Star Trek Voyager S 3 E 6 "Remember" - TV Tropes
- ️Sat Jun 07 2014
While transporting a group of telepaths to Enara Prime, B'Elanna begins experiencing vivid dreams about them, including a particularly dark period of their history.
This episode provides examples of:
- Bait-and-Switch: B'Elanna's dreams imply Korenna was a much younger woman, hiding the fact that the elderly Jora Mirell is the same woman passing on her memories.
- Bittersweet Ending: Despite what Torres learned about the Enarans' history and Janeway believing her, the crew of Voyager has no grounds for conducting any kind of investigation and Janeway decides it would be best to cancel plans for shore leave and trade negotiations. However Torres is able to pass the memories onto Jessen, who will look into what really happened herself and hopefully force Enaran society to confront this ugly part of their history.
- Book Ends: B'Elanna's dream where Korenna's boyfriend is sneaking into her room, is mirrored by the same dream experienced by Jessen at the end of the episode.
- Break Them by Talking: In the flashbacks, Korenna's father convinces her that Dathan has been cheating on her, which forces her to turn him in for execution.
- Chekhov's Gun: Jora Mirell has a prominent scar on her right cheek. When B'Elanna, in one of her visions as Korenna, receives a wound in the same place, she realizes whose memories she is experiencing.
- Does This Remind You of Anything?: Hell, the only thing the Enarans were missing was a chanting of "Sieg Heil!" with outstretched arms.
- Enter Stage Window: How Dathan enters Korenna's room during the first dream. Jor Brel admits that he may have done the same in his youth.
- Erotic Dream: The G-rated version. Unfortunately they quickly become Darker and Edgier.
- Final Solution: Decades later, the truth about the holocaust against the Regressives has been completely and successfully hidden.
- Good Old Ways: The alien sub-group who was exterminated wanted to live life free of most technologies.
- Make It Look Like an Accident: When the real Korenna dies, B'Elanna fiercely believes that it was someone trying to silence her and keep her memories buried. However, the Doctor ends up finding no evidence of foul play.
- A Nazi by Any Other Name: The Enarans in B'Elanna's flashbacks, right down to the supposed "resettlement" of the Regressives.
- "Ray of Hope" Ending: The Enarans cover up their past crimes and possibly kill Korenna. However B'Elanna persuades Jessen to take on Korenna's memories and inquire into the truth.
- Released to Elsewhere: The Regressives were said to have been "resettled", but this turns out to be a lie.
- Sharp-Dressed Man:
- The Enarans generally dress in quite dapper suits with the exception of the Regressives. This takes on a more sinister tone as they crack down harder on the Regressives, edging into Putting on the Reich territory near the end.
- Kim and Paris dodge the Space Clothes bullet and get some slick suits
◊ for the Enaran party in the mess hall.
- Toplessness from the Back: Well, mostly from the camera perspective of above and to the right, but there's still a fairly risqué — for 90s Trek, at least — shot of B'Elanna's dream lover pushing her nightclothes down her torso, leading to this.
- Transferable Memory: The Enarans are capable of transferring their memories into other people and even between themselves.
- Wake Up Fighting: B'Elanna after collapsing near Engineering.
- Weird World, Weird Food: Hope you guys like those algae puffs.
- Written by the Winners: The official history about the Regressives indicates that they "killed themselves off through poor hygiene and in-fighting."
- You Have to Believe Me!: How B'Elanna initially tries to get the holocaust made public. It doesn't work. Fortunately the Enarans are a telepathic species, so Jessen is at least willing to read her memories.