Harry & Meghan

  • ️Mon Dec 26 2022

Harry & Meghan (Series)

Harry & Meghan is a 2022 six-part documentary series from Netflix which chronicles the courtship, marriage, royal life and eventual escape to America by the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, colloquially known as Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. The couple produced the series as part of their deal with Netflix in an attempt to answer their critics and explain their decision to step back from royal life.

The early episodes recount their meeting on Instagram, first dates, early interactions with their respective families, and royal wedding. The later episodes deal with attacks on Meghan from the British tabloids, the birth of their son Archie, her struggles to cope with the pressure and the couple’s eventual decision to cease working as royals. The final two episodes detail their escape to Los Angeles and the help given to them by Tyler Perry.

While the series has some criticism for The British Royal Family, the vast majority of criticism is levelled at the British tabloids, whom Harry blames for his mother’s death and whom he resents for what he feels were racist, sexist, and classist attacks on his wife, Meghan.

The series ends with Harry taking stock of his new life in California, thinking of his mother, socializing with his cousin Eugenie and appreciating his wife, Meghan, and their children Archie and Lili.

This show provides examples of:

  • Affectionate Nickname: Harry's friends refer to him as "Prince Haz" or "H", and initially, Meghan had no idea who "Prince Haz" was when a friend wanted to introduce them.
  • Babies Ever After: Harry says his family feels complete after the arrival of daughter Lilibet Diana, who joined her big brother Archie after the family moved to America.
  • Big Fancy House: After deciding to live financially independent of Harry's family, the couple are eventually able to buy a lavish house in Montecito, Santa Barbara County with enough lands to provide privacy.
  • Black Gal on White Guy Drama: It's quite clear that Harry believes the harassment the couple dealt with from the press and the public is because they're an interracial couple. Most of the snippets mentioned do indeed have this tone to them.
  • Cain and Abel: William and Harry's Sibling Rivalry plays out on the world stage, with proxy battles fought via tabloids, press releases, social media, the Oprah Winfrey interview and the series itself. An offscreen family meeting, in which Harry describes William screaming at him, indicates the rift between them might be permanent.
  • The Ghost:
    • Harry's brother, William, Prince of Wales, is mentioned often but rarely seen in the documentary and when he is mentioned it is clear that a rift exists between the brothers.
    • One could read into people who get a mention as being kind or supportive versus those who are not mentioned at all. Charles III, Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Phillip are all briefly praised by Harry and/or Meghan in various moments during the series, even if there was disagreement at other times. Queen Camilla is never mentioned at all, and Kate Middleton is only vaguely mentioned.
  • Grand Romantic Gesture: Harry proposes to Meghan via candles set up on a romantic walk and he has her dog with him.
  • Just in Time: The couple (along with her mother, their son, and dogs) barely make it out of Canada just before the borders are closed due to the steadily worsening pandemic.
  • King Incognito: One of the couple's early dates in London is on Halloween, and Harry wears a mask so no one will recognize him. The couple and their friends have a marvellous time.
  • Long-Distance Relationship: Early in their courtship, Harry lives in London, while Meghan lives in Toronto while filming Suits.
  • Posthumous Character: Harry thinks of his mother, the late Diana, Princess of Wales, often. Meghan is seen showing one of her babies a picture of Diana, calling her "Grandma Diana."
  • Prince Charming: Meghan has low expectations when Harry arrives late for their first date, but she soon finds him very charming. She also refers to his father, the then-Prince Charles, as this, citing his kind offer to walk her down the aisle at hers and Harry's wedding when her own father was unable to.
  • Run for the Border: The last two episodes feature Meghan & Harry, having had their security pulled and with few immediately accessible resources, planning an escape to America before lockdown shuts the border. Harry refers to their flight on Tyler Perry's jet as their "freedom flight" and the couple is relieved to find safety at Perry's home in Los Angeles.
  • Shout-Out: The final shot of the series references The Truman Show when it shows Meghan happily turning off the phone camera filming them and then a black screen.
  • Sibling Rivalry: Not only are William and Harry portrayed as rivals, but it is also possible with Meghan and her estranged older half-sister Samantha, who is accused of running multiple troll accounts on Twitter attacking Meghan.
  • Slave to PR: Harry articulates his family's toxic relationship with the British tabloids, including various members of the family trading negative stories on other members in exchange for negative stories about themselves being suppressed. Harry is livid over the fact that he suspects negative stories were planted about Meghan to deflect from others.
  • Spare to the Throne: Harry's early life was defined by this role. He's still so high in the line of succession that he must get his grandmother's permission to marry Meghan.
  • Stock Footage: It was quickly discovered that many of the shots used to suggest mass press intrusion and harassment were made up of archive footage taken from, among other sources, the premiere of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, as well as from a press scrum during a court appearance by glamour model Katie Price, which were then intercut with footage of the couple for dramatic purposes.
  • Tabloid Melodrama: This is the major theme of the series, with Harry recounting early memories of his family being hounded by the press and his belief the tabloids were responsible for his mother's death. His horror at seeing the tabloids turn on his wife, with the added toxicity of racism, motivates him to want to escape.
  • Warrior Prince: Harry talks fondly of his time serving in the military, talking about how it is the first time he really felt like he belonged. He also expresses pride in his advocacy for veterans.
  • Wedding Episode: One episode focuses on the couple's lavish royal wedding at Windsor Castle, complete with a black gospel choir and the future King Charles III walking Meghan down the aisle.
  • What If?: While discussing the couple's escape from Canada, Harry muses on what would have happened had it not been for Tyler Perry's intervention of providing them with his private jet, lodging at his home, and security and is clearly still shaken by the possibilities. His relief in the video taken of them on what he calls "the freedom flight" is palpable.note