
  • ️Fri Oct 28 2011

Grimm (Series)

Exactly what it says, folks.

"You have to hunt down the bad ones, just like your ancestors did. There's a reason that you're a cop. You have an ability, and you must use it."

Aunt Marie

Grimm is a fantasy horror police procedural drama series that aired from October 2011 to March 2017 on NBCnote  for six seasons.

Nick Burkhardt (David Giuntoli), a new on-the-beat homicide police detective with the Portland Police Bureau in Oregon, is about to propose to the woman of his dreams. He comes home to discover his Aunt Marie has turned up unexpectedly. Soon after, she hits him with the truth she's been keeping secret from him: he is one of the last descendants of the Grimm family — as in The Brothers Grimm — and, as such, is gifted with the ability to see monsters, or "Wesen", walking among us, and that his family has hunted and slain these monsters for generations. Now Nick must cope with his new abilities, the knowledge that comes with them, and still do his job as a police officer.

Over the course of the first season, the series moved away from a self-contained episodic format of Police Procedural elements with a Monster of the Week, evolving into an ongoing drama with various subplots all running concurrently that happen to be centered around police work and Wesen life. At the same time, the show branched off from focusing on Nick as the central character, instead giving other characters more screen time and involvement in various plots. Not a surprising development, since the show was co-created by two alumni of the influential and famously Myth Arc- and ensemble-heavy Urban Fantasy series Angel.

Aside from the show, three web series were created and released during interims between seasons, revolving around select characters; Dynamite Comics issued the tie-in comic books Grimm (2013-2014), Grimm: The Warlock (2013-2014), Grimm Portland, Wu (2014) and Grimm (2016-2017); three novels based on the series were released — The Icy Touch by John Shirley, The Chopping Block by John Passarella and The Killing Time by Tim Waggoner; and a companion book called Aunt Marie's Book of Lore written from an In-Universe perspective was released in 2013.

Not to be confused with American McGee's Grimm.

The series provides examples Of:

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Tropes A-D 

  • Aborted Arc: Given the nature of the final season, many story lines and points of lore were promptly dropped.
    • The keys with the map that the Royals are looking for are promptly forgotten in later seasons, until halfway through Season 5, when Nick unexpectedly comes into possession of three additional keys. Together with the two they already had (which have been hidden in the spice shop since the trailer burned) they have enough of the map to go looking for the treasure. When the treasure is finally recovered in "Into the Schwarzwald", it's revealed to be a ordinary-looking stick with the ability to heal. As it turns out, only five of the keys were required (Nick unsealed the box with his blood), so it's possible that the location of the last two keys will never be revealed.
    • And then there are the Coins of Zakynthos. Nick's mother Kelly takes custody of the coins and plans to destroy them at the only place they can be destroyed, the island upon which they were made. After quite some time Kelly e-mails Juliette saying that the coins are hidden for safekeeping. A season or so after that Kelly is killed and the coins are presumably forgotten.
    • Black Claw is pushed into the background after Renard ends his association with them. Hell, the entire organization is Killed Offscreen by Trubel. The shortened final season probably had something to do with this.
    • Nick starts showing side effects in a couple of episodes after his time as a zombie, like turning pale in his sleep, with the impression it's leading to something. But then this is simply forgotten.
    • When she regains her Hexenbiest powers (the second time), Adalind worries aloud that her old amoral attitude will come back with them, and shortly afterwards is relucant to show her Game Face to an old acquaintance. This is never brought up again, and apparently her mentality doesn't change at all even though Juliette became borderline sociopathic after she was transformed into an Hexenbiest.
  • Acting Unnatural: After realizing Juliette's friend Alicia, who is staying with them while hiding from her abusive husband, is a Fuchsbau, Juliette and Nick both decide to say nothing and "act natural" to avoid frightening her with the fact that Nick is a Grimm. Despite being perfectly capable of feigning normalcy on their own, their idea of acting normal together is to stop what they are doing, plaster on benign smiles, and stare silently at Alicia.
  • Adaptive Ability: Nick seems to have this to some degree and presumably other Grimms do as well. After being blinded he develops super-hearing and after being zombified he develops a super-efficient metabolism. Nick's increasing strength, speed and resistance over the course of the series probably also derive from this.
  • Aggressive Negotiations: Nick invokes this with Adalind.

    Nick: Adalind, I think it's time we settled our differences. Violently.

  • Alien Catnip: There's a mold that’s poisonous to us humans, but “meth plus helium” to wesen.
  • All Your Base Are Belong to Us: Near the end of the sixth season, the Zerstörer invades the PPB precient and makes short work of the officers stationed inside, including Hank and Wu.
  • All Girls Want Bad Boys: In "The Thing With the Feathers" it's mentioned that Klaustreich are very popular with women, but it never turns out well because most of them are colossal douchenozzles.
  • All Myths Are True: The wesen have been revealed to have been the original true versions of various myths, especially the classic fairy-tales, naturally.
    • In particular, the gods of ancient Egypt were wesen who lived openly among them. Monroe refers to them as "rock stars."
  • Almost Kiss: In "Quill," Monroe and Rosalee go on a picnic, talk briefly about relationships and not rushing things, look into each other's eyes and lean in...and then a Yellow Plague infectee stumbles into the clearing and attacks them.
  • Alternate Universe: The show is set in a universe where certain royal families retained their status and influence in countries that have long been republics in our universe. The Grimm version of Austria still has a king and Crown Prince Eric is given a televised state funeral whereas the real-world Austria has been a democratic republic since 1918note .
  • Always Chaotic Evil: Averted mostly, rarely played straight. Some wesen have more violent instincts than others, but all of them are perfectly capable of living (somewhat) ordinary, moral, law-abiding lives if they try. Even the species with bad reputations often have relatively decent people mixed in. However, some species of wesen have biological needs that makes it impossible to live full life without harming others. The adult female Spinnetod needs to kill and consume 3 male humans/wesens over 3 nights every 5 years. Failure causes rapid aging. We see 2 adult female Spinnetod, one chose to be good and the other chose to get married and have a daughter.
  • Amazingly Embarrassing Parents: Monroe's nosy parents, especially his dad, who upon finding out Monroe has a girlfriend thinks nothing of tactlessly interrogating him about how old she is and how much money she makes. They are also quite old-fashioned. It then gets Played for Drama when they turn out to be conservative about different kinds of Wesen mixing
  • Ambiguously Human: Superhuman abilities not-withstanding, dialogue and some events seem to imply that Grimms are in some way distinct from Kershite (regular humans), despite being outwardly the same, and things that effect Kershite and Wesen one way, may impact Grimms in a completely different way.
  • Amnesiac Lover: Juliette for a large portion of Season 2.
  • Amoral Attorney: The Ziegevolk lawyer in "One Angry Fuchsbau" uses his abilities to manipulate the witness and jury.
  • An Arm and a Leg:
    • In "Bears will be Bears" when Monroe was fighting the people sent to kill Marie, he literally dis-armed one of them.
    • Wesen believe that the freshly severed left foot of a Willahara (a rabbit-like wesen) placed under the marriage bed will ensure conception. Unfortunately, there's a market for it.
  • Ancient Conspiracy: Marie warns Nick of a secret organization dedicated to defeating the Grimms and their allies (known as the "Grimm Reapers", of course). Season two introduces not just one but several others in a more realistic situation of a number of organizations all with their own particular interests. You have the Grim Reapers, but you also have the Verrat, the Seven Royal Families, the Grimms themselves (loosely organized at best), the Resistance, the Dragon Tongue, and the Wesen Council. And then whatever side Renard's on who, if nothing else, seems to be playing all sides.
  • Androcles' Lion: "Last Grimm Standing" seems to be setting up a situation similar to the Aesop after Monroe helps pull a nail from the hand of a gladiator shortly before they are set to fight each other. But the gladiator shows no compunction about killing Monroe and probably would have done so had it not been for Nick's intervention.
  • Animal Motifs: Every Wesen seen so far has had one except for Hexenbiests (eyeless hag-like creatures), Siegbarstes (ogres), Hässlichen (Grimm reapers and/or trolls), Wildermanner (bigfoot), Wendigo ("savage human-like" according to Grimm wiki), Fuchsteufelwilder (imp/goblin), Glühenvolk (alien), Musai (fairy, technically Leannán Sidhe), Koschie (a radioactive skeleton with some flesh), and well, if you consider the Dämonfeuer as based on dragons that are not really animals but mythical creatures.
  • Anti-Hero: Each of the main protagonists (Nick, Hank, Monroe, and possibly Renard) has racked up a considerable body count, and none of them are hesitant to use lethal force when the situation demands it. Justified though in that three of those four are cops and often deal with violent criminals. While force is not their first option, they will use it to protect others or themselves.
  • Anti-Villain: Marty Burgess, arguably, given that he's a Serial Killer with a very good Freudian Excuse who only kills assholes. Although your mileage may vary on that. The people he killed may have been assholes, but they didn't seem to be in any way evil. And he was terrorizing the girl he loved at the end in a big way. Also he killed people when they saw him as harmless and were about to let him go.
    • Captain Renard, who protects Nick, even though he is putting himself at risk to do so, but is looking to take the key entrusted to Nick by Aunt Marie.
    • Lena, a Spinnetod (spider Wesen) who has to consume the liquefied organs of three men every five years in order to not undergo rapid aging, who is clearly reluctant to do it. And the men she does choose are all jerks.
    • The villain (such as it is) in "The Bottle Imp". It's not the father, it's the daughter. She's 9 years old and is experiencing the first aspects of her Wesen side a few years early. Though much of it seems like she can't control it, when she's not consumed by her violent tendencies, she doesn't show much remorse either.
    • Adalind, as weird as it sounds. Since the episode Love Sick, where the quote at the start implies that her evilness towards other people is due to her mother's actions (and, most probably, her whole upbringing), she is revealed as Renard's Love Martyr, and Nick gives her, for the first time, a serious reason to be angry at him.
    • Before Krampus, there was El Cucuy. While Krampus was about Disproportionate Retribution, El Cucuy's victims were some pretty horrible scumbags.
    • Juliette goes insane. It's a serious Out Of Character moment for her to turn willingly evil, but she's corrupted over the course of a year until one REALLY horrifying moment makes her snap.
  • Anyone Can Die: By the end of Season Four King Frederick, Prince Kenneth, Kelly Burkhardt, and Juliette are all dead. Halfway through the series finale, Nick is the only one of the main cast still alive.
  • Appeal to Tradition: In-universe. Wesen have ancient cultures of their own and the more traditional often cling to rituals and conventions that range from charming to archaic to horrifying. Often used as a Take That! to analogous traditions in Real Life.
  • Arbitrary Skepticism: Even Wesen believe that Krampus is nothing but a myth told to children.

    Various Characters: Krampus is real?!?!

  • Armor-Piercing Question: Renard lands a pointed one in "A Dish Best Served Cold".

    Renard: Let me ask you something, Nick: what's really bothering you? The fact that you killed somebody, or the fact that you killed somebody who wasn't Wesen?

  • Artifact of Doom: The stick that was in the chest the keys unlocked. The first clue was the cloth it was wrapped in having several words that mean dangerous or the like written on it. Nick feels compelled to have it on his person at all times. He is able to resist it, for now. It knocked a dozen cops out when they tried to take it from him. It also made Eve scratch markings into a wall and prevent her from leaving until it was done.
  • Art Shift: Perhaps not an art shift per se, but the show definitely takes efforts to use color, lighting, shadow and other subtle visual elements to create a quasi-fairy tale/story book appearance within context of realistic visuals.
  • Asian and Nerdy: Sgt. Wu, who lampshades the trope.

    Nick: Can you see who he texted?
    Wu: Of course I can; I'm Asian.

  • Asshole Victim:
    • The Fuchsbau Lena murders at the start of "Tarantella".
    • This is the common trait of all the people killed by Marty Burgess
    • The attempted rapist Skalengeck Angelina kills in "Over My Dead Body".
    • The Klaustreich who stole Monroe's High School girlfriend and later slashed her face at the Prom. Monroe tells Nick that the police never got him, but he certainly did!
    • Not quite a victim in the same sense as above but the young bully Monroe shows his Game Face in order to scare on Halloween. On the upside, the kid has the best Halloween story ever.
    • Adrian Zayne from "The Hour of Death" is brutally tortured and killed by Ryan the Grimm-wannabe intern, but it is used to force him to confess to where he was keeping the young woman he'd kidnapped. His equally deserving partner also meets a similar but less justified end.
    • The Zeigevolk Lawyer in "One Angry Fuchsbau" is essentially chemically castrated by Nick and the group, permanently removing his ability to influence juries into letting killers back onto the street. When he realises they were responsible and tries to attack them, Nick promptly arrests him and gets him thrown into the cell next to his former client.
      • It's actually worse than that. Not only does his ability not work, it actually backfires if he tries to use it, causing people to get instantly repulsed by him.
    • The wesen of the week in "El Cucuy" is drawn to avenge neighborhoods victimized by crime. All of this one's "victims" are violent criminals.
  • Assassin Outclassin': The Reapers are killed by Nick.
    • This happens so often on Grimm that it would likely need its own page to document it. Nick, Hank, Munroe, Renard, and Meisner have each killed more than one assassin; Nick and Renard are probably each over a dozen by now.
    • Juliette was able to use her new Hexenbiest mojo to stab a manticore hitman to death with his own tail.
  • The Atoner: Monroe is implied to be one for his previous Big Bad Wolf days.
  • Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: Part of the premise of Season 5's "The Rat King."
  • Audience Surrogate: Several, but notably Wu. "Is Monroe his first name or his last name?" (Could also double as Lampshade Hanging)
  • Ax-Crazy: The two Wesen junkies in “Island of Dreams”.
    • Literally in the case of Endezeichen Grimms. Axes are one of the best weapons for lopping off heads
    • The Wesen bankrobbers in "Natural Born Wesen".
  • Babies Ever After: Babies who grow up and take up their parents places in protecting humanity. Babies who use the power of the freaking staff of Moses.
  • Back for the Finale:
    • Aunt Marie, as played by Kate Burton, is a guest star in the first two episodes. Burton as Marie returns in the series finale 6 years later.
    • Ditto for her sister Kelly Burkhart, who was killed in Season 4, but her spirit also returns to confront the last antagonist of the series, the Zerstorer.
  • Badass Boast:
    • Nick: "Next time, send your best." It's sent to the leader of the Reapers, along with the heads of two of his underlings.
    • Juliette: "Is that all you got?" Asked of Adalind right before she flees in terror, after a hexenbiest throwdown that Juliette wins handily.
  • Badass Adorable: Rosalee, Juliette and Adalind have their moments.
  • Badass Bookworm: Aunt Marie still fights off assassins while dying of cancer, and with knife scars on her entire body it's fair to assume that this is her typical MO. Profession: Librarian. Monroe repairs clocks, listens to obscure zither players, reads "Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire" for fun and, if push comes to shove, can rip a man's arm off.
  • Badass Family: Nick Burkhardt is the latest descendant of the Grimm family who have been hunting "storybook" monsters for generations. In "Tarantella", there's brief mention of a Grimm meeting an Asian doctor who shares their abilities so it may be that the Grimm family is simply the most well known or the name given to people like Nick.
    • It's pretty much stated in "Cold Blood" that the "Grimm" name became popularized by the titular brothers. Before that, they were called "Decapitare" (i.e. "decapitators", since that's their most common method of dispatching Wesen).
  • Badass Normal:
    • Hank. Once he's on board, he really kicks Wesen ass when he's off the books.
    • Juliette. Though she loses her normal status once she turns into a Hexenbiest
    • Wu. He put plenty of bullets into Wesen long before he hopped on board. He also (permanently?) loses his normal status after being scratched by a Lycanthrope
    • Meisner. He never woged and isn't a Grimm either, but kicks total ass against the royals and protects Adalind and her baby like a boss. He even is left as the sole survivor of the Portland HW cell and then singlehandedly wipes out the entire Black Claw squad sent to wipe them out, and is confirmed non-Wesen and non-Grimm by Renard before Bonaparte kills him
  • Bad Boss: In the Season 2 finale, Prince Eric has the Baron turn one of his underlings into a zombie apparently just for the lulz of it.
  • Bad Santa: The Krampus, based on the one from folklore which would arrive before Santa and punish naughty children. In this case, the naughty children were mostly delinquents and the punishment was eating them alive.
  • Back-to-Back Badasses: Nick and Monroe in "Last Grimm Standing". Didn't last long when the police arrived to arrest everyone involved in the underground gladiator games.
    • Nick and Meisner completely curbstomp the Wesen doctors who were dragging a hospitalized Trubel off to ICU to kill her in "The Rat King." Not bad, considering this was their first face-to-face meeting.
  • Bar Brawl: In the Season 3 premiere, Nick goes to a bar and beats up everyone.
  • Bathroom Break-Out: In "Eyes of the Beholder", when the teenage boy Hank is guarding learns his girlfriend has been kidnapped (by stealing Hank's phone), he gives Hank the slip by climbing out the bathroom window.
  • Batman Gambit: Stefania and Adalind set one up in "Good Night, Sweet Grimm" to eliminate Frau Pech.
  • Be Careful What You Wish For: In "Blond Ambition" Nick and Juliette both talk about how hard being a Grimm has made Nick's life and by extension, Juliette's. Sure enough, by the end of the episode, Adelind has stripped Nick's powers.
  • Beat Still, My Heart: The heart of Frau Pech when it is taken out of her body for a ritual.
  • Bed Trick: In "Blond Ambition" Adalind takes on Juliette's form and sleeps with Nick. It ends up taking his Grimm powers away. It also results in pregnancy.
  • Beethoven Was an Alien Spy:
    • Monroe implies that several Hollywood actors are Ziegevolk. NBC's website for the show outright states that Casanova, Frank Sinatra, and JFK were.
    • Monroe is pretty confident that Santa Claus is both real and not human; being a Gefrierengeber (German-ish for "freeze giver", would make him capable of living "up there". Nick doesn't elaborate for the viewers but seems to take the suggestion seriously.
    • Monroe suggests that the mouse creatures introduced in "Of Mouse and Man" are behind Disney - though he doesn't say the company name, he does his usual Take That! on the subject by bringing up "their cartoon thing". Or this could have been a more general reference to the common cartoon theme of mice outwitting and outfighting larger, stronger predatory antagonists.
    • An old film reveals Hitler was a Blutbad (wolf Wesen).
    • Steinadlers are described as being involved in the military; there is even a photo of a general included in the book, probably as an example.
    • Monroe states in "Big Feet" that Thoreau, Emerson, and (Edward) Abbey were Wildermann.
    • Jeffery Dahmer was a Wendigo
    • In "Kiss of the Muse", one of Nick's books reveals that Rachel, the prostitute that Van Gogh infamously cut his ear off for, was a Musai and the source of both his inspiration and mental health problems. Even Monroe says "I'm just reading what it says here".
    • Rasputin was a Koschie, a Russian Wesen with healing abilities that make them notoriously hard to kill.
    • Rudyard Kipling was a Grimm. As he wrote an entry in one of Nick's family journals, he may be related to Nick.
    • Jack the Ripper was an evil spirit who possessed people who temporarily died and Came Back Wrong. It does the same thing to Renard after his temporary death.
  • Belligerent Sexual Tension: Between Nick and Adalind throughout their association with one another. Most prominant in season 5 when they begin living together to raise their son.
  • Benevolent Monsters: Most Wesen are harmless law abiding citizens. In fact, some are ridiculously harmless, like Eisbibers and Mauzhertz who tend to be quite docile and quiet. Although, there are some species that lean toward being Always Chaotic Evil.
  • Better to Die than Be Killed: Inverted, as Ariel Eberhart's plan for her father is for him to be honorably killed in combat rather than die of old age.
  • Betty and Veronica: Rosalee (Betty) and Angelina (Veronica) seemed to be this to Monroe, although with Angelina's death, the choice seems to have been made for Monroe.
  • Beware the Nice Ones:
    • Two examples within the Seelengut, a sheep-type creature. Typically they are meek and fearful. However when they get into a mob mentality they take down a Blutbad. The second example is the Blutbad being thrown to the mob by his accomplice, another Seelengut, who then runs off with the money she and the Blutbad embezzled.
    • Also, Nick. He's one of the nicest Grimms out there, but he's racked up quite a bodycount of people who've tried to kill him including several assassins who knew he was a Grimm. He also really doesn't like it when people go after his friends.
    • Monroe. He's a mild-mannered clock maker who loves to eat organic. But look the wrong way at his girlfriend Rosalee...
  • BFG: Among Aunt Marie's many weapons is a triple-barrel elephant gun. Its purpose is to kill Ogres. Interestingly, it's relatively realistic (the third, underslung barrel is far smaller than the other two). It still has a massive recoil, hurling Monroe backwards and flying out of his hands when he fired it.
  • Big Damn Heroes: The whole Grimm gang arrives just in time to save Monroe from being executed by the Wesenrein tribunal.
  • Big "NO!": In "Law of Sacrifice" Adalind has one when she realizes that her baby Diana has been taken away. It's so big it blows out every car window on the street.
    • Adalind again in "Bad Luck", when she finds out she's pregnant with Nick's baby.
    • Nick when he discovers that his mother has been killed by the Royals.
  • Bigger on the Inside: In the exterior shots, the trailer looks pretty small. But during the interior shots, it's huge!
  • Bilingual Bonus:
    • A lot of the Wesen names are derived from German. No wonder, considering who the Grimms themselves are named after.
    • Tagalog was used throughout "Mommy Dearest" when the episode tries to explain the background of the Aswangs.
    • In "Organ Grinder" the kidnappers work at the Folter Clinic, the Dutch word for torture.
  • Binding Ancient Treaty: There is a treaty between the Wesen Council and the Grimms to deal with certain situations. When Nick showed scientific evidence the Graussen was not a demon or spirit, but a parasite that could be destroyed through exposing the host to extreme cold, he added that the boy infected by this was not to be touched by the Council, citing the treaty as his justification. The representative agreed and took the report back.
  • Birds of a Feather: Rosalee and Monroe. Rosalee is a rehabilitated drug addict who's cleaned up her act. Monroe himself is also a rehabilitated Blutbad. Both seem to have mellow subdued personalities whilst remaining fiercely loyal to their kind. They both even decorate in a warmly antique style.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing:
    • Lucinda in "Happily Ever Aftermath" is also The Sociopath according to Spencer.
    • Also the bad guy in “Good Shepherd”.
  • Bittersweet Ending:
    • Season 4 finale, HOLY CRAP. Bad News is, Juliette is in critical condition, possibly dead, and officially / permanently divorced from Nick. And Nick's mom died. Good News is, the war between the Royals and everyone else FINALLY turns around when it turns out that Diana doesn't give a SHIT about her grandfather. Meisner (her new stepdad and leader of La Résistance) reveals himself and pushes King Frederick out of the helicopter; "Down with the king" indeed".
    • Not to be outdone, Season 5 ends with the Hadrian's Wall cell in Portland almost completely wiped out, leaving Black Claw in charge of the city, especially with Renard as the mayor. Meisner is dead, and Nick has just killed a precinct full of Wesen cops, leaving him a lot of explaining to do. Eve/Juliette is either dying or reverting back to her human self. All of Nick's allies are either dead or on the run. Even the Wesen Council is no longer a factor, having been eliminated early in the season. On the bright side, Conrad Bonaparte is dead at Renard's hand (guided by Diana for slapping Adalind around), who is now in league with Black Claw and may well take over their leadership.
  • Bizarre Alien Biology: Some of the Wesen.
    • "The Thing With Feathers" features a bird-like woman that makes a gold "stone/egg" in her neck; the stone shatters like glass with impact.
    • "Endangered" centers around the Glühenvolk, which resemble "gray aliens", but emit a lovely blue bioluminescence. To prevent premature labor, pregnant females have to eat increasing quantities of cow ovaries.
    • Female Spinnetods must consume the liquified innards of male humans or Wesen every five years to "molt", or else their appearance rapidly becomes withered and aged.
    • Naiads have to immerse themselves in water at least once every two days, or they die of severe dehydration. Also, their males are all sterile, so the females have to mate with human males to reproduce.
  • Black-and-Grey Morality: The Blutbaden / Bauerschwein feud. The Bauerschwein have good reason to be upset: Blutbaden have targeted them for violent acts for centuries, which even continues to modern times, and is not helped by The Masquerade limiting their ability to respond in kind, but the two episodes where Bauerschwein decided to fight back have them targeting people that are, if not completely unconnected, at best tangentially related to the conflict and had the gall to demand Nick support their vendetta.
  • Black Comedy: A mild one but Monroe brings up a family reunion during an episode. He goes on to mention that two cousins and a sheepdog ended up dead. Of course, no one missed the cousins.
  • Black Eyes of Evil: What wesen see when they look at a Grimm while woged. According to Monroe and Rosalee, the Grimm's eyes become pits of infinite darkness where the wesen nature is reflected back at the viewer. Monroe and Rosalee get uncomfortable just talking about it. Sunglasses block the effect.
  • Blade Below the Shoulder:
    • The vambrace Nick uses against the Gelumcaedus has a spring-loaded blade that pops up in a clear Shout-Out to Assassin's Creed. Some of Nick's moves (e.g. rolling over a bent-over enemy to strike another) are also eerily similar to those made by Assassins.
    • The vambrace shows up again in the fourth season finale, Cry Havoc, with another Shout-Out to Assassin's Creed, this time specifically to Assassin's Creed: Unity, when Nick uses it to kill Kenneth, by stabbing him very slowly in the neck, reminiscent of the way Arno dispatches François-Thomas Germain in the finale.
  • Blessed with Suck:
    • Various wesen are usually this and/or Cursed with Awesome, depending on which group they come from and how much they're capable of controlling/how much they indulge their more monstrous instincts and traditions.
    • Spinnetods. Spider-like beings who are super-strong, super-agile and capable of regenerating any severed limb or appendage. Oh, and they must feed on three human or Wesen males every five years, or they suffer massive rapid-aging. Charlotte, a Spinnetod who refuses to feed, appears to be around seventy years old, when in fact, she's actually twenty-six. The two mature female Spinnetods we see seem very reluctant to perform their kills—while being required to kill in one of the most grotesque ways we've seen all season.
  • "Blind Idiot" Translation:
    • Much pain and unintended hilarity for German speakers. Starts with simple grammar fail like using adjectives as nouns or wrongly cobbled-together compound words, and ends with completely nonsensical/unintelligible words or horrible dictionary slips (e.g. the supposed 'bee queen' is called "bee gay [person]").
      • You know you did bad job when the version being aired in Germany changes vast majority of the supposedly German terms to make them less ridiculous.
    • Monroe tries to speak German a few times. Although what he says is comprehensible, he uses weird forms, and his grammar is over the place. This leads to a little Fridge Brilliance when he translates German: It is hard to say something in a language you don't know too well, but translating from that language to a language that you DO know well is considerably easier. "Mr. Sandman" has a good example of him struggling with a wesen name he hasn't encountered before but otherwise able to translate the rest into English.
      • It's also been established that Monroe is at least a second or third generation immigrant, which leads to Truth in Television as infrequent use of non-English languages outside the household can dramatically diminish the opportunity to practice those languages.
  • Blonde, Brunette, Redhead: The Naiad sisters in "One Night Stand": Sara (blonde), Elly (brunette) and Anna (redhead).
  • Blood Knight:
    • Manticores have a tendency to become soldiers in any era they live in. They are strong, dangerous warriors and with lacking any fear of death, makes them all the more dangerous.
    • The Taureus-Armenta are stubborn, bullheaded (literally) Wesen who are on the front lines of every major battle. Like Manticores, they are not afraid to die.
  • Blood Magic:
    • Just so you're sure she’s evil, Adalind is shown using this in a cookie of all things.
    • An example of this being used for good is when Rosalee uses some of Nick's blood to break the infatuation between Juliet and Renard.
    • In the episode named for this trope, it's shown that blood can also be used to open gateways to alternate worlds using a mirror.
  • Bloody Murder: The blood of a Grimm is poisonous to Hexenbiests. This is an odd case though, seeing as it doesn’t so much kill the victim so much as it kills their power.
  • Blue-and-Orange Morality: A borderline case. While Wesen typically do a good job of masking their presence by living according to human society's rules, many of them have deeply ingrained instincts and traditions which are at odds with human laws. This sometimes crosses over with simple Gray-and-Gray Morality.
  • Bodyguard Betrayal: Averted. When the cops were no longer watching Marie, Nick asked Monroe to keep an eye on Marie, despite knowing Monroe's dislike, hatred, and fear of Marie for what she and the previous Grimms did to his kind and other Wesen. When pointing this out to Nick, Nick replies Monroe is the only person Nick can trust with this. So despite his deep anger at the old woman and the fact that he could have tried to kill her in the hospital bed, he did keep his word to protect her from two thugs.
  • Body Horror: The show seems to delight in doing this. Deaths tend to be very unpretty, and some of the things they face are equally so.
    • The murders in "Beeware." Being injected with fifty milligrams of bee venom does not make for a pretty corpse. Also, the half-transformed creatures often aren't nice looking.
    • In "Island of Dreams", Sgt. Wu eats some cookies that weren't meant for him...and his face breaks out in huge boils. Even worse are his hallucinations, where he sees Nick, Monroe, and Rosalee's faces melt off.
    • "Danse Macabre" starts with someone being viciously attacked by a horde of rats in his car, and we end up seeing a glorifying shot of his bloody and partially-eaten body, still seated in his car.
    • "Skin Deep" managed to do this in two ways. The first was the Wesen crook of the week sucked up a creamy substance from his victims' faces, and said victims then succumbed to Rapid Aging. The cream itself was used by a doctor on his patients to make them look younger, but it was also addictive and he used it on himself; the cream eventually turned his face monstrous and then killed him.
  • Book Ends: The pilot episode begins with a victim listening to "Sweet Dreams" by the Eurythmics before being killed. The ending of the episode has Nick stopping Adalind from killing Aunt Marie, but being injected by the needle's contents meant for his aunt. As he falls unconscious, he sees Adalind's hag face as she escapes, with Marilyn Manson's cover of "Sweet Dreams" playing.
  • Boomerang Bigot: Ryan the intern is revealed to be a wannabe Grimm who worships Nick and believes all Wesen must be destroyed. He himself is a Lebensauger, a lamphrey-like Wesen. Justified as Lebensauger are said to suffer from intense self-loathing and are shunned by other Wesen due to their "hideous appearance", causing them to adopt other personas.
  • Bounty Hunter: A Manticore shows up in an episode, fulfilling kill contracts set up by the Wesen Council, usually against Wesen who continually violate The Masquerade. He kills them with his sting, then takes a picture with his tablet and sends it to the Council for a reward. The Council eventually puts out a hit on Nick for interfering with their affairs, only for the hunter to try to use Juliette as bait, not knowing that she has become a powerful Hexenbiest, who kills him with his own sting.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: Hank falls victim to this thanks to evil mind control cookies from Adalind.
    • The Coins of Zakynthos do this, giving the person who holds them delusions of grandeur, charismatic influence over others and an obsessive need to possess them. They are explicitly mentioned as being the reason for it the rise of several tyrannical Roman Emperors as well as the Third Reich. We even get a glimpse of this in action when Hank and Renard briefly come into contact with them and begin Putting on the Reich.
    • Also the power of a frog-eating Ziegvolk can have this effect on people, especially women. So far we haven’t seen anyone do anything violent at a Ziegvolk's request, but they were certainly doing things they never would have done otherwise.
  • Bring My Brown Pants: Monroe mentions that some wesen would attempt this on non-wesen during Halloween. No prize for guessing how they might try to accomplish that.
  • Broken Masquerade: As of "Bad Moon Rising" Hank is in on the secret. It's a relief to him.
    • Almost happens in "Natural Born Wesen". The Wesen Council is... not pleased.
    • As of "The Waking Dead" Juliette figures it out and takes it rather well.
    • Nick and Hank finally come clean to Wu in "Wesenrein." It remains to be seen how well he'll adapt.
  • Brought Down to Normal: Apparently a Grimm’s blood has the power to do this to Hexenbiest, turning them completely human. Adalind ends up learning this the hard way.
    • This happens to Nick in the Season 3 finale, courtesy of Adalind.
    • Nick later suggests doing the same thing to Juliette, only to be told that for various reasons the same method will not work.
  • Buddy Cop Show: Twice over, no less. Hank is Nick's partner on the muggle side, while Monroe helps with the creature stuff.
    • As of Season Two, thrice over, as Renard is Nick's partner on most things that the other two don't cover.
  • Bullying the Dragon: The main plot of Dance Macabre, which is fitting seeing as the episode was based on The Pied Piper.
  • Busman's Holiday: Poor Monroe. He gets up the nerve to ask Rosalee out on a date and ends up getting sucked into crazy Grimm/Wesen business. To boot, it happens as a Moment Killer just before kissing Rosalee. And later, when Monroe and Rosalee are talking, he gets a call from Nick which prompts Rosalee to Lampshade that if it's from Nick, it must be a life or death situation.
    • Inversion; Nick's worried his being best man and a Grimm will ruin Monroe and Rosalie's wedding so he goes to their house and they immediately assume it's a Wesen problem.
  • But for Me, It Was Tuesday: Nick has to remind his mother that she was the one to kill the mother of Adalind, the woman she is now protecting, a few months back. Nick's mom had forgotten about that.
  • Butt-Monkey: Officer (Sergeant) Drew Wu has been this almost since the beginning. Originally as a minor character he was just the first on the scene who would be mildly sickened by the Wesen events, but as time went on he became the victim of most everything possible. He was trapped in a Freezer to avoid Zombies, he got infected with hives and more from eating a love spell cookie meant for someone else, the cure for the love spell curse was nearly as bad as he unconsciously began picking things up and eating them like paper clips and screws or eating the stuffing from his couch pillows like popcorn and tearing holes in his carpet to eat the carpeting, before he learned of the reality of Wesen he faced the real version of his childhood fear the Aswang and was driven over the edge which ended up with him in a looney bin for a while, he frequently gets attacked by Wesen and knocked out now that he knows about them, and most recently he was scratched by a Lycanthrope and may end up being transformed into a Wesen himself.
  • By the Eyes of the Blind: Grimms are the only humans who can see wesen woge, unless the wesen deliberately goes full woge where anyone can see. In "The Last Fight" an eye exam reveals that Nick has some sort of mutant cone structure in his eyes similar to tetrachromatism, which is implied to be the source of a Grimm's special vision. In Nick's case swelling is blocking the structures, preventing them from receiving light, as a result of Adalind removing Nick's powers.
  • Bystander Syndrome: Monroe tries so hard to stay out of Nick's investigations... but it seems that he just can't. After "Of Mouse and Man", the Reapers basically reverse Monroe's stance on the matter instead of warning him off as they intended.
  • Call-Back: The Grimm Nick and Hank read about in "To Protect and Serve" initially though he was tracking a Wildermann.
    • One of the first things we see Monroe doing early on is "marking his territory" against the side of his house. In "Big Feet" this actually causes the police dogs tracking his friend to be thrown off the trail.
    • Monroe is seen doing Pilates in "El Cucuy", which was one of the things to which he attributed his self-control in Season 1.
      • Pilar, the Hispanic lady that tells about El Cucuy is the same woman that helped Juliette during her memory trouble during "La Llorona."
    • In the Season 3 episode "A Dish Served Cold", Nick notes this isn't the first time a Bauerschwein's killed Blutbad. note 
    • In the Season 3 finale "Blond Ambition" Monroe and Rosalee recount the events surrounding their first meeting in Season 1's "Island of Dreams."
    • The Season 6 episode "Blind Love" doubles down with Nick recounting the territory marking as well as the broken window that follows, as well as Monroe and Rosalee again recounting the brick event.
  • Came Back Wrong: Renard. It turns out that, when you die and are brought back by a Hexenbiest, something can hitch a ride back to the world of the living.
  • Cannibal Larder: One episode features a race of wendigo who keep their leftovers hidden somewhere under their homes. Nick falls into a crawlspace filled with gnawed bones and scraps of decaying flesh.
  • Can't Get Away with Nuthin': Nick was warned by Adalind in "Beeware" that he needs to protect her or else his reputation will be called into question if Nick allows her to die on his watch.
  • Cardboard Box of Unemployment:
    • Invoked in "Fugitive". Detective Hank and Sergeant Wu return to the precinct to keep tabs on the search for Nick, only for Officer Franco to inform them that Captain Renard is on the warpath. Hank notes that it "looks like he's cleaning out his office." The next shot of the interior of Renard's office reveals that he's got a bankers box on the console next to his desk, which has been emptied of his [sparse] personal effects.
    • Happens two episodes later in "Oh Captain, My Captain," when Captain Renard has demanded Detective Hank and Sergeant Wu's resignations for their role in arresting him for the murder of Rachel Wood. Both Hank and Wu are shown with bankers boxes on their desks, and later announce to Nick that they are "officially unemployed." It doesn't stick, seeing as Nick gets them their jobs back by the end of the episode.
  • Cassandra Truth: The Wesen in "Happily Ever Aftermath" confesses to being able to shatter his victims' eardrums, eyes, and nasal cavities with his sonic abilities, causing Hank to roll his eyes and tell him that playing the crazy card is not going to get him out of a trial.
    • The main theme of "Cry Luison", which is fitting seeing as it's based on the fable "The Boy Who Cryed Wolf".
  • Cats Are Mean: Klaustreich are alley cat-like Wesen with a reputation for being dangerous jerks.
    • Of the five (well, four, as one is a gene-spliced oddity) leonine Löwen who've appeared on the show, the males are aggressive, violent, and controlling. The lone female may be an aversion—she comes across as strong-willed and competent instead of vicious and domineering.
  • Chekhov's Armoury: Aunt Marie's trailer, which packs a literal armory of the various weapons, tools, and research material she and the rest of the Grimms used in their long history of fighting monsters.
  • Chekhov's Gun:
    • "Sweet Dreams" by the Eurythmics is playing on the iPod of the first victim in the pilot. Later, the killer begins absentmindedly humming it front of the cops, tipping them off. Marilyn Manson's cover of the song later plays during the pilot's Cliffhanger.
    • Juliet asks Nick to boil some water she'd set on the stove. When she gets home and finds Nick beaten by Stark the Siegbarste, she runs into the kitchen to get a weapon to defend herself and Nick, and the only thing she can get her hands on is the water that Nick had set to boil, so she scalds Stark by throwing the water over him.
    • Occasionally a throwaway line by Monroe will be referenced later in the episode as a way to beat the creature of the week.
    • In the episode "Lonelyhearts", Nick's partner is shown carefully placing a tracker on the monster of the week's car, only for it to go for a walk instead. Originally this seems to be played for laughs, but then in the end when the monster tries to escape by driving to another state, as he has every other time he is close to being caught, they can track him.
    • Rosalee's box cutter. Just before Freddy's murderers return to the apothecary she is shown using it to sift through boxes attempting to find herbs wesen will kill to get their hands on. When one of the murderers grab her she frees herself by jamming the box cutter into his arm.
    • In "Leave it to Beavers" there is a Chekhov's Crossbow that Nick uses to kill a Reaper.
  • Chekhov's Gunman:
    • The first Wesen Nick sees, Adalind, is working with the forces attempting to kill off Marie, and almost succeeds at the end of the pilot.
    • Ryan, the intern during the first half of Season 2, turns out to be a mentally ill Wesen who is trying to imitate Grimms by killing Wesen.
  • Chekhov's Skill: Ariel's fire-breathing act, which ends with her eating fire. It hints at the fact that she's actually fireproof, which comes into play at the end of the episode when she fakes her death.
    • Monroe's expertise on clocks.
    • Rosalee's former experience running an apothecary shop with her parents.
    • When first learning to fire a pistol Juliette is revealed to be a natural markswoman. In "Face Off" Nick knows that she wasn't shooting to kill because she would have hit what she was aiming at. Also serves as a Call-Back.
  • Christmas Episode: "Twelve Days of Krampus" in Season 3, "The Grimm Who Stole Christmas" in Season 4.
  • The Chosen One: Several people believe that Adalind's baby might be one, though for good or bad could go either way. In "Law of Sacrifice" Monroe snarks the trope name in passing.
  • Circus of Fear: The Carnival Metamorphosia pretends to be one but really they're just wesen performers trying to get by, for the most part.
  • City of Adventure: It's amazing how many Wesen there are in Portland. Drew Wu even lampshades it over the series, such as his definition of "Portlandesque" murder as a weird murder in "Chupacabra".
  • Cliffhanger: All seasons so far have ended with one.
    • Season 1 ends with Juliette being put in the hospital, unconscious due to a curse.
    • The one for Season 2 really takes the cake. Nick is hit with Baron Samedi's venom and the episode closes with him in the "death" phase of the poisoning, as Eric closes the coffin on him.
    • Also, for the Season 3 Episode, The Wild Hunt, Monroe and his parents just have a huge fight with Rosalee and not approving of her being a Fuschbau. A few minutes later, Nick appears to ask advice relating to the case, only for Monroe's parents freaking out that he's a Grimm! They prepare to fight each other and...the screen fades to black.
  • Cloud Cuckoo Landers Minder: Rosalee showed snippets of being this many times.

    Monroe: Last family reunion, we lost 2 cousins and a sheepdog. [No one missed] the cousins...
    Rosalee: Yeah, yeah...

  • Come with Me If You Want to Live: A very mild version of this happens in “Plumed Serpent”.
  • Conceive and Kill: The Spinnetods do this on account of their rapid aging, meaning that they have to become pregnant quickly so that the lineage doesn't die out.
  • Connect the Deaths: The Season 5 episode "Star-Crossed" features a Wesen serial killer who ritualistically crucifies his Kehrseite victims. Mapped out, the kills follow the shape of the big dipper.
  • Conspicuously Public Assassination: Two Wesen are killed while being perp-walked in a police station in front of TV news cameras. The Wesen broke an ancient compact and their actions threatened to expose the existence of Wesen to the human public. The assassination was a message that these types of actions would not be tolerated.
    • It's stated at the end of the episode that such displays are necessary about once a generation to keep the other Wesen in line. Oh, and the assassin was a human hired gun.
  • Continuity Nod:

    Nick: "Does anything not end in death?!"

    Rosalee: "Um...Not really."

    Monroe: "Not that I know of."

    —S2 E13 - Face Off

  • Contrived Coincidence: In "Quill", the infected park ranger from the detectives' case just so happens to come to the woods at the same time Munroe and Rosalee are having a picnic there.
  • Cool Car: Midway through Season One, Nick and Hank switch from a Ford Crown Victoria to a Dodge Charger.
    • In a subversion of sorts, Nick's daily drive is a Toyota Land Cruiser station wagon. YMMV though, as it's the cousin of the indestructible Hilux pickup.
  • Cornered Rattlesnake: Back an animal or a person into a corner and push them beyond endurance and they will become violent no matter how timid they may be. Demonstrated with the supposedly cowardly Mouse in 1x09.
  • Crazy-Prepared: Aunt Marie was prepared with certain rare items and weapons for any supernatural threat.
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: Which would you prefer: having a gavel crammed down your throat or dying of an ugly anaphylactic shock via bee sting overdose?
    • Or being fed a corrosive substance and having your liquefied insides sucked out?
    • Being sliced in half (and living for a few moments afterwards) doesn't look fun either.
    • The Wesenrein typically kill those whom they've judged guilty by burning them at the stake... after the accused has been impaled on it.
  • Cruel Coyotes: The Coyote Wesen, the Coyotl's, have a reputation for being nasty, vicious bullies and predators, and are considered the Wesen equivalent of street gangs. Generally they live in large, insular packs composed of close family members, being hostile to all outsiders, and they hold the pack mentality to the point of murdering members who try to leave. Interbreeding is likewise common within packs, to the point of them having a ritual where following a new female's seventeenth birthday, all the male members of the pack will "induct" them on the night of the first full moon. Eating humans is likewise not unheard of, with a pack being able to strip grown men to the bones. However, there are Coyotl who at least try to break away from the packs and live normal lives, a good example being Hank's best friend Jarold Kampfer.
  • Cultured Badass:
    • Captain Renard enjoys nice wines, visiting galleries, and other high class events, but can kick just as much ass as Nick.
    • Monroe can be called this too, given some of his hobbies.
  • Culture Justifies Anything: Black Claw's argument that sacred Wesen traditions are being stamped out by the Kershite loses some of its validity when one thinks about how said traditions generally involve killing and eating Kershite (as well as other Wesen) at the Wesen's leisure.
    • Its implied that some of the Black Claw leadership, like Bonaparte, don't actually care about Wesen culture, and just use this as a convenient rallying cry.
  • Curse Escape Clause: To undo Adalind's depowering spell on Nick, Nick must reenact the ritual she put him through in reverse. So where Adalind took Juliette's form to sleep with Nick, Juliette must take the form of Adalind and sleep with him.
  • Cute Monster Girl: Female Blutbaden get fangs and red eyes when they put on their Game Faces, but are otherwise much more human-looking than male Blutbaden. Same applies when we see a female Fuschbau. Hexenbeistes, on the other hand, not so much. YMMV on Mellifers, Spinnetods, and Daemonfeuer.
    • Special mention goes to Rosalee, who is by far the cutest female Wesen seen.
      • Bree Turner, the actress who portrays Rosalee, is recognized for her big brown eyes.
    • Angelina fit the bill too, being very tough, but very cute, and very easy to underestimate. Her return was one CMOA after another, until she was unfortunately shot and killed.
    • Averted in "Happily Ever Aftermath" so that you can't tell which one is the murderer.
  • The Cutie: Elly the Naiad. Also a
    • Cute Mute: Elly is practically this as she is deaf.
  • Cycle of Revenge: This is depicted and discussed A LOT. Related to Feuding Families below.
  • Convection, Schmonvection: When Nick fights a Daemonfeuer, he grabs a sheet of copper to shield himself from the flames... and somehow doesn't get his fingers scorched off by the superheated metal.
    • Soundly averted with the titular Magma Man in "Volcanis."
  • Damsel out of Distress: In "Plumed Serpent" Juliette is kidnapped by Ariel and she makes her escape by kicking and punching her. That instance is a Down Played Trope because she required someone else to untie her hands.
  • Dark Action Girl: Angelina and Adalind
  • Dark and Troubled Past:
    • Rosalee's led her into drug use and hanging with the wrong crowd. It also left her with a working knowledge of wesen street gangs in Portland and Seattle.
    • Theresa "Trubel" Rubel's takes the cake: She was adopted and never had anyone who knew about Grimms to explain things to her. She saw her first wesen woge as a small girl when her family's handyman tried to molest her and she stabbed him with a tool. Then a siegebarst murdered her adoptive parents while she watched helplessly. Then she was institutionalized when she tried to tell people what she saw. After that, she ran away and was forced to live on the streets, moving from town to town while hostile wesen randomly attacked her, not knowing why and doubting her own sanity the entire time. And this kept up all through her teenage years and into her early 20's, basically half her life, until she finally encountered Nick and the gang.
  • Dark Fantasy: Creatures which are the stuff of myths and no believed in living among humans and some doing harm to them when a protector arises to defend the unprepared muggles.
  • Dating What Daddy Hates: Traditional wesen do not approve of interspecies relationships. Specifically, Monroe's parents do not approve when they learn that Rosalee is a fuchsbau and that they're living together. Made worse by the fact that they only met her and found out after Monroe proposed to her.
  • A Day in the Limelight:
    • "Nameless" is this for Sergeant Wu, who puts his college education in English Literature and online gaming to good use.
    • A better example is "Mommy Dearest", the potential victim is Wu's friend from the Philippines, he recognises the Wesen and helps defeat it by being on scene and a good distraction. Also we finally learn his name.
  • Dead Animal Warning: After Monroe (a Blutbad) and Rosalee (a Fuchsbau) get married, a Wesen hate group protests their union by nailing the corpse of a fox (the animal Fuchsbau are based on) to her apothecary shop.
  • Dead Guy Junior: Nick's son is named "Kelly" in honor of Nick's recently killed mother.
  • Deadpan Snarker: It's quickly becoming a World of Snark.
    • Monroe, the first creature Nick suspects of attacking girls in the woods. He ends up helping Nick find the actual creature in question, another of his kind.
    • Nick does so a little bit near the end of the second episode.

      Frank Rabe: It isn't easy to give up your history. You haven't had to give up yours.
      Nick: Yeah, it's been lots of fun.

    • Captain Renard gets a chance too.

      Caller: Did you get your present?
      Renard: Where should I send a thank-you note?

    • Sergeant Wu gets one in most of his appearances, like in The Bottle Imp:

      Wu: I miss the old days when people just shot, stabbed and strangled each other.
      Hank: Why? What happened here?
      Wu: None of the above.

  • A Death in the Limelight: Oh, Angelina.

    Angelina: Damn.

  • Demonic Possession: A series of Jack the Ripper-style murders take place in Portland. It's eventually revealed that they were committed by Renard, or, rather, a spirit possessing him. Renard usually wakes up with blackouts and with his bullet wounds bleeding, not remembering a thing. Adalind explains that, if a person dies and is brought back by a Hexenbiest, like the Captain was, something from the other side can hitch a ride and, eventually, take complete control.
  • Destroy the Evidence: The fact that Nick is a police detective and a Grimm occasionally puts him on the wrong side of a case, e.g. if he ends up investigating the scene of a Grimm-Wesen takedown he was involved in.
    • Hank "lost" some bogus evidence to prevent a hitman from getting out on a technicality. Said hitman (Ogre) comes back with an agenda.
    • In the Season 2 opener, Nick discreetly steals his sidearm back from such a scene. He's later seen throwing it into a river, and using his backup when the FBI demands he hand over his gun for a ballistics check against a shell casing they found at the scene. It clears him, but one of the FBI agents investigating clearly says that something doesn't add up.
    • Renard swaps out his cell phone's memory card for a blank, effectively destroying the phone's evidence, after he lost it when he killed representatives of the Royal Families sent to force him to immediately acquire Nick's family's key and it was taken as evidence.
    • Angelina tries this after murdering a guy who was trying to rape her. Unfortunately for her, the guy was a Skalengeck who'd just been hired to do a certain job (kill Monroe) and his friends aren't far behind.
    • After fighting kill four Verrat footsoldiers in the Season 2 mid-finale, Nick and Monroe rob them of all wallets and ID. This doesn't sit well with Monroe, but it does help a little that about the only identification the police can go on are their Verrat tattoos.
    • At the start of Season 3, Renard steals the hard drive from "Tippy Canoe"'s surveillance system, to hide Nick's involvement in the bar fight.
    • In the season six premiere the Grimmsters have to dispose of a whole MESS of Black Claw corpses from Nick's loft and the spice shop.
  • Destructive Romance: Monroe and Angelina's relationship was depicted as this in Episode Six of Season 1 with her presence pushing him to fall off the wagon.
  • Destructo-Nookie: Subverted with Juliette and Renard. It looks like they're going this way, then they start fighting, then they start going for it again... until she empties her handgun at the walls and ceiling around him and he runs out before the cops come.
  • Did Not Die That Way: Nick discovers that his parents' car crash 15(ish) years prior wasn't an accident, but rather an assassination. He also later finds out that his mother is still alive.
  • Did Not See That Coming:
    • Most wesen when they first meet Nick and realize he is a Grimm have between this and terrified reaction. Bonus points for it being worse when they also realize he's a cop.
    • In "El Cucuy," we get an example when both Nick and the culprit get this. El Cucuy is shocked to see the nice cop she just met is a Grimm. And Nick is shocked to find out the sweet old lady he was bringing in to question is a Serial-Killer Killer.
    • The representative of the Wesen Council didn't see Nick giving him scientific evidence about the Graussen, and then releasing him from being questioned. When he returns and reports to a leader in the council about Nick and his actions, both agree he is something new and should be watched.
  • Didn't Think This Through: Graydon Ostler certainly talked big game, and was unshakably confident in his murder method being impossible to prosecute. What he didn't seem to consider is what would happen if word got out: Monroe tells his Blutbaden friends, who tell their friends, who tell their friends, until every Blutbad in Portland was snarling for Ostler's blood. He was certainly lucky that the angry mob that surrounded him was in on Nick's plan to get a confession out of him, or he'd have been pulled pork.
  • Did We Just Have Tea with Cthulhu?: Most Wesen have this reaction to meeting Nick. Monroe and Rosalee have it to meeting Nick's mom.
  • Diplomatic Back Channel: Nick and The Wessen Counciloften use Monroe and Rosalee, two wessens who have befriended Nick, as go betweens. Officially, Grimms and the Wessen Council are mortal enemies, but sometimes their interests align. Nick and the Head of the Council never communicate directly, however.
  • Dirty Cop: In the Wesenrein arc Officer Acker is part of the hate group. When Nick and company kill a majority of the members in taking them down, including the real leader, they pin the entire group's actions on a cult led by Officer Acker.
    • Strictly speaking, the show's protagonists are this. They are cops who frequently operate outside the law, administer vigilante justice without due process or trial, plant evidence, and file false reports. Granted, there are no laws for dealing with supernatural fairytale creatures committing crimes.
    • The North Precient is full of Black Claw sympathizers. Most of them were wiped out when Hank, Wu, Trubel and Eve raided it to secure Nick.
  • Disability Superpower: When Nick was blinded by a Wesen attack in Season 2, his other senses compensate by being ramped up several levels. The upgrade stays with him even after he's cured.
    • While not a clear example, being temporarily zombified by Baron Samedi allows Nick to have a much greater control over his metabolism. This is shown when he goes for a vigorous jog, and Juliette notes that he hasn't even broken a sweat.
    • In "One Night Stand" his zombie powers slow his metabolism enough that he's able to survive underwater for an extended period.
  • Does This Remind You of Anything?:
    • In "Three Bad Wolves", Monroe's ex-girlfriend suggests that Monroe let his wild side out and offers him a drink.
    • Played simultaneously for laughs and drama in the Season 1 finale. When Nick tries to explain Wesen and Grimms to Juliette he sounds like a rabid fan trying to explain his favorite TV show to someone who never watched the show and is not a fan of the genre. He gets bogged down explaining small details and fails to realize that the other person does not have the same enthusiasm as he is not convinced of the basic premise. Naturally by the end the other person thinks that he has gone off his rocker.
    • Woging is occasionally discussed in ways that can be construed as sexual, with Monroe and Rosalee giggling while swapping stories about their "first times" and Bud talking about how he can't just "perform" on cue and lamenting that he woged prematurely after getting scared.
  • The Dog Bites Back:
    • Or rather, the mouse bites back—with some fairly disturbing results.
    • Or rather "herd" when a group of Seelengut (sheep-beings) go after one person with a mob mentality.
    • It's indicated that Blutbaden and Bauerschwein have a long, violent history with each other, with Blutbaden historically hunting, killing, and eating Bauerschwein. However, Bauerschwein have started to push back in recent times, including one who rigs their houses to explode, and a whole group who serve Blutbaden poisonous mushrooms. The former even notes that it was the first time any Bauerschwein went after a Blurbed.
  • The Dog Was the Mastermind: In "El Cucuy" the wesen of the week was a 77 year old woman who changes into a powerful monster to hunt down evil doers. When the person is caught by Nick when he saw El Cuycuy killing the last victim, the wesen just smiled and claimed on the police record they were there to help and got blood on the clothes because of that. She got away with it too.
  • Doing In the Wizard: Zigzagged to hell and back. While there is sometimes a semi-naturalistic explanation for the odd abilities exhibited by wesen (excandescoes producing excess white phosphorus within their bodies to fuel their pyromancy, Grimms having extra cones in their eyes to see things others can't, siegbarstes possessing congenital analgesia and thick bones, a dämonfeuer's fiery Breath Weapon being the result of a complex chemical reaction between stomach juices and their fat-rich diet), but just as many obviously supernatural occurrences will take place that do not have one, such as Jewish prayers summoning a golem, hexenbiest spells and telekinesis, and the general question of where all that mass goes when a wesen woges.
  • Domestic Abuse:
    • One of Juliette's friends leaves her abusive husband and comes to stay with Juliette and Nick to get away from him. It turns out that the friend is a fuchsbau and her domestic abuser husband is a klaustreich. Nick tries unsuccessfully to talk the guy down over the phone:

      Nick: I am not speaking to you as a cop ...yet.

    • Klaustreich tend to be irresistible to women but also have a nasty reputation of mistreating them. In "The Thing With Feathers" a klaustreich is married to a seltenvogel, bird wesen, but he keeps her a virtual prisoner and is only interested in harvesting the extremely valuable golden egg growing in her throat.
    • In "One Angry Fuchsbau" Don Nidaria, a Lowen, is seen being violent and furious when his wife Katherine, a Mauzhertz, didn't wear her black dress to a party. Then he kills her by throwing her off the balcony of their mansion.
    • In "Dyin' on a Prayer," a mother and son survive multiple home invasions by her ex-husband and his brother, both Siegbarstes.
  • Don't Go in the Woods: Ties into the entire mythos of Grimm fairytales that ominous activity happens in the woods. You can guess where most of the drama happens in this show.
  • Double Standard Rape: Female on Male: Averted with Max, a one-off character from "The Show Must Go On" who suffers from uncontrollable woges. When two women start trying to undress him against his wishes, the show clearly shows their behaviour as wrong and plays out the same way it would have had the genders been reversed, and they both end up dead as a result (though Max still seems to feel guilty for it... but so would anyone).
  • Double Standard: Rape, Sci-Fi:
    • Downplayed concerning Adalind and Hank after she uses a near-fatal Love Potion on him. Hank specifically voices his belief she roofied him, and is understandably annoyed enough to not want anything else to do with her, but besides a concerned comment from Juliette no one acts like it was a big deal, and is quickly dropped without much more comment (later comments tend to stress the attempted murder part more than the rape part). After Adalind has her child taken away, though, Hank is notably the only one who doesn't show an ounce of sympathy towards her.
    • In "Blond Ambition", Nick sleeps with Juliette without realizing that it was actually Adalind, who took a shapeshifting potion to impersonate Juliette. The fact that Nick legitimately thought he was having sex with someone else means that Adalind did not obtain proper consent. Everyone seems to agree that what she did was very wrong (though moreso because it causes Nick to be Brought Down to Normal), both Nick and Juliette are disturbed by it, and Adalind actually going so far as to gloat about it to Juliette's face casts her as detestable (it's also worth noting that Adalind proceeds to get her ass handed to her on a silver platter as she didn't anticipate Juliette becoming a powerful Hexenbiest). However, at no point is it ever specifically acknowledged that what Adalind did to Nick constitutes an act of rape, and the show ultimately concludes with Nick entering a romantic relationship with Adalind, albeit only after considerable Character Development and a bona-fide Heel–Face Turn on her part.
  • Double Tap: The idea behind the Doppelarmbrust, the two-shot crossbow sometimes used by Nick. The first shot would be laced with a sedative such as hellebore, while the second delivers a fatal dose of hemlock.
  • Draconic Humanoid: The Damonfeuers are dragon-like Wesen (not fire demons) who live up to most of the classical dragon tropes like breathing fire, hoarding treasure and kidnapping damsels, but are human-sized and walk on two legs.
  • Dramatic Irony: Nick and the Grimm gang have absolutely no idea that Captain Renard has a key to Nick's trailer, although the audience has known it since the middle of Season 2.

    Hank: Do you think we should bring the Captain here?
    Nick: No.

  • The Dreaded: Grimms have a nasty reputation among all Wesen and merely being in the presence of a Grimm can cause some of the meeker ones to go into panic mode. For the Grimms that have gone up against the more nastier aspects of Wesen society such as that featured in "Organ Grinder" on a regular basis, their cynical mentality is perhaps justified/rationalized in their minds simply due to the infrequent instances of running into people like Hap and Monroe.
    • The Grimms are even the monsters of Wesen fairytales.

    Monroe: You're the monster under the bed! [...] You're not real! You're a scary story we tell our kids! Be good or a Grimm will come and cut your head off...

    • The Endezeichen Grimms are even worse. They are the torture technicians of the Grimm world, who loathe Wesen with a burning passion and their entire goal is simply to kill everyone; but not before ritually branding them and dismembering their limbs, fingers, testicles, etc. Compared to them, the Grimms who cut off heads are downright cuddly!
    • Furthermore, given their similar methods and outfits, it's subtly implied that the Reapers were created as a reaction to the Endezeichen Grimms.
    • The Wildsheer are dreaded among the dreaded. In Wesen fairy tales, these are the ones who kill Grimms. They are nigh-invulnerable juggernauts. According to Monroe's father, the fact the came back is a portent for a great change or evil to come.
  • Dropped a Bridge on Him: Kelly is jumped off screen, beaten and decapitated without a fight.
  • Due to the Dead:
    • In 'Over My Dead Body" Monroe honors Angelina in the traditional Blutbad way, which seems to involve burying the dead under a pile of rocks in the woods.
    • The Beati Paoli strongly believe in this and, as wesen radicals, will attack any who desecrates tombs or steals Wesen artifacts. In "Once We Were Gods" shows their deep hatred at the ancient Egyptian pharaohs because for how to ensure the Pharaoh became one of the gods, they would torture and drug Anubis-shaped Wesen so they remained woged after death, so the form holds when they mummify them. In the end Nick and Hank allow Alexander of the Wesen Council keep the stolen mummified wesen so they could give it a proper burial with a funeral pyre.
  • Dying Moment of Awesome: Near death from cancer, Aunt Marie still manages to fight off one of the men sent to ensure she dies before talking to Nick again, and then give Nick some parting advice before she goes.
    • Just before that, after Nick leaves Monroe to protect her, she senses Monroe standing over her, opens her eyes, and goads him to attack her, spitting out "Blutbad" like a curse, despite the fact that he hasn't woged in front of her yet.

Tropes E-H 

  • Early-Installment Weirdness:
    • In the first couple of episodes Nick was a master of the Sherlock Scan, instantly and accurately profiling whomever he came across.
    • Also, just being in sniffing distance of another blutbad is almost enough to send Monroe into a frenzy in the pilot. This weakness is never mentioned again. However, his behavior could have been chalked up to being in the direct light of a full moon. The "never go out in a full moon" weakness has been maintained throughout the series.
    • The pilot indicates that the reason Nick is finally coming into his abilities is that his Aunt Marie is dying and some Grimm essence is being passed down from her to him. The premiere of Season Two establishes that male Grimms simply start seeing Wesen at a later age than female ones.
    • The second episode of the series, "Bears Will Be Bears", has the mother Jägerbar transform completely into a bear. When asked in an interview around this time if Monroe could turn into a wolf, the showrunners responded "if he got angry enough". Wesen are never again shown to be able to turn fully into animals.
    • The first and second episodes of the series also involved Nick having strange dreams, ala Buffy. These dreams are never addressed later in the series.
    • Several Wesen chracters in Season 1 have Punny Names that tie into their species; some of the most glaring include Billy Capra (Ziegevolk, goat-like Wesen), Leo Taymor (Lowen, lion-Wesen), Charlotte the Spinnetod (spider-Wesen) and the Rabe family (Jägerbaren all; their name is a thinly-disguised acronym of 'Bear', which is what Jägerbar are).
    • Early episodes seemed to suggest that all the Grimms were directly connected to the same family tree. Some of the Grimm journals that Nick read had the Grimms in question actually have the surname "Grimm." The Season One episode "Tarantella" had a journal entry mentioning a Japanese doctor with abilities similar to a Grimm, but made a point to not call him a Grimm specifically. Eventually the show would go on to suggest that "Grimm" was more a title or species name, as opposed to a family name (and that other cultures and time periods gave them other names).
  • Enhance Button: Somewhat averted in "The Bottle Imp," where the police are able to zoom in on a security camera's footage of a man's car in order to get the license plate number, but both it and the man's daughter who they spot in the car, are noticeably blurry.
  • Engineered Public Confession: More or less the finale of "A Dish Best Served Cold."
  • Ethereal White Dress: La Llorona, the titular something in "La Llorona". Nobody's quite sure what she is, though the legend she's based on has her as the ghost of a woman who drowned her children after her husband left her for a younger woman, but she appears as a beautiful woman in a long white dress.
  • Epigraph: All of the episodes start with one. The first three seasons had the quotes displayed against nature scenery.
  • Even the Guys Want Him: Almost occurs when Monroe spies on the Ziegevolk, who can generate lust-inducing pheromones, for Nick.

    Monroe: I can't be around that guy — I almost bought him a drink!

  • Everybody Lives: "Bad Moon Rising" doesn't involve anyone dying, but there is a brief scene advancing the investigation of a murder from the previous episode.
  • Every Man Has His Price: Monroe disliked being used by Nick for tracking ... until Nick offered him a bottle of 1978 Bordeaux for helping out. Monroe had no complaints from there on.
  • Everyone Can See It: The growing romance between Nick and Adalind in season 5.

    Trubel: Are you, like, in love with him?

    Adalind: No, no. That would That would just be too I mean, that would be really too I just I well, I don't even know what that would be.

    Trubel: 'Cause you guys are living together and sharing the same room.

  • Everyone Has Standards: Bart, Monroe's traditionalist father for all his seeing Bauerschwein as prey, would never be happy to see his son help a Grimm hunt one down.
  • Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: The villains of "The Thing With Feathers" just can't get that Nick is trying to protect the Seltenvogel from them, not trying to steal her golden egg for himself.
  • Evil Counterpart: Though you can't exactly call her "evil", Angelina is this to Juliette.
    • "Over My Dead Body" compares Angelina (Monroe's amoral and violent ex) to Rosalee (Monroe's current stable girlfriend)
  • Evolving Credits: The opening credits sequence for Season 2 changes as more episodes air such as with the inclusion of Captain Renard's Game Face following its much-anticipated reveal during Episode 2.
  • Exact Words: Reginald really should have been careful of how he worded his bargain with Edgar Waltz.

    Reginald: You promise you won't hurt my family!
    Edgar Waltz: Of course not! You kept your end of the bargain. I wouldn't dream of torturing your family.

  • Explain, Explain... Oh, Crap!: Nick called Monroe to ask about the Yellow Plague. As Monroe explains the symptoms, Rosalee is getting frisky with him. Monroe then realized Rosalee was matching the symptoms and realizes she is ill with an illness that wipes out any Wesen infected with it.
  • Expy: DJ Retchid Kat in "Danse Macabre" is one of deadmau5.
  • Eyeless Face: The hexenbiests display this trope when woged.
  • Eye Scream:
    • A dead victim in Organ Grinder gets his eyes pecked out by a raven as he's floating down the river.
    • And in "Happily Ever Aftermath" several victims get their eyeballs ruptured by the Murcialago's sonic scream. Very bloodily, at that.
    • "Mr. Sandman." Holy God, "Mr. Sandman." Here the bad guy is a fly Wesen from Africa, who breathes parasite-laden sand into his victims' eyeballs, blinding them so he can lap up their tears. And if the parasites stay in the eye long enough, the eyes are quickly destroyed. We know this because the show doesn't just imply it through exposition but also has one victim tear off her bandages as the infection grows to that stage in order to show us her empty eye sockets laden with wriggling worms.
      • The only way to cure the parasite infection is to take one of Andre's eyes from him - while he's in full Wesen form!

        Monroe: Oh Nick, dude, you don't wanna be seeing this.

  • Fairytale Motifs: Each episode is at least partially based off of one (if not a Whole-Plot Reference). Those that aren't are based off general folklore or creepy stories and factoids from around the world.
    • The Pilot's main plot is based on "Little Red Riding Hood".
    • "Bears will be Bears" is partly based on "Goldilocks".
    • "Beeware" is partly based on "The Queen Bee".
    • "Lonelyhearts" is based off satyrs, with the Grimm tie-in coming from the tale of "Bluebeard" (or more specifically "Fitcher's Bird", because of the monsters' abilities to induce lust in a victim through touch, and other habits and his many wives (based on both the teaser quote and the name of the Monster of the Week).
    • "Danse Macabre" is based on "The Pied Piper of Hamelin".
    • "Three Bad Wolves" is based on "The Three Little Pigs".
    • "Let Your Hair Down" is very loosely based on "Rapunzel". Loosely in that she's a Wild Child Blutbad who strangles someone in her first appearance.
    • "Game Ogre" is loosely based on "Jack and the Beanstalk".
    • "Of Mouse and Man" is an aversion, since it's taken from John Steinbeck's book Of Mice and Men
    • "Organ Grinder" is based on "Hansel and Gretel".
    • "Tarantella" is based on the Japanese fairytale "Jorōgumo"
    • "Last Grimm Standing" is based on Androcles but with the idea averted as the "lion" does not repay the kindness it was shown.
    • "Three Coins in a Fuchsbau" has a quote from "The Master Thief".
    • "Plumed Serpent" has a quote at the beginning from "The Two Brothers".
    • "Leave it to Beavers" is based on "Three Billy Goats Gruff".
    • "Happily Ever Aftermath" is based on "Cinderella" but inverted, with the stepmother and stepsisters being terrorized by the entitled, sociopathic Cinderella expy or on other fairy tales where there is just one evil stepsister, despite there being numerous good siblings, like, possibly The Three Princes and their Beasts.
    • "Big Feet" is about Big Foot but not really. It's more like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, although the official website states that it was based off the story of Hans the Hedgehog.
    • "Nameless" is based off of Rumplestiltskin. The serial killer demands that people try to guess his named after each murder, and he's doing it because he fixed the code an MMORPG designer wrote, and she stood him up on the payment date. After he's caught, he throws himself off a building, unable to handle the idea that he 'lost'.
    • "One Night Stand" is based off of The Little Mermaid, with the Ariel expy being deaf.
  • Fake Alibi: In "Game Ogre," a murderer Hank arrested, Oleg Stark, has escaped and is killing people involved with his conviction. Hank himself is the ultimate target, and he explains to Nick why that is: Stark had faked an alibi using a lookalike who was just good enough to potentially fool a jury. Knowing the alibi was fake, Hank and the murdered DA suppressed the footage.
  • Falsely Reformed Villain: This trope is played with in the case of Monroe the Clockmaker. He is actually a fairy tale creature—a "Wesen"—of the same type as The Big Bad Wolf, but with a careful regimen of "diet, drugs, and Pilates", he has gone from a ravening beast to a mostly-regular guy leading a mostly-normal life in the 'burbs.
  • Fanservice:
    • The decontamination Shower Scene between Nick, Hank and Wu in "Red Menace." There were a few closeups.
    • Rosalee in the carnival costume. Invoked in-universe for Monroe's benefit in their bedroom.
    • The writers seem to enjoy showing Renard in his more contemplative and unguarded moments (i.e. with his shirt off).
    • The show eventually embraced this trope with a limited-edition "Shirtless Rage" t-shirt featuring Renard. All profits going to charity.
    • Adalind in Juliet's skin. She's probably not particularly shy in her own, but she seems to have even less of a problem showing off is someone else's. In any case, Elizabeth Tulloch looks great in blue.
  • Fantastic Legal Weirdness: Being a fantasy Police Procedural, this happens every once in a while. For example, one episode has a trio of supernatural creatures (or Wesen as the show calls them) rob a series of banks while in Game Face. It's implied that they can't be indicted since it can't be proven it was them and their "masks" can't be found. A Vigilante Execution renders those issues moot.
  • Fantastic Racism: This trope tends to be one of the big subtexts that courses through the show and few characters escape it.
    • It's explored in an unusual amount of depth however. Fantastic Racism is never used simply for a "Racism Is Bad" aesop and it is far more frequently used to focus on where racism comes from, how it is perpetuated and how it is experienced from the point of view of perpetrators and victims, as well as how those positions can be reversed.
    • In "A Dish Best Served Cold", Captain Renard calls Nick out on this, as he's still feeling guilty about accidentally killing an innocent:

    "What's really bothering you? The fact that you killed somebody, or the fact that you killed somebody who wasn't Wesen? Because God knows you've killed plenty of them. That's what you Grimms do, isn't it?"

    • Monroe and Rosalee get a brick thrown through the window of the spice shop with a symbol painted on it as a token of objection to their mixed marriage (blutbad and fuchsbau).
    • Black Claw is an explicitly Wesen supremacist organization that views all Kershite as lesser beings at best, and prey at worst.
  • Fantastic Terrorists: Season Five involves Nick facing the Wesen Supremacist group Black Claw. Already responsible for much upheaval in the Middle East, South America, Africa and Europe, their now planning to take over America staring in Portland. Black Claw holds the belief that world should belong to Wesen, forcing them to come out of hiding and to re-embrace the barbaric traditions most have left in the past (such as hunting humans for food, human sacrifice rituals etc.) Their methodology involves positioning their operatives in key positions through corruption and assassination, radicalising peaceful Wesen, brainwashing children and terrorising any Wesen who don't join or oppose them.
  • Fattening the Victim: The first episode has a Blutbaden who kidnaps a little girl wearing red and hides her in his home, planning on fattening her up and later eating her. According to Monroe, this is common.
  • Femme Fatale: Adalind Schade, and possibly all the Hexenbeist who are said to be lovely in human form, and are loyal servants to royalty.
  • Feuding Families:
    • The Grimms have been killing Wesen for centuries, and the families of the dead hold grudges. Monroe's grandfather was killed by a Grimm and he is afraid that he will be disowned if his family finds out that he is helping Grimms instead of killing them. Of course this is somewhat one-sided since the mentality many Grimms have means that while most wesen dread and hate Grimms, for many Grimms it was just Tuesday.
    • Some of the supernatural species really do not get along and have been fighting feuds for a long time. Bauerschwein are a major victim of Blutbad violence and in "Three Bad Wolves" one of them has had enough and kills the brothers of the Blutbad who killed the Bauerschwein's brothers. In "A Dish Best Served Cold", the chef of a restaurant intentionally prepares an appetizer that contains a mushroom that is deadly to Blutbaden, which is given to all customers.
    • Other species tend to operate more on natural animal lines - the snake creature that appears in "Of Mouse and Man" suggests that they are natural predators/antagonists towards the mouse creature that also appears.
    • Bridge trolls and beaverfolk don't get along too well either. In this case, it's due to mutual territory - one creates what amounts to bridges and the other likes to profit off them.
  • Fiery Redhead: Angelina.
  • Finger in the Mail: After a high-level Reaper sends two assassins after Nick, he gets a note back reading, "Next time, send your best", along with the severed heads of the assassins.
  • Firefighter Arsonist: In "The Three Bad Wolves" Nick investigates a house explosion that nearly killed the owner, a harmless Blutbad named Hap. Despite their Arson Investigator, Lieutenant Peter Olson, concluding it was an merely unfortunate accident, Nick and Hank grow suspicious after discovering Hap's brother died in a house fire the previous month. As Nick eventually discovers, Lieutenant Olson is a Bauerschwien who was responsible for both murders, in retaliation for Hap's sister murdering his own brothers.
  • First Girl Wins: Sort of. The first female character given a name we the audience see is the woman Nick ends up with.
  • Flash Back: Nick gets them to things Aunt Marie told him, and to earlier experiences with Adalind.
  • Flash Mob: The Wesens of the Week participated in these in "Beeware".
  • Flash Mob Cover-Up: One of the participants used it as a way to cover up the murders of Hexenbiests.
  • Flash Step: Andre, the fly Wesen in "Mr. Sandman." He also makes a very faint buzzing sound when doing this, which only Nick with his Disability Superpower can hear. The scene where this is first shown is slightly hilarious, as Andre is flash-stepping from window to window, trying to get them open, making it seem like a fly trying to get out.
  • Foil: Juliette and Adalind. Juliette is calm and collected but also independent, but shows intent to help others for the sake of helping others. Adalind is emotional but submissive and will obey the worst people near-mindlessly to get what she wants. Unfortunately, while trained Hexenbeists are self-entitled bitches that will do anything to attain more power, they handle power well. Those that don't realize what they have until adulthood go Drunk with Power and rip apart their own lives.
  • Forceful Kiss: Ariel plants one on Nick in "Plumed Serpent" after tackling him and pinning him to the ground.
    • Nick himself forces a kiss on Adalind to make her bite him since the blood of a Grimm can take away her Hexenbiest powers.
  • Foul Fox:
    • Downplayed. Fuchsbau have a reputation amongst the Wesen community for being sly and deceptive, and are commonly found in at least questionable trades. However, all the Fuchsbau to appear have been presented as reasonably sympathetic. With Rosalee Carvert being one of the shows main heroes.
    • Vulpesmyrca are black fox Wesen (and noticeably larger than Fuchsbau), who are renowned as vicious and relentless predators. They commonly work as mercenaries and traditionally prey upon Willaharas (rabbit Wesen) for their feet (which is used illegally as a fertility treatment).
  • Fox Folk: Fuchsbau are Wesen based on foxes. In accordance with animal stereotypes, they're generally considered to be less than trustworthy, being cunning, mischievous and sly. Rosalee Calvert is part of the main cast, making the Fuchsbau the second most prominent Wesen to appear.
    • Vulpesmyrca are bigger black fox wesen, with less human shaped heads, larger fox like ears and much more pronounced fangs. They also possess enhance physical strength and speed, and who commonly work as mercenaries and prey upon Willaharas (rabbit wesen) for their feet.
  • Friendship Moment: When Monroe is beaten up in "Of Mouse and Man" for "messing with the status quo" by helping a Grimm, Nick says he won't ask Monroe for help again. Monroe declares that Nick can ask him for all the help Nick needs, and they toast the moment with a beer.

    Monroe: I've never been much of a status quo guy. And next time, we'll be ready for them.

  • Fright Deathtrap: The 'Run to Your Doom' version is used in the opening of "Sweethearts". The Victim of the Week is suffering terrifying hallucinations that cause her to run onto a bridge and into the path of car. She might have survived, but the Wesen shows up to finish her off.
  • Frog Men: The Folterseele is a frog-like Wesen, and probably the Wesen behind the different Bewitched Amphibians stories.
  • Gambit Pileup: Nick is in the middle of multiple gambits by various groups in the Wesen world. The Dragon Tongue organization wants the Coins of Zakynthos. The Verrat is trying to destroy the Wesen resistance movement. The Reapers want to kill all Grimm. Renard's family want the key/map Aunt Marie gave Nick so they can find an ancient artifact. Renard seems to have his own agenda that might not exactly match that of his relatives.
  • Game Face: All Wesen can show one, though the extent of their change ('woging') and whether humans can see it depends heavily on individual master and emotional state. Wesen with greater mastery over woging can invoke a broader spectrum of change and even change some or all of themselves on demand while those with less mastery are more at the whims of their emotional state. Regardless of whether they're showing, wesen retain many of their physical abilities, such as strength and toughness, while claws and more monstrous abilities are unavailable unless they woge. Wesen also have no innate ability to detect other wesen other than seeing another wesen woge. This hasn't always turned out well for those that pick on the wrong wesen. The woge will come through on visual media (such as films or videos) but only those who can see it directly can perceive it in the recording.
    • Adalind and Monroe, both of whom regularly engage in non-human activities, demonstrate considerable physical ability with no transformations while the family of bears (who have suppressed their non-human natures) seem to prefer transformation for any sort of show of ability.
    • Nick and the other Grimms are not shown to have telltale physical traits themselves, but can see a wesen's Game Face regardless of whether an individual wants them to or not, which is one of many reasons wesen fear Grimms. Because of the reaction Nick and other Grimms have to seeing a wesen woge, most wesen can identify them as a Grimm if they're watching someone when they woge. On the flip side, this also means that wesen can occasionally mistake someone for or not realize that someone is a Grimm.
      • "Synchronicity" finally reveals just how Wesen identify a Grimm. Monroe and Rosalee explain that upon seeing a Wesen woge, a Grimm's eyes turn utterly, infinitely black, and the Wesen sees its own true nature reflected back at them from those eyes—a deeply unsettling experience for the Wesen. This explains why all the Wesen Nick has encountered have failed to recognize him as a Grimm until after he recognizes them by seeing them woge. This explains why Trubel starts wearing sunglasses when trailing a Wesen: so that she can recognize them, but they would be unable to recognize her as a Grimm.
    • Non-Grimms/non-wesen can also see a wesen's Game Face if the wesen in question wants them to or they're in a high enough emotional state. However, Monroe points out that doing so is usually a bad thing if only because humans generally aren't prepared for the sudden shock to their Weirdness Censor. Some wesen deliberately show their Game Face to their human prey in order to panic them.
    • Monroe elaborates further for Hank; a normal change as a sign of recognition among wesen can't be seen by humans; an aggressive fighting mode game face is readily apparent. He demonstrates: Hank doesn't see the first change, but sees the second... and is equal parts freaked out and impressed. And then wonderingly asks Monroe to do it again.
      • Also, as Hank demonstrates in later episodes of Season 2, it's possible for a normal human to build up tolerance to the Game Face. Contrast Hank's first exposure to a wesen, and how he freaked out at Carly's Game Face, to how calm and confident he is when facing the wesen in "Nameless".
    • Wesen law prohibits the deliberate showing of a Wesen's Game Face to humans in a public setting for personal gain. In the past these types of deliberate provocations resulted in witch hunts and massacres of Wesen by humans. The breaking of this law is considered one of the worst transgressions a Wesen can commit against other Wesen and is punished by death.
      • This is one of the purposes of the Wesen Council, whose leader mentions once that an attempt to violate the law happens once a generation by some of the younger Wesen who consider these laws ancient and obsolete. A public display is usually engineered by the Council to scare the rest into submission.
    • Another episode shows what happens when a Wesen goes "full woge" frequently. His control over his abilities (or his sanity) starts to slip, and he can woge without meaning to and go on a rampage.
  • Gender-Blender Name: Kelly Burkhardt, the name of Nick's mother and his son, who was named after her.
  • Genre Blind: Nick. He doesn't understand the purpose of wolfsbane or walking through water when trying to track down a Big Bad Wolf in human clothing. That said, this is justified in he is new and used to only going after human suspects. Or not, in that he seems never to have read fairy tales or seen a horror movie. Those are also pop culture references.
  • Genre-Busting: Starts out as an Urban Fantasy Police Procedural, then gradually adds Heroic Fantasy, Dramedy, Spy Fiction, and a touch of Supernatural Horror.
  • Genre Savvy: In the Season 1 episode "Beeware", Monroe constantly compares it to a horror movie.

    Monroe: Oh, this is usually the part in the movie where the sidekick gets it!

  • The Ghost: The King, Captain Renard's father. That is, until Season 3 episode "Nobody Knows the Trubel I've Seen" when he finally makes an appearance.
  • Ghostapo: The coins in "Three Coins in a Fuchsbau" are stated to be responsible for this.
  • Gladiator Games: The Lowen, a lion-like species of Wesen, enjoy running them to the modern day. Captain Renard sanctioned the event with a list of approved targets to snatch and fight. He is not happy when they deviate from the list.
  • Go Mad from the Revelation: Based on Monroe's testimony and Hank's freak-out upon seeing two wesen in their game faces, most normal humans tend to go mad from seeing a wesen in their other form as their minds cannot handle such a break from reality. A really good example can be seen in the first murder of "Happily Ever Aftermath", though in that case, the darkness and the fact that said wesen was trying to kill the victim didn't help matters.
    • On the flip side, when Nick is forced to reveal the truth in order to protect a young girl who just Game Face'd on Hank, Hank ultimately ends up returning to some semblance of sanity due to the affirmation that what he saw wasn't his mind going. In his words: "I may be crazy, but at least I'm not alone."
      • And it wasn't just any girl but the daughter of an old friend of his; he has known her since she was a baby.
    • Also, thanks to some help from Monroe, Hank demonstrates it's possible to build a tolerance to the effects of the Game Face. Of course, knowing that there are threats out there, and that you can prepare yourself to fight them also helped a lot.
    • Wu doesn't handle it well at all when he comes face to Game Face with an Aswang. It doesn't help that Nick and Hank know what they're up against and don't give him a heads-up, even after he recognizes the legend on his own. He ends the episode having checked himself into a mental ward.
    • This can also be applied to wesen themselves, if they encounter a Grimm. The Mauzhertz do not seem to have a problem with this, since they did not attract attention from Grimms. Other wesen tend to freak out or attack the Grimm, or just go mad. A very severe example of Go Mad From Discovering You Are Dealing With A Grimm was the Gedachtnis Esser spy who attempted to latch onto Trubel's memories, only to gain all her memories of her being a Grimm, which immobilizes him with fear and allows Nick & Hank to arrest him. He ends the episode in a jail cell a shriveling mess, still suffering from bad Grimm memories.
    • It turns out that Nick's first child is with ADALIND; she date-raped him ONCE and somehow got pregnant. This breaks Juliette's brain and it does NOT end well.
  • Good Is Dumb: Hap is easily the nicest Blutbad encountered so far ... and also the dumbest.
  • Good Is Not Soft: Nick demonstrates this more and more as the series progresses. Monroe gets several instances of this as well.
  • Gratuitous Foreign Language: The names of Wesen are usually German, which is to be expected since they were discovered and classified by a pair of German authors. Some are normal pre-existing words re-applied as a monster name, while new word creations usually end as Blind Idiot Translations.
    • Some Wesen names have roots in other languages, such as Greek.
    • There's also some Gratuitous French, as Renard talks to his cohorts/superiors in French occasionally.
    • An episode in Season Two gives a little more context: what we would consider 'modern' Grimm stories and social structure started before the Fourth Crusade (1202–1204) and the Sack of Constantinople of 1204 plays an important part in the show's mythology. Long enough in the past to be fairly mysterious but not so long ago as to prevent much older things from existing and having been established elsewhere.
      • We also find out what the Grimms were called before the brothers made the name synonymous with "Wesen-hunter". The original name, derived from Latin, was "Decapitare" (i.e. "decapitator"), given their preferred method of killing Wesen. A few Wesen still refer to them with this term.
    • The episode dealing with a Russian Wesen has a lot of Gratuitous Russian, including Renard showing off his fluency in the language much to Nick and Hank's surprise. He explains that he spent some time in Moscow with his mother. The actor only shows a slight bit of accent, thanks to his parents being Russian Jewish immigrants.
  • Great Big Book of Everything: Actually several, but whenever Nick needs information on a new Wesen, one of his ancestors has probably already archived such an encounter; Nick is currently taking up the family tradition of archiving his own experiences with various Wesen. Monroe joked that he was Nick's living "Grimm-o-pedia."
    • The books are written in different languages. Nick is able to read the ones in English, but he needs Monroe's help with the German ones, and he was forced to bring the Latin book to Renard, who appears to be fluent in the language.
      • Why Aunt Marie didn't teach Nick German and Latin, or see that he took them in high school or college, is never explained.
    • When Rolek Porter passes his possessions on to Nick and Trubel they include even more books that depict Wesen unknown to Nick and even Monroe.
  • Greater-Scope Villain: Zerstörer, the ruler of a Weisen-dominatated realm that inspired Hell itself.
  • Grey-and-Gray Morality: The conflict between Grimms and Wesen has this. Some Wesen were and still are dangerous to humans, with large numbers even eating and hunting humans. However, many, if not most, Wesen are actually very peaceable and just want to be left alone. Unlike Nick, not all historical Grimm's made a distinction between the two groups.
  • The Grim Reaper: Played with. In this continuity, it isn't the Grim Reaper, but Reapers of the Grimms, an organization of (as-yet-unidentified) Wesen dedicated to wiping out the Grimms and who use scythes as weapons. According to The Other Wiki the Reapers of Grimms are an organization of trolls with strong evidence from the name of the first to appear (Hulda).
  • Grimmification: The show goes to great lengths to inform viewers that the Real Life versions of the mythical beings that appear in the Brothers' Grimm fairy tales are not things you'd want to meet. Among the most extreme examples is "Happily Ever After", in which the Cinderella expy is a greedy, murderous sociopath who turns on her Prince Charming husband and her "wicked" stepmother and stepsisters, just for suggesting that she isn't entitled to everything she wants.
  • Half-Human Hybrid: Naiad men are all infertile so the women have to mate with human men. In the olden days, males resented the fact that they have to raise the children of other men so much that a tradition sprung up of killing the human fathers. Modern naiads don't necessarily engage in the practice, but it does happen.
  • Halloween Enthusiast: "La Llorona" has Monroe borrow a morningstar from Nick to use in his Halloween decorations. He's simultaneously a huge nerd and a kid at Christmas about the whole thing. He claims this is true of Wesen generally, although it's not seen anywhere else.

    Monroe: Halloween for us, come on... that's, like, bigger than Christmas. There's a long Wesen tradition of the all hallows' Eve midnight woge running through the woods scaring the crap out of villagers. Literally, sometimes.

  • Halloween Episode: "La Llorona".
  • Harmful to Minors: The Graussen: Your child becomes afflicted with something that makes them unpredictably violent and seemingly monstrous and there's nothing anybody can do to identify or cure it.
  • Healing Boss: In the Season 5 finale, Nick defeats a hit squad of about two dozen Black Claw members despite being shot fatally at least twice, because he had the Treasure of the Knights Templar (a stick with Healing Factor among many other powers) tucked into his breast pocket.
  • Healing Factor: The old piece of wood found by Grimm Crusaders and locked away imparts a healing factor to anyone holding it, as well as the Healing Hands ability. In the Season 5 finale, Nick is shot several times, but his wounds heal in a matter of seconds, since he has the stick in his pocket.
  • Healing Hands: Koschie are a type of wesen able to cure with their hands by emitting some form of radiation to cure anything from tumors to cuts on the face. They can reverse this and kill with the same radiation.
  • Heart Is an Awesome Power: Reinigen. Suddenly the ability to control rats with music doesn't seem so harmless anymore...
  • Held Gaze: Naturally occurs between Nick and Juliet.
    • Also a variation of this trope is played with between Rosalee and Monroe in "Island of Dreams". To confirm that Monroe did in fact know Freddy, Rosalee grabs onto his arm and looks him square in the eye before revealing herself to be a fuchsbau. Monroe's gaze does not falter when he reveals himself to be a blutbad.
  • Hero of Another Story: One of Nick's ancestors, a Grimm who ran with a team not unlike Nick's and operated out of London in the early 1900's.
  • Heroic Bystander:
    • Monroe helps Nick track down the rogue Blutbad and the little girl.
    • Also, Rosalee, when she saves Monroe by using a brick to knock out a gun-wielding junkie.
    • Once more with Carly in "Bad Moon Rising" though played with since you'd think it was her dad since he starts the fight with one of the guys holding her hostage.
  • Heroic Sacrifice:
    • Angelina in "Over My Dead Body."
    • In "The Good Soldier", Old Soldier Colonel Desai, dying of lung cancer, allows himself to be fatally stabbed by a private military contractor right in front of Nick and Hank. The man had participated in the rape of one of the colonel's soldiers three years previously in Iraq, but it was covered up. With evidence found elsewhere, Desai set it up to look like the PMC killed him to maintain the cover-up—because it was too late to try the criminal for the rape, and impossible to pin him for the murder of one of the other rapists, who had wanted to come forward and confess.
  • Hero Killer:
    • Stark from "Game Ogre" is about as close as a one-shot character can get without actually killing anyone.
    • Baron Samedi, who captures Nick at the end of Season Two.
    • A Wildesheer, also known as caccia morta, is this to Grimms as well. In Monroe's childhood storybook, these were the guys who killed Grimms.
    • Prince Kenneth, he successfully kills Kelly Burkhardt (while backed up with a small army of Verrat).
    • Conrad Bonaparte, a full Zauberbiest is powerful enough to smack Eve around and nearly kills Meisner, although Renard delivers the actual kill shot as a Mercy Kill. He also nearly kills Nick, but Renard stabs him In the Back under the influence of his daughter's powers.
    • The Zestorer in the final two episodes of the show is powerful enough to wipe out the entire cast of regulars apart from Nick, who has the piece of the staff he needs. Everyone gets better.
  • He's Dead, Jim: Aunt Marie fights off another would-be assassin, then delivers Last Words to Nick: "Follow your instincts, believe nothing else" before the scene changes to Nick and his girlfriend at the cemetery.
  • Hired to Hunt Yourself: Nick investigates homicides for a living, so on occasion he gets called in to examine the scene of his battles with wesen.
  • Hive-Mind Testimonial: The interviews with the "flash mob" come out like this. Nick even comments on it, asking the last suspect why it sounds like there's an echo in the room. (Of course, they're bees. It IS a hive.)
  • Hoist by His Own Petard:
    • Baron Samedi really should’ve thought things through before turning a Grimm into a zombie.
    • In Season 4 "Trial by Fire" this is discussed and invoked when Wu suggests the self-immolating wesen arsonist, who blew up because of the concoction Rosalee made up to counter his fire-powers, died from a bomb he had hidden on his person, hence all the parts about.
    • The Manticore Bounty Hunter likes to kill his marks with his scorpion sting. He himself ends up being impaled on it when Juliette uses her new Hexenbiest Mind over Matter powers to grab the sting and turn it around. When Nick asks, she vaguely tells him that the hunter missed.
    • The Zestorer in the series finale ends up being killed by his own staff when the dead spirits of Kelly and Aunt Marie come back to help Nick and Trubel.
  • Hollywood Healing: Typically averted, as when Nick gets into a fight, he tends to carry about the results for a while.
  • Hollywood Satanism: In one episode, the medical examiner remarks that Satanic cults of this type were popular during the 80's. (In real-life, there was a moral panic at the time that resulted in many innocent people tried and convicted for nonexistent "Satanic" crimes.)
  • Homoerotic Subtext: "Organ Grinder" Has Nick pulling out his cell-phone, asking the person on the other end if they have plans for dinner, and smiling fondly. You'd think it's his girlfriend, right? Nope! Cut to dinner at Monroe's house, complete with white wine and jazz playing in the background. In fact, the entire ensuing conversation reeks of homoerotic subtext, with Monroe complaining about how Nick never asks about other aspects of his life, mentioning testicles and claiming that "everything works great" in regards to his private parts.
    • That same episode starts with coffee at Monroe's house in the morning, with Monroe asking Nick when he was going to tell his girlfriend. He means about Wesen and Grimms, but the viewer might be forgiven in thinking that they started sleeping together.
    • In "Leave it to Beavers" this happens when Juliette wants Monroe to come to dinner. Nick immediately panics trying to figure out what Monroe and he are going to say to keep the nature of their (working) "relationship" secret from her. The whole scene plays out like they're trying to hide an affair.
    • And then in episode 12 of Season Two, Nick's living with Monroe. But not for this reason and it's not particularly amusing.
  • Honey Trap:
    • Implied in "Cold Blooded" as the main reason why Breslau sold out Renard's safehouse in Vienna, Austria.
    • In "Blond Ambition" Adelind magically disguises herself to look like Juliette and lures Nick into bed, in order to affect him with a Grimm-depowering spell.
  • Honor Before Reason: A rare villainous example. The Grandmaster of the Wesenrein insists on going through with Monroe's show-trial, even though it's a kangaroo court, even after he makes a break for it and kills one of their members.
  • Horrible Camping Trip: The couple at the beginning of "Let Your Hair Down" had no idea what was coming... and it wasn't even a supernatural threat.
  • Horrifying the Horror: Grimms are so well-known for hunting and killing Wesen that they scare the living hell out of the creatures on which fairytale monsters were based, to the point that Grimms are the monsters of Wesen stories. Wesen who could dismember a person with their bare hands get nervous at the sight of Nick, not because he looks or acts threatening but because of the reputation his ancestors have earned. Monroe, who is strong enough to rip a man's arm off by accident and brave enough to think crashing through a glass window in full Game Face to scare Nick is funny, is outright scared of Nick's mom.
  • Howl of Sorrow: Monroe does this over Angelina's Heroic Sacrifice for his life.

    Monroe: No. Don't call anyone. We're doing it our way.

  • Hulking Out: Many Wesen get stronger and tougher to defeat when they Woge, which for extra can happen in times of significant emotional disturbance, such as fear, sorrow, or rage.
  • Human Resources: One of the more ambiguously magical abilities of Wesen is make use of these in ways humans just can't. If they aren't eating us, they're grinding up our organs for pharmaceuticals, drinking our tears to treat headaches, or harvesting chemicals from our bodies to use as cosmetics. On the other hand, some do this to other Wesen as well.
  • Humans Are Special: Not in the traditional way, but wessen tread lightly around humans because if discovered, humans have the numbers and violence necessary to eradicate wessen completely. And as shown with humans who know about wesen, continual exposure all but eliminates the psychological effects of seeing a woging ween.
  • Humans Are the Real Monsters: Deconstructed. Most Wesen fear Kershite, and rightfully so, since the latter has a history of hunting and ruthlessly killing the latter. However, many Wesen don't have any qualms about hunting and eating Kershite at their own leisure. Ultimately, its indicated that its up to both the individual Kershite and Wesen to decide if they want to be monsters.
  • Humans by Any Other Name: As revealed in "The Good Shepherd", Wessen call them "Kehrseite".
  • Hunting the Rogue: In the premiere episode of season 6, police captain Sean Renard uses his power as mayor-elect and head of the local homicide unit to issue an APB and shoot-to-kill order on Nick Burkhardt, in an attempt to legally blame Nick for a murder Renard himself committed. Forced to lie low, Nick hides with his small team of allies as they try to figure how to clear his name. However, as far as the local and state populace know, Nick and his partner Hank are killer cops gone rogue.
  • Hybrid Monster: Though uncommon, it seems interbreeding Wesen can produce these. Monroe and Rosalee vaguely and awkwardly mention this being the possibility of the two of them having kids even when they're a relatively close match. "The Other Side" features an extreme example of what could happen when Pierce Higgins learns that his mother had him genetically altered in the womb; Pierce is naturally a Genio Innocuo, a turtle-like wesen known for their intellects, but his mother added Lowen genes to give him greater strength, resulting in Pierce having a second personality of a Lowen who attacks anyone it perceives as being a threat.
  • Hypercompetent Sidekick: All of Nick's sidekicks/allies/helping hands, except Hank, who is often just as competent as him.
  • Hysterical Woman: Averted with Juliette, Rosalee the apparent Emotionless Girl, Adalind who only plays the Wounded Gazelle Gambit occasionally, and Angelina, who is more Hot-Blooded than hysterical. Ariel is a borderline case of subversion. She is very emotional and out of control, but she is much stronger than she is vulnerable. This is a better track than most action shows at subverting it.
    • Played straight with Juliette in the second half of Season 4 as she reacts badly to the revelation of her transformation into a Hexenbiest.

Tropes I-N 

  • I Am Not Left-Handed:
    • Rosalee was being held hostage and she called for help. When the help arrives in the form of Monroe, the guy asks what a Fuchsbau could do against him. Rosalee replied, “I didn’t call a Fuchsbau” - cue Blutbad attack.
    • In "Maréchaussée" the bounty hunter manticore is about to kill Juliette when she woges and unleashes her powerful telekinesis in order to shove the man's own tail into his body, killing him.
  • Idiot Ball:
    • In "Maréchaussée" Alexander and the mysterious man he answers to both feel the Wesen Council holds this by sanctioning a hit on Nick for his interference in previous affairs.
    • Adalind seems to have had an Idiot Ball superglued to her person as of Season Three, and she's still stuck to it in Season Four.
    • After having been told by Juliette multiple times that she enjoys being a hexenbiest and after she goes right over the moral event horizon by burning Aunt Marie's trailer, Nick, and the rest of the crew still hand her the potion that will suppress her hexenbiest tendencies and expect her to willingly drink it in the episode "You Don't Know Jack". Note: this is an almost impossible to make potion requiring parts from a dead hexenbiest (Adalind's mother in this case) and it is also the last of the potion they have. In between knocking the gang around, having Nick aim his gun at Monroe and (presumably) firing, Juliette throws the potion on the floor, breaking it. Full court idiot ball on this one.
  • I Have This Friend: Bud says this almost word for word in a series of webisodes when he comes to Rosalee and Monroe for a cure for baldness. Subverted when it turns out he really did have a friend, who's much worse off than he is with the uncontrollable hair growth they're both suffering.
  • I Just Want to Be Normal:
    • Nick asked, almost immediately after realizing his abilities as a Grimm, how to stop it. By Season 4, he now averts this and enjoys being a Grimm. And he is angered by his being Brought Down To Normal.
    • Rosalee tells Juliette that denial and self-loathing are not uncommon among wesen coming to terms with who they are. She implies that it fueled her drug addiction and illegal activities in the past. She even calls the trope nearly by name:

    Rosalee: ...You have no idea how badly you just want to be normal.

    • Juliette really wants to be normal when she became a hexenbiest. However, after being told there is no cure and she is attacked by a powerful wesen and only survives because of her new powers, she seems to have come to terms she won't be going back.
  • I Need a Freaking Drink:
    • Monroe’s response to finding out that a hardcore Grimm might be in town, he keeps drinking a glass of red wine like it’s a life line while telling Hank and Nick about it.
    • In "The Three Bad Wolves", after finding out that Hap was willing to cooperate with a Grimm (and also that none of them were trying to kill each other), this was Angelina's response. Later in the episode, after Hap is killed and Angelina goes after revenge, Monroe does this too.
    • Happens a lot to Monroe in "Season of the Hexenbiest", though the circumstances are more emotional than physical in the above cases.
    • Nick and Monroe both do this in Face Off, Nick after seeing Renard kissing Juliette and being told they're probably under a spell and Monroe a bit later. They're having that kind of day—at the end of that kind of week.
    • Monroe does this when he and Nick are trying to figure out how to undo the spell on Renard and Juliette. The reason he needs one is because all the twists and complications in the process pretty much involve every character in the show.
    • A lighter version occurs in "Mr. Sandman" as Nick, Hank, Monroe, and Rosalee talk about Captain Renard and his... complex backstory.
    • In "The Waking Dead", Juliette, Monroe, Rosalee, and Bud are unanimous on this point after events in the spice shop.
  • If You Ever Do Anything to Hurt Her...: Rosalee's sister shows her reconciliation with her sister by popping up behind Monroe in full woge and telling him that if he breaks her heart, she'll kill him.
  • Immune to Bullets:
    • Some Wesen are highly resistant to Muggle tactics to taking them down. Nick even referenced when he tried macing a teenage Wesen who just enjoyed it. Having said that, as a general rule, most Wesen do not react well to handgun rounds. And when that doesn't work, there's always shotguns.
    • If you're facing a Siegbarste, forget the above firearms and go straight for your trusty triple-barreled elephant gun.
  • I'm a Humanitarian: Many Wesen have no issue killing and eating humans, though Wendigos are the ones who do it the most.
  • Imperiled in Pregnancy: "Mommy Dearest" One of Sgt. Wu's Filipino friends gets attacked by an aswang, which nearly kills her fetus while she was sleeping. Nick and Hank were able to resolve the situation and save her again from the monster. Bonus points in the case in "Mommy Dearest" for the perpetrator being the pregnant woman's mother-in-law.]]
  • Improvised Weapon:
    • Nick's mom uses a rolled-up magazine as a baton while defending herself from the knife-wielding Catherine.
    • Less improvised and more creative use of one's gifts, but Nuckelavee (a horse-like Wesen) use their hooves as clubs. As can Seelenguter, though they're less inclined towards violence.
  • Improbable Infant Survival: Although the show seems to delight in showing kids in terrible danger and seems to imply infanticide in the past, there have not been any children deaths within the show itself.
  • Inserted into Historical Footage: "Three Coins in a Fuchsbau" ends with Nick viewing footage of Adolf Hitler giving a speech; Hitler briefly shifts into a Blutbad at the end, showing that the leader of the Nazi party was a ''wesen''.
  • Insistent Terminology: Zaubertrank are magic potions, but are almost always referred to as Zaubertrank. When Nick asks Monroe why they aren't just referred to as potions, the answer is basically "because Zaubertrank sounds cooler".
    • Weirdly not to long after this Rosalee starts calling them potions.
  • Interspecies Adoption: At least one case has been shown of a human couple unintentionally adopting a wesen child, as the Clark family adopted their daughter Holly with no knowledge that she was a Blutbad, and even Holly was unaware of her heritage until she was seven years old.
  • Interspecies Romance: While it isn't known how taboo it is, the ziegevolk in "Lonelyhearts" was able to reproduce with humans, so humans and Wesen are genetically compatible. It isn't known how human-Wesen lovers are seen, to the Old Land wesen wedding outside their species is a big no-no and will result in being hunted down and killed.
    • Renard reveals that at least for Royal and Hexenbiest, they can breed and have a kid. But said kid ends up with a Game Face that's literally half human and half Hexenbiest. That is, parts of them remain human, other parts change. At this point it is unclear if Royals are simply powerful Grimm or if they are a separate group from the Grimm.
    • Occurs in "The Good Shepherd". As a byproduct, it also reveals that yes, wesen of different types can have children together with no real issue; in this case, a blutbad impregnated a Seelenguter, which is essentially a wolf impregnating a sheep.
    • It is the norm for naiad women to seduce and mate with human males, as naiad men are infertile. However, it's usually the naiad men who they marry and raise the children with. Some ultra-traditional naiads follow misogynistic rituals as a result of their resentment over this.
    • In "Stories We Tell Our Young", Monroe and Rosalee explain that in cases where a wesen and human have children, there is a fifty-fifty chance that the child will be wesen, while if two wesen breed the child will be whichever type of wesen is the most dominant, although there can be health risks depending on compatibility.
    • Nick, a Grimm, and Adalind, a Hexenbiest, ultimately end up together; the consequences of this sort of relationship aren't explored in depth, with their son not seeming much different from a normal Grimm.
  • Invasion of the Baby Snatchers: The La Llorona, a ghost/wesen thing who kidnaps children and then proceeds to drown them every year on Halloween.
  • Invisible to Normals: Most Wesen do their best not to be seen woging by humans, as this tends to drive them mad.
  • Irony:
    • The spinnetod in "Tarantella" ends up getting caught by Nick because she becomes entangled in a web that's over water.
    • Apple provided "promotional consideration" (read: Product Placement) for "Over My Dead Body". However, in the extended cut on home video, all the insert shots of Nick's iPhone are missing.
  • It's Not You, It's My Enemies: Aunt Marie's reason for being an old maid; she suggests it to Nick when she reveals the truth to him about his lineage.
    • She was engaged at one point, to a Wesen no less. She broke it off, though.
  • It's All My Fault: Monroe (mostly) and Angelina in "The Three Bad Wolves" after Hap was assassinated by Orson while the two were away.
  • Joggers Find Death: Odds are they do.
  • The Juggernaut: Wildesheer are nigh invulnerable fighters. They can take punches from both Nick and Monroe like they were hit with flower petals. However, their weakness is cutting their hair, which strips them of their strength and will to fight.
  • Jumping Off the Slippery Slope: In "Hour of Death", Ryan the Grimm-wannabe intern initially tortured and killed the two Asshole Victims since they had kidnapped a young woman, but then goes after Bud the Eisbiber, an innocent bystander not even involved in the case.
  • Jury and Witness Tampering: In the episode "One Angry Fuchsbau," Amoral Attorney Barry Kellogg is influencing both the witnesses and the jury via Mind Control.
  • Juxtaposed Halves Shot: Juxtaposed halves was a common motif used in the opening montage of Grimm, first we see a half-and-half shot of Monroe; the right hand side is his human form and the lefthand side he's in his wessen (monster) form. A few seconds later we see it again but with another character, Rosalee.
  • Karma Houdini: Megan Marston in "The Good Shepherd".
  • Kavorka Man: How ziegevolk appear to the world: unattractive (or at least, not handsome) men with a knack for landing incredibly attractive women.
    • Inverted in the web series "Love Is In the Air" where the Ziegevolk turns out to be female and is very attractive in human form.
  • Kick the Dog: Renard's brother Eric sells out an apparently loyal retainer of seven years' service solely so he can see the Cracher-Mortel in action. He takes particular delight in the knowledge that the man is suffering terribly.
  • Kissing Under the Influence: When Rosalee is infected with the Yellow Plague, she kisses Monroe, as increased libido is one of the symptoms. Thankfully Monroe realizes very quickly something is wrong with her.
  • Klingon Promotion: An unintentional case with Conrad Bonaparte, who is killed by Renard under his daughter's influence. The episode ends before we find out if he will take up the mantle of leadership of the Black Claw.
  • Knight Templar: While we don't know how Grimms operate in the modern world, previous generations are possibly implied to have fallen under this category, judging from the reaction of many creatures when they realize what Nick is. Monroe's description of what they did to his grandfather certainly paints a vivid description of their form of justice. Although we know that grandpa deserved it. As we know that nearly all blutbaden are killers, or at least dangerous. Even Monroe admits to having killed before he became reformed, its very hard to say if it was or wasn't justified. So far all the creatures recorded in the Grimm books that Grimms killed deserved it. So mileage may vary on this.
    • Averted, and takes a sharp right turn into Van Helsing Hate Crimes as of The Other Side, wherein a Grimm on Charles Darwin's voyage to the Galapagos Islands documented a peaceful, gentle, thoroughly nonviolent species of wesen who had no cultural history of contact with the Grimms and hence, no fear of them, "which made the dispatching of them quite easy."
  • The Krampus: Depicted in the show as an evil Santa that kidnaps naughty children, hangs them in baskets from the highest tree in the area, and then eats them alive. (This may also be wish fulfillment; anyone who is or has ever been a high school or middle school teacher can think of more than a few teenagers he'd gladly turn over to Krampus.)
  • The Lancer: Hank Griffin in law-enforcement matters and Monroe regarding Grimms and the supernatural.
  • La Résistance: There is a resistance movement among Wesen that opposes a powerful wesen conspiracy that has been infiltrating human governments and advocates racial purity.
  • Lame Pun Reaction:
  • Lampshade Hanging:

    Nick: He's a Wesen.
    Renard: Isn't everyone these days?

    • There are also numerous instances where someone lampshades the difficulty of slotting Wesen-related crimes into the human criminal justice system, and the creative finagling required to ensure that the Portland police department can actually close cases without the word 'monster' cropping up.

    Renard: Make this report as logical as possible.

  • Laser-Guided Amnesia: Due to Adalind's curse, Juliette for much of Season 2 could remember everything else about her life except for Nick.
  • Laser-Guided Karma:
    • In "Beeware", Nick guns down a Mellifer queen. At the end of the episode, he's stung by a bee. What makes this look a lot like direct payback is the fact that the bee first lands gently on the back of his right hand, ambles around harmlessly for a moment, and then stings his trigger finger.
    • In "Best Served Cold" Monroe gets the positive version: His non-violent vegetarian lifestyle lets him avoid being poisoned.
    • In "The Good Soldier" the wife of a rapist soldier. He wrote a confession and showed it to her, explaining he kept secret because of peer pressure and his fellow rapists calling him a coward and weak. After a moment, she agrees with the other rapists and demands he burn the confession. Not a minute later, she is killed by the lead rapist.
    • In "Synchronicity" and "Law of Sacrifice" Adalind's past misdeeds finally catch up with her. Every bad thing that happens to her in these episodes is an ultimate consequence of choices and actions we've seen her undertake in the course of the series. It culminates with her baby being taken away from her by the main characters, and trapped in a cell specifically designed to seal Hexenbiests by the Royals. And it happens even with everyone she's screwed over trying to help her instead of taking revenge.
    • As a consequence of one specific action by the main characters as described above, a distraught and desperate Adalind sides with Royals again not knowing they don't have her. She strips Nick of his powers, and the ritual to get them back turns Juliette into a Hexenbiest. She gets Drunk with Power, makes a Face–Heel Turn, and gets Nick's mother killed.
  • The Last Dance: Invoked in "The Good Soldier" with Col. Desai, dying of cancer, against a rapist private military contractor. As both are manticores, the other has no qualms with it, considering it to be part of their nature.
  • Last Stand: Sebastien covers Meisner and Adalind's escape and gets one against Viktor and his men. He takes out all the foot-soldiers but runs out of bullets before he can shoot Viktor.
  • Literal Genie: The Golem in "Dyin' on a Prayer". The Rabbi that summoned him did so unintentionally by praying for his nephew, David, to be safe from his abusive stepfather, but he never specified for how long, resulting in the Golem attacking anyone that scares David even after it kills the stepfather.
  • Literal Maneater: A spider Wesen, who is involuntarily compelled to periodically suck the guts out of men to maintain her youthful appearance. Interestingly, she maintains a monogamous relationship with a male member of her species, and moonlights as a serial killer, mostly to stave off her natural urge to kill her husband.
  • Loners Are Freaks: The ostracized teenager in "Danse Macabre" was treated like this. In the same episode, Nick empathizes with the teen and implies that he was once a loner, too.
  • Longer-Than-Life Sentence: In "Game Ogre", Stark was serving a 300 year prison sentence when he escaped and came looking for revenge.
  • Loophole Abuse: While the rules of the Masquerade prohibit wesen from exposing their true natures to the general public, certain humans can be told on an individual basis, such as Hank and Juliette before she becomes a hexenbeast. Various cases see Nick discover shows that allow wesen to transform in front of their audiences because the situation means that the humans watching think it's just a trick, rather than realise that they're looking at a genuine transformation.
  • Lovable Coward: Bud Wurstner, since Eisbiber are friendly and non-confrontational by nature. That said, he is willing to help his friends when the need arises.
  • Love Is in the Air: Ziegevolks have the power to charm anyone with their touch.
  • Love Triangle: Enforced by Adalind on Nick, Juliette, and Renard by wiping all Juliette's memories of Nick and enchanting the latter two into obsessive feelings for each other.
  • Masquerade: Initially, it seems like there is a fight between the Grimms (and their allies) against the creatures who aren't as concerned with humans. By the second season, it's clear that the conflict is very convoluted and not nearly as straight forward.
    • Unlike many universes, there's actually a formal Masquerade in play that was written and codified by a meeting of all wesens across the world sometime around the 13th century with jurisdiction over it given to a Wesen Council. Breaking of it is grounds for death as previous Broken Masquerades resulted in things like the Witch Trials.
    • The penalty of death is also distinct among Masquerades since the punishment is not dealt to witnesses but to those that broke the masquerade. All of which makes it much more like a code of honor (it's practically called as such by Monroe) and less a pragmatic reality or arbitrary ruling compared to other such universes.
  • Made of Iron: Ogres are ridiculously hard to kill, but they're not immortal. The simple way to kill them is with an extremely rare poison that calcifies their bones and makes them brittle enough to shatter from the inside out; or, simple overwhelming force can be applied. Both of these approaches get combined when Monroe poisons the rounds he fires through Marie's antique triple-barrel elephant rifle, taking Stark down in one shot. Presumably, anything invoking the Chunky Salsa Rule would also work.
    • Grimms are also this to a degree. That Nick was capable of taking a beating from a Skalenzahne in "Last Grimm Standing" and still manage to easily best it, heavily implies that Grimms have far superior strength and stamina than most Wesen. The aforementioned Ogre however, is something clearly beyond even their limits.
  • Magical Land: The Other Place which Nick and Eve enter through a mirror in the final season. It's a forested world with only basic, savage technology and druidic pillars (which act as the entry point into this world), where Wesen are permanently woged and are dominant while humans are prey. It's also ruled over by Zerstörer.
  • Magical Security Cam: Implied in 'Beeware' when Nick asks if they can "do anything" (answer: "no, the camera's stationary") with recorded footage of a flash mob murder.
  • Magic Kiss: The kiss of the musai instills an obsessive attraction that fuels artistic passion then leads ultimately to obsession and death.
  • The Main Characters Do Everything: Nick and Hank are homicide detectives, but are just as often called in for things like kidnapping and are usually the ones doing the interrogating.
  • Maligned Mixed Marriage: Monroe and Rosalee's wedding is seen as this to some in the Wesen community. They first got a brick through the window with a wolfsangel on it, a sign of wesen purity. Later they get burning wolfsangel, like a burning cross, on their front yard.
  • Man Hug: Bud the Eisbeber hugs both Nick AND Hank after they had saved him from the Grimm wannabe in "The Hour of Death".
  • Maybe Ever After: Nick gets this at the series finale with both Adalind and Juliet. Which one he ends up with is never shown or addressed, though we do know that both Nick and Adalind stay a part of their kids lives.
  • Maybe Magic, Maybe Mundane: It is never said for sure if the coins in "Three Coins in a Fuchsbau" are really magical or the people holding them are suffering from delusions caused by arsenic and mercury poisoning. The irony of the situation is that this is a universe with dragons who can breathe fire, ogres who are almost impervious to normal weapons, and satyrs that can charm you with their touch. Given instances of Wesen activities (human organs as herbal remedies) and Adalind's special cookies, it may be quasi-magical by our perception but mundane chemistry with a Wesen touch in the Grimm universe.
    • Although, if you look carefully, Hank, who was affected by the coins, never came into skin contact with them...
    • Not to mention the fact that the coins bring out the exact same symptoms in the people who possess them...
    • And then of course, there's the Halloween special in which we see what may or may not be a ghost. All we're told is that it's mostly likely not a wesen or if it is, not like any other wesen any Grimm from Nick's family has ever seen.
    • In Volcanalis, the titular creature is most definitely not a Wesen, but the jury's still out on what exactly he is (A demon, according to Word of God).
    • In "Star-Crossed" a killer performs a series of ritual sacrifices intended to bring rain during a drought. After being gunned down and providing what he saw as the blood for the final sacrifice it suddenly begins to rain. Lampshaded when Nick just tells Hank not to go there.
  • Meaningful Name:
    • Gilda Darner is the name of the victim of the week in a Goldilocks-themed story. Gilda as gilded or gold. She also is a blonde.
    • More groan-worthy is the young Jägerbar named Barry. Whose last name is Rabe, an anagram of "bear".
    • One of Barry's friends Jägerbar friends is named 'T.B.', as in 'Teddy Bear'.
    • In "Beeware" the Queen Bee of the Mellifers is Melissa, which means "honey bee" in Greek.
    • In "Lonelyhearts" the antagonist of the episode is a creature based off satyrs. The antagonist is named Billy Capra. As in billy goat, which satyrs have the legs of. And Capra which is the genus of goats.
    • Lieutenant Orson in "Three Bad Wolves" shares a name with a pig character from U.S. Acres.
    • Oleg Starknote  in "Game Ogre."
    • "Organ Grinder", an episode loosely based off of "Hansel and Gretel", had two central characters named Hanson and Gracie.
    • Leo Taymor the Lowen in "Last Grimm Standing". Nick actually Lampshades this one.
    • A bird based wesen named Robin.
    • The antagonist of "Nameless". Of course, given the story the episode draws from, it's a given. Not Rumpelstiltskin but an anagram of it.
    • "Renard" is the French word for fox, and the Captain is certainly a clever and tricky one.
    • Adalind Schade pronounces her last name as "Shade", but if pronounced "shah-duh" it sounds similar to the German word "Schaden" for "damage/harm". "Schade" however means "It's a pity" (but still derives from "Schaden"). To wit, "schade" is 1st person singular present indicative of "schaden" (as in "I harm/damage").
      • The Austrians and the Gypsies prefer the German pronunciation, even scolding Adalind for using the Americanized pronunciation.
    • "Maréchaussée" refers to the French spelling of the Marechaussee in the Netherlands, which is a gendarmerie in its function. Considering what Jonathan Wilde's trying to do (being employed by the council as a Wesen-type law enforcer), it makes sense.
    • Victor Shelley. Those familiar with Mary Shelley's best known could probably guess why the police found two dead criminals' fingerprints on the scene.
  • Memetic Badass: Grimms to Wesen, In-Universe. While it is important to note that not only do Grimm's have the ability to see Wesen in their true form. But also have heightened speed, agility and strength as well to gain other abilities if circumstance allow such as Nick's enhanced hearing. It's is also the centuries of hunting and thus the downright mythical stories told of Grimms by Wesen to each other and their children that give Grimms their fierce reputation and legendary status.
  • Men Are the Expendable Gender: Overwhelmingly, victims tend to be male. Even the initial multi-victim attack in "Bigfoot" ends up with the sole female still alive.
  • Mentor Occupational Hazard: Aunt Marie ends up in a hospital bed after an attack by Hulda the Troll, and a nurse reveals Marie's body is Covered with Scars. Nick fends off another attempt to kill her while visiting her. She dies in the second episode.
    • The wesen mentor in "Happily Ever Aftermath" ends up like this too at the hands of his mentee, no less.
  • Mermaid Problem: Averted by the female naiads, who not only have sex with human men in their non-woged form but keep their legs in woged form as well.
  • Mindless Sheep: The first introduction we get to a species of sheep-like Wessen known as Seelengut (German for "kindhearted" or "good soul") seemingly involves them being manipulated by a Sinister Minister into covering up embezzlement from his church... however, it's Zig-Zagged, as it turns out that a pair of Seelenguter acted independently after being spurned by said minister, and stole from him with the help of the Victim of the Week; the episode ends with the two of them on a beach in the Caribbean with their ill-gotten gains.
  • Mind over Matter: Adalind's baby is rapidly showing to be proficient in this, even forcing a Verrat to commit a Psychic-Assisted Suicide. Presumably, all Hexenbiests and Zauberbiests have this to a limited extent, but the baby has been supercharged by the ritual that returned Adalind's powers.
  • Mind Screw: In-universe this happens to Hank. Warning to the wary, never eat cookies from a hexenbiest.
  • Mirror Monster: In the final season, Eve is stalked by a skull face that appears in mirrors. First she and Nick see it together, and it just sort of glares creepily stares at them before disappearing. Next time, Eve is alone and is strangled by a demonic hand that comes out of the mirror. Later, Eve travels to another dimension using a mirror, and Nick follows to help her. This turns out to be a mistake, as it allows the series Big Bad Zerstorer to follow them into our world.
  • Mirror Reveal: Monroe and Rosalee talk about the first time they woged. Rosalee says her first time, she didn't realize she'd changed until her brother showed her a mirror.
  • Mistaken for Cheating:
    • After Nick was tackled by Ariel in "Plumed Serpent" when at her house, she takes his ringing phone and answers with Juliette on the other end, to make it seem like Nick was cheating on her. Fortunately, once Nick explained what had really happened, Juliette believes him.
    • And in "El Cucuy", the email from Nick's Mother Juliette read had her furious. Thankfully, the misunderstanding doesn't last long.

    Juliette: Want to tell me who M is and why she loves you? I'm assuming it's a she.

  • Moment Killer:
    • In "Endangered" Nick, needing Monroe's help, walks into his place, up to the fridge and grabs a beers, sipping from it before realizing Monroe and Rosalee were in the middle of a date. He quietly excuses himself from the room.
    • Monroe returns the favor with a well-timed phone call in "Kiss of the Muse." Considering that he phoned just as the musai's seduction of Nick was starting to work and brought up Nick's dinner plans with Juliette, this is a good thing.
  • Monsters Anonymous: Monroe is a member of a group of Wesen trying to suppress their more violent natures.
  • Monster of the Week: Looks like that's going to be the format here. That said, the show does seem to make an effort to have recurring creatures outside of the Myth Arc creatures like blutbaden and fuchsbau. As the series has progressed and matured to the point where much of the initial world building has already taken place, it has become less about new monsters and more about the drama. To a certain extent, the Police Procedural aspects have been toned down as well, serving more as an excuse for Nick to get involved/informed about the situation than as an actual story line where someone gets arrested.
    • As the show progresses, more episodes devote time to the underlying Royals arc, even the Monster of the Week ones.
  • Monstrous Cannibalism: To a degree; most Wesen don't eat other, but regularly prey on other Wesen; the most prominent examples are Blutbaden (wolves) and Bauerschwein (pigs).
  • Morality Pet: From the perspective of wesen, Monroe and Rosalee are this. Had Nick not encountered a few of the good ones first, he could very well have ended up more like his ancestors. For Nick's mom, on the other hand, Monroe and Rosalee are more like Morality Chains in regards to whether or not she'll kill them and otherwise actively hunt in Nick's turf.
  • Monster/Slayer Romance: Hexenbiests Adalind Schade and Juliette Silverton end up doing this with Nick.
  • Morality Kitchen Sink: Perhaps the best description of the historical Grimm and Wesen relationship. To most Wesen Grimm's are The Dreaded, to some (mostly the more martial species) however there the Worthy Opponent, likewise a small number of Wesen have had semi-positive historical relationship with Grimm's (such as Melifer's). Where as historically most Grimm's saw Wesen as dangerous, monstrous or even outright unworthy of life itself, some however where more tolerant and even sympathetic. Likewise its clear from Nick's journal diaries, that previous Grimms range from the Knight in Sour Armour, Well-Intentioned Extremist, Noble Bigot, Knight Templar, The Witch Hunter, genocidal murders and everything in between. Wesen likewise range from child eating murders, to people driven by instincts they can't control, to mostly ordinary people who want live in peace and so on. Both sides have murderers and bigots, and both sides have genuine heroes.
  • Mugged for Disguise: In "Red Menace", an assassin murders a waiter and steals his uniform in order to get close enough to his target to attempt to kill him. The waiter's body is stuffed into the walk-in freezer to hide it.
  • Mugging the Monster:
    • Human criminals going after certain Wesen are going to be in a world of hurt. Even the peaceful Monroe is capable of ripping a man's arm off without much effort. In "Bears Will Be Bears", this happens to three different groups of human criminals. Even those species that aren't gifted with physical capabilities or supernatural abilities tend to have quirks that make them hard to deal with. The mouse creature in "Of Mouse and Man" is shown crawling through small spaces far faster and better than a human could.
    • The same holds true for anyone who's just an asshole to a Wesen. The elitists of the Van-Hamlin Institute treat the scholarship student, who got in on talent and nothing else, like trash and attempt to toss him out at the first opportunity. As expected, when they push him too far and hurt someone he loves, they get hurt in return curacy of his gifts as a Reinigen.
    • Played with when Wesen attempt to fight Nick, as he is the monster that they fear. Given that he's been revealed to be stronger than Monroe (who can rip a man's arm off), this starts to make sense.
    • A milder, more comedic example shows up in La Llorona, when some young bullies smash harmless, eccentric Mr. Monroe's window because he stopped them from picking on a smaller girl. Borders on Bullying a Dragon because he's much bigger than all of them and had already twisted one's ear to make them give her back her Halloween candy.
    • Quite literally, at the end of "El Cucuy". It was a bad idea for that punk to grab that sweet old lady's purse, seeing as how she's the "boogeyman" that punishes the wicked...
    • When a Dirty Cop Wesen threatens Renard, it qualifies him for Bullying the Dragon. He then falls into this trope by trying to make good on his threats by kidnapping Diana. Renard initially panics but then he realizes just what the kidnapper is in for. Renard then spends the rest of the day doing chores and relaxing, and only goes to "rescue" the kidnapee after the half-dead kidnapper calls and begs him to do so.
  • Muggles: An ordinary human—that is, anyone who isn't a Wesen or a Grimm—is called a "Kehrseite" by Wesen. Kehrseite who know about Wesen are called "Kehrseite-Schlich-Kennen," but the secret is strictly guarded against wider exposure. Nick has to deal with not only solving Wesen-related crimes but explaining away the weirdness to those not in the know, particularly his normal human partner, Hank, until Hank becomes a Kehrseite-Schlich-Kennen.
  • Mundane Utility: In El Cuegle, Diana uses her powers to boil water for pasta.
  • Murder the Hypotenuse: Goes right along with Ariel's Stalker with a Crush antics.
    • Since naiad males are sterile, they have to raise the offspring their women conceive with human men. This led to an old tradition, now mostly abandoned, of killing off their women's human partners after the act.
  • My Greatest Failure: In "The Good Soldier" Col. Desai feels this way about his inability to get military justice for a woman raped under his command by three soldiers and a private military contractor in Iraq.
  • My Species Doth Protest Too Much: The actual term for a wesen who subscribes to this is "weider," or "against." The degree of difficulty wesen have at maintaining this state varies from species to species, and from individual to individual. Most of the wesen in Portland are "weider" to one extent or another, since most of them are law-abiding citizens, but (due to the nature of the show), lots of non-law-abiding wesen show up too, many of them from out of town and subscribing to "the old ways."
  • Naked in Mink: In "Bears Will be Bears", Gilda seduces her boyfriend by suggestively opening a fur coat she's wearing to reveal her lingerie-clad body.
  • Names to Run Away from Really Fast : If you know German (and can get past the "Blind Idiot" Translation pain/giggles), then names like Blutbad and Daemonfeuer are this in spades. (Means “Blood Bath” and “Demon Fire” respectively). Some of the other Wesen names are none too cuddly sounding as well.
  • Nazi Gold: The eponymous coins from "Three Coins in a Fuchsbau" were assumed by Hank to be this because of the swastikas on them. Turns out they were much older (dating back to Ancient Greece, though they did fall into Nazi hands for a while and may have been partially responsible for Hitler's delusions of grandeur and aggressive charisma.
  • Never Heard That One Before: Monroe warns Nick not to make "heel" commands to him while he helps scenting out the Monster of the Week. Nick replies with "good boy" instead, to Monroe's dismay.
  • Never Mess with Auntie: Aunt Marie really puts the English on the trope given she's dying of a terminal illness and still takes on Hulda with only a knife (a knife concealed in the handle of her cane, that is). We find out later she was a Badass Bookworm, having been a librarian by trade. She also stares down Monroe while she's clinging to life in a hospital bed. Considering we see Monroe rip off a man's arm a few scenes later, that took no small amount of guts.
  • Never Smile at a Crocodile: Two types of wesen - the crocodilian skalenzahne, and the alligator-like gelumcaedus.
  • Never Trust a Trailer: One of the Season 2 episodes advertised Juliet getting her lost memory back, and the return of ex-Hexenbeast Adalind Schade. What actually happens? Juliet's recovery was All Just a Dream, and Adalind only appeared in the context of phoning police chief Renard to ask about who killed her mother. She didn't actually return to Portland for another five episodes.
  • News Travels Fast: Even a Grimm involved in a stealth hunt has heard of those two Reaper heads mailed back to France.
  • Nightmare Face: Gee, where do you start?
  • Noodle Incident: In “Bad Teeth” Monroe makes an offhand mention about how (badly) family reunions can go, mentioning that one of his ending in the death of two cousins and a sheepdog. Apparently nobody missed the cousins....
  • The Nose Knows: Various Wesen have a supernatural sense of smell, particularly Blutbad like Monroe.
  • Non-Human Sidekick: Monroe.
  • Non-Idle Rich: Though not exactly rich, Monroe is affluent enough to indulge in fairly niche hobbies and has enough spare time to help Nick out on a regular basis. Given his occupation though, it's perhaps justified as people of his skill and talent are few and far between so he can charge a premium.
    • Though it seems he fixes clocks more as a paid hobby/passion/something to keep himself occupied, rather than an actual livelihood to support himself.
    • Captain Renard seems to be doing rather well for himself, though he does hail from a royal line.
  • Non-Indicative Name: HW. It is explained as "Hadrian's Wall"... which doesn't really make it clearer.
  • "Not So Different" Remark: Orson confronting Nick when the latter knows that he's of Bauerschwein origin. The former believes that they should work together as police officers and not in the Grimm - Monster hunting view. Nick doesn't agree, considering Orson's involvement in Hap's death.
  • No-Sell: For wesen, the voge (Game Face) is one of their go-to trump cards against normal humans, who usually Go Mad from the Revelation of their monstrous faces. Practically every wesen has tried this on Nick, who as a Grimm is immune to the effect. The formerly smug wesen don't react well.
    • Hank initially started going crazy, but repeated exposure (thanks to Monroe) has allowed him to build his immunity to the effect.
    • Juliette is also working up a tolerance. When her friend's abusive husband woges in an attempt to intimidate her, she doesn't even blink and resumes whaling on him.

    Juliette: I'm not impressed.

  • No Swastikas: Averted. Renard goes into detail about the history of the Swastika, and what it originally meant.

Tropes O-S 

  • Obligatory Joke: In "Danse Macabre" while examining the body of a high school orchestra conductor:

    Sgt. Wu: Looks like they'll have to face the music.

    Hank: ...You really went there?

    Sgt. Wu: Somebody had to.

  • Odd Friendship: Some of Nick's closest friends are Wesen. To say this is unusual amongst Grimms is an understatement.
    • Inverted/averted in the case of Hank and his coyotl best friend. Granted Hank didn't know at first that his friend was a wesen but his friend didn't seem to think it particularly odd to be friends with a human.
  • Off with His Head!: Reapers traditionally kill Grimms by decapitating them with their large scythes. Nick is able to best two of them and does the same - then sends their heads to their commander as a message.
    • Also traditionally, Grimms prefer this method of dispatching Wesen. Prior to the Brothers Grimm popularizing the name, Grimms were known as "Decapitare", meaning "decapitator" in Latin. Some isolated Wesen still use the term.
  • Offscreen Teleportation: Wesen derived from flying species tend to get either this or Super-Speed rather than actual flight.
  • Oh, Crap!: The reaction of various creatures upon learning that Nick is a Grimm has basically been "oh god oh god please don't kill me." Nick has used this to get information, but other times he's clearly getting exasperated at having to explain that he's not the indiscriminately beheading type.
    • In "Leave it to Beavers", the look the Reaper in Germany has when he discovers his parcel contains the severed heads of the two Reapers tasked with eliminating Nick. As well as a note from him.

    Nick: Next time, send your best.

    • It also seems to be the immediate reaction of more timid Wesen to the more naturally predatory kind, as shown when Monroe causes a minor panic in a church full of Seelengut just by walking in and sitting down. Though slightly justified on their part since Monroe was in partial Game Face so they knew/felt right away that a strange blutbad just arrived. And given the typical reputation of blutbaden combined with seelengut being literal sheep, they could not know what might happen.
    • Monroe and Juliette get a mutual one at the end of "To Protect and Serve Man" when Monroe catches Juliette and Renard kissing in the throes of their potion-induced obsessive passion.
    • A particularly hilarious and well-deserved one appears in "Endangered"

    Victim and Monroe: (both woge and snarl threateningly)
    Villain: (aims gun) Don't be stupid.
    Rosalee: What about me? What am I worth? (woges)
    Villain: (grinning) More than a Blutbad.
    Nick: What about a Grimm?
    Villain: (freezes in fear)...
    (Cue tag team attack by Monroe and Nick)

    • Monroe and Rosalee share one when Juliette reveals that she remembers Nick telling her about Wesen and she now believes him.
    • Juliette's fuchsbau friend Alicia has one when Juliette too-casually throws out that Nick is a Grimm. Followed shortly thereafter by Alicia's abusive klaustreich husband crashing into the house and (after getting his ass kicked by Juliette and Alicia) belatedly realizing the same thing. He agrees to leave Alicia alone after this.
    • The Wild Hunt,: Monroe's parents encounter Nick and discover he's a Grimm They prepare to fight each other and...the screen fades to black, with the words Oh $(*@&, followed by To Be Continued.
    • In "Synchronicity" Adalind has a profound and gratifying one when she realizes that her protector has brought her to Nick and Juliette's house and is Nick's mom.
    • Many toward the end of "Blond Ambition". Particularly Renard, once he realizes what Adalind has been up to, Trubel when she bursts into a wedding chapel full of Wesen, and most importantly, everyone present when they find out that Nick has been Brought Down to Normal.
    • Renard gets a good one at the end of "Tribunal" when Juliette woges into a hexenbiest in front of him.
    • Adalind gets her most epic one yet in "Trial By Fire" when she goes to Nick's house in an attempt to abduct Juliette and Juliette kicks Adalind's ass with her new hexenbiest abilities. After Adalind returns to human form she has the most horrified look on her face, right before running for her life.
  • Omniscient Council of Vagueness: The Wesen Council, which oversees and enforces Wesen laws. They seem to be a sort of Godzilla Threshold, because lots of Wesen-committed crimes pass completely under their radar.
  • Once an Episode: Each episode begins with a quote from a story, fairytale, or poem relevant to the episode in question. Nick also ends up calling on Monroe for something in every episode (whether Monroe likes it or not), even before Monroe officially decides to partner up.
  • One Dialogue, Two Conversations: Nick and Adalind in Season 1's Beeware, since he knows she's a Hexenbiest, and she knows he's a Grimm. When he has to question her for his case, they discuss it but take subtextual shots at each other with their word choice.
  • One Drink Will Kill the Baby: When a pregnant Adalind tries to take a drink to seal a deal to sell her unborn child, another party immediately snatches the bottle from her and demands, "What kind of mother are you?"
  • One-Gender Race: The satyr-like Ziegevolk, who impregnate human women. Although as of the web series, "Love Is In The Air," this may be subverted. The Spinnetods are not a one gender race, but only the females have the degenerative condition that makes them prey on young men, and the males are, as a rule, killed by their mates (the husband Spinnetod in "Tarantella" being an exception).
    • Hexenbiests seemed to follow this, until a male example in Captain Renard was revealed. Rosalee later clarifies in "Mr. Sandman" that Hexenbiests are exclusively female, and males are known as Zauberbiests (literally "wizard beast," to compare with "witch beast.")
  • One-Hour Work Week: Monroe, who doesn't have a regular job, and only works when he is hired by someone. He has enough time to hang out at the spice shop and help Rosalee, who also doesn't have a lot of customers come in unless it's relevant to the plot.
  • Only One Plausible Suspect: Wu eventually connects "criminology student" Theresa Rubel with the suspect in a dual homicide case. Nick and Hank's continual evasions make him extremely uncomfortable and prompt him to take the matter to Renard behind their backs.
  • Only the Pure of Heart:
    • To awaken from her coma, Juliette needs to be kissed by someone "pure of heart". But since such people are very rare these days, there is a nasty potion that purifies the drinker's heart, quite painfully if he's not that pure to begin with. With the aid of the potion, Renard fulfills the requirements and wakes her.
    • Because of the above, Juliette and Renard slowly become obsessed with each other and come close to killing each other. Part of the process to cure them requires Nick to drink the same purification potion Renard did.
  • Opening Narration: In this case, it seems, as of the first episode, to be a quote from the fairy tale the villain of the week comes from.
    • Season 2 adds an opening narration for the opening credits along with an actual open credits sequence. Though apparently YMMV on the shows part since while the visuals have remained mostly the same, the narration itself has changed, been absent, and had multiple voice over actors.
  • Opium Den: Nick and Monroe track a couple of Wesen junkies into one specifically for Wesen (if a human were to smoke the stuff, they’d die). The smoke messes with Monroe’s nose.
  • Our Dragons Are Different: Daemonfeuer, Wesen descendent from a dragon-like lineage. They can breath fire by vaporizing their body fat and igniting it, seem to hoard copper, and are fireproof. As with the werewolf entry below, Monroe makes the important distinction that dragons are a myth while the wesen that inspired them are real. They are presented as being among the powerful Wesen, and are shown not to be as afraid of Grimms as others are.
  • Our Monsters Are Different: Called 'Wesen' in-universe. The Other Wiki has a more complete list.
    • For many wesen, their abilities are natural and can be detected through mundane means, particularly purely physical attributes like strength (blutbaden), hair growth (wildermann), or toughness (ogres). Others like the wesen from "Mr. Sandman" don't have any special powers per se, but do share a symbiotic relationship with something fairly mundane (a parasite in that specific case). Still others like the mellifers and the jägerbärs are shown to use use tools similar to their animal counterparts. Suffice to say, there's a lot of variation among wesen as to the extent of supernatural abilities.
    • The Blutbaden are the basis of The Big Bad Wolf.
    • The Bauerschwein are the basis of The Three Little Pigs. Needless to say, Blutbaden and Bauerschwein typically aren't on friendly terms.
    • The Jägerbärs are the basis of the bears of Goldilocks and the Three Bears.
    • The Mellifers are the basis for The Queen Bee.
    • The Reinigen are the basis for The Pied Piper.
    • Hexenbiests are the basis for several evil witches, including the Evil Queen from Snow White and the witch from Donkey Cabbages.
    • The Nuckelavee are based off the nuckelavee of Orcadian lore. For those unfamiliar, they're a horse-like creature.
    • La Llorona from the episode of the same name comes from Mexican folklore.
    • The Fuchsteufelwild is based off of goblins, as well as Rumpelstiltskin, whose name all of their own names are Significant Anagrams of.
    • The Musai is an elfin creature based off the legend of the leanan sidhe, a type of fairy muse who inspires artistic passion but ultimately leads her victims to madness and death.
    • El Cucuy is a Spanish/Portugese variation of the boogeyman, said to take and devour disobedient children. The Grimm version is attracted by the outcry of victimized women and kills violent criminals.
    • Koschei (spelled "Koschie" in the show, for some reason) is an undead villain in the Russian Mythology and Tales (his full name is Koschei the Deathless). While in the folklore he's impossible kill unless the hero finds his carefully-hidden death, the show's Koschie is a radioactive partly-skeletal monster who can take away and give sickness and has a Healing Factor, making him difficult to kill (Rasputin was a Koschie).
  • Outrun the Fireball: Nick does this in “Plumed Serpent”
  • Outside-Genre Foe:
    • La Llorona. Not even Grimms, the expert hunters of Wesen, know what she is exactly. One that went after her never came back. She is the first "undead" creature to appear in Grimm.
    • Soon followed by the Volcanalis. A fiery creature that can fry you from the inside out if you anger it by stealing the rocks in its domain. One of these things caused Mount Vesuvius to blow up and bury Pompeii in ash.
    • The Golem of Prague. A Portland rabbi in possession of its remains is able to summon it to protect his sister and nephew from violent in-laws. Unfortunately, as in the legend, it goes beyond his control and has to be stopped.
  • Out with a Bang: Adalind’s potion was intended to cause this in Hank.
  • Over-the-Top Christmas Decorations: Monroe really likes Christmas, so when Christmastime comes around, he decorates his whole house with Christmas decorations inside and out. When his girlfriend sees it she's nonplussed because it reminds her of her aunt and uncle who were killed at Christmastime.
  • Painting the Medium: Literally. The Writers of Grimm apparently got bored with "To be Continued" and since the Season 2 mid-season finale have been using messages such as "To be continued... sorry", "It ain't over yet" and "Oh #@&%!".
  • Papa Wolf: Bart, Monroe's father, is this. When he followed his son to Nick's trailer and they were attacked by Cacia Morte, insanely powerful and believed to be unbeatable Wesen, he jumped right in, fighting next to Nick and Monroe against these ancient foes.
    • Nick is now this since the birth of his son Kelly.
  • Parental Substitute: Meisner is this to Trubel in Season 5. She visibly breaks down upon seeing his dead and mutilated body in the season finale.
  • Permission to Cheat: A characteristically weird version happens in season 4. Nick has been Brought Down to Normal after unknowingly sleeping with Adalind who had transformed into his girlfriend Juliette. It turns out the only way to reverse it and make him a Grimm again is to sleep with Juliette after she's used the same potion to turn into Adalind. Before they get started, she defuses the tension by joking that this is "your one chance to have an affair, with my blessing."
  • Perp Sweating: Nick subjects Graydon Ostler to a rather extreme example in A Dish Best Served Cold: he threatens to abandon Ostler to a pack of vengeful Blutbaden if he doesn't confess to his murders.
  • Phrase Catcher: The first two things usually said to Nick after a wesen figures out what he are "You're a Grimm." and "Oh God PLEASE DON'T KILL ME".
  • Piggybacking on Hitler: Less literal examples happen often; the Komodo-Dragon-themed Wesen were part of the Thuggee cult, the alligator-themed ones worked for Caligula, etc. But the literal example was a subversion: Hitler himself was a Blutbad, a species whose most prominent example is one of the heroes.
  • The Plague: The Yellow Plague is very deadly to Wesen that comes from pigs. Entire villages have been wiped out from it and the bodies are burned. Thankfully, though, it requires physical contact that breaks through the skin to pass onto the other victims.
  • Playing with Fire: The Wesen in “Plumed Serpent”, known as Daemonfeuer, have fire breath. They apparently do this by vaporizing their fat, “vomiting” that vapor into the air, then somehow igniting it through static electricity. The family includes two flamethrower operators, a welder, and a fire dancer, so they obviously quite like fire.
  • Politically Incorrect Villain: The Naiad villains in "One Night Stand" were misogynistic.
  • Poor Communication Kills: The Series! How many plotlines among the main characters would be a lot less problematic if people either A) talked to each other, or B) didn't interrupt people who were trying to talk to them? Wu literally spent time in a nuthouse because they didn't tell him what was going on (later fixed). Learn your lessons, people! And Juliette's transformation is more drama than it needs to be because she kept vacillating about informing Nick, though at least that was only across a few episodes rather than a few seasons. Progress!
    • Probably the most drastic example of this is with Adalind. The whole cast conspires to steal her child from her without her knowledge because they think it's the best course of action, which of course leaves Adalind high and dry and thinking the royals have her daughter. What happens as a consquence of leaving Adalind Locked Out of the Loop? She sides with the Royals to get her daughter back. She strips Nick of his powers, and the ritual to get them back transformed Juliette into a Hexenbiest. This causes Juliette to commit a Face–Heel Turn over time, and eventually gets his mother killed.
    • In some episodes, this leads to the Police Are Useless scenario, as more than once the case ends in otherwise avoidable tragedies precisely because the group tried to intervene without first trying to talk to the people involved in the case.
  • The Power of Blood: There are several kinds of potion that include blood of the maker and blood of the target as ingredients; these potions can only be cured by killing the person who made it. Futhermore, if a Hexenbiest ingests the blood of a Grimm they become human.
  • Poisoned Weapons: The bullets in Game Ogre were poisoned.
  • Pre Ass Kicking One Liner: From "Tribunal":

    Riken: You may be a Grimm again, but you're not gonna be able to arrest all of us.
    Nick: You're right. Some of you will be stupid. [cue fight]

  • Prefers the True Form: Hexenbiests (the females) and Zauberbiests (the males) are known for being very beautiful in their human form, which contrasts with their Wesen form resembling a rotting corpse. However, while its clear they are very attracted to regular human beauty standards, they actually do prefer their Wesen form; Adalind only agrees to sleep with Renard after he woges. Nick lampshades it later on; when Adalind woges to look more threatening, his unimpressed, sarcastic response is to ask Renard how he can find that attractive.
  • Pregnancy Scare: Juliette has to have sex with Nick to restore his powers, but she has to do so while transformed into Adalind. Afterwards, she starts having headaches and stomach pains and Rosalee suggests she might be pregnant. It's not so much the possibility of pregnancy that worries Juliette, but the chance that the baby would have some connection to Adalind. It later turns out she's not pregnant. Instead, the ritual turned her into a Hexenbiest.
  • Pretty Boy: Renard's accomplice Sebastian. He's notably more delicate and slender than both Renard and Meisner, with large dark eyes and high cheekbones.
  • Primal Polymorphs: Downplayed in the case of several Wesen breeds; though species like the Blutbaden and the Jagerbar have animalistic instincts that may require them to the mark their territory and may abide by traditions requiring them to hunt in the wild, they have no problem with living in urban environments. Blutbaden main character Monroe occasionally indulges in a few of these rituals, even helping out in a traditional coming-of-age ceremony for young Wesen at one point, but still spends the rest of his time as a mild-mannered suburban clockmaker.
  • Prison Dimension: The Other Place, Another Dimension where humans are primitive and Wesen are dominant, appears to function as one for Zerstörer.
  • Promotion to Opening Titles: Initially both Bree Turner and Claire Coffee were given a "Guest Star" credit in the series, but starting in Season 2 for Turner, and Season 3 for Coffee, they were given "Starring" credits
  • Product Placement:
    • iPod, iPhone, and Nike, all within the first five minutes of the first episode.
    • "Beeware" has the sounds particular to Android phones.
    • There’s also product placement for obscure products you’ll only find in Oregon. In one episode you see a box of Voodoo Doughnuts, a shop that’s only in Portland, Eugene, and Seattle (and rather famous locally) and in "Lonelyhearts" the beer Monroe orders, Double Dead Guy, is brewed in Bandon, OR.
    • One episode in Season 6 has a fairly blatant FaceTime placement.
  • Professor Guinea Pig: the psychiatrist in "Big Feet"
  • Psychic Strangle: A natural extension of Hexenbiest/Zauberbiest Mind over Matter powers. Conrad Bonaparte in particular likes this method of torture and execution.
  • Pun-Based Title: "Game Ogre" (Game over), the episode about a Siegebarste named Oleg Stark.
  • Punny Name: Several of the Wesen characters, especially in seasons 1 and 2— for instance:
    • The Ziegevolk (goat-Wesen) encountered in Lonelyhearts is named Billy Capra (Capra being Spanish for 'goat').
    • Roddy Geiger, a Reinegan is an analogue to the Pied Piper.
    • A Löwen (lion-Wesen) is named Leo Taymor.
  • Put on a Bus: In the first two seasons Nick and Hank would regularly consult with the medical examiner. We haven't seen her in Seasons 3 or 4.
  • Raccoon Scare: Early in “Of Mouse and Man”, Juliette and Nick get out of the house to investigate strange noises. It’s a raccoon looking for its dinner in their trash can.

    Nick: I am not eating what he’s eating.

    Juliette: Sure you are, you just got to it first.

  • Rape as Drama: The entire episode of "Lonelyhearts" was about a satyresque monster called a Ziegevolk, making him a serial rapist by human standards.
  • Rasputinian Death: Rasputin himself suffered this. He was a Koschie, a type of wesen that have incredible healing abilities and are incredibly hard to take down. He was killed by a British Intelligence Officer who happened to be a Grimm.
  • Readings Are Off the Scale: Juliette isn't just a hexenbiest now, her blood is off-the-charts powerful to boot. It caused a potion to boil over and burn a hole deep into the earth.
  • Real Life Writes the Plot: Actress Claire Coffee's pregnancy was the impetus for Adalind's second pregnancy storyline.
  • Record Needle Scratch: A modern version but in "Leave It To Beaver", Juliette cozies up to Nick and the background music begins to play romantic music. When she reveals she actually just wants to invite Monroe over for dinner, the music stops abruptly.
  • Recruited from the Gutter: A Bad Guy of the Week recruits homeless young women, dresses them in fine clothes, then sends them out to shoplift from high-end fashion boutiques.
  • Recurring Extra: Bud Wurstner, the Eisbiber plumber. He starts out being terrified of Nick, but they soon form an odd friendship and Bud eventually helps out on occasion.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: When Blutbaden get pissed, their eyes turn red.
  • Red Herring:
    • Commonplace as befits a supernatural police procedural. Became less common in later seasons as the police investigations gave way to arc-based episodes.
    • This is spoofed in one episode. While looking for a dangerous Wesen Nick and Hank keep running into a man in a wheelchair who never says anything but seems to to be present for all the strange events. Naturally, the culprit ends up being someone nobody suspected. The episode ends with the reveal that the mysterious man was also a Wesen: a fish-like Wesen with red scales.
  • Redemption Equals Death: In "Red Menace" the alleged reformed FSB wesen assassin-turned-healer heals his murderer, a maid of the house, when his wife took a chunk out of her neck for trying to kill her husband. The former FSB had previously killed the maid's father when she was 10 and her brother this episode.
  • Refuge in Audacity: Various parties have relied on this to escape prosecution for their actions, ranging from wesen obviously reasoning that no human would believe what they're capable of to Nick and his allies stopping wesen from committing further crimes by neutralising their abilities, confident that the wesen won't be able to report them to anyone else in future.
  • Relationship Upgrade:
    • In "Good Night, Sweet Grimm" Nick and Juliette finish reconciling their relationship with Juliette a full partner in the Grimm side of things, while Monroe and Rosalee consummate their own relationship.
  • Retired Monster: Implied to be the majority of the creatures, at least among the more predatorial species. In the second episode, when one of the Jägerbärs is told that his family is performing the traditional manhood ritual (which involves hunting down and killing someone), the first words out of his mouth are, "What? No one does that anymore." It also explains why Blutbaden, whose hungry urges are triggered by the color red, haven't eaten everyone. For other Wesen like Spinnetods, they're rare because the particular demands of their biology aren't compatible with a normal life.
    • The term 'wieder' Wesen has come up as a way of describing those wesen who are capable of controlling/mastering their Wesen aspects such as Charlotte and Monroe.
    • The whole point of the Black Claw arc is a large number of Wesen who are tired of maintaining The Masquerade and want to return to the "old ways", forcing humanity to live by their rules. Of course, they have to be careful, since there are many more humans than Wesen, and a gun can kill a Wesen just as well as a human (most of the time).
  • Retcon: Initially, Marie told Nick that Grimms inherit their powers when the Grimm of the previous generation dies and passes them on. In Season 2, Nick's mother tells him that the powers awaken at a random age to those in the family line, with girls getting the powers younger than boys. This explains away certain headscratchers and justifies why Nick received the sight so late in life.
    • In the first episode Monroe states he avoids other Blutbaden because bad things happen when they get into packs. Later in said episode he shown to be physically affected by the other's presence, starting to lose control over himself, forcing him to leave or else he might attack someone. However, in a Dish Served Cold, almost every Bludbad in Portland in shown in the same spot with no ill effects on any of them.
    • In early episodes wesen weren't automatically aware that Nick was a Grimm when he saw them woge, they had to intuit it based on his reaction to them. As the show progressed it became an instinctive recognition. In "Synchronicity" it's described as something the wesen see in the Grimm's eyes.
  • The Reveal: Captain Renard, Nick and Hank's superior, knows about the existence of Vesen and is somehow tied to them.
  • Revenge by Proxy: In "Three Bad Wolves", one Bauerschwein (a pig wesen) decides to get even with a Blutbad (a wolf wesen), who had murdered his brothers for fun. So he targets said Blutbad's brothers.
  • The Revolution Will Not Be Civilized: A major theme of the series is that the relationship between oppressor and oppressed is fluid, and that those on the bottom will often be just as selfish and exploitative as those currently on top if they are given power.

    Edward Waltz:You may think I'm a monster but what I am is necessary. No society can survive without order. Free thought is not free - there is no such thing as revolutio - the oppressed always become the oppressors and the cycle repeats itself over and over. The only way to win is to stay out of the cycle.

  • Rewind, Replay, Repeat: "Beeware" has Nick repeatedly rewatching the Flash Mob videos taken by various security cams in hopes of finding the person killing people at each Flash Mob event.
  • The Right of a Superior Species: Invoked throughout the series. Certain, more powerful Wesen, have a long history of lording over weaker Wesen, such as Hasslich and Eisbebers, or Blutbaden and Bauerschwein. Historically, most Grimms have appeared apathetic to these conflicts, though Nick has little patience for them.
  • Running Gag: Monroe's introduction in each episode seems to always revolve around him doing a very normal, very mundane activity and trying very very hard to ignore Nick and the inevitable creature-related problem. In "Organ Grinder", he brings this fact up and tries to have a normal conversation—it rapidly and awkward devolves into Monroe's favorite color (red), how human organs are like homeopathic remedies for Wesen, and Nick and Monroe talking about human testicles as the Wesen equivalent of Viagra.

    Monroe: Maybe I should just get you your own key.

    • Becomes Hilarious in Hindsight by episode 12 of Season Two because Nick decides to stay at Monroe's place due to the complicated situation with Juliette and Renard.
  • Roaring Rampage of Rescue:
    • Nick goes on one of these in “Plumed Serpent."
    • In "Wesenrein" and "Tribunal" Nick, Hank, Renard and Wu go on a tear to track down a kidnapped Monroe before the Wesenrein can put him to death and then Juliette and Rosalee join them in the actual rescue.
  • Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Adalind's currently on one. "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" indeed. The fact that she's also trying to avenge her mother's death is the icing on this particular cake.
  • Sacrificial Lion: Angelina, killed making a Heroic Sacrifice to save Monroe's life.
  • Sarcastic Confession: The FBI, who found a hair with partial DNA match to Nick's at a warehouse where two FBI agents and their killer died, ask him who he's protecting.

    Nick: "My mother."

  • Samus Is a Girl: El Cucuy is actually a 77-yo old grandmother, despite the masculine El. Though in the original folktales, there is actually both a female and male version of the creature.
  • Santa Claus: According to Monroe in "Let Your Hair Down", he's real, and he's a Wesen called a Gefrierengeber that can survive in the cold of the North Pole.
  • Sapient Fur Trade: One episode has a Wesen who hunts other Wesen for their hides. His latest target is a couple from a rare species who are about to have their first child. He also mentions that a Fuchsbau hide is more valuable than a Blutbad hide.
  • Save the Princess: Invoked and [[Conversed Discussed]] when Juliette is kidnapped by a Daemonfeuer.
  • Science Marches On: In-Universe. Graussen were originally believed to be human children possessed by a demon and later subject to a genetic mutation that gave them a feral, wesen-like condition. This led the Wesen Council to make these children "disappear." Juliette figures out that it's really a parasitic infection that can be treated and Nick turns the information over to the Council's bag-man.
  • Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right!: Monroe is breaking all kinds of taboos by helping Nick, but he is not going to let that stop him from doing what he thinks is right. This point is made clear when, in Episode 9 ("Of Mouse and Man"), he's ambushed by a group of creatures who beat him bloody and unconscious, then scrawl a Reaper scythe emblem on his car; Nick says he won't ask for any more help, but Monroe refuses to knuckle under to threats.

    Monroe: I'm not really a status quo kind of guy.

    • Standard operating procedure for Graussen children is for the Wesen Council to make them disappear. Rosalee contacts the Council as she's obligated to do but when their representative shows up in town, Monroe alerts Nick instead and offers to help identify the guy, despite the risk to himself and Rosalee. (Nick tells him to stay put.)
  • Secret Identity Blunder: Mid-season 5 sees the gang find the location of the Seven Knights' Treasure in the Black Forest. Nick and Monroe travel to Germany to find it, travelling on fake passports to avoid detection. However, while the pair investigate, Nick slips up by giving his real name rather than the fake one and then blatantly covering. Especially jarring as Nick is the cop out of the two.
  • Seductive Spider: Amongst the spider-like Wesen, the Spinnetod (who from Nick's journals seem to be the inverse inspiration for the Tsuchigumo), females are always extremely attractive. However, they also suffer from an affliction where they shed their skin every five years or else will prematurely age. As their skin doesn't naturally shed, they are forced to devour three males (either human or Wesen) over a span of several days to break through each layer, and traditionally go about doing so by seducing their prey into inviting them into a seclude location first.
  • Self-Surgery: In "Island of Dreams", a Wessen who had a chunk bitten out of his leg during a robbery gone wrong stitches up the wound himself.
  • Serial-Killer Killer: El Cucuy, basically a boogeyman wesen of Hispanic origin, comes to a region by hearing the cries of women in trouble because of the rampaging evil abound. It seeks to end the evil doers by murdering them. And it isn't just one. This is the operating style of the entire species.
  • Sewer Gator: The Gellumcaedus were the origin of this trope, apparently. And they've been at it for a long time, since all they had to work out of was the Roman aqueduct.
  • Sexy Coat Flashing: In "Bears Will be Bears", Gilda seduces her boyfriend by suggestively opening a fur coat she's wearing to reveal her lingerie-clad body.
  • Shell-Shocked Veteran: In "El Cucuy" a man who keeps popping up at crime scenes is revealed to be a Marine who is suffering PTSD from his tours overseas. All he wants is to keep his neighborhood safe so he goes and tries to kill a wesen who was causing trouble when he was released, as said wesen was innocent of the murders in the episode.
    • In "The Good Soldier" Frankie Gonzalez initially looks like an unhinged stalker-type who's willing to harass and murder over a grudge. Subverted in that her PTSD was due to being raped and her attackers escaping justice. She only wanted them to confess to what they'd done. It was her former C.O. and one of the conspirators doing the killings.
  • Ship Tease: From the moment she showed up, this has been happening between Rosalee and Monroe.
  • Shock and Awe: The Matança Zumbido, an electric eel wesen, can release enough electricity to burn people to a husk.
  • Sibling Team: The two villains of "Red Menace" are revealed to be a brother and sister trying to avenge their father.
  • Sick Episode: "Game Ogre" kind of functions as this for Nick, given that he spends two-thirds of it hospitalized after a fight with a siegbarste.
  • Significant Anagram: Trinket Lipslums in "Nameless". Rumplestiltskin.
  • Significant Reference Date: In “Breakfast in Bed”, a translation of writings related to a mysterious stick the group have recently discovered reveals that some significant event is destined to happen on 24 March 2012, which was not only a date in the future, but the date when the series’ penultimate episode (the first of the two-part finale) would air in the real world.
  • Single Tear: Monroe has one in "Over My Dead Body" just before drinking the dead faint Zaubertrank. Easy to miss since it's not called out and the scene is more focused on him trying to reassure Rosalee slash almost sorta tell her how he feels, despite the date they had before.
  • Sinister Minister: One of Captain Renard's allies is a Catholic priest who serves as "God's Wrath" and will kill those who go against Renard's rule over the Wesen in the area.
  • Sinister Scythe: Seems to be the preferred weapons for the Reapers of the Grimms.
  • Smug Snake: Adalind. Believes herself to be a master manipulator? Check. Often painfully proved wrong? Check. Constant snarking and smirking? Check. Used as a pawn by more competent bosses? Check. Lacking the charm or grace of more popular characters? By general consensus, check.
  • Soft Glass: Averted in the case of Catherine Schade.
    • Played straight in the case of Oleg Stark, though justified in that he is a Siegbarste, and has pretty thick skin.
  • Sore Loser: Fuchsteufelwild hate losing at games. To the point where Trinket Lipslums would rather throw himself off the roof, rather than be caught and admit that Nick beat him.
  • Soundtrack Dissonance: In "Mr. Sandman," the titular song plays as background music while Andre's recently blinded first victim blunders around her apartment, crying and in severe pain, and ultimately pulls a bookshelf down onto herself and is crushed to death.
  • Sound-Only Death / Gory Discretion Shot:
    • During the events of 'Tribunal', Renard gets one of these as he kills an escaping Wesenrein member in Zauberbiest mode, heavily implying that whatever he did to his victim, it was too gory even for Grimm. All the viewer is treated to is Hank's expression of horror and some very... squelchy noises.
    • The very first death in the series, with Sylvie Oster getting killed offscreen by a Blutbad, as we hear animal noises coupled with Sylvie's screams which degrade to pained whimpers.
  • Spanner in the Works: The man who gets killed at the beginning of "The Good Shepard" winds up providing a lead for Nick because the man had a hip replacement and it jammed up the woodchipper he was fed into.
  • Spiritual Successor:
    • So Nick is essentially The Chosen One who protects people from the forces of darkness, his mentor Aunt Marie is a librarian with a weapons cabinet and a giant book of demons (and she can kick ass). And the monsters have a Game Face that looks oddly familiar. David Greenwalt is the executive producer. And, as of Season 4, the hero's love interest is what has been labeled his mortal enemy. Remind you of anything?
    • The premise (the monster hunter is the mythical creature to the mythical creatures) also draws heavily from I Am Legend (the original story not the movie).
  • Spot the Thread: In "Blond Ambition" Theresa notices Adalind!Juliette isn't the right Juliette when she doesn't recognize her and says she doesn't like bacon, when Juliette is an admitted bacon-addict.
  • Spy Fiction: Most of the plotlines directly concerning the royals or Verrat tend to Genre Shift into this, heavy Stale Beer flavor.
  • Stalker Shrine: Happens to Nick in "The Hour of Death" when he finds the bedroom of the Grimm vigilante where dozens of pictures of himself are posted all over the walls.
  • Stalker with a Crush: Ariel Eberhart somehow manages to come across as this, even though Nick was the one stalking her (well, following her for a case, technically speaking). Of course, it's all part of her plan.
  • Standard Hero Reward: Zigzagged in "Maiden Quest". A crime boss has no son, so he invokes an ancient Wesen custom of his tribe: The suitor who performs a particular task (killing the boss's enemy) will marry his daughter, and become his heir. Each suitor is killed by a mysterious assailant just before pulling off the hit. At the end, we find that the daughter was killing the suitors rather than be the prize in a contest—and her father secretly knew it all along. He was hoping she'd do that, and prove she's ruthless enough to rule the family in her own right. One of the suitors was actually gay and didn't want to participate in the ritual for obvious reasons, but his parents forced him.
  • Status Quo Is God: In-universe example. The Reapers don't take kindly to anyone messing with the status quo of the supernatural system and alliances. Nick's crossing lines and making certain allies is not well liked as a result.
  • Stealth Hi/Bye: Nick's mother Kelly makes a habit of doing, continually surprising him with her appearances/disappearances in "Bad Teeth".
  • Stealth Pun:
    • Steinadlers are raptor-like wesen who are noted as having an affinity for military service. In other words, they're war hawks.
    • Punny Name: The old man in "Breakfast in Bed" is mysterious and is believed at first to be the Monster of the Week. Turns out, he's not and he's actually a fish-like Wesen with red scales. His middle name? Herring. He's a Red Herring.
  • Step into the Blinding Fight: An episode had a fly Wesen capable of spewing a certain parasite into his victims' eyes which blinded them (and after a while the parasites would completely eat out their eyes). After he blinds Nick, the Wesen later tries to use this to his advantage in an attack, but Nick's developed enhanced hearing and ends up winning.
  • Stock Sound Effects: Several of the over-the-top type, probably to enhance the "supernatural creatures out of folk tales" feel.
  • Straight Edge Evil: The villain of the pilot episode is a soft-spoken mailman who wears loafers, fluffy sweaters and aprons and owns a cozy cottage in the woods. And eats people.
  • Strong Family Resemblance: The series finale reveals that Trubel is Nick's third cousin on his mother's side, which accounts for the fact that they look so much alike that they could be siblings.
  • Stupid Crooks: The two kidnappers in "The Hour of Death" left hair samples of their victim, chloroform and the rag they used to apply it, and the victim's purse containing a wallet with her photo ID in one kidnapper's car. A bit of a subversion as by the time they find this evidence one of the kidnappers had been tortured into confessing and killed by a Grimm vigilante, and the other one was released from custody while Nick and Hank were being shown the evidence by the same vigilante who then killed him.
  • Sublime Rhyme: "Don't let your womb be your tomb."
  • Sunglasses at Night: After learning that woged Wesen see a Grimm's eyes as entirely black, Nick opts to wear sunglasses to Monroe and Rosalee's wedding in order to avoid freaking out their Wesen relatives and friends. Trubel also wears sunglasses when she doesn't want to tip a Wesen off who she is.
  • Supernaturally Young Parent: Renard's mother. They barely look like mother and son, more like siblings in fact. She makes it quite clear that she's using Hexenbiest magic to maintain a youthful appearance.
  • Superpowerful Genetics: With a magical element. The death of the previous generation passes on the powers to the next. Because Marie has terminal cancer, the abilities were passing to Nick a little at a time. Upon her death, though, the rest showed up.
    • Though, this is questionable as it's revealed that Nick's mother is still very much alive.
    • Retconned slightly in the second season. Grimms are now said to receive their powers at a random age, although females gain theirs sooner than males. Marie's terminal cancer didn't so much cause Nick to inherit the Grimm abilities as make it imperative that she tell him what he needs to know while she still could.
    • In "Stories We Tell Our Young" Nick and Hank get a primer in wesen genetics from Monroe and Rosalee but the Gratuitous German obfuscates much of the meaning. Basically, same-type wesen-wesen pairings always produce wesen children. Wesen-human pairings have a 50% chance of producing a wesen child unless the human carries wesen genes (kehrseite-genträger), in which case it's always wesen. Pairings of different wesen types produce a special kind of offspring, which Monroe and Rosalee are very vague about. The term they use, vorherrscher, implies that it's a matter of dominant genetic expression of traits.
  • Super-Senses: A number of wesen have particularly keen senses, such as Monroe with his sense of smell. As of "Mr. Sandman", Nick acquires super hearing, as a result of his body's apparent innate power to compensate for damage caused by Wesen attacks (in this case, being blinded).
  • Superpowered Evil Side: Pierce Higgins, who's normally a relatively docile turtle-like Wesen, starts to randomly turn into a Lowen and killing his competitors who happen to be his friends on the Academic Decathalon team. His mother experimented on his genetics in utero to make him better able to defend himself (as their people had been victims of Van Helsing Hate Crimes in the past), and this was the result.
    • The Krampus from "The Twelve Days of Krampus" is a harmless photographer most of the time, but turns into the powerful monster that eats naughty children for a few days every year around Christmas. He has no memory or knowledge of what he's done during his "blackouts".
    • The next year, Nick and team Grimm discover Kallikantzaroi - a disease which gives the children of Indole Gentile a superpowered evil side that also happens to hate christmas and love fruitcake.
  • Swarm of Rats: In "Danse Macabre", an unlucky music teacher becomes a meal for a pack of hungry rats, and a Reinigen can actually control them.

Tropes T-Z 

  • Taken for Granite: Apparently, powerful Zauberbiests are able to turn someone to stone by touching them.
  • Tasty Tears: The Jinnamuru Xunte, one of the most terrifying creatures on the show finds tears to be utterly delicious. It drinks the tears of its victims, which have a pleasurable opiate-like effect on the creature, leaves behind parasitic worms that will destroy entire eye of its victims, and often returns to places it has fed before in order to do the same to the weeping families of said victims. It's also horrifying-looking, with the head of a giant fly when woged.
  • Teeth-Clenched Teamwork: Nick and Angelina in "Over My Dead Body"
  • Television Geography: Portland is divided into five geographic sectors — North, Northeast, Northwest, Southeast and Southwest. Every street name is preceded by one of these sector names (i.e., Northeast Tenth Avenue) except for Burnside Street which is labeled "East" or "West." East-west streets can run through two sectors of the city; the names of north-south avenues (which are numbered) can exist in up to four sectors of the city. Therefore, it's important to not only say the name of the street, but also the sector where it exists. In Grimm, names of streets are given without their corresponding sectors. (Probably to keep viewers from visiting Real Life addresses.)
    • in Episode 1x18 there is a brief shot of the city of "Mannheim, Germany" which is actually shot in another German city, Hannover. Glaringly obvious to anyone who has ever visited Hannover. Probably Mannheim didn't look German enough?note 
    • In Episode 3x01 they claim that they can't stop a plane because "in a few minutes it'll be over international waters". Except... they're in Portland. And it's going to Austria. So no, it really wouldn't be. It doesn't help that MANY minutes later the plane goes down in flames, but apparently still lands in America. So much for international waters?
  • Terminally-Ill Criminal: Colonel Adam Desai from "The Good Soldier" was the Manticore Commander for soldier Frankie Gonzales in Afghanistan, who was unable to do anything to bring her justice after she was gang-raped by four Private Security Contractors, to his great regret. Years later now learning he's dying of cancer, Colonel Desai begins to hunt down and kill the four rapists.
  • Terror Hero: Nick has been known to play on the murderous reputations of past generations of Grimms in order to intimidate Wesen into backing down or giving him information. Renard does this on occasion too, though not because he's a Grimm but because he's both a royal and a zauberbeiste, either of which gives most wesen pause.
  • Terrified Transformation Witness:
    • Generally speaking, the Wesen transformation or "Woge" can't be seen by ordinary people unless the Wesen actually wants them to or has lost all control. Even the nicest Wesen can induce brain-breaking levels of fear by Woging visibly, so Muggles are often left horror-stricken even if they aren't in immediate danger; many are deeply traumatized by the experience, and some may even Go Mad from the Revelation. Consequently, a rite of passage for Muggles who join Nick's team is to have Munroe deliberately Woge in front of them so that they can develop a tolerance for the effects.
    • Grimms like Nick are immune to the terror-inducing effect of seeing the Woge, given that they can also see through the Weirdness Censor that conceals Wesen during their private transformations. However, getting used to the latter ability is still pretty frightening for inexperienced Grimms: Nick panicked and tried to arrest Munroe when he first saw him Woging, while Trubel spent most of her life convinced that she was insane, as she didn't have a mentor to explain what she was seeing.
  • There Should Be a Law: Hap in "The Three Bad Wolves" is surprised that it's legal for a Grimm to be a police officer. He is not the brightest guy.

    Hap: He's a cop and a Grimm? Is that even legal?

  • They Look Just Like Everyone Else!: To anyone but a Grimm, that is.
  • Things That Go "Bump" in the Night
  • This Is Not My Life to Take: After successfully freezing Volcanalis, Nick hands Markus Hemmings the sledgehammer so he can land the killing blow on his wife's murderer.
  • Those Wacky Nazis: Adolf Hitler was a Blutbad according to one of the producers.
    • Season 4 introduced the Wesenrein, a group obsessed with Wesen purity (and opposed to Wesen of different species marrying). Their logo is a Wolfsangel, oriented and with a color scheme that is very reminiscent of a Nazi swastika flag
  • The Three Faces of Eve:
  • Title Drop: in the episode "Island of Dreams" the title turns out to be a term used for a Wesen Opium Den, which is featured in the episode.
    • The show title is said pretty much every episode, which is a given really.
    • If an episode title is named after a wesen featured in the episode, this will inevitably happen.
    • Eric Renard quotes both the show title and episode title in the Season 2 finale (Goodnight, Sweet Grimm), as he closes a zombified Nick into a coffin.
  • Title-Only Opening: All the first season. In the second season they added an opening.
  • To Be Continued:
    • "Season of the Hexenbiest" which has "To Be Continued. Sorry."
    • And also the Season 2 finale "Goodnight, Sweet Grimm" which has "To Be Continued. Oh, come on. You knew this was coming."
    • And the Season 3 premiere, "The Ungrateful Dead" has "This ain't over yet."
    • "The Wild Hunt" drops "Oh #*@% !!!" before "To Be Continued..."
  • To Be Lawful or Good:
    • Nick runs up on this trope in "Beeware" when he has to protect Adalind from Melissa. In the eyes of the law, Melissa is a murderer, and he's a cop. In the eyes of the supernatural, Adalind is a Hexenbiest and Melissa a Mellifer, messenger and helper to Grimms. This time, Nick chooses the law.
    • He faces this again in "Cat and Mouse" when he let Ian, the head of the Resistance, go after Ian killed a defenseless man in front of Nick and had Monroe dump the body away from Rosalee's shop all to protect his friends. So in sum, he picked Good.
    • And again in "Endangered", when he allows the killer he'd been chasing all along to go free... because the death was accidental and the killer is a new father, whose family are all members of an endangered Wesen line.
  • Too Clever by Half: The Genio Innocuo, a Galapagos tortoise Wesen featured in "The Other Side." They're highly intelligent but extremely docile (thus allowing themselves to be hunted to near-extinction by highly prejudicial 19th-century Grimms), and in the present day, a Genio Innocuo mother gives her son partial Lowen DNA to enhance his fighting ability, only to cause severe split personality that leads him to murder his classmates when they challenged him academically and not remember doing so.
  • Too Dumb to Live:
    • In "El Cucuy" it is revealed the Wesen Hollintier, a jackal/neanderthal-like type who have big egos but not brains, were around in ancient Egypt. The ancient Egyptians could convince them to guard the tombs of Pharaohs from the inside because the wesen thought it to be a promotion.
    • In "Blond Ambition" Weston Steward shoots Renard in Nick's house with Trubel as witness. He then chases her down and — instead of just shooting her — puts away his pistol and woges to finish her off with his bare hands. Whereupon he discovers the hard way that she's a Grimm and winds up on the business end of her machete.
      • Considering the number of bullets he's fired at that point he could plausibly have been out of bullets.
  • Took a Level in Badass:
    • Nick several times.
      • In "Organ Grinder", for the first time, we see him intentionally threaten creatures with his status as a Grimm and exactly why that means they should be treading very carefully around him. He also pointedly warns the Geier in the clinic that he's NOT being a cop at that moment.
      • In "Last Grimm Standing" its revealed that Grimms have superior strength to that of ordinary humans, allowing Nick to easily defeat an adversary that several well-trained Wesen failed to do. Monroe's comment about digging down deep and channeling previous generations of Grimms could indicate that they might potentially have more abilities.
      • In "Leave it to Beavers", Nick ends up killing two Reapers tasked with eliminating him. He sends a parcel containing their severed heads back to their handler in Germany, along with a note.

        :Nick: Next time, send your best.

      • In "Season of the Hexenbiest" Nick takes out four Verrat soldiers with a kanabo and only nominal assistance from Monroe.

        Monroe: So do you wanna arrest these guys or what?
        Nick: Or what.

    • Juliette, repeatedly. The first season gives her a storyline where she takes shooting lessons. In Season 2, she becomes aware of wesen and decides to build up her tolerance by getting her friends to woge for her. And in Season 3, she has clearly been taking self-defence lessons and moves up to Combat Pragmatist Action Girl by once again fighting a Klaustreich intruder who has incapacitated Nick (granted by surprising and sucker punching him and it only lasted maybe three minutes), kicking his ass even when he's in full woge. In the fourth season after gaining Hexenbeast powers, she blows off part of a guy's head with her new telekenetic abilities while he was choking her.
  • To Unmasque the World: The survival of the wesen depends on humans not knowing of their existence. This is so critical that showing your Game Face in public is punishable by death. Across the series, two separate groups try to break the masquerade unsuccessfully.
    • In season 4, the wesenreing, a wesen purity group that opposes wesen-human or inter-wesen species relationships, starts to woge in public and murders "impure" wesens leaving their shifted corpses in public for the "normals" to find. This forces the wesen council to approach Nick, the grimm (an enhanced human tasked with policing and, if necessary, executing rogue wesen) to put down the hate group which has infiltrated the local police departments in order to target "undesirable" wesen. Nick and his gang of friends are able to wipeout the Portland chapter of the wesenrein.
    • Season 6 feature Black Claw, a wesen supremacy group that wanted to wipeout humans and reclaim the earth for wesen kind. The plot got convoluted as the writers raced to wrap up the series long arc after the show failed to be renewed for another season, but ended up with both Black Claw and its opposition, human-friendly Hadrian's Wall completely wiped out and the normal world none the wiser.
  • Tragic Keepsake: Monroe is handed the wedding ring of another wesen who was considered "impure" by the Wesenrein as he is dragged away. Next time Monroe sees him, he was impaled on a stake and then burned to a black and crispy corpse.
  • Tragic Villain: Spinnetod females. Due to the demands of their species, they're cursed to age incredibly fast (starting at puberty) with the only way to avoid this being to kill and eat young men... which may include spinnetod males.
  • Trailers Always Spoil: The promo for "The Wild Hunt" shows Monroe proposing to Rosalee.
  • Trigger-Happy: The bad guys in “Island Of Dreams” only meet the ‘shoot at the slightest provocation’ part of the trope description.
  • True Companions: Nick, Juliette, Monroe, Rosalee, and Hank look to be shaping up this way. Not only is a Grimm friends with the beings who were raised to fear him, Hank and Juliette are two normal people who have accepted their friends, not run away in fear or try to kill them. This group is truly a rare find.
  • True Love's Kiss:
    • Played with at the start of Season 2. For Juliette to wake from her coma, she needs a kiss from someone pure of heart... and her long-time boyfriend is one of the nicest, most genuinely decent guys you will ever meet, constantly visiting her in the hospital. It ends up being Renard, a virtual stranger to her—but also a prince, apparently another requirement—who takes a potion to make him pure enough of heart to deliver the kiss himself. This has major implications later in the season, as breaking Adalind's curse causes both Renard and Juliette to become obsessed with each other.
    • Played straighter in "Kiss of the Muse" although there's not an actual kiss. Nick is infected by the kiss of a Wesen called a musai and becomes obsessed with her, for which there is no known antidote. Juliette recovers her memory in time to reach out to him and cure him. Might be more accurately described as True Love's Held Gaze.
  • Ugly All Along: Many Wessen who appear as normal human people are frequently revealed to be various fantasy creatures with beastlike traits and features. Only a person known as a Grimm can see through their illusions to know the truth. One of the most extreme examples of this trope was the character Adalind Schrade, who appeared as a lovely blonde woman, but was in reality an eyeless, hideous Hexenbeste.
  • Underground Railroad: For Wesen who are trying to escape the Old World controlled by The Seven Families, there is this as a means of escape in United States.
  • Unreliable Narrator: Farley Kolt in “Three Coins In A Fucshbau”. He seems to be on the level when he says that he and Aunt Marie where engaged before she had to leave him to take care of Nick but in light of the fact that he was after the coins for himself, how much he can be trusted is thrown into question.
  • Useless Security Camera: Subverted. They couldn't find the perp with the security cams, but they were able to identify the murder victim and the people standing closest to her so they could question them about the crime. They were also able to nudge an uncooperative witness by reminding him he'd been caught on camera.
    • Of course in "Three Coins", the camera didn't help much because the perps ripped it out of the wall and took it with them.
  • Urban Legend: "Cold Blooded" isn't based on a fairy tale, and rather the popular tale that there are alligators living in the sewers of various big cities. The wesen in question, gelumcaedus, guarded the aqueducts in ancient Rome. When the empire fell, they retreated to the underground pipes to avoid persecution, and ever since have dwelled in the pipes and sewers below cities.
    • Their isolation also explains why they still use the old Roman name for Grimms, "Decapitare" (i.e. "decapitator").
  • Van Helsing Hate Crimes: Historically, Grimms have made little distinction between "good" and "evil" Wesen. There was one point where a Grimm discovered a new kind of species on the Galapagos, and systematically slaughtered them all. Not that many Wesen can be much better themselves.
    • One episode features a Grimm who. Turns out he's a Wesen himself, only a particularly hideous, disgusting one.
  • Vegetarian Wesen: Wieder Wesen. Monroe is one now, but wasn't always. Charlotte in "Tarantella" is an example of what happens to Spinnetod women if they succeed in resisting the urge to kill every five years. The result is rapid aging.
  • [Verb] This!: "Tweet this" from Doug the Mellifer.
  • Villain Ball: Lampshaded in "Tribunal" when Nick along with Juliette, the Captain, Hank, Wu, and Rosalee have surrounded the Wesenrein and ordered them to surrender, he mentions those who don't won't like the result and knows some will try it anyway. End result? Any who ran or fought died. Those who gave up lived.
  • Villain Has a Point: The Beati Paoli in "Once We Were Gods." Although they use theft, arson and murder to achieve their ends, they're not wrong that looting ancient cultures and desecrating remains are disrespectful to the dead and the native cultures, even in the name of science.
  • Visual Pun:
    • Nick and Monroe at a dog park.
    • In "Breakfast in Bed", there's a creepy old man in a wheelchair that seems like he might be the bad guy. It turns out he has nothing to do with it and is revealed to be a red fish-like Wesen... whose name is Charles Herring Lynk.
  • Wacky Marriage Proposal: Monroe proposes to Rosalee in "The Wild Hunt" by making a cuckoo clock that pops out with a ring and asks, "Will you marry me?"
  • Walking Swimsuit Scene: The Naiads.
  • Wall of Weapons:
    • Nick has one in his trailer. Monroe finds it—and the rest of the Grimm 'lair'—to be appropriately cool and scary from his perspective as a blutbad.
    • Later repeated when Nick shows Hank around the trailer and admits that he actually does have a crossbow.

    Hank: Are you kidding me?!

  • Weird Crossover: They did a small collaboration with the 2016 gacha game Grimms Notes... In the form of an illustration. The only discernible reason is that both works are based on fairy tales.
  • Welcomed to the Masquerade:
    • Nick is a Grimm and when he comes into his powers, his dying aunt did not have much time to explain to him what that entails or teach him about the world he is about to become part of. It is up to Monroe, a Blutbat Wesen, to become Nick's mentor in Wesen matters.
    • Later on Nick brings in his Muggle partner Hank and fiance Juliette into the Masquerade because they are put in danger by not knowing what is really going on.
    • In Season 4 Nick and Hank bring Wu fully into the Masquerade to help him understand he isn't insane and to prove they aren't corrupt cops.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist:
    • Melissa and her minions, killing Hexenbiests because they're evil.
    • El Cucuy, basically a boogeyman wesen of Hispanic origin, comes to a region by hearing the cries of women in trouble because of the rampaging evil abound. It seeks to end the evil doers by murdering them. They see nothing wrong with their actions.
  • Wendigo: Your standard cave-dwelling cannibal. Likes to eat their victims and bury their remains near their lairs.
  • Wham Episode:
    • "Three Coins in a Fuchsbau." Aunt Marie was once engaged to a Wesen, but had to break it off when her sister (also a Grimm) was killed by another Wesen, who had stolen coins she was protecting—coins responsible for Nero, Caligula, and the Third Reich. Also, Hitler was a Wesen.
    • "Woman in Black." Adalind has afflicted Juliette with some unknown poison. To get her to seek medical treatment, Nick tells her everything, but she falls unconscious before he can show her definitive proof. Hank is starting to Go Mad from the Revelation after seeing both Monroe in his Blutbad form and a Wildermann turn back to human when he died. Oh yeah, and Nick's mother is alive.
    • "Season of the Hexenbiest." Monroe discovers Renard and Juliette's feelings for each other and tells Nick. Adalind returns to Portland and has Hank beaten severely enough to be hospitalized. She then learns about the trailer from Juliette and passes this information to Renard. Nick and Juliette break up and Nick moves out of the house. Monroe reveals Renard to Nick as Juliette's obsession. Renard discovers the trailer.
    • Face Off. Nick and Monroe find out that Juliette and Renard are under a spell and Renard is the Royal in Portland. Renard is in an alliance with the anti-Royal rebellion. Renard finds Nick's aunt's key but, instead of giving it to Adalind, comes clean to Nick and proposes an alliance. And Adalind is pregnant.
    • "Goodnight, Sweet Grimm". Eric comes to Portland And Nick gets turned into a zombie.
    • "Blond Ambition", the Season 3 finale has gotta top all of them. All the guests at Monroe and Rosalee's wedding learn that they're friends with a Grimm, Adalind takes away Nick's Grimm abilities and buggers off to Europe on the promise of Renard's cousin to return her baby (whom he doesn't actually have), Captain Renard is on the edge of death due to having been shot by a Verrat agent, Trubel beheads the guy that shot Renard and calls the police, leading to Wu finding some of Nick's books and learns about Grimm and Wesen.
    • "Chupacabra". The case of the Chupacabra ends in the tragic death of the suspect, since he passed the illness onto his wife and they only had one dose of the cure at the spice shop, Wu begins going insane (again) having seen the Chupacabra (and this time Nick decides Wu has been in the dark too long), Monroe is kidnapped by the Wesenrein after Rosalee receives a death threat from them, and Juliette woges into a Hexenbiest as a side effect of restoring Nick's powers.
    • "Bad Luck". Adalind is preggers again. The kicker? It's Nick's!
    • "Iron Hans". All of the main characters find out that Adalind has Nick's baby, pushing Juliette to do a full Face–Heel Turn by allying herself to the Royals and burning down the trailer.
    • The next episode, "Headache", ends with the return of Truble and Nick's mother, the latter of whom is lured to her death by Juliette. And Adalind's first kid is now back in the hands of the Royals.
    • "Cry Havoc", the next episode following Headache and the capstone in what might well be termed a Wham Arc, drops the hammer with this trope. By the end, The King is dead at the hands of Meisner, who turned up out of nowhere, Diana is back in Meisner's hands and quite probably back to the Resistance, Kenneth is dead at the hands of Nick, Juliette is dead at the hands of Trubel, after a brief Hope Spot in which it looked as if she and Nick might, if not reconcile, at least resolve not to kill each other, and Nick's house is being stormed by not-FBI guys under the command of that FBI lady who tried to recruit Trubel earlier. Oh, and They pinned the Jack the Ripper killings on Kenneth. Couldn't have happened to a better guy.
    • "Eve of Destruction". The Wesen cult is finally revealed to be officially named "Black Claw" and uprisings are happening across the globe, Juliette, formerly thought to be dead, works under Meisner as her new alter ego Eve, and The Wesen Council is all but wiped out by Black Claw (save for Alexander.)
    • "Into the Schwarzwald," which is appropriate for the 100th episode. Firstly, the mystery of the keys is finally solved, at least partially. It's a stick with the ability to heal as well as cryptic text in another language. Aside from that, Rosalee's past catches up with her when one of her old junkie friends pays her a visit, Adalind's powers show signs of returning, mayoral candidate Andrew Dixon is dead, and his entire campaign was just a setup by Black Claw to get Renard on their side.
  • Wham Line:
    • From "Love Sick".

      Adalind: You killed me.
      Nick: You don't look very dead.
      Adalind: I'm human.

    • From "Woman in Black".

      Woman In Black: Nick. Nicky, it's me.
      Nick: Mom?

    • From "Nobody Knows the Trubel I've Seen".

      Monroe: She's a Grimm!

    • From "Cry Luison"

      Juliette: You need to be a Grimm again.

    • From "Bad Luck"

      Henrietta (to Adalind): You are going to have another baby!

  • Wham Shot:
    • In the Season 3 finale "Blond Ambition" Wu sees one of the Grimm books showing a wesen and a grimm beheading it. While standing in Nick's house where someone has been decapitated.
    • At the end of "Chupacabra" Juliette, suffering from side effects of the spell that restored Nick's Grimm abilities, woges into a hexenbiest.
    • In the final scene of "Wesen Nacht" Juliette is revealed to be alive after she lays the telekinesis on the leader of the Wesen street gang.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?:
    • In "Let Your Hair Down", the last we see of the doggie-wash guy, he's tied up in a basement.
    • So, as of the end of "Tarantella", there's a prematurely aged young woman in jail who is missing no fingers, but the cops have a detached finger that matches her DNA. How did the law process this one?
    • We never do find out if La Llorona made another appearance on subsequent Halloweens.
  • What Measure Is a Non-Human?/Van Helsing Hate Crimes: Subverted. Unlike some of its brethren in the genre, Nick is fine with letting supernatural creatures live their own lives as long as they're not breaking the law, and so far has treated them as he would human beings in comparative situations. This has come to shock some of them as this approach seems unheard of for a Grimm (on the other hand, Marie very specifically said "Hunt down the bad ones"). Conversely, it turns out that some of the supernatural creatures are either (usually) harmless and not involved in any real trouble or are allies of the Grimms. The former still tend to be wary of Nick while the latter tend to be surprised that Nick seems to ignore the traditional feuds. Nevertheless, the reputation of the Grimms is enough that most creatures that recognize Nick instantly expect him to kill them on the spot.
    • The peaceful ones that get to know him, however, ( Monroe, Rosalee, the Beaverfolk) often appreciate having a Grimm as an ally, because that gives them an edge over their more Axe-Crazy counterparts in Wesen society, especially if they were traditionally on the lower end of the Status Quo.
      • Also comes in handy when a very old school, very militant Grimm shows up. Nick's rapport with them is probably the only thing preventing the wesen community from being any more panicked than it was.
    • On the other side of things, Nick's mom has trouble with this as well since she was raised under the belief that all wesen were dangerous and should be killed (well, the non-allies anyway). So it's justified that she has trouble understanding Nick's relationship with Monroe and Rosalee, but given the clear signs of trust, she's at least willing to accept it if not understanding it.
    • One episode had Nick and Hank looking up a prior Grimm's journal entry regarding a race of turtle-like wesen, who were described as very intelligent and peaceful. The very next sentence was about how their docile natures made them easy to kill.
    • "The Hour of Death" deals with the seeming reemergence of a particularly brutal sect of Grimms whose exploits are what earned the Grimms their place as Wesen boogeymen. Apparently back in the day they would go from place to place torturing and branding any Wesen they come across, regardless of whether they were innocent men, women or even children.
    • Rosalee is highly intrigued by the contents of the trailer, right up until Monroe reminds her that it's all dedicated to the hunting and killing of their kind.
  • Why Did It have to be Rats?: In "Danse Macabre." Hank reveals he's terrified of Rats. Brought up again later when he's introduced to a Reignigen (a rat like wesen).
  • Why Won't You Die?: Used as a Wham Line in "Red Menace" when the ex-FSB agent turned healer goes upstairs with a bottle of alcohol to have sex with his maid. The bottle has been poisoned and the maid asks this very question: she poisoned the bottle and has been trying to kill him; her brother attempted to do the same early in the episode.
  • Wicked Stepmother: Captain Renard's father's wife, the mother of his half-brother Prince Eric, attempted to murder him and his mother years ago, which is why they fled to Portland.
  • Witch with a Capital "B": In "Season of the Hexenbiest" we have this line, with a slight emphasis put on the last word.

    Nick: "I guess you don't have to be a Hexenbeist to be a witch."

    • In the episode "Nobody Knows the Trubel I've Seen", Viktor refers to Adalind as "the Hexenbitch".
  • Woman Scorned:
    • A Blutbad reverend is accused of stealing from his Seelengut church and trying to pin it on the accountant, but his Seelengut girlfriend vouches for his alibi. Then she finds out that he's knocked up another woman in the flock. She turns him in to the irate flock, who gang up and beat him to death, and she and the other woman go to live the good life on the money he stole.
    • Adalind, especially in Season 2.
    • La Llorona is said to have drowned her children and herself to attack her husband for leaving her for a younger woman.
    • King Frederick's unnamed wife attempted to murder his mistress Elizabeth and her son Sean, leading them to flee to Portland.
  • Would Hurt a Child: Whenever a case of Grausen—a rare phenomenon observed in children, theorized to be demonic possession or some kind of mutation—is reported, the Wesen Council takes quick and decisive action to make the victim "disappear". Since Grausen-afflicted children who are allowed to grow up become terrifying psychopaths, it's easy to understand why they take such a hard line. However, when Alexander, a panther-like Pflichttreue who loyally serves the Council, is sent to deal with one such case, it's very clear that he doesn't want to harm a nine-year-old boy.
  • Wouldn't Hit a Girl: In Face Off, Season 2, there's a lot of violence between Renard and Juliette, but almost all of it is directed against Renard: He get's pushed, bitten, pistol-whipped and shot at. Renard himself is close to loosing control, but the worst he does is grab Juliette or push her away.
  • Wounded Gazelle Gambit: Played with. La Llorona pretends to be committing suicide by walking into the water crying, which draws in adults who try to save her. However, she's not trying to kill them when she does this—she's drawing them away from her real victims, the children, so she can grab the kids without interference.
  • Wrong Genre Savvy: Nick mixes Blutbaden with werewolves, and asks if he might need silver bullets. Granted, he was just told that he would be harder to smell if he rubbed wolfsbane on his clothes.

    Monroe: What, are you an idiot?

  • Yank the Dog's Chain: In "The Bottle Imp," there's a scene where Juliette suddenly regains her memories while at the sink and claims to believe that Nick is a Grimm. Then it turns out to be Nick's dream.
  • Yandere: Ariel Eberhart from "Plumed Serpent" quickly demonstrates an intense obsession with Nick.
  • You Are What You Hate:
    • In "The Hour of Death" Nick suspects that another Grimm is killing Wesen in Portland. It is actually a Wesen who is in denial about what he is and believes that all Wesen must be killed. To provide context since it isn't explained on the show, the person in question is a Lebensauger - a Wesen based off lamprey eels. Complete with sucker mouth and eel-like skin. The Grimm wiki provides more information.
    • More generally, wesen tend to experience their first woge around the time of puberty and many have trouble coming to terms with who and what they are. This self-loathing fueled Rosalee's Dark and Troubled Past and afflicted Juliette's friend Alicia well into adulthood.
  • Youkai: Spinnetods are the inspiration for Japanese Jorogumo, or spider-demons.
  • You Cannot Grasp the True Form:
    • Monroe's explanation of why it's a really bad idea to show normal humans a Wesen's true form. He said that people can handle fantastic concepts like angels, demons, God, and the Big Bang because they don't experience it firsthand. People seeing living myths with their own eyes, on the other hand, might very well make the recipient Go Mad from the Revelation
    • It seems that people whose sanity withstands the initial shock tend to go mad because they think they're going crazy. Hank starts slipping over the several weeks after he sees two Wesen's true forms. Nick has to talk him down from shooting his own goddaughter in a blind panic when she accidentally reveals her Game Face, but once he's been given a quick explanation, he quickly recovers from his previous Sanity Slippage and is very glad to discover he's not insane.
      • One of Hank's goddaughter's abductors tries to invoke this trope on Nick and Hank by showing the two interfering cops his Game Face, only to discover that Hank is already aware and has a handle on it and Nick is a Grimm. Cue Oh, Crap!.
    • A mild version occurs in "La Llorona" when Nick is fighting the titular character. Since she/it isn't a Wesen, isn't human, and at least some of the time, isn't even a physical being, Nick is clearly taken aback when he discovers this. It seems like he almost forgets that he's underwater. Like Monroe noted before, people can handle some things but when they encounter other things up close and personal, it can be a little shocking.
  • You Go, Girl!: Juliette has this storyline going on, which increased her popularity drastically. She is currently insisting upon being reognized as a capable person (and demonstrates that she is one) and wants Nick to explain things to her instead of over-protecting her. Notably averted with Rosalee, who immediately became accepted as a competent ally and member of the team.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness:
    • Renard to Adalind sort of. It is more that she not only failed to get the key, but lost her powers. Sean doesn't kill her, just kicks her out of his uses.
    • Sean also says this of the Lowen gladiator in "Last Grimm Standing".
    • When the head of the Verat failed in getting the baby back, failed in getting Adalind, killing a resistance member, and lost six agents despite knowing where the Resistance was taking Adalind and baby Viktor told him his services would no longer be required and he is dealt with.
  • You Killed My Father: Nick to his parent's killers.
    • Indirectly invoked in "Mr Sandman" when the Wesen of this episode goes after the sister of his last victim, who was rendered blind when parasites literally ate her eyes; the sister ends up stabbing the wesen after the gang took out one of its eyes to save Nick from suffering the same fate as its other victims, but Hank was likely able to testify that it was done in self-defence.
  • You Kill It, You Bought It: What happens to Angelina in "Over My Dead Body" when she kills a Skalengeck attempting to rape her. It turns out that the Skalengeck was hired to kill Monroe and since she killed him, she was told by his employers she would be the one to do the deed instead or she would be killed.
  • Your Head A-Splode: A powerful enough Hexenbeast can, at a minimum, partially blow off a person's head with their powers.
  • Zany Scheme: The scheme Nick, Hank, Monroe, Rosalee, and Bud pull in "One Angry Fuschsbau" to get the Ziegevolk lawyer's sweat to create an antidote that will nullify his ability to tamper with the jury, then get him to ingest that antidote. The craziness of it is later lampshaded when their target walks in on them having a celebratory dinner afterwards and Nick just tells him, "Try telling that to a jury."
  • Zombie Apocalypse:
    • The Yellow Plague is effectively this for Wesen, though they're not actually dead just hyped up on adrenaline. And boils, sores, and other things. Fortunately, it's curable.
    • A variation occurs in the two-parter finale of Season 2. A pufferfish Wesen (Cracher-Mortel, French for "deadly spit") called Baron Samedi can spit bright-green venom into people's faces and put them into a deep death-like coma. When they awaken, they are basically voodoo zombies under the Wesen's command. The zombies (who aren't actually dead) also double as the rage zombies of the 28 Days Later series.

Thanks for not killing us harmless tropers, Grimm! Have a fruit basket.