sat Feb 02 2013

South Park S 2 E 4 Ikes Wee Wee Recap

Original air date: 5/20/1998

Kyle tries to save his brother, Ike, from being circumcised (which the boys think is akin to castration), while Mr. Mackey gets fired for an anti-drug lecture gone wrong.

"Ike's Wee Wee" contains examples of:

  • Amazing Freaking Grace: At Ike's funeral, conducted by Father Maxi dressed as a rabbi, the piper plays "Hava Nagila." As the boys walk away from the funeral, Kenny falls in an open grave and is crushed by the tombstone, and the funeral reconvenes around the grave, the priest changes to his normal appearance (Kenny's Catholic), and the piper plays..."Hava Nagila."
  • Bait-and-Switch: When the marijuana goes missing, we cut to Principal Victoria giving somebody a stern lecture, presumably the child who took the marijuana for themselves. It's then revealed that Victoria was talking to Mr. Mackey, berating him for passing round drugs to children in the first place.
  • Big "WHAT?!": Sheila says her trademark "What-what-WHAT?!?" when Kyle reveals Ike is not dead and is in Nebraska.
  • Butt-Monkey: Mr. Mackay loses his job for passing weed around the third grade class, gets ostracized by the town, evicted by his landlord who assaults him. He then ends up homeless and after he ends up married to a hippie woman, gets beaten up and kidnapped by the A-Team and forced into rehab.
  • Character Development: Once Kyle learns that Ike is adopted, he initially shuns him until Ike shows him photos of all of the time they've spent together, then comes to Kyle for protection when he's scared. This helps Kyle embrace Ike as his brother even if they're not related by blood and it stays that way for the entire series.
  • Continuity Nod:
    • One of the pictures Ike shows Kyle includes the elephant from "An Elephant Makes Love to a Pig".
    • One of the parents who mocks Mackey is Bill's dad, last seen in "Damien".
  • Drugs Are Bad: The Trope Namer. This is the first episode where Mackey uses the famous catchphrase.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: Bebe's mother makes a cameo when the train drops Ike off to Nebraska. She would later be identified as Bebe's mother in "Bebe's Boobs Destroy Society".
  • Even Evil Has Standards: When Kyle's parents cry over Ike allegedly getting killed, Cartman shoots him a nasty look. Though, it should be noted that Cartman wasn’t evil during this time in the show. He's also horrified when Stan (incorrectly) tells him that Ike is going to get his wee-wee chopped off at his bris party.

    Dude! That is not cool! Chopping off wee-wees is not cool!

  • Falling into an Open Grave: This is how Kenny's latest death occurs, falling into an open grave then having the monument spire above the grave crack off and fall in after, crushing him. Kyle is so focused on his problems with Ike, he barely acknowledges this, responding to Stan's usual line about Kenny's deaths by giving his usual "You bastards" Phrase Catcher in an uninterested monotone, and immediately after, a group of mourners arrive at the grave while a priest gives an eulogy.
  • Freeze-Frame Bonus: Two of the drawings in the “What I want to become” bulletin board had Satan and Terrance.
  • Good Angel, Bad Angel: Parodied. When Mackey is pondering on whether to drink alcohol for the first time, his bad angel appears on his shoulder to encourage him to drink. Then his good angel appears, and tells him to drink as well, in a much meaner way to boot.

    Devil: Go ahead. Drink the beer. It'll calm you down.
    Angel: Yeah. Why the hell not? It's just a beer. Don't be such a pussy, m'kay?

  • Hypocritical Humour: Mr. Mackey's ex-landlord brags about how he's never taken drugs and he's just fine...while chomping on a cigar and threatening to kill his former tenant.
  • Imagine Spot: Stan imagines Kyle's parents as hellish beings who want to cut his penis off.
  • Karma Houdini: Mr Garrison chains off Mr. Mackey's entire subplot by stealing his marijuana for the school lecture. He is never found out by anyone else in the school, leading Mackey to get fired.
  • My Friends... and Zoidberg: Cartman notes that if he had a little brother to protect, the other three wouldn't help him. Kyle invokes this with Cartman at the end of the episode, saying Cartman is excluded from his extended family which includes Stan.
  • Mythology Gag: Kyle saying to Cartman "No, not ham you fat fuck" is a nod to the original Jesus vs. Santa short.
  • Not Blood, Not Family: Subverted — when Kyle finds out that his brother Ike is adopted, he decides they're not actually brothers and sends him away. Upon looking at old photos, however, he decides Ike is his brother after all and gets him back.
  • Poor Communication Kills: The entire plot comes about because Chef gets tired of constantly explaining everything to the boys and pull a Screw This, I'm Outta Here! before telling them exactly what a circumcision is. Had he told them that it just involves removing a person's foreskin rather than their entire penis, the whole mess could have been avoided.
  • Pretentious Pronunciation: Mr. Mackey refers to cannabis as "Mary d'you wanna?".
  • Rule of Symbolism: When Mr. Mackey embraces the hippy lifestyle, he loosens his tie, which not only causes his head to deflate to a proportionate size, but also makes him look younger. It's essentially saying that being an uptight white-collar type who avoided drugs didn't agree with him while taking drugs that would have loosened him up was actually just what he needed.
  • Running Gag:
    • The Boys all copying Mr. Mackey's speaking patterns and "m'kay" when he chastises them for talking in class.
    • Someone saying "There's a time and place for everything and it's called college." regarding drugs.
  • Share the Male Pain: The boys freak when they confuse a circumcision for castration and actively try to protect Ike. Even after it's explained to them what a circumcision actually is, they still faint when Ike's occurs.
  • Shout-Out:
  • Spoof Aesop: Mr Mackey's life actually seems pretty sweet after he takes LSD. He gets to sleep with a hot hippy girl who elopes with him to India and he finds personal fulfillment. Not to mention he gets better-looking after loosening his tie. Becomes Ignored Aesop after he goes through rehab and continues telling the kids that drugs are bad, M'kay?
  • Strange Minds Think Alike: Chef says to the boys that "there's a time and a place for everything, and it's called college". Later, the rehab lady says the same thing to Mr. Mackey. And in the season four episode "The Tooth Fairy's Tats 2000", the kids say this when Chef thinks that the boys' pimp clothes and wads of cash are from drug-dealing.
  • They Killed Kenny Again: Kenny falls into an open grave and is crushed by the tombstone. Kyle's too pissed off to say "You bastards." in anything more than a monotone.
  • Unusually Uninteresting Sight: The boys casually talk to Mr. Mackey's head as a balloon as it floats past them.
    • This was only a hallucination brought on by Mackey taking LSD; he was probably not actually a floating balloon.
  • Watch It Stoned: Mr Garrison watches Teletubbies while completely stoned out of his mind on cannabis.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: In-universe example: Mr. Mackey gives the students a bowl of marijuana to briefly sniff and pass around, but after a while neither he nor the kids know who has the marijuana. One scene later, it is shown that Mr. Garrison has it, but nobody else knows.
  • What Were You Thinking?:
    • Kyle makes an Ike doll out of bones from a butcher shop which backfires when a dog starts tearing it apart. When the dog gets hit by a tanker truck, Stan and Cartman glare at Kyle as Mr. and Mrs. Broflovski cry.
    • Mackey passing around real marijuana to third graders. Even if Garrison hadn't stolen it, the stupidity of this manuever alone could have gotten him fired even if it didn't end up getting stolen.