The Cramp Twins - TV Tropes
- ️Fri Dec 22 2017
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- "Walk Like a Man / Bouncy Bob"
- "Food Fight / Mari Mania"
- "The Bad Seed / Rodeo Rita"
- "Great Bowl of Fear / Mud Crush"
- "Prize Swallow / Ice Scream"
- "Grandma's Piano / Guide Games"
- "The Great Luciani / Wendy Boy"
- "Fashion Passion / Small Wonder"
- "Chameleon Chaos / Weedkiller"
- "Swamp Fever / Kung Foolish"
- "Twin Studies / Birthday Blues"
- "Friend Fight / Miss Kissy"
- “Petrified Poodles / Harp Wars"
- "Date Dupe / Agent X"
- "Room Rage / Dirty Monkey"
- "Mr. Winkle's Monkey / Wicked Wendy"
- “Haircut Horrors / Nostalgia Nasty"
- "No Means Yes / Spy's Pies"
- "Home on the Range / Holesome"
- "Picket, Picket / Sick Daze"
- "Big Baby / Ad Bad"
- "Workout / 6th Senselessness"
- "Hotel Hysteria / Alien Glow"
- "Worm Funeral / One Sock Wonder"
- "Wolfman Wayne / Shed Dead"
- "Silence Please / Fur Fungus"
- "Weepy Wayne / First Crusher"
- "Pantaloonacy / Girl Gang"
- "Triker Trouble / Heart Wrench"
- "Little Watchers / Egg Bound"
- "Little Big Man / Flag Boy"
- "Hankenstein / Cricket Slayer"
- "Count Crampula / Naughty Nuptails"
- "Bully for Wayne / Agent W"
- "Wendy House / Cramp vs. Cramp"
- "Webcam Wayne / Swamp Curse"
- "Lice-ence to Kill / Army of Wayne"
- "Swampless / Mummy Mania"
- "Wendy Wear / Homeless Joe"
- "Dance Pants / Bestest Brother"
- "Film Fad / Spit Collector"
- "News Whale / Twisted Ending"
- "Tattoo Boy / Cow Son"
- "Goosenapped / Rotten Romance"
- "Keith / Mommy Boy"
- "Sugar Zombie / Beware the Rare Colossal Swamp Squid"
- "Lion Worrier / Grandma Dearest”
- "Mister Congeniality / Get Greedy"
- "Slave Mart / Cool for Cramp"
- "Just Desserts / Pirate Pants"
- "Neigh Means Neigh / Miner Mishaps"
- "Happy Gas / Twin Toys"