The 7 DS 2 E 19 A Water Ya Doin Dopey - TV Tropes
- ️Sat Nov 28 2020
After Hildy casts a spell to turn the Queen old so she could take over Jollywood, she also turns herself old, so now The 7D - with the help of Dopey's water detector - need to get Queen Delightful to the mythical fountain of youth to undo the effects of the spell.
The episode has the following tropes
- Accidental Discovery: When Hildy attempts to make Queen Delightful old by using an ageing spell and after putting two prunes in the potion, she eventually discovers that putting two prunes makes two people old.
- Ambiguously Gay: Grumpy blurts out he once kissed a gnome.
- Bait-and-Switch: When Hildy drank from what looks like the Fountain of Youth, she doesn't return to normal. Turns out she drank from a soda fountain.
- Bait-and-Switch Comment: When Starchbottoms states that if they don't find that fountain quick, the implication he's giving out to the dwarves make it look like the queen might croak, but really...
Old!Queen Delightful: I think we all know what's going to happen if we don't find the Fountain of Youth.
Lord Starchbottom: (to the 7D) See! I told you she's-
Old!Queen Delightful: (jovial tone) Nope! I'm going to retire!
- Batman Gambit: Happy asks Grim how he built the snare trap leading to Grim setting them down.
- Big "NO!": The 7D and Starchbottom yell this after the Bait-and-Switch Comment.
- Bittersweet Ending: Queen Delightful is back to normal. But since the Glooms accidentally destroyed the fountain, Hildy might be old forever. Luckily, Grim ate some berries that made him old so that they can be old for God knows how long.
- Brick Joke/Chekhov's Gun: Grim first uses a snare trap on Hildy at the beginning of the episode and later uses it on the 7D and Starchbottom.
- Blind Mistake: Not exactly blind, but now that Hildy's age has gone up a lot, she has pretty poor eyesight. This happens when she tries to nose-kiss Grim and ends up nose-kissing a cat.
- Continuity Nod:
- This is the second time the Glooms alter a character's age to gain an advantage of taking over Jollywood.
- The 7D and Starchbottom being horrified of the queen's old-looking appearance is similar to when they were horrified of her appearance as a troll in "The Fairest in the Land."
- Cannot Keep a Secret: After drinking the truth water, Grumpy spews out a lot of private stuff about him.
- Crazy Cat Lady: After becoming old, Hildy adopts a whole lot of cats.
- Didn't Think This Through: Hildy thought putting two prunes would make the queen even older. Instead, it made two people old: one is the target, the other is the caster.
- Distant Reaction Shot/The Scream: This happens when the queen turns old followed by Starchy screaming.
- Everyone Has Standards: When Queen Delightful will put Queen Adorable in charge of Jollywood, Happy of all people states that she's so cute, it makes his teeth hurt.
- Find the Cure!/Fountain of Youth: The whole point of curing Queen Delightful of the ageing spell.
- Ghost in the Machine: When Dopey activates his water-finding ability, a machine can be seen is inside him.
- Gross-Up Close-Up: Happens with the queen and Hildy after turning old.
- Hand Gagging: Happy covers Grumpy's mouth when the former was about to reveal an incident that has to do with both of them.
- Hidden in Plain Sight: Turns out the Fountain of Youth looks like a regular drinking fountain.
- I Drank WHAT?!/Spit Take: Grumpy has this reaction when he thought he drank from the Fountain of Youth.
- Jumpscare: The badger in Queen Adorable's hat lunges at the screen and swats at the audience.
- Literal Metaphor: Apparently, Doc has a literal audiobook.
- Mass "Oh, Crap!": The 7D's reaction to seeing Queen Delightful looking old.
Meaningful Release Date: Since the Glooms adopted so many cats, this episode coincidentally aired on National Cat Day (October 29 in the United States).
- Noodle Incident:
- Grumpy states he once dated a mermaid...who turned out to be a walrus wearing a dress and that he once kissed a gnome.
- Dopey led Jack and Jill to a well, where they fell down said hill. Jack never fully recovered.
- Punny Name: Two of the cats Hildy names are "Vladimir Purtin" and "Raymond Purr". See Shout-Out.
- Pun-Based Title: Water Ya Doin' Dopey (What are you doing Dopey)
- Rule of Three: This happens whenever Bashful asks the obvious, Grumpy saying "Take a wild guess", Bashful answering said question, and then gameshow music, confetti, and disco lights appearing out of nowhere as Grumpy says "Winner, winner chicken dinner!".
- The third time happens with Hildy, but with lizards replacing chicken.
- Running Gag: Grumpy revealing personal stuff about himself.
- Screaming at Squick: This happens when Bashful receives a bucket of (dead) lizards from Old!Hildy.
- Shout-Out: Two of the cats Hildy names are Vladimir Purtin which is a name based on Vladimir Putin a Russian politician and a former officer of the KGB who has served as the President of Russia, and Raymond Purr, Raymond Burr a Canadian-American actor known for his title roles in the television drama Perry Mason.
- Tempting Fate:
Old!Queen Delightful: I feel the need for speed!
(proceeds to move very slowly)
- Toilet Humour: Implied. One of the kittens the Glooms have gone to the bathroom on the scooter.
Old!Hildy: Grim. You forgot the litterbox.
- The Unreveal: There's a secret Grumpy almost reveals that have to do with him and Happy.
- Wild Take: The 7D does this after seeing the Old!Queen Delightful.
- What Happened to the Mouse?: We don't know what happens to the Glooms after they became old.