The Smurfs Book 3, Story 1: The Smurfette - TV Tropes

  • ️Tue May 16 2017

Return to Recap: The Smurfs.

Gargamel creates a Smurfette to have the Smurfs fight for her.

Tropes associated with this story include

  • Big Dam Plot: The village dam becomes part of the plot as Smurfette asks Poet Smurf to open the sluice gate to see the water flow, but then Poet Smurf cannot close the gate and the village gets flooded with water.
  • But Now I Must Go: At the end of the story, the Smurfette decides to leave the village after seeing how her presence keeps making everyone else fight.
  • Cannot Tell a Joke: The Smurfette completely botches the joke she's telling. That does not prevent all the Smurfs from finding it hilarious, since she's a blonde bombshell by that point.
  • Cock Fight: No sooner does Smurfette get her plastic smurfery, that the male Smurfs end up fighting each other for her affections.
  • Driven to Suicide: Papa Smurf briefly fears that the reason Smurfette hasn't been answering her door is that this has happened. While it hasn't, when he breaks in and finds her, she cries that she wants to die, and this is after she's been subject to a lot of You Are Fat jokes.
  • Feminine Women Can Cook: The Smurfette's a good cook even before her makeover. Unfortunately, she gets distracted while talking at Vanity Smurf and lets the soup burn before most of the Smurfs get to taste it.
  • Gone Horribly Right: After the Smurfette is tricked by the other Smurfs into believing she's become hideously fat and ugly, Papa gives her Magic Plastic Surgery to help her regain her confidence. Unfortunately, this works too well, as all the Smurfs fall in love with her new look and start falling over each other trying to impress her.
  • Got Volunteered: When Smurfette gets sad because nobody wants to go to her picnic, Papa Smurf points at three Smurfs and tells them they're going with her.
  • Insubstantial Ingredients: The clay statue that became Smurfette was given life by being dipped in a formula made from a pinch of coquetry, a good layer of bias, three crocodile tears, a lizard brain, viper tongue powder, one carat of simpathy, a handful of wrath, one finger of lies, a thimble of gluttony, a pint of bad faith, a pinch of inconscience, a bit of sentimentality, a measure of silliness and a measure of cunning, much ingenuity and stubbornness, and a candle that has burned at both ends.
  • Magic Plastic Surgery: Or make that "plastic smurfery", which is the explanation in the original English translation of the story for how the title character was changed from her original appearance into a real Smurf.
  • Motor Mouth: The Smurfette has a problem with this in her debut; she tends to keep talking right over others without giving them any chance to get a word in.
  • Never My Fault: The Smurfette struggles with this concept in her debut story, blaming others for the chaos she unintentionally creates.
  • Orphaned Punchline: See Cannot Tell a Joke, above. The punchline is actually the only part of the joke that she remembers.
  • Over-the-Shoulder Carry: The Smurf who first meets Smurfette in the forest does this to her when she was expecting the Bridal Carry.
  • Weight Woe: The Smurfette suffers from this after Jokey Smurf leads the others in a vicious series of pranks tricking her into thinking she's gained lots of weight.
  • You Are Fat: Although she's about the same size physically as her fellow Smurfs, Smurfette prior to her extreme makeover was the target of some fat jokes, including having a fun-house mirror installed that made her think that she turned fat. This eventually led to her perceived Driven to Suicide moment and the makeover that Papa Smurf gave her in the story.note 
  • You Didn't Ask: The Smurfs aren't aware that the Smurfette was created by Gargamel until she casually mentions it.