The 7 DS 2 E 6 A Giggleberries - TV Tropes
- ️Fri Nov 27 2020
In preparation for Queen Delightful's serious award ceremony, the 7D pick giggleberries. Happy eats one too many and starts giggling like crazy, While Grumpy and Dopey set off to retrieve I've-Got-the-Blues berries, the other 7D try to contain Happy's laughing.
This episode has the following tropes
- Amusing Injuries: Grumpy getting hit by a train. In the middle of the desert.
- And Your Reward is Edible: Grumpy gives Giselle the giggleberries as a reward for helping him and Dopey.
- Angry Collar Grab: More like anguished collar grab. Bashful grabs Doc's suspenders when the former's worried about Happy ruining the event.
- Bad News, Irrelevant News:
Doc: We gotta stop Happy from eating those giggleberries. With each one he eats, he gets closer to being stuck that way.
Bashful: Or worse yet. He could spoil Queen Delightful's serious ceremony!
- Bittersweet Ending: The episode ends with half the people at the ceremony laughing their asses off and the other half sobbing their eyes out.
- Contagious Laughter: Anyone who eats giggleberries gets this.
- Continuity Nod: The cave/stage appears again in this episode.
- Crossing the Desert: Grumpy and Dopey briefly cross a desert to follow the crow.
- Cutaway Gag: When the Magic Mirror says that the serious and important awards selection committee are coming and are all about being serious.
- Didn't Think This Through: Doc tries to catch up with a giggle-ridden Happy, only to realize the falling berries jammed up his propeller causing him to fall into the basket.
- Epic Fail: While trying to rescue Doc and Happy from a bear, Bashful, Sleepy and Sneezy try to get them with a net. Cue Sneezy accidentally sneeze-blasting Bashful into the net, sending him and Sleepy flying into the giggleberry basket, eating the berries, causing them to laugh too.
- Everybody Cries: When Queen Delightful, Starchbottom the 5D and a bear (Don't Ask) consume the I-got-the-blues berries they all start sobbing.
- Everyone Laughs Ending: Most of the people who ate the giggleberries including Grumpy and Dopey start laughing and the episode ends.
- Failed a Spot Check: Starchbottom doesn't see that Doc, Happy, Sleepy and Sneezy have giggleberry stains all over their mouths, which explains the giggling and laughing.
- Flashback Cut: Happy calls back to what his mother said about eating too many giggleberries.
- Food Fight: The 5D started flinging giggleberries to the serious people and then Grumpy and Dopey start flinging the I-got-the-blues berries.
- Freak Out!: Bashful loses it when he now has to deal with five giggle-ridden victims.
Bashful: Well...this is just - [screams]
- Got Volunteered: Grumpy got volunteered to get the I-got-the-blues berries but says he's not going alone. Cue the rest of the 7D bailing on him except for Dopey.
- G-Rated Drug: The giggleberries might be an example of this. And they have similar effects to cannabis and heroin (for cannabis one of the effects are laughter which is the main symptom of eating giggleberries and for heroin one of the effects are the absence of worry, anxiety or pain and they make the person feel untroubled, like with Happy and Doc who were unphased by the bear that was going tho eat them).
Humor Dissonance: After seeing the bear, Doc and Happy start laughing at it despite the fact that it was going to eat them.
- Irony: Although it's supposed to be a serious ceremony, the headmaster says some pretty ridiculous things. No wonder why those things made the 4D laugh.
- Major Injury Underreaction: Grumpy doesn't give a crap after getting hit by a train.
- Mass "Oh, Crap!": The 7D when they realize Happy's got the giggles.
Narm Charm: See Mass "Oh, Crap!".
- Not Me This Time: When Grumpy asks Dopey to stop it with the noises, Dopey shakes his head indicating that he's not making the gurgling noises.
- Not Quite Back to Normal: After dispersing the I-got-the-blues berries, the giggle-ridden people have stopped laughing but then start sobbing when they ate too many of the berries.
- Ode to Food: At the start of the episode, Happy sings about giggleberries.
- One-Word Title: "Giggleberries"
- Post-Stress Overeating: Bashful eats the giggleberries out of stress over the other 7D laughing.
- Punctuated! For! Emphasis!: Two actually.
Grumpy: (losing patience, to Dopey) Just. Follow. The crow.
Grumpy: Not. A fan. Of the crow.
- Running Gag: Dopey making some sound effects much to Grumpy's annoyance.
- Skewed Priorities: Bashful's more concerned about the ceremony being ruined than the dwarfs' well-being when each one of them gets the giggles.
- Super-Breath: When Dopey encounters the swamp monster.
- Stealth Pun: Giggleberries and I-got-the-blues berries give people the giggles and the blues.
- Tempting Fate: After hearing a train whistle, Grumpy that there's no train within a hundred miles in the desert. Cue a train hitting him out of nowhere.
- What Happened to the Mouse?: It's unknown if the effects of the berries have worn off after this episode.