The Simpsons S23E3 "Treehouse of Horror XXII" - TV Tropes
- ️Thu Oct 03 2013
Homer uses the power of flatuence to communicate with people after getting paralyzed by a spider bite in "The Diving Bell and The Butterball," Flanders becomes a murderer for the Lord in "Dial 'D' for 'Diddly'," and Bart and Milhouse pose as the natives on an alien planet in order to steal a rare element in the Avatar parody, "In the Na'vi."
- Affectionate Parody: The Three Shorts are parodies to Spider-Man and The Diving Bell and the Butterfly, Dexter and Avatar. Abe Simpson thought there would be one of Black Swan, and the opening is one to 127 Hours.
- And I Must Scream: After being bitten by a black widow in "The Diving Bell and the Butterball", Homer becomes paralyzed and is left unable to move or communicate (except via flatulence).
- Be Careful What You Wish For: After having his mind inserted into an Avatar, Bart wished for five minutes with his enemies. They then showed up as Avatars as well.
- Big "NO!": Homer when he realized his candy bag contained vegetables instead of candies.
- Borrowed Catchphrase: God copies Homer's "Why you little...!" when he's about to strangle Homer for nearly burning Ned's Holy Bible.
- Broken Pedestal: Flanders learns that God takes orders from the Devil and the Devil is sleeping with his deceased wife, Maude.
- Chest Burster: At the start of the episode when the Simpson children return home from Trick or Treating, an alien creature bursts out of Bart's chest. This is subverted, as the alien creature is revealed to be only Maggie in an alien costume.
- Disproportionate Retribution: Homer tries to make Flanders kill a guy at the ice cream parlor that gave him an ice cream cone that had a little air in it.
- Epic Fail: While trying to chew through his arm to get to the bag of candy, Homer somehow manages to sever both the wrong arm and one of his legs.
- Fanservice: While he's paralyzed, Homer has a clear view of Marge's breasts and thinking "Cleavage".
- Hypocrite: During the Avatar parody, Bart calls Milhouse a traitor for calling in the army to attack the aliens. Except that was what their job is, and Bart was being a traitor by going native with the aliens.
- Jerkass Ball: Marge takes all of her kids' hard-earned Halloween candy and replaces it with dental supplies. True it was going to be donated to charity, but she didn't even leave them a single piece. None of her children appreciate the gesture.
- Loophole Abuse: Jimbo, Kearney, and Dolph all admit they can't beat up Bart in his Avatar form as the bodies cost several million dollars. So they beat up his human body instead.
- Piranha Problem: The alien birds attack by dropping eggs from their pouches, which hatch into schools of piranha.
- Running Gagged: Beginning with this episode and continuing until Sam Simon's 2015 death, his name on Treehouse of Horror is credited as "simonsam@twitTERROR" instead of "Sam 'Sayonara' Simon".
- Skyward Scream: Homer shouts this upon realizing his candy was replaced with vegetables.
- Tempting Fate: After Flanders asked how things could be worse, he discovers that his late wife is sleeping with the devil.
- Toilet Humor: Homer's ability to control his own flatulence even after being paralysed allows Lisa to help him communicate, although she has to open a window to deal with the smell. Homer at one point "says" that he will need more beans if he's going to say anything more.