Totally Spies S 1 E 16 Wild Style - TV Tropes

  • ️Tue Mar 05 2024

SS Juliet disappears in a whirlpool in the Mediterranean sea along with her passengers and crew. The Spies investigate an unknown island, where they've been not only turned into hybrids, but into furcoats by the rogue fashion designer Helga Von Guggen. Clover starts to suffer the effects, though in a good way; it's just so she could lead a revolt against Helga.

B-Story: Clover falls for a basketball player, and gets herself platform shoes.


  • Be Yourself: Clover's experience as a Cat Girl gives her this takeaway. As much as she wants to be tall to attract a boy, she decides she's content to have her humanity again. The same boy from the beginning of the episode even lauds he's more comfortable with moderate-height girls like Clover.
  • Cat Girl: Clover gets turned into one after the evil fashion designer Helga Von Guggen injects her with a serum.
  • Clothing Damage: Plenty. Especially Clover's Forced Transformation. Her clothes are left in tatters afterward and her claws destroyed her pumps.
  • Distracted by the Sexy: Used as a background gag as a couple of guys walk into each other due to being focused on Sam.
  • Foreshadowing: After Clover is darted with the serum, her eyebrows growing pretty bushy acts as the first serum of her transformation.
  • Karma Houdini: Clover accidentally bumps into a tall boy while wearing platform boots to look more appealing. Later on, when he sees her without the boots, he falls for her since he’s been put off tall girls after one bumped into him. There’s no indication he ever finds out Clover’s part in things.
  • Karmic Transformation: Helga falls victim to her own serum after one of the furlings pushes her into it, turning her into a chimera.
  • Mix-and-Match Critters: After falling into her own serum at the end of the episode, Helga transforms into a chimera-like beast. She's back to normal in her second appearance.
  • Temporary Bulk Change and Formerly Fat: One of the victims of Helga von Guggen's serum is a chubby man that became a tall and muscular anthropomorphic tiger, implying this briefly happened to him. Normally, one imagines a man looking like that to turn into something like a pig or a bear so it's kinda surprising seeing such a man turning into that type of animal, as others are turned into ones fitting their appearance.
  • Transformation Conventions: The two times one of the girls has been turned into a half-human hybrid, she has become a Cat Girl; Clover in this episode and Alex in "Nine Lives". The reason is not only that cats are animals associated with femininity (something each member of the trio has in spades) but also that they are spies. Spies, like cats, must be stealthy, graceful, and agile.