Transformers G 1 Dino Bot Island - TV Tropes

  • ️Thu Nov 19 2020

Dinobot Island is a two-parter episode from Season 2 of The Transformers.


  • All Your Base Are Belong to Us: The Decepticons intend to plunder Dinobot Island for its Energon reserves.
  • Animal Stampede: Megatron manages to scare a large group of dinosaurs (with blasts from his Fusion Cannon) into stampeding the Dinobots off a cliff.
  • Badass Bystander: One of the time-warps sees a motorcycle gang battle a group of western outlaws. Despite the presence of guns, the gang rushes in cycles blazing and chains at-the-ready. The Autobots dissolve the scuffle eventually, but the gangsters manage to hold their own until then.
  • Be Careful What You Wish For: Spike joins Powerglide to the island to check out some real live dinosaurs while escorting the Dinobots but, after almost getting killed or eaten by one too many, he decides its better to see them in the history books.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: The dinosaurs as they easily tackle the Decepticons. The Dinobots don't even need to participate in it.
  • The Dog Bites Back: At the end, the dinosaurs get their revenge on Megatron for blasting at them.
  • Downer Ending: Part 1 ends with the Dinobots seemingly sinking to their doom in a tar pit and the Decepticons free to pillage the new island of its energy.
  • Distressed Dude: The first half of Part 1 sees the Dinobots having to save Spike from hungry dinosaurs twice.
  • Fanservice Extra: When pirates show up in the present, thanks to the Decepticons stealing energy, they try to capture a boat with two ladies in bikinis. Those two ladies get a lot of attention from the camera during their short time in the episode.
  • Properly Paranoid: Starscream is more than a little cautious about the strange energy disturbance on the island, but Megatron demands the Decepticons proceed with harvesting the resources. While the island slowly becomes unstable, the Autobots discover strange timewarps appearing.
  • Remember the New Guy?: Many new Autobots and Decepticons such as Blaster and Dirge first appear here with no explanation. Although, Beachcomber, Inferno, Powerglide and Warpath get the same introductory scenes and dialogue as the other new characters. This is despite the fact that the four Autobots had previously appeared in "The Insecticon Syndrome" (Beachcomber and Inferno) and "A Prime Problem" (Powerglide and Warpath).
  • Time Travel: The Decepticons plundering energy on Dinobot Island cause time portals to open up, causing cowboys, pirates and Ice Age barbarians with mammoths to show up in the present. The Autobots safely send them all back to their own time.