The 7 DS 2 E 8 A You Aint Seen Nothin Yeti - TV Tropes
- ️Thu Oct 13 2022
Happy gets turned into a mime by the Glooms after altering an anniversary song from Grim to Hildy. When the rest of the 7D (sans Grumpy) demand the Glooms to undo the spell, they get turned into mimes too. Now the 7D have to travel to the mountains to retrieve their voices to open Queen Delightful's new voice command safe that only works when the 7D say their names.
This episode has the following tropes
- Absurd Phobia: While Bashful is intimidated by mimes, Doc is terrified of them due to being trapped in an invisible box for a week.
- Amusing Injuries: Starchy suffers a ton of injuries when he tries to unlock the safe by mimicking the voices of the 7D.
- Bait-and-Switch: When the 7D hike up Mount Jollywood, it looks like it's going to be a long and dangerous climb...that is until Grumpy walks by the mime 7D revealing that the latter were making it look like a dangerous hike to the cave.
- Beyond the Impossible: Hildy takes away Dopey's voice...despite the latter not having one.
- Bigfoot, Sasquatch, and Yeti: This episode features a family of yetis.
- Bread, Eggs, Breaded Eggs: When Starchbottom fails at opening the safe, he gets a mallet to the foot on the first try, gets slammed by the door on the second, gets squished by two random walls on the third and then all of the traps as mentioned earlier get triggered all at once, with a giant log crushing him in the end.
- Call-Back:
- This is the second episode where Happy loses his voice.
- Mount Jollywood is revisited again.
- Comically Missing the Point:
- Happy thought it would be a good idea to rearrange the Glooms' song into something a little more saccharine (the song in question was dreary and gloomy, true to the Glooms' personalities).
- When the others find out what the Glooms did to Happy:
Sneezy: She can't do that!
Sleepy: Actually she can. She's a witch.
- Didn't Think This Through: The rest of the 7D (minus Grumpy) thought it would be a good idea to waltz up to the Glooms' house and demand they turn Happy back to normal. They get turned into mimes as a result.
- Did You Get a New Haircut?: Grumpy's reaction when Mime!Happy tries to tell him about his current situation.
Grumpy: New look? I'm against it.
- Even Evil Has Standards: Even the Glooms find Happy's lyrics waaaaay too saccharine. Justified since Happy rewrote the song.
- Evil Is Petty: Glooms turn Happy into a mime..for changing the lyrics of Hildy's song. Then they turn the rest of the 7D into mimes because the latter just asked them to turn Happy back to normal.
- From Bad to Worse: As lampshaded by Grumpy when he witnesses the rest of the 7D getting their voices taken away.
Grumpy: What could be worse than this?
(The Bing-Bong Bell goes off)
Grumpy: Let's find out, shall we?
- Gift-Giving Gaffe: Throughout the episode, Grim forgot to get Hildy a present for their anniversary and scrambles to find a gift for her.
- Glomp: Happy does this when Grumpy wishes for the others to talk.
- Heroic Mime: Most of the 7D (save Grumpy) get turned into mimes and still manage to defeat the Glooms.
- I Can't Believe I'm Saying This: When Grumpy has to put up with his friends as mimes.
Grumpy: I never thought I could say this, but I wish they could talk.
- I Can Explain: Grumpy says this word-for-word when the rest of the 7D show up at the castle as mimes.
- Irony: Yetis are known for being The Quiet Ones and they don't like talking. They end up being Suddenly Voiced.
- Literal-Minded: When the 7D get their voices back:
Grumpy: Don't hold your breath.
(Dopey holds his breath)
Happy: He's serious! Don't do it!
- Lost Voice Plot: Most of the 7D get their voices taken away by the Glooms and have to journey to the mountains to get them back.
- Miming the Cues: Quite literally, since the 6D got turned into mimes
- "No. Just… No" Reaction: Queen Delightful's reaction when Starchbottom tries to dress up as the 7D to imitate their voices.
- Noodle Incident:
- Doc apparently got himself trapped in an invisible box for an entire week.
- Starchbottom mentions that he came in ninth place in a charades competition.
- NOT!: Grumpy's response when Starchbottom tries to guess what Happy is saying. The latter thinks the mime 7D met a pair of dancing pants.
- Only Sane Man: Grumpy. He was the only one who thought that directly confronting the Glooms was a bad idea and he had to deal with the mime 6D.
- Pun-Based Title: You Ain't Seen Nothing Yeti (You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet)
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Downplayed. The Yeti family all sport red eyes, but are pretty friendly to the 7D. The Glooms, (who gave them the 7D's voices) not so much.
- Running Gag:
- Doc being stuck in an invisible box.
- During the narration, Grumpy keeps complaining to the waiter that he wanted extra cheese on his pizza.
- Starchbottom trying (and failing) to open Queen Delightful's failsafe.
- "Shaggy Dog" Story: Why did Queen Delightful need the 7D to open the safe? She stored a sandwich in there.
- Sickeningly Sweet: Happy's improvised song to the Glooms was so saccharine, that it even made them change colours in disgust.
- Stating the Simple Solution: All of the 7D but Grumpy had their voices taken away and have been converted into mimes. When the queen tries to guess what Happy is saying, Grumpy points out that since he’s the only one not turned into a mime, he could just tell her what happened.
- Suddenly Voiced: In-Universe. When Hildy banishes the 7D's voices, she unintentionally gave a family of yetis their voices.
- Sure, Let's Go with That: When Hildy thinks that Grim forget to get her anniversary gift, the doorbell rings.
Grim: Whatever that is, that's what I got you.
- Unsatisfiable Customer: During the narration scenes, Grumpy is this to a pizza waiter.
- Who Is Driving?: A variation of it. While making their way up the mountain, Grumpy tells the others not to let go of the rope. But when he sees them climbing up the mountain, he realizes no one is holding the other end, causing him to fall.
- Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: Or in this case, "Why did it have to be Yetis?" See Absurd Phobia.