TV Tropes Roll To Dodge - TV Tropes

  • ️Sat Dec 10 2011

We have our own RTD threads on the forums! Roll To Dodge was introduced to the TV Tropes forum by Sean Mirrsen of the Bay12 Forums. Since then other threads have popped up, but the biggest is still the first at over 400 pages.

The "official" threads include include:

  • Roll to Dodge: Third time is the charm?
  • Roll To Dodge 4ever, Fantasy Flavor!
  • Roll To Dodge 5: AKA I Shouldn't Legally Be Allowed To DM Anything.
  • Roll To Dodge VI: Rolling Thunder, a Superhero RTD.
  • Roll to Dodge VII: Judgement Day.
  • RTD8: Dodger's Odyssey.
  • Roll to Dodge IX: Monkey King's Misfits.
  • Roll To Dodge XI: Titanium Fist!!!

The first thread has gotten big enough that one of the sub-sessions, Roll To Dodge: Savral, has splintered off into its own page.

Major first Roll To Dodge Players 

Major first Roll To Dodge GMs 

The first thread provides examples of the following tropes:

  • Blessed with Suck: One part of a curse put on Makuta9999 is that whenever he gets a one when he isn't attacking something, it immolates, extinguishes, freezes, melts, explodes, implodes, and finally disintegrates.
  • Cerebus Syndrome: The game's scale got gradually larger as it went on. To put it in perspective, the first roll was Plumbum kicking a football at a wall. The situation at page 181 is Plumbum chasing down his Jetbus that was stolen by Makuta, with a Charizard flying about. Page 212, and everyone is fighting a character that can mess with the dice rolls (the GM) after Plumbum screwed up on messing with other peoples rolls.
  • Cool Boat: The Jetbus becomes seaworthy seaworthy after upgrading.
  • Cool Car: The Jetbus is a Cool Bus, combined with a Cool Plane and Cool Boat in its updated version. With the armament it could also be an Awesome Personnel Carrier.
  • Cool Plane: The Jetbus, in its upgraded version. Knighted has one of these also. Dreadnought and Flanker 66's Air Forces are described as this.
  • Crimefighting with Cash: One shudders at the expense of the Jetbus, and the garage full of mid-range vehicles tuned to match Lamborghinis and Ferraris. Plumbum again.
  • Cursed with Awesome: The other part of a curse put on Makuta9999 is that whenever he gets a six when he is attacking something, it immolates, extinguishes, freezes, melts, explodes, implodes, and finally disintegrates.
  • Excuse Plot: Although it's more no plot at all.

    Hello, Pentigan! You don't need to follow the "plot" (we have one now?)

    — Flanker 66 introducing Pentigan to the game.

  • Hammerspace: Where Xiphoniii keeps all his stuff, specifically his Sitar, and more recently, an Atlantean spear.
  • Indy Ploy: From a few tropers doing simple actions for kicks, it has become people trying to save the world (or conquer it, or just mess with Sweden..) and various wacky hijinks.
  • Mega Crossover: So far we've seen elements of Touhou Project, Maid RPG, Metroid Prime, Silent Hill, Dwarf Fortress, and a player has teleported to the Mass Effect universe. Due to major controversy regarding the place where Touhou Project takes place, Gensokyo had been closed off temporarily.
  • The Power of Rock: Chaostryke is channeling it. More recently, and mildly, Xiphoniii, Demyx Style.
  • Rule of Cool: A heavy factor in the gameplay. This is Knighted's main power source, and Dreadnought used it once as well.

    'We're badass enough that a few broken bones won't hinder us'

    — Makuta to to Mu Nu Xi after a particularly nasty fall.