The 7 DS 2 E 1 B Knight School - TV Tropes
- ️Fri Nov 27 2020
A handsome knight named Sir Charmsalot comes to Jollywood, and "saves" the kingdom from a fire-breathing dragon. Queen Delightful falls in love with Charmsalot and invites him to stay at her castle, making Bashful jealous. Along with Grumpy, Bashful enrolls in knight school.
This episode has the following tropes
- Affectionate Nickname/Ascended Fan Nickname/In-Universe Nickname: Grumpy calls Bashful "Bash" a couple of times in this episode. The nickname in question is a Fan Nickname fans use to call the latter.
- Ass Shove: When Bashful tries to face Sir Broadly of Bottomly. Keep in mind, the latter has his butt faced towards the lance. Make of that what you will.
- Alliterative Name: Two of the knights Bashful tried (and failed) to face are called Sir Huge of Heads and Sir Broadly of Bottomly.
- Bait-and-Switch Comment:
Grumpy: You can't give up now Bashful...tomorrow's Pancake Jamboree Day!
- Big "SHUT UP!": Sir Burgess of Meredith often tells Grumpy to can it whenever he talks about eating at the "All you can eat Buffet".
- Bandage Mummy: Any time Bashful ends up losing a jousting tournament he ends up fully bandaged.
- Butt-Monkey: For once Grumpy doesn't get the short end of the stick. In this episode, Bashful ends up as this, mostly during the jousting tournaments.
- Call-Back: In "Bathtub Bashful", one of the songs Bashful sang had lyrics saying, "If you need a knight baby, I'm the one to dub." Sure enough in this episode, he actually is dubbed as a knight.
- Comically Missing the Point: During chivalry class:
Sir Burgess of Meredith: This is how not to treat a lady. [lady knocks on the door] GO AWAY LADY!!!
Grumpy: Yeah, Yeah. You gotta say "Please go away".
- Continuity Nod: This isn't the first time a dragon attacks Jollywood.
- Cutaway Gag: During the episode, it cuts back to Queen Delightful and Lord Starchbottom eating with Sir Charms-a-lot. Over time they become bored of his "saving the day" stories.
- Distracted by the Sexy: Queen Delightful gets infatuated by Sir Charms-a-lot after he defeated the dragon (the first time). In fact, she swooned over him three times.
- Easily Impressed: Queen Delightful was impressed that Sir Charms-a-lot defeated a dragon, then was impressed by Bashful's chivalry and that he defeated the dragon at the end of the episode.
- Fainting: The Running Gag of the episode.
- Foreshadowing: There are a few hints that Sir Charms-a-Lot's "slaying the dragon scene" and himself is fake.
- Grumpy mutters that the scene felt like it was staged.
- Sir Charms-a-Lot refused to take off his armour because he's actually a very short person.
- While Queen Delightful was Laughing Mad, there was some whining and scratching at the door and Sir Charms-a-Lot's voice and accent sound different.
- Also in that same scene, Sir Charms-a-Lot says he'll pay the dragon back. Turns out in order to get the dragons to do the "raid the village" scenario, he would pay him afterward. He didn't.
- Freudian Slip: When Sir Charms-a-Lot mockingly says to the dragon that he's shaking, he quickly notices that Queen Delightful is Right Behind Me he changes his tone when he says "he's shaking."
- Got Volunteered: When Sir Burgess of Meredith challenges the knights to joust with Sir Tall of Redwood, they make Bashful take on the latter first.
- Hidden Depths: Bashful is shown to be capable of playing a lute.
- Huge Rider, Tiny Mount: Inverted. When jousting, Bashful's the tiny rider to the horse, a huge mount.