The 7 DS 2 E 4 A Say Pest To The Dress - TV Tropes
- ️Tue Nov 23 2021
Queen Delightful has Lord Starchbottom get her dress in preparation to be the grand marshal of the evening's Jollystreet Parade. When Starchbottom discovers woodland animals in the queen's closet, he reluctantly calls The 7D (minus Dopey, who is on another mission), who manage to take the pests out of the castle.
This episode has the following tropes
- Animals Hate Him: That raccoon is not a fan of Lord Starchbottom or the 7D (sans Dopey).
- Astonishingly Appropriate Interruption: The exchange between Grumpy and Sleepy.
Grumpy: Sometimes I think everyone here is-
Sleepy: Nuts?
Grumpy: Sure thanks.
- Berserk Button: Let's just say Hildy is not a fan of Grim's Southern accent.
- The Bus Came Back: Pied Piper makes a brief scene when Happy contacts him.
- Chekhov's Gunman: Dopey heads off to collect something with Bob the squirrel. Turns out he was collecting fireflies for the parade.
- Comically Missing the Point: When Starchbottom calls the 6D over to show them the animals in the closet.
Starchbottom: You should prepare yourselves for the troubling things you're about to observe.
[He shows the closet full of animals to the 6D]
Happy: Aw, it's a closet full of cuddles!
- Continuity Nod:
- The joke where only 6 of the 7D show up, Starchbottom calling the 6D the "7D" and Sleepy correcting him each time occurs again.
- The bull Hildy summons looks similar to the one from "The Big Bash", only the colours on this bull are different.
- Covered in Mud: Queen Delightful and Sir Yips-a-lot get covered in mud after burying and digging up bones.
- Cutaway Gag:
Queen Delightful: How else does anyone get new clothes?
Grumpy: The regular way. Elves.
[cue the elves making clothes]
- Didn't See That Coming: The 6D got rid of the closet critters but didn't see the rodents the Glooms sent in.
- Double Take: When Starchbottom finds the critters in the queen's closet.
- Eek, a Mouse!!: Starchbottom has this reaction after seeing two rats that the Glooms sent into the castle.
- Epic Fail: Starchbottom tries to get the closet critters into the net. Needless to say, he ends up in the net himself.
- Foreshadowing: Grumpy said he's firing the elves after seeing the stitchwork the animals made. Guess what he does ten episodes later?
- Freak Out!: Anytime Starchbottom sees any pests.
- Gasshole: A few skunks were seen stinking up the room by farting. Given the fact, they are skunks after all.
- Hates Being Touched: Inverted. The raccoon doesn't want anyone to touch the clothes he and the other animals make.
- Hidden Depths: Apparently the animals in the closet make Queen Delightful's clothes.
- Hypocrite: Hildy hates Grim talking in a southern cowboy accent, but after sending Grim off, she says "Happy trails, partner" with that same accent.
- Ironic Echo Cut:
[cue the 6D releasing the closet critters]
Sneezy: Out you go.
[cue Grim releasing a rodent horde inside the castle]
Grim: In you go.
- Knew It All Along: Queen Delightful knew about the closet critters because they make her clothes.
- Now What?: Starchbottom says this word-for-word after rodents infest the castle.
- Pest Episode: The episode revolves around the 6D and Starchbottom getting rid of the closet critters.
- Pun: When the 6D find rodents in the castle:
Doc: Rats. I thought we got them all.
- Pun-Based Title: Say Pest to the Dress (Say Yes to the Dress)
- Running Gag:
- Sleepy stating that Dopey is nuts whenever someone mentions him.
- Starchbottom freaking out over the animals.
- Grim constantly talking in a Southern accent, much to Hildy's annoyance.
- Shout-Out:
- "Hi-ho Vermin. AWAY!"
- Grim's cowboy outfit slightly resembles Woody.
- The idea of Happy leading the rodents out of the castle via flute comes straight from The Pied Piper of Hamelin.
- Smoking Barrel Blowout: Hildy blows out her wand after summoning a bull to send off Grim.
- Snake Charmer: Happy's idea of leading the rodents out of the castle.
- Troubled Fetal Position/Wild Take: Starchbottom's reactions to seeing the two rats.
- Visual Pun: Hildy sends Grim away on a wild ride.