Kamen Rider Double
- ️Fri Nov 09 2012
"We are the two-in-one Kamen Rider!"
"There are two protagonists.
The protagonists are private investigators.
The protagonists are, the two-in-one Kamen Rider!"
Kamen Rider W (W is pronounced as "Double") is the second Kamen Rider series of 2009 and the eleventh entry of the franchise's Heisei Era. It aired alongside Super Sentai shows Samurai Sentai Shinkenger and then Tensou Sentai Goseiger in the Super Hero Time block.
The show was headwritten by Riku Sanjo, known for his works such as Beet the Vandel Buster and Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai.
Shotaro Hidari is a Private Detective who imagines his life as something straight out of a Hardboiled Detective novel. His partner is a boy called Philip, a mysterious researcher able to psychically connect to a collection of all the world's knowledge.
Together with their landlord and self-proclaimed "chief" Akiko Narumi, they operate the Narumi Detective Agency in the "Windy City", Fuuto. Their speciality is solving supernatural crimes committed by Dopants: people who transform into monstrous forms using corruptive Transformation Trinkets called Gaia Memories.
To combat this threat, Shotaro and Philip use their own set of purified Gaia Memories and their Double Drivers to fuse into the world's first "two-in-one" Kamen Rider: Kamen Rider Double.
As the story unfolds, Shotaro and Philip slowly uncover the secrets behind Philip's forgotten past, contend with a Hot-Blooded police officer on a quest of personal vengeance, and track down the source of the Gaia Memories that are being manufactured and sold in the shadows of Fuuto: the enigmatic "Museum" organization, controlled by the Sonozaki Family.
Shows strong influence from 1972 Manga-turned-Toku Choujin Barom 1, Hardboiled Detective fiction, Cyberpunk, and madcap comedy— making the series as much a matter of fusion as its Rider.
Note: The name of the show in Japanese uses the English letter W and reads it as "Daburu"/"Double". When the show first came out, it was referred to as Kamen Rider Double as shown in the English name given in the logo, but later releases have it as Kamen Rider W in English for no discernable reason.
Kamen Rider W's tie-in projects include:
- Kamen Rider × Kamen Rider W & Decade: Movie War 2010, the debut of the the Movie War crossover series, pairing Double with Kamen Rider Decade and flashing back to When It All Began for Double.
- Kamen Rider W Hyper Battle DVD: Donburi's α/Farewell Beloved Recipe, a Televi-Kun magazine exclusive DVD.
- Kamen Rider W DVD: Gaia Memory Encyclopedia, another Televi-Kun
exclusive DVD that reviews Double's equipment and powers.
- Kamen Rider W FOREVER: A to Z/The Gaia Memories of Fate, the summer movie.
- Kamen Rider W Forever: From A to Z, 26 Rapid-Succession Roars of Laughter, an internet Gag Series.
- Kamen Rider × Kamen Rider OOO & W Featuring Skull: Movie War Core, the next crossover with Kamen Rider OOO; with Double's half showing the backstory of Shotaro's mentor Kamen Rider Skull.
- Kamen Rider W Returns, two DVD movies that feature secondary Riders from the show:
- Kamen Rider Accel
- Kamen Rider Eternal, a prequel to Gaia Memories of Fate that features the origin of that movie's antagonist.
- Kamen Rider Drive Saga: Kamen Rider Chaser: A crossover where Accel guest-stars in one of Drive's DVDs.
- KAMEN RIDER: memory of heroez: A video game crossing over with OOO again, featuring the protagonist of Kamen Rider Zero-One.
- Kamen Rider Revice: The Mystery: The one where Accel becomes a guest star in a Revice web series.
- Fuuto P.I., a manga sequel that started serialization in Shogakukan's Seinen imprint Big Comic Spirits since August 2017, illustrated by Masaki Sato and reuniting the show's head writer Riku Sanjō and Dopant character designer Katsuya Terada. An Animated Adaptation by Studio KAI (Uma Musume season 2) was announced as part of the Kamen Rider franchise's
50th anniversary celebration project, to be broadcast on August 1, 2022. It featured voice actors for W casts in KAMEN RIDER: memory of heroez video game reprising their roles, joined by Akira Sekine and Daisuke Ono as new characters Tokime and Yukiji Bando, respectively. You can watch the first teaser here
Recurring Kamen Rider tropes include:
- Badass Biker:
- Naturally for a Kamen Rider show, Double and Accel count. Accel doubles as a Badass Bike.
- The Arms Dopant is a villainous example.
- Calling Your Attacks: Invoked. Double's Memory Breaks don't require it, but they do require Shotaro and Philip to be in synch to use them, so Shotaro came up with the idea of using this to aid in the process. He also does it in "The D was Watching" when Double and Accel cooperate to take on the Weather Dopant, using a Double Rider Kick to counter Weather's tornado.
- Of course, Shotaro still does it when he's fighting alone as Kamen Rider Joker, so it can be safely concluded that he does it solely for Rule of Cool.
- Cool Bike:
- In addition to those belonging to the main characters, Skull has his own bike called the SkullBoilder.
- Kamen Rider Accel IS a Cool Bike.
- Early-Bird Cameo:
- Kamen Rider Double appeared in All Riders vs. Dai-Shocker before his series aired.
- Double's successor, Kamen Rider OOO, made his debut in Double's second movie.
- Henshin Hero: Used straight and inverted. Although the Riders, as usual, use their belts to transform, the Dopants use Transformation Trinkets of their own. This effectively makes them Henshin Villains.
- Idiosyncratic Episode Naming: Big time. Titles invoke this trope not once, not twice, but thrice.
- Each episode title holds two parts divided by a slash. Similar to Kamen Rider Kiva.
- The first part is the name of the serial and always carries a Latin letter. The letter represents both the first letter of a key character (often the Monster of the Week) and an arc-related word.
- The second part is the name of the individual episode. Pretty much a standard title though.
- The Movie: Kamen Rider × Kamen Rider W & Decade: Movie War 2010, which consists of three "acts": the first (The Last Story) is Decade's Grand Finale, the second (Begins Night) focuses on Double, and the third (Movie War 2010) has the two meeting and battling their mutual enemies.
- Double gets its own solo movie, Kamen Rider W Forever: A to Z/The Gaia Memories of Fate, in August 2010.
- Double also gets another Movie Wars three-parter in Kamen Rider x Kamen Rider OOO & W feat. Skull: Movie Wars CORE, which, like Movie War 2010, consist of three acts: the first act (Skull: Message for W) is Skull's background story, the second act (Nobunaga's Desire) focuses on OOO, and the third (Movie War CORE) has OOO and Double meeting and taking on the titular Kamen Rider Core.
- Multiform Balance: In a twist, each of Double's Memories has its own stat balance, but two are used at once and the resulting combination balances both: Shotaro's Memories are a Jack of All Stats (Joker), Stone Wall (Metal), and Glass Cannon (Trigger); while Philip's are a Fragile Speedster (Cyclone), Mighty Glacier (Heat), and Squishy Wizard (Luna). In addition, Double has a few special combinations in FangJoker, a Lightning Bruiser, and his Super Mode CycloneJokerXtreme; and near the end gains the ability to have Shotaro or Philip use a single Memory alone as a Master of None. The movies also give the Super Mode an upgrade into CycloneJokerGoldXtreme.
- Accel also has different forms. Normally he's a Mighty Glacier, but his Trial Mode turns him into a Fragile Speedster. His DVD-exclusive Booster Mode finally balances his stats into a Lightning Bruiser.
- Nebulous Evil Organisation: Museum, the criminal organization distributing Gaia Memories.
- Robot Buddy: Almost like the Disc Animals of Kamen Rider Hibiki, our heroes have the "Memory Gadgets" — equipments that can turn into animal forms (Live Mode) with their own Memories.
- Stag Phone: A cellphone with flight and small attacks. Can summon the RevolGarry and perform a strange pincer blast with the Trigger Magnum.
- Spider Shock: Essentially a watch with a Grappling-Hook Pistol. Also fires tracking beacons and can shoot webs when connected to the Trigger Magnum in Luna Mode.
- Bat Shot: A digital camera which can place itself virtually anywhere and reveal invisible opponents with the Luna Memory. Attaching it to the Metal Shaft turns it into the Sonic Shaft, which can shatter objects; and attaching it to the Trigger Magnum allows it to fire a focused, precision shot.
- Fang Memory: A little dinosaur that allows Kamen Rider Double to access his Mid-Season Upgrade: FangJoker. It also serves as Philip's guardian. When attached to the Double Driver, it folds itself into the shape of a dinosaur head.
- Beetle Phone: Accel's cellphone that is the kabutomushi to the Double's Stag Phone's kuwagatamushi. Ryu uses it to spy on Shotaro and Philip at first, then later makes use of it as a cell phone and can remote-control Gunner A with it.
- Frog Pod: A CD Player dock for the MP3-like Frog Memory (read: iPod Shuffle) which records what the Frog Pod hears as a surveillance device.
- Denden Sensor: A pair of nightvision/infrared goggles that turn into a snail with a laser tripwire. Can see anything.
- Scarf of Asskicking: The first appearance of the iconic scarf in quite a while. Only with Cyclone active, though.
- Nasca Dopant has one, modelled after Kamen Rider V3.
- Skull has one as well.
- Transformation Trinket: The traditional Rider Belt is still there, but the real crown goes to the Gaia Memories, not only for actually providing the powers, but also because both heroes and villains have them.
- Transformation Sequence:
- This series powers are activated by turning on the Gaia Memory (Shotoro has the Joker, Philip the Cyclone). Shotoro pulls out the slots in his belt, causing a belt to form on Philip. They insert the Gaias into the right side of the belt with Philip's consciousness merging with Shotoro to become Double. Philip's body collapses from this as a result, forcing Akiko to look after it till they disengage the form.
- Accel's form is activated by putting the driver around his waist, forming the belt then activating the Accel Gaia Memory, putting it into the driver and revving the handle bars on the side of it. This activates the power and summons the armor.
- Most Gaia Memory users, called Dopants, have a access port on their body, when they transform they turn on the Gaia Memory and insert it into the ports which absorbs the memory and changes them into a monster form. It's stated in series this is dangerous without a driver (like the Sonozaki family use) as the power will corrupt the user over time and ultimately kill them.
- Victim of the Week: With the twist that some of the clients are the Dopants themselves.
- Weapon Specialization: Specific weapons are usually decided by Shotaro's Gaia Memories (except Joker, which provides none) when the pair fuse into Double.
Now, count up your Tropes!
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- Acrofatic: The Sweets Dopant in ep 10. She swallows Akiko and her intended captive into her gut, and manages to flee all the way to her secret hideout with both their added weight.
- Adam Westing: Ichirou Mizuki in "The L on the Lips". See also Large Ham, below.
- Adventure-Friendly World: An unusual case for the franchise in that W is one of the rare times that the source of superpowers that the series is built around is treated as only one of many such sources, with the implication that stories like this happen all the time in its world.
- A Form You Are Comfortable With: the main villain of Movie Wars Core is an Eldritch Abomination in the form of a giant flaming Kamen Rider.
- Akashic Records: The Gaia Library. Philip can access literally anything by allowing his mind to enter the Library.
- All Devouring Black Hole Loan Sharks: The Money Dopant; although what he owns is a casino and not a real loan service. But when he finds someone who can't pay their debts, the poor victim's soul is locked up inside a coin and he swallows it.
- All Your Powers Combined: The Bicker Shield's Memory Breaks, the Bicker Finallusion and Bicker Charge Break, are powered by the Cyclone, Heat, Luna, and Joker Memories all at once. The Finallusion, a rainbow Beam Spam attack, also counts as All Your Colors Combined.
- A variation of the Bicker Finallusion is where the Metal Memory is used in place of the Joker Memory, creating a defensive energy shield.
- It is unknown what effect the Trigger Memory would have on the Bicker Finallusion.
- An evil version shows up in W Forever A to Z. When Kamen Rider Eternal uses the T2 Zone Memory for a Maximum Drive, all of the T2 Gaia Memories fly straight for him and place themselves into one of the 26 Maximum Drive Slots, causing a massive power up. Turns the otherwise cool-sounding Gaia Memory voice into horror when 26 Memory names are said at the same time.
- To say nothing of the X-Bicker, a gigantic version of Xtreme's own Bicker Shield with ports for all 26 T2 Memories which Daido wants to use to turn the entire city of Fuuto into "undead monsters" like himself.
- Isaka's been attempting something like this with his multiple Memory ports. Let's just say it didn't end well.
- All There in the Manual: The reason we never see FangMetal or FangTrigger in the series is explained in the novel for the series, ~The One Who Continues After Z~ - it's due to the fact that Shotaro lacks the compatibility with the Trigger and Metal Memories that he has with the Joker Memory; while the 2 aforementioned combinations are possible, using them would be disastrous, as Shotaro would be unable to keep the Fang Memory from going berserk if he didn't use the Joker Memory. In Fuuto PI , according to Philip, their compatibility rate is high enough now that they can use both forms, but even then, only for a limited time since Shotaro will still go berserk if they used it for too long and indeed, they finally used FangTrigger and FangMetal for the first time ever.
- Almost Kiss: Isaka and Saeko, in "Beyond R". Ruined by the sound of Accel in the distance, and they never got a chance to finish, because Isaka was destroyed by Accel Trial Form shortly afterwards. Oh dear ...
- Alone in a Crowd: Happens when Philip encounters Wakana right after she becomes a fully fledged villain.
- AM/FM Characterization: Shotaro fashions himself a Hardboiled Detective, but frequently undermines himself and winds up what the other characters call "half-boiled"; one of the ways this happens is that he not only listens to Idol Singers but sings along.
- Anachronic Order: The finale. It can get a bit confusing, because the transitions give no indication as to when it's jumping between time periods.
- And the Adventure Continues: The season finale. After one year of Shotaro fighting the remnant Dopants as Kamen Rider Joker, Philip returns (though Wakana effectively sacrifices herself to do so) and resumes his partnership with Shotaro just in time to defeat the Energy Dopant.
- Appropriated Appellation: Philip and Shotaro receive the Kamen Rider name from the citizens of Fuuto themselves.
- Arc Words:
- Apparently, the word "hard-boiled", which incorporates into Shotaro's potential Catch Phrase and Double's bike, Machine HardBoilder. Although it sounds more like his favourite phrase than an actually mysterious one.
- Raito Sonozaki, the Child of Fate.
- Begins Night
- Assimilation Plot: Gaia Impact, the goal of both the Museum and Foundation X, has shades of this, although it's not clear whether it involves a true hive mind or not; they're moreorless trying to assimilate all humans with the earth.
- Badass Family: Despite the constant in-fighting, you can't argue a family of semi-stable Dopants isn't badass - to even marry into the family, you need to be both compatible and capable of using a highly powered Gaia Memory. Even their cat has one! It also extends to Raito, aka Philip, and Shroud, given their respective uses of Gaia Memories.
- Bad Guy Bar: the place where Isaka plays that piano is frequented by Saeko and Wakana by ep. 31, invoking this trope.
- Bad Guys Play Pool: Saeko in "The O Chain"
- Battle Couple:
- The Beast Dopant and the Zone Dopant, who are husband and wife.
- Saeko and Kirihiko, early in the series. Akiko and Ryu are an example of sorts, since Akiko has fought with Dopants despite not using a Memory herself.
- Belligerent Sexual Tension: Shotaro and Akiko are always at each others' throats but it's been implied a couple times that there might be an underlying attraction.
- Berserk Button:
- Whenever Shotaro is referred to being "half-boiled
" (skip to about 00:29), although that was a bit moreso in the early episodes.
- Shotaro's reaction to anyone who cries before him (see Mythology Gag below) is much, much stronger, as seen in ep. 44 when he takes on the Old Dopant despite being aged to about eighty.
- Whenever Shotaro is referred to being "half-boiled
- The Berserker: FangJoker, at first. Philip is unable to overcome its beast instincts until he forced the Fang Memory to obey him.
- Big Eater:
- Implied with one of the Sonozaki maids, whom Akiko suspected of being the Sweets Dopant. Turns out she was wrong, but still.
- Also Isaka, due to the sheer number of Connectors he installed on his body.
- Big, Screwed-Up Family: It wasn't really this at the beginning of the series, but after a few Character Developments here and there the Sonozaki family became really messed up with everyone trying to fight each other for the top head of the family.
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Marina/T-Rex Dopant. She even kills her boyfriend and accomplice, Yosuke/Magma Dopant, just to cover its tracks and distract Shotaro.
- Bittersweet Ending: We have a few of these throughout the show, topped by the penultimate episode.
- Shotaro and Philip defeat Jun Kazu, but Philip soon disappears after their victory.
- The ending of A to Z becomes a Bittersweet Ending when we discover later that Daido and NEVER are actually a bunch of Fallen Heroes driven mad by a tragedy and not the evil monsters they seemed to be.
- Black Widow: Saeko is this in general outlook, though Kirihiko is the first one that actually makes it all the way to marriage before she kills him, and all the boyfriends she kills gets offed due to them outliving their usefulness rather than her wanting their money.
- Bloodless Carnage: In The Movie, the death of Maria is surprisingly bloodless, considering it's caused by multiple gunshot wounds to the torso. The Director's Cut adds in some digital blood spatters during the shooting, but the victim's body is still completely unmarked.
- Bloodier and Gorier: The Fuuto PI manga is this just from the first chapter, which has a plot point about body parts being found near a certain location in Fuuto. Of course, this being a seinen manga, it shouldn't come as a surprise.
- Body Horror:
- Breaking Speech: Isaka to Ryu in "The D Was Watching", leading Shotaro to attempt a potentially fatal Twin Maximum Drive when Ryu breaks down in tears. Shroud also tries this on Ryu in "The O Chain", but he's a little wiser by then.
- Brick Joke:
- The end of ep. 4 shows that Phillip's presence was imperative in winning the all-or-nothing "Old Maid" game, with a deck given by Santa-chan, against the Money Dopant; ep. 12 ends with Phillip beating Akiko at that same game with the same deck even.
- Look carefully at Shotaro, Phillip and Akiko's photos in the relationship flowchart in the middle of "The Nightmarish H" (just after the Jidaigeki dream episode).
- Shotaro claims to have a special cat-finding skill in the beginning of "Y's Tragedy", which is basically a silly cat impression - but it's proven to work in the beginning of "The Forgotten U" when he tracks down Mick. The fact that Yukie never had a cat may have hinted at that.
- A hard-boiled egg tossed aside by Shotaro in the Hyper Battle DVD comes back in the Gaia Memory Encyclopedia. The fact that it was overly hard-boiled (but of COURSE! since Shotaro made it) almost makes this trope literal.
- That relationship flowchart we see at the midpoint in each arc? Movie Wars Core reveals who created it.
- Brought To You By The Letter W: The titular rider might be the most egregious use of this trope ever; to wit:
- 'W' is for Double. He has it emblazoned on his chest, his head fins, the Double Driver, the Hardboilder, his shoulder pads (in CycloneJoker Xtreme form), the Metal Shaft and the Trigger Magnum. Even his/their henshin pose is meant to invoke this, with Shotaro's and Philip's bent arms representing two halves of a 'W'.
- 'F' is for Fang. Appears whenever FangJoker does its Rider Kick.
- 'X' is for Xtreme, the Xtreme Memory, CycloneJoker Xtreme's head fins, the Prism Sword and Bicker Shield.
- 'S' is for Skull. Has a large 'S' on his forehead (usually covered by his hat) and a sideways 'S' on his Skull Magnum (which, being a Palette Swap of Double's Trigger Magnum, is really a W with a leg cut off, turning \/\/ into \/\).
- 'A' is for Accel. Has an 'A' shaped face plate (the top fin of which also forms an 'A' in profile view), has 'A's on the back of his gloves, and two of his Maximum Drives.
- 'T' is for Trial. The Trial Memory is shaped like a T, and it also appears when Accel Trial does his rapid kick Maximum Drive.
- 'W' is for Double. He has it emblazoned on his chest, his head fins, the Double Driver, the Hardboilder, his shoulder pads (in CycloneJoker Xtreme form), the Metal Shaft and the Trigger Magnum. Even his/their henshin pose is meant to invoke this, with Shotaro's and Philip's bent arms representing two halves of a 'W'.
- Brown Note: Played straight (Puppeteer Dopant's flute) and parodied (Jimmy).
- Call-Back:
- Two possible callbacks to the earlier Twin Maximum Drive MAXIMUM DRIVE MAXIMUM DRIVE MAXIMUM DRIVE—once with the use of four simultaneous Maximum Drives with Xtreme, and again in the penultimate episode with performing Double Xtreme with the Prism Memory in the Maximum Slot of the belt.
- #13-14 not only reference the events of Movie Wars - Begins Night, but bring back two past characters from the Money and Sweets Dopants arcs.
- In Movie Wars Megamax, when Shotaro tells Eiji and Gentaro to go on ahead while they fight the Foundation X Zodiarts, he recalls Eiji's line from W Forever ("Riders help each other out, right?") and says he's finally repaying the favor.
- Call to Agriculture: The magician from "The D Was Watching" becomes a coffeeshop owner in W Returns: Accel.
- The Cameo: Both Philip and Shotaro appear untransformed in the OOO, Den-O, All Riders: Let's Go Kamen Riders film, as well as in the Movie War Megamax crossover between OOO and Fourze.
- Cannot Spit It Out:
- Shotaro just can't admit to Akiko that her father is dead. In Begins Night she learns the truth indirectly (witnessing Shotaro and Philip arguing while fighting as Double), but later tells Philip that she still wants to hear it "from that idiot".
- A scene in the Director's Cut has Shotaro promise to tell Akiko everything after they deal with the current case.
- Catch Phrase: W has two: "Now, count up your sins/crimes!" (which was originally said by Skull and W copied it) and "This clinches it!" Accel has "Let's break away!" (sometimes translated as "Let's get shaking!") and "Despair awaits you on the finish line" (sometimes translated as "Your goal is despair"). Akiko has "I didn't hear anything about this!" Philip has "How very compelling..." whenever a topic is mentioned that interests him (which is most things).
- Cats With Gaia Memories Are Mean
- Cerebus Syndrome: Kamen Rider W is was a comedic series with occasional serious moments in some arcs, until Philip was revealed to be an avatar for the Gaia memory in episode 45. Not even Akiko is joking around after that shocking reveal.
- Character Tic:
- Double's finger point on landing a blow. The Nobody's Perfect Image Song video reveals they may have got it from Akiko's dad.
- Kazu's habit of frequently becoming startled and dropping things.
- Isaka at the piano and also him licking his lips quickly.
- Wakana's "Tch!" moments.
- Chekhov's Armory:
- Literally. There's a museum that houses exhibits related to most of the Dopants.
- Sokichi's hat, which serves as a setpiece and a constant reminder of Shotaro's Survivor Guilt over Sokichi's death in Begins Night. He finally surmounts it in the final episode of the series, donning Sokichi's hat due to the fact he feels he's worthy of it now.
- In #23, the doctor that the detectives visit has a bowler hat, unbrella and black jacket clearly visible in the background. The same ones that Isaka is seen wearing when he's first introduced in #20, and which he puts on at the end of the episode when he's revealed as the Weather Dopant.
- A particularily well-played example of a single gun that couldn't be found in that literal armory itself: That hole in the ceiling at the beginning of A-Z? That's how the T2 Joker Memory ended up in Shotaro's office.
- City of Adventure: Fuuto, of course.
- Clipped-Wing Angel: The Virus Dopant seems to access a new ability to manifest outside of its host's body, unlike other Dopants. Despite the potential applications of this ability, this actually proves less effective than if it were functioning normally—in which case it could wipe out an entire city with little effort.
- Combo Platter Powers:
- The Luna Memory; according to the official info, its power is "Illusions", but for the most part it manifests as Elasticity, with LunaJoker gaining stretchy limbs, LunaMetal turning the Metal Shaft into a whip, and LunaTrigger firing homing energy bullets. The "illusion" part manifests mostly for the Memory Breaks, which involve barraging the foe with karate chops, energy discs, and Beam Spam respectively. Additionally, it can reveal hidden enemies when used with the Bat Shot and create a web of light with the Spider Shock.
- The Weather Memory has enough powers to be one of these. See Superpower Lottery below.
- Complaining About Shows You Don't Watch: An in-universe example. Shotaro dismisses Akiko's Jidai Geki DVDs because they allegedly put him to sleep. He later changes his tune. The ironic bit is that he started watching it because he needed to sleep.
- Conflict Ball: Averted, rarely the case for a Heisei Rider series. Double and Accel rarely fight each other, and it is typically only through the influence of a Dopant that it happens.
- Continuity Nod:
- "The Radio Q" brings back the Victims of the Week from "Don't Lay a Finger on M" and "The S Terror". Forever A to Z takes this up to eleven by adding those from "Girl A", "Find the C", "Farewell N", "L on the Lips", "Nightmarish H", "D was Watching", and "Beyond R".
- Movie Wars Core has Isamu Bitou from the Zone Dopant arc and young Shotaro and Marina; W Returns: Accel has the Shirogane family again.
- Cooking Duel: Literally, in the Hyper Battle Video.
- Creator Cameo: The scenario writer of the Kamen Rider Accel movie, Keiichi Hasegawa, appears briefly as a man who almost gets pick pocketed in a bar. So does series writer and writer of the Kamen Rider Eternal movie, Riku Sanjo, as the user of a Sweets memory in said film.
- Creepy Doll: Puppeteer controls one, and Clay Doll is one, too, what with her face...
- Crowded-Cast Shot: Forever A to Z has several of the past clients visible amongst the Fuuto crowds.
- Curb-Stomp Battle: The final battle between Saeko (as Nazca R) and Wakana (as Claydoll X). The previews made it out to be an equal fight. Actually, Wakana has become somewhat like a Perfect Play A.I. by this point and wipes the floor with Saeko. CycloneJokerXtreme's fights also evoke this due to its two main powers: the ability to analyse everything about an opponent in an instant, and then use the Prism Memory to tune his sword to that enemy's exact weakness.
- Cyberspace: The Gaia Library is a subtle variation without wire meshes or anything except for the bookshelves.
- Dance Battler:
- The fight against Cockroach Dopant in "Find the C". Even Dango joins in for an epic session.
- Ryu turns into one of these for one fight scene in the Kamen Rider Accel movie. He's handcuffed to Aoi to keep her from running away, and he doesn't have his Memory, so the entire (rather long) fight looks like a bizarre mix between a brawl and a swing dance as he simultaneously beats up the attackers and keeps Aoi out of harm's way.
- Darker and Edgier: The direct-to-video movies entitled Double Returns, showcasing the adventures of both Kamen Rider Accel and Kamen Rider Eternal. Both of them managing to be dark and grim. Accel's story was about a murderer who was essentially Ryu if Shotaro and Phillip weren't there to help him get over his feelings of revenge, as well as comic relief characters like Jinno and Akiko almost getting killed. Eternal's story was more of a Start of Darkness and revealed that Daido was a Fallen Hero. The villain was a real piece of work too, given that he single-handedly caused Daido to be... well... Daido to begin with.
- Fuuto PI, owing to being serialized in a seinen magazine, can go further than the TV show. In particular, the first chapter eventually reveals that the Witch Dopant has been killing and dismembering people, with an image of a man's severed arm. The detective work on display is also a bit more complex, and the usual Kamen Rider versus Dopant action is being used sparingly. And of course, there's the stuff with Tokime.
- Daytime Drama Queen: The Nightmare arc features one of these in the form of a feudal Japan samurai drama called Saheiji of the Wind, which Shotaro derides as something not up his alley until he ends up marathoning it in one night and getting absolutely obsessed. Somewhat a subversion considering we only see brief snippets of the actual episodes and they aren't tacky or overdramatic.
- Dead All Along:
- Philip/Raito died when he fell into the true Gaia Memory as a child twelve years earlier and was revived as an avatar for the Gaia Memory, as revealed in episode 45. In fact, Wakana calls him - literally - a "mass of data" in episode 46.
- Also applies to all the villains in Forever: A to Z, as well as Jun Kazu.
- Deadly Upgrade:
- Continuous use of certain experimental Gaia Memories, such as Nasca and Bird, will eventually kill their users.
- Of course, any Gaia Memory used without a driver will eventually drive its user Ax-Crazy.
- Death by a Thousand Cuts: The whole strategy of the Trial form. As Shroud puts it, if kicking once doesn't work, kick ten times. If that doesn't work, do it a hundred.
- Taken to the literal meaning of the trope when he uses his Maximum Drive along with the Engine Blade.
- Death by Origin Story: Ryu's family is murdered by a Dopant using the 'W' memory, therefore motivating him to become Kamen Rider Accel. His transformation is completed when he mistakes the Ice Age Dopant, who uses a similar freezing attack, for the Dopant who killed his family.
- Defeat Equals Friendship: Mick becomes the agency pet after his Smilodon Memory is destroyed.
- Defictionalisation:
- Bandai's Premium website sells stuff like the clothes and accessories for Philip, Shotaro, and Ryu.
- At one time they also sold special Gaia Memory toys with extra sounds (mostly voice clips from the show from the show), and a more accurate version of the Double Driver that included the premium Gaia Memories.
- They currently offer Philip's book
- The release of full-length Healing Princess clips could also count.
- The Queen & Elizabeth duo are not immune to this (being members of AKB48 as a factor). In the Liar Dopant arc, they appear on an American Idol-esque contest (Fuuuuuutic Idol) singing their song "Love♡Wars" in order to win a major label release. These episodes also feature opening theme singers Aya Kamiki and TAKUYA as themselves and judges for the contest, performing a "live" version of the opening theme instead of the normal opening sequence.
- In an inversion of this trope, the bands that perform the ending themes for the series (Labor Day, Galveston 19, Florida Keys, and Wilma-Sidr) are claimed to be bands from the fictional city of Fuuto. The only instance of one of the songs existing as part of the story is during the Liar Dopant arc (ep. 23 & 24) when Shotaro and Philip sing "Finger on the Trigger" for the contest. On the Wind Wave podcasts, only Wakana's show treats the theme songs as being separate from the show. DJ HURRY KENN refers to everything as theme songs.
- TV Asahi has put online
a copy of the Frog Pod's assembly manual.
- Bandai's Premium website sells stuff like the clothes and accessories for Philip, Shotaro, and Ryu.
- Dem Bones: You know "Dopant Memories" are evil just 'cos they're shaped like bony fossils. With horns.
- Dies Wide Open: Shotaro closes Saeko's eyes.
- Distant Finale: Similar to Kamen Rider Hibiki, "Goodbye to the E" takes place one year after the rest of the series.
- The Dividual: fittingly enough, Double contains two examples, one of each type:
- Makura and Jinno are the Syndividiual, constantly disagreeing and arguing in funny ways but rarely seen apart except in the movies.
- Queen and Elizabeth are the Twindividual: nearly indistinguishable, completely inseparable, and treated by the plot as a single character.
- Does This Remind You of Anything?:
- The Dopant monsters are named after the English word "dopant" and "doping", due to the effects of not possessing a Gaia Driver to mitigate the effects.
- Not to mention the eyes of any human who was on the receiving end of a Memory Break.
- It's possible that the health hazard that goes with using a Gaia Memory intended for someone else was meant to be related to sharing needles, while we're at it.
- Isaka's death is frightfully reminiscent of death by drug overdose, if you think about it.
- Saeko finds that using Gaia Memories through direct insertion feels much better than when using a Driver.
- "Do It Yourself" Theme Tune: Averted for Double and Accel's themes, played straight with Skull's and Eternal's (that is if you count the movie song as his theme).
- Domestic Abuse: Saeko to Kirihiko, Ryubee to Shroud - the reason for her Bandaged Face.
- Dope Slap: Akiko with her trademark green slippers, nearly Once an Episode, but Isamu Bitou from eps 31/32 hands these out at a rate that puts her to shame.
- Double Take (no pun intended): In Begins Night, Akiko comes out of nowhere and delivers a Dope Slap to a Dopant during his Motive Rant, causing Shotaro/Double to Double Take between her and Philip's body (which she had been carrying before and is currently lying on the ground).
- Draco in Leather Pants: An In-Universe example. A whole V-Cinema is devoted to a girl from Kamen Rider Eternal's past popping out of nowhere and explaining to Shotaro and Phillip that Daido wasn't a bad guy and was just a Fallen Hero. Some people don't buy the tragic backstory.
- It's mitigated by the fact that Shotaro and Philip still point out that Eternal did a lot of bad stuff and hurt Fuuto badly. Their memorial to him comes off as bittersweet, thinking about what could have been for a man who became a monster but could have been a hero, given different circumstances.
- Dying Moment of Awesome: The final battle against the Utopia Dopant, even knowing that Philip will cease to exist once Double's transformation is cancelled. As an added bonus, they do a Twin Maximum Drive with the Prism Memory in the Maximum Slot and the Xtreme Memory.
- Earn Your Happy Ending: In the last episode, Wakana sacrifices her life to bring Philip back.
- Elaborate Underground Base:
- Although the underground chamber itself has not much to be said in terms of secrecynote or space, the tunnel leading outside in particular is pretty long to be hidden easily.
- The Money Dopant arc features a Semi-Elaborate Underground Casino. The secrecy of its location is a major plot point - it's not in any directory, and only accessible via the free shuttle bus.
- Turns out the Sonozaki mansion has had one possibly two, if the archaeological dig and the one seen in ep. 38 are two different locations.
- Elemental Powers:
- Each of Philip's right half Gaia Memories have one - Blow You Away: (Cyclone Memory), Playing with Fire: (Heat Memory) and Lunacy (Luna Memory).
- and then there's Weather, who has several. "Magma!" "Ice Age!" "Ocean!"
- Enemy Scan: One of CycloneJokerXtreme's main advantages.
- "Eureka!" Moment:
- Some of Akiko's random comments accidentally provide keywords or hints Philip or Shotaro might be in need of.
- Lampshaded in "The B Carried on the Wind":
Akiko: "Did I say something brilliant again?"
- One that doesn't involve Akiko happens in the A to Z movie, when Shotaro is attacked by Reika/the Heat Dopant, who mentions during the fight that the T2 Gaia Memories are drawn to their users, and that she wields the Heat Memory because of her sheer hatred of being a cold-blooded undead monster. That causes Shotaro to realize what blew a hole in his roof earlier. The last T2 Memory is his trademark Joker Memory, and it's right there in his office.
- Even Evil Has Standards:
- Kirihiko draws the line at giving a Deadly Upgrade to kids to see what will happen.
- And even Saeko draws a line considering her unease at Weather modifying Wakana's Driver so it's now not even safely letting her transform.
- Evil Laugh: Ryubee has one of these. Also, regular users of Gaia memories (i.e ones without drivers) have a bout of this every so often upon revelation.
- Evil Twin: Forever A to Z Double Movie features the Cyclone, Heat, Luna, Metal, and Trigger Dopants.
- Evilutionary Biologist: The Gaia Memories are intended to be experiments in human evolution.
- Facepalm: Shotaro is very fond of them.
- Facial Markings:
- These appear during the henshin sequence, though they are hard to notice. Episode 19 has one clear shot of them, and during the Jidaigeki dream sequence in "The Nightmarish H", they become something similar to Kabuki.
- All NEVER members can get these in Forever A to Z
- Fallen Hero: It's revealed that Daido Katsumi and NEVER are this. They tried their hardest to save a group of psychics only for them all to die right in front of them. Daido was driven insane by this along with most of NEVER, leading to their actions in The Movie.
- Family-Unfriendly Death:
- Isaka in "Beyond R". His excessive use of Gaia Memories causes his body to become covered in Living Connectors that dissolve him away into nothingness.
- Two episodes later, Mick/Smilodon literally vaporizes the Grasshopper Woman
- Female Gaze: At one point in A to Z we get a very gratuitous close-up shot of Philip's lips as Maria touches them
- Fetish: Dr. Isaka is only interested in Saeko's body when she's the Taboo Dopant.
- The Final Temptation: Relatively minor instance with the Nightmare Dopant. After losing to him, Terui is trapped in his dream world where he's a successful detective (like real life) but his family is also still alive. When arresting said Dopant after waking up, he does thank him for giving him the first good night's rest he's had in ages.
- Finishing Move: All finishing moves are called "Memory Breaks", because that's what they do: break the victim's Gaia Memory and turn them back to normal. See the character sheet for details.
- Foreshadowing: Episode 47 reveals Foundation X's interests in some medals.
- Freudian Trio
- Ego: Shotaro
- Superego: Philip
- Id: Akiko
- Fully Absorbed Finale: The series finale deals with Philip coming back, with the Double part of Movie War Core dealing with Ryu and Akiko's marriage as well as Narumi/Skull's first case as Skull. The Foundation X storyline is taken up again for Movie War Megamax.
- Fun with Acronyms: The villains of Kamen Rider W Forever have the group name NEVER which stands for NEcro-oVER.
- Fusion Dissonance: In Kamen Rider x Kamen Rider W & Decade: Movie War 2010, the Dummy Dopant
and Neo Organism
combined into Ultimate D
, whose only resemblance is to the former's humanoid shape. This is justified since both creatures can shapeshift. The linked images are just their Shapeshifter Default Form and "larval form" respectively and the latter transformed into Doras
(a humanoid Big Creepy Crawly like Ultimate D but that's the only thing they have in common) earlier in the movie. That ability wasn't exhibited during its fight against Decade and W however, implying that it underwent Shapeshifter Mode Lock.
- G-Rated Drug: See With Great Power Comes Great Insanity below. Gaia Memories are more than a little similar to drugs, with use of it being called "doping", getting highs off of the use, degenerating psyche with repeated use, and even (in some cases) withdrawal when not using it. Oh, and improper use gets you sent to the hospital a lot quicker than usual.
- Genius Loci: Fuuto City has shades of this in the movie.
- Genre Mashup: Take a Superhero series, stir in some Film Noir, and sprinkle a bit of Post-Cyberpunk on top, and you get Kamen Rider Double.
- Girlish Pigtails: In flashbacks, teenage Saeko is played by the same actress (Ami Namai) as the 31-year-old Saeko, she just has pigtails to make her look younger.
- It helps that Rin Asuka (present day Wakana) is taller than Namai.
- Good Is Impotent: Gaia Memories used through a Driver belt are weaker than direct insertion; the Sonozakis make up for this by using extra-powerful gold Memories. Meanwhile, the purified Memories used by the Riders are even weaker, only achieving 100% power during a Maximum Drive.
- Gratuitous English:
- Not just from the belt and weapon voices this time, as Philip and Shotaro announce their Memory Breaks and finishers together as well.
- Shotaro himself is subject to this, as he'll mix random bits of engrish into his sentences for no good reason from time to time, though it's more common than you'd think.
- Engrish: The Movie promises to extend the events from the first episode's Cold Open of into full length. The official subtitle of this movie? Begins Night. The phrase "Begins Night" is even used in the dialogue to refer to the events of the first episode's Cold Open. One of the groups fansubbing the show chose to employ a bit of
Woolseyism by translating it as "the night it all began". Philip even refers to the murder of Ryu's family as his "Begins Night".
- Ep. 6: just to show that she's well outside her comfort zone, a female politician is shown wandering into a "ghetto" vandalised with such common slurs as "Love Forever" and "Who Are You". Seriously.
- And from the soundtrack, "Finger on the Trigger". Oh dear God, "Finger on the Trigger". In addition to having some of the most painful rhyming in the history of Englishnote , it also gives us classics like "Get the Memory! Fight the scary!" and "Wind is browning! With your feeling!".
- Aya Kujo of "The T That Came Back" uses this a lot. Justified in that she's spent the last few months in Los Angeles, and actually manages to speak it fairly well.
- Unlike in the past, TV Asahi has not bothered to correct EngineBrade to EngineBlade on its website. Alternatively, it could be a pun on "brake" and "blade".
- CycloneJokerXtreme's shield is called the Prism Bicker, and Forever A to Z involves a machine called the X-Bicker. Both are devices built to channel multiple GaiaMemories at once.
- In a 'blink-and-you'll-miss-it' moment in episode 47, a higher-up in Foundation X is searching through her smartphone-ish device detailing the villains from the movie and the medals from Kamen Rider OOO. Both entries are written fully in engrish. (Engrish because, if you pause and squint to read it, it's understandable. Just not written correctly.) This may have to do with, during this scene, the woman says 'NEVER' and 'Charming Raven' in a very fluent-sounding accent.
- Gratuitous German: Fang Streiser and Accel Glanzer, from the German for "streak" (Streise) and "gloss" (Glanz), respectively.
- Green Rocks: The Gaia Progressor Ryubee gives to Wakana, allowing her to access her Claydoll Xtreme form and the Gaia Library.
- Grotesque Cute: Claydoll Dopant, and Terror Dopant's Head Pet, which could almost fit in to Pokémon.
- Grotesque Gallery: One reason for this season standing out from the rest of Kamen Rider is the inexplicably inconsistent monster designs, from Old Gen-worthy oddities like Sweets, to walking terrors, to designs effective enough to earn Ensemble Dark Horse status like Nasca.
- "Groundhog Day" Loop: A variation. The Yesterday Dopant has the power to make people reenact the exact actions they performed in the previous day, regardless of the location or the consequences.
- Guns vs. Swords: Twice in A to Z for Ken Ashihara/Trigger versus Terui/Accel respectively, although Terui quickly switches over to Trial to finish off Ken.
- Handicapped Badass: Not so much the chief himself, but his iconic white hat has a small tear in it.
- Heart Is an Awesome Power: For a long time some of the less-seen forms were derided as a cut below the others. The three most prominent ones in this case being LunaMetal, LunaJoker, and CycloneMetal. Then the Puppeteer arc came and reminded everyone what happens when a heavy metal staff is swung at tornado-wind speed and the Nightmare arc's shown once again how dangerous Luna can be even without Trigger.
- Heel–Face Turn: After Kirihiko finds out that the Sonozaki Family's ends don't justify the means in "Farewell, N!", he pulls a Heel–Face Turn and goes through a really nasty divorce via one of the Taboo Dopant's energy ball things.
- Heroic BSoD: Invoked with Philip, who goes into this when confronted with the one bit of data missing from the Gaia Library: his family.
- Shotaro also undergoes a more subtle variant after learning he cannot transform into Double. He gets better by the end of the episode though.
- Philip gets another when he learns his real name: Raito Sonozaki.
- Straight again on Shotaro after getting owned by Terror with fear that practically cripples him to near uselessness in episode 46. He got better to become the "wild card" and ruin Ryubee's plans, natch.
- Not entirely straight, given that said fear is purely a result of Terror's attacks rather than any particular actions he takes that breaks Shotaro. The initial seed was planted in an early episode during a chance meeting between the two, and Ryubee just let it fester until fully 'activating it' in episode 45.
- He Who Fights Monsters: The Commander Dopant became a Dopant to avenge his dead wife after she was killed by a criminal. In the end, he had not only become a Knight Templar and a criminal himself, but tries to do the exact same thing to Terui to make him a copy of him.
- Hilarious Outtakes: The Accel movie ends with these.
- Hollywood Tone-Deaf: Jimmy.
- Homage: Accel: A rookie holding a relatively high rank, The Rival to someone with a V-fin, a red transformed state, a monoeye and a command spike...Char Aznable, anyone?
- Thanks to his red leather biker jacket and pants, Ryu looks like a Whole Costume Reference to Kaneda from the Anime classic AKIRA.
- Ryu Terui's identity is just overflowing with these. Let's see: a cool warrior that has Spotlight-Stealing Squad tendencies, able to use the power of fire and lightning, an excellent cop, can be an aloof ally but is prone to going nuts when consumed by revenge - is he actually Sasuke Uchiha? For those who don't get the cop connection, the Uchiha clan established (or led) the Konoha Military Police Force.
- CycloneJoker Xtreme sports a WX motif, a possible homage to Gundam Double X, complete with a black, white, and green color scheme.
- Accel's Super Mode, Accel Trial, is reminiscent of the ∀ Gundam in design. Really
- Likewise, courtesy of the Level 3 Nasca Memory, now it can be said...Saeko is a Char.
- Sokichi is one smooth criminal.
- The fake Jewel Dopant's dress style is akin to that of Carmen Sandiego.
- Weatherman's habit of licking his lips references the best-known psychotic doctor of all.
- The pose Akiko uses in her Dream Sequence playing Double resembles that of a pose used by Space Sheriff Shaider.
- Kyoko's outfit resembles that of Indiana Jones. Given Shotaro's hardboiled motif, their interaction is likely a tongue-in-cheek crossover between two popular subgenres of Two-Fisted Tales. Possible Actor Allusion in her use of a whip—she played Mele on Juken Sentai Gekiranger, in which she would use her tongue as a whip in some cases.
- The Hyper Battle Video features an Iron Chef segment, complete with the camera angles and commentating done by none other than Shinichiro Ota (the actual commentator of Iron Chef).
- And now he is three times stronger as Accel Booster.
- Terui's origin also mirrors that of Kamen Rider V3.
- Lampshaded in the Climax Heroes fighting games; if you pair up V3 and Accel in tag-team mode, they get a special team title ("Father, Mother, Little Sister", a line from V3's theme song).
- Accel is also a red superhero who can turn into a bike.
- In Double Returns: Accel, Jinno gets an entire fight scene to himself, homaging classic Jackie Chan. Director Koichi Sakamoto is on record as being a huge fan of Jackie's work.
- In the Message for Double chapter of Movie Wars Core, a flashback to Narumi Soukichi/Kamen Rider Skull's Origin Story has him witnessing the original Dopant Memory tests on a bunch of young women. The whole thing is lifted straight out of the women-on-heroin scene in Enter the Dragon.
- Hotter and Sexier: Fuuto PI, since it's freed from the constraints of a childrens' TV show due to being targeted at adult readers. The antagonist in the first two-parter is a Vamp named Tokime who gets LOTS of focus on her chest, including a Shower Scene (in a public fountain) where you get to see her bare-breasted.
- The Idiot from Osaka: Akiko Narumi came to Fuuto from Osaka to replace her father, who she didn't knew had died. Her view of the world is quite black and white and therefore she sometimes toys with this trope. However, she does keep Shotaro on the right track with her slipper slap of doom.
- And Akiko's dream sequence in the Nightmare Dopant arc starts with her back in Osaka, with Philip and Terui showing up as lazy Osakan stereotype versions of themselves. This is a bit of an Actor Allusion on Philip's part, as Masaki Suda is Osakian himself.
- Idol Singer: Not only does Wakana get on the action singing her own theme song "Naturally", but Queen & Elizabeth go on an American Idol-like show called "Fuuuuuutic Idol" (yes, six U's) to perform their song "Love♡Wars" (yes, with a heart). Philip and Shotaro enter the competition as "Masked (Kamen) Singers" but just cover one of the show's theme songs, "Finger on the Trigger".
- Imagine Spot: The premise of the Hardboiled Delusion Diaries.
- For an example not Played for Laughs, when Shroud tells Phillip and Ryu that they were meant to be Kamen Rider Double, she talks about the rider they'd become, Cyclone Accel Extreme, complete with a small imagine spot of just how he'd look.
- The Immune: Ryu and Philip appear to be immune to Gaia Memory attacks that affect one's physiology.
- Indirect Kiss: For this reason, Akiko becomes very excited about drinking from a coffee cup that she believes Ryu has just used. Unfortunately, she's interrupted by a client before she can drink.
- Infinity +1 Sword: The Prism Bicker.
- I Let You Win: Ryubee allowed Shotaro and Philip to defeat Dopants, all for granting Wakana new powers and access to the Gaia Library.
- Often overlooked is the Yesterday Dopant, who deliberately sets up her fight with Double so that, when she uses her power on Shotaro the next day, it causes him to try and kill Saeko.
- Innocent Innuendo: Some fans think that Gunner A attaches to Accel's butt to form AccelGunner. Hmm.
- the fact is really that Accel's legs and backside are inserted into an opening on the front of Gunner A, so it basically connects to his back, not butt
- It Can't Be Helped: Philip bemoans this when Shotaro starts spamming him to henshin
- It Was a Gift: All of Accel's equipment and Double's Frog Pod and Denden Sensor were gifts handed to them by Shroud with no explanation. Yet.
- Jidaigeki: "The Nightmarish H" centers around the Nightmare Dopant, who attacks people in their dreams. Shotaro's takes the form of a Jidaigeki after watching such a series on DVD.
- Joshikousei: Shotaro's female informant duo, Queen and Elizabeth.
- Just don't call Akiko one.
- Jumping Off the Slippery Slope: The Commander Dopant is pretty much what would've happened if Ryu hadn't had Shotaro and Philip to pull him back from actually killing criminals.
- Kawaiiko: Akiko is depicted as a contemporary version (with a brightly colored street casual outfit); we meet a more traditional one in "The Nightmarish H".
- Lampshade Hanging: "The Nightmarish H", "To see the Kamen Rider taking a nap [in a football field] - quite a surreal scene indeed."
- Large Ham: Ichirou Mizuki gets to munch on some delicious scenery during his guest appearance in "The L on the Lips".
"You're not gonna stir anybody's heart unless you can shout better than THAT!!!"note
"I have never heard a song in my life as bad as THAT!!!"note
- Mizuki is actually parodying his original performance of the Mazinger Z theme song, which involves him shouting "ZET!" at the top of his lungs multiple times, coupled with the fact that ending a sentence with "ze" is a G-Rated version of emphasis, bitch. And it would seem that he just likes Adam Westing on TV in general. Observe.
- Akiko deserves special mention for being one of the smallest and cutest Large Hams in Kamen Rider, possibly TV history.
- let's not forget Shotaro himself. With epic Lampshade Hanging in the last of the Hardboiled Delusion Diaries.
- The Metal and Luna dopants in the movie are certainly not this.
- Mizuki is actually parodying his original performance of the Mazinger Z theme song, which involves him shouting "ZET!" at the top of his lungs multiple times, coupled with the fact that ending a sentence with "ze" is a G-Rated version of emphasis, bitch. And it would seem that he just likes Adam Westing on TV in general. Observe.
- Last-Minute Hookup: Terui, who has been either oblivious or avoiding Akiko's blatant crush on him, gets together with her at the end of episode 44 without any explanation.
Teriyaki fans rejoiced.
- Leaning on the Fourth Wall: Santa-chan in the first few minutes of Movie War Core. The full hero cast is supposed to be attending Ryu and Akiko's wedding, but they, Shotaro, and Philip haven't arrived yet. Santa-chan remarks there's an hour and a half before the ceremony and wonder if they're okay with an Aside Glance. That's approximately the length of the movie.
- Leitmotif: much like Den-O, there's the ones from the Double Driver along with regular ones for certain characters. Shroud and Isaka's themes even get reused during their own segments for the Forever A to Z Net Movies.
- Literal Split Personality: In the Crisis Crossover part of The Movie, Kamen Rider Decade uses a Final Form Ride card to split Double into two seperate entities: Kamen Rider Double CycloneCyclone controlled only by Philip and Kamen Rider Double JokerJoker controlled only by Shotaro.
- Load-Bearing Boss: Inverted with Ryubee's defeat in that the only reason his mansion explodes upon the breaking of the Terror Memory is that his dragon summon, simultaneously defeated in a separate battle, crashes into it.
- Love Chart: Only rarely actually concerned with romantic love, but regardless, the second episode of every arc begins with a chart showing the involvement and roles of every person connected to the current case, with a Previously on… narrating over top.
- Love Makes You Crazy
Marina/T-Rex Dopant: "Wonderful, Sho-chan. I love you...so...[licks lips] ...I'll eat you."
- Let's add Aya Kujo/Triceratops Dopant for her motivation in colluding with the Gaia Memory distributors as vengeance for her lover Mizoguchi:
"The real target of my revenge should be on this worm-infested city called Fuuto. Mizoguchi loved Fuuto from the bottom of his heart. He protected it! But this city didn't protect him. They tore up his pride and scorned him! That's unforgivable! Completely unforgivable! This city should just disappear!"
- And the Nightmare Dopant targets those who he thinks are rivals for his classmate Himeka's affection.
- A more benign version is Akiko around Ryu, although she got the guy.
- Let's add Aya Kujo/Triceratops Dopant for her motivation in colluding with the Gaia Memory distributors as vengeance for her lover Mizoguchi:
- Love Makes You Evil: Kazu.
- Lucky Charms Title: Queen and Elizabeth's song, Love♡Wars.
- Luminescent Blush: Shotaro gets a CGI one of these in episode 30, after Philip confirms their partnership.
Philip: "My only partner is Shotaro. You alone."
Shotaro: "...why are you saying that now?"
Akiko: "Aren't you blushing?"
Shotaro: "Don't be stupid, of course not!"
- Terui does this in one of the Delusion Diaries.
- MacGuffin Super-Person: Phillip, who's Dead All Along and was responsible for the creation of the Gaia Memories due to his connection to the Earth as he was brought back as a Data Being after dying. As an interesting variant, the bad guys already had Phillip in the beginning, though he was rescued by Shotaro and his mentor.
- Made of Explodium: The D&G Building from Begins Night suffers nowhere near enough damage (from anyone) to warrant the entire top half of the building to blow up. Same goes with the satellites and facility in 48: Shotaro gets a control panel to malfunction by getting his stag phone to wreck it, and the entire facility and three satellite dishes blow up
- Made of Indestructium: RevolGarry's primary function seems to be blocking fatal attacks and generally running things over.
- T2 Gaia Memories are immune to Memory Break attacks.
- Magical Defibrillator: Accel can apparently slash cardiac arrest victims with his EngineBlade on its Electric setting for instant revival.
- Magical Foreign Words: Used by Shotaro and Philip to get Double's two halves in sync for a Memory Break. See the Calling Your Attacks example above for more.
- The Man Behind the Man: "Shroud was the one who gave Weather his Gaia Memory!"
- Manchild: One of Shotaro's informers, Watcherman: an Otaku blogger with an afro.
- 20-year-old Akiko counts as a Woman Child.
- Manic Pixie Dream Girl: Akiko Narumi, who Shotaro doesn't want in his life because she messes up his "hard-boiled" image.
- Matrix Raining Code: The inside of the Xtreme Memory. Bits and pieces of code tend to appear during the Xtreme transformation too, but not nearly as much as Xtreme Memory's inside.
- Meaningful Name: Shotaro Hidarinote .
- Saekonote Sonozaki.
- It also seems to be pronounced somewhat like "psycho".
- Philip's real name is Raito.
- The kanji for his first name mean "person who returns."
- The "Gaia Memories" are said to be the memories of the Earth itself.
- The Movie introduces us to Maria S. Cranberry, who acts as a surrogate mother figure to Philip. She's far from the most famous mother named Maria/Mary.
- Saekonote Sonozaki.
- Mecha Expansion Pack: Double's bike can switch its rear wheel extensions on the RevolGarry for different modes of transportation. Unlike the previous series, each combo technically has its own name.
- HardBoilder: Land transport. Pretty much the default form. Can come with rocket boosters for speed (Start Dash Mode).
- HardTurbuler: Air transport.
- HardSplasher: Water transport, aquatic and subaquatic.
- HardMammother: The Movie introduces this mammoth elephant robot that the HardBoilder's front unit can combine with.
- Which is strange, considering it's an enemy mech and it's never explained how the HardBoilder can connect with it.
- Gunner A / AccelGunner/HardGunner: a large robot with claws that cann assist Accel, then turn into a tank to link up with Accel Bike Form or the front control unit of Double's vehicles to give him/it rocket boosters and a turret cannon.
- Meido: Akiko goes undercover to the Sonozaki mansion in this attire. Wakana is somewhat not impressed by Akiko's Genki Girl antics.
- Later she exposed one of the maids as the Sweets Dopant who had an addiction to sweets and kidnaps chefs and force them to make cakes for her. Well, what do you mean is not symbolic, and the monster is an insane bitch.
- Metal Slime: In the movie, the Dummy Dopant, who had little in regards to physical strength in direct combat but survived going up against Kamen Rider Decade without getting killed and was very good at running away.
- Mirror Character: The Commander Dopant to Ryu. They were motivated to get their powers by losing their family and the Commander uses this to try and make Ryu become a copy of him. Ultimately, the difference between the two is Ryu knows when to stop, in part thanks to Shotaro and Philip.
- Money Fetish: The Money Dopant, that is!
- Monogender Monsters: Thoroughly averted for once in a Rider series. Half the Dopants Double fights are women. Bizarre Sexual Dimorphism is averted since the Dopants' real identities are part of The Reveal (except Taboo, who appears distinctly feminine), though Yesterday Dopant's cape does give the impression of a miniskirt for some reason.
- Mook Maker: Luna Dopant in Forever A to Z; Commander Dopant in W Returns: Accel.
- Morally Ambiguous Doctorate: Isaka.
- More Dakka: Probably the concept behind the Arms and Trigger Dopants.
- Myth Arc: Foundation X, established in this series, would go on to become recurring antagonists in crossover works, although they were absent from Wizard to Ghost before returning in Ex-Aid. Most of their appearances have one of their agents create a Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot out of elements from the shows in the crossover, something established in Double as their specialty.
- Mythology Gag: Has its own page.
- The Napoleon: Akiko, Akiko, Akiko.
Akiko: "Who're you callin' a - ~beautiful~ - middle schooler?!"
- Never Found the Body: Sokichi Narumi's remains were never found, lampshaded in Begins Night. Also, at the end of "What K Needs", Shotaro knows that the case isn't over yet because Wakana's body wasn't found.
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero!: Shotaro's key trait is that he's the Spanner in the Works... However, this means that he's the spanner of a lot of works. It's worth noting that this happens both in the beginning and ending of the series.
- First off, he pushes Phillip into a teleportation chamber which puts him in the crystal prison from the beginning of the show, thus causing his mentor to rescue him and get killed for it. However, this proved to help Phillip, since if things went as planned, Narumi, Ryu, and Phillip would have been turned into pawns for Shroud's Roaring Rampage of Revenge.
- Then in the end, he slips the fact that Phillip died to save Wakana, who then runs off to start the Gaia Impact. However, Wakana executes the Gaia Impact, but uses it to revive Phillip. This proved vital when Phillip took an energy bullet for Shotaro. So in short, If Shotaro didn't say 'Phillip died' to Wakana, he would have died. Nice Job Fixing It, Hero?
- Nice Job Fixing It, Villain!: Utopia's plan to revive Wakana's energy by tormenting Phillip also got to Shotaro enough to make him rescue her.
- No-Sell: A few Dopants, most notably Claydoll, Beast, and Jewel, have traits that let them do this until Double finds a way around their defensive gimmick.
- Non-Lethal K.O.: The first Kamen Rider series where they don't kill or even seal away the monsters; they're reverted back into their human forms instead with their Transformation Trinket destroyed. Played with in several cases if the Gaia Memory in question screwed with their body too much. It's not an averted trope as the human in question is still not killed but the resulting memory break can still destroye them.
- Not Brainwashed: During the Don't Lay A Finger On M arc, the way Yuko's personality did a 180 and the way Goro acts when Shotaro finds him would seem to hint to the audience the Money Dopant and the casino are somehow mentally affecting them. It's ultimately revealed that Taizo doesn't have any mind manipulation powers, Yuko and his other victims got addicted the easy money of gambling, and simply gave into their own natural Greed.
- "Not So Different" Remark: Katsumi Daido tries doing this to Phillip in W Forever, especially in regards to their both being "corpses". Further enhanced by the fact that Teenage Daido in the flashback scenes is played by Phillip's actor Masaki Suda.
- Not So Stoic: Turns out that the chief had a half-boiled streak too.
- Not What It Looks Like: In "The L on the Lips", Shotaro is the first to realise that running after another guy on a beach complete with Disturbed Doves
could be easily misread...
- Of Corpse He's Alive: Whenever his mind is in Double's body, Philip is unconscious, so his lifeless body is a sitting duck. In "Find the C", nobody tried to interact with them, but Akiko had to make-believe they were napping sweethearts, so as not to draw attention on the bus.
- Official Couple: Terui/Akiko, made just after the end of Ep 44.
- Oh, Crap!: At the beginning of "The Tragedy Of Y" arc, when Ryu, Mikio, and Makura interrogate a suspect, and he almost jumps off the building, though Ryu managed to caught him by the ankle.
- Older Than They Look: Mitsuru Matsuoka, who plays Katsumi Daido
◊ in the W Forever A to Z movie. Try to guess his age... He's turning 40. And in his appearance in Kamen Rider Zi-O, nine years later, he barely looks any different at all.
- Omake: A series of DVD shorts collecively called "Shotaro's Hard Boiled Delusion Diary".
- And the 26 Net Movies accompanying the theatrical release of Forever A to Z.
- Ominous Latin Chanting: "The D was Watching" gleefully combines this with the sudden, out-of-nowhere appearance of the Terror Dopant, preceded by his Primal Fear.
- One-Winged Angel: The show brings out its giant CGI monsters as early as the second episode. The effect is somewhat lost when you consider that the T-Rex Dopant's is basically cobbled together from rubble. And the Anomalocaris, which, for some reason, is awfully fast also on land.
- One-Woman Wail: The prologue; the pupil and the boy, cornered at every side, transformed into Double out of desperation just as they're about to be blasted sky high. Next second; cue the music...
- The Only One Allowed to Defeat You: Terui is extremely determined to be the one that defeats Isaka, and was ready to start an enraged fight with Double for Memory Breaking said villian. Isaka dodged it anyway, but still.
- "On the Next Episode of…" Catchphrase: "This'll clinch it!"note
- As well as an "On the Last Episode of Catchphrase" in the preview for the final episode: "Kore de owari da!"note
- Patrick Stewart Speech: Philip's "Nobody's Perfect" speech to Shotaro.
- Pensieve Flashback: The premise of Message for W in Movie Wars Core.
- Personality Powers: The NEVER mercenaries from W Forever end up with the Memory that best reflects their personality and fighting style: the sexy martial artist who hates cold gets Heat, the burly staff fighter gets Metal, the Camp Gay domineering whip fighter gets Luna, the Cold Sniper gets Trigger, and the woman who deceived Phillip into helping them gets Cyclone.
- Perverse Puppet: Getting its own story arc. As typical of the trope, it looks to be horrific.
- Phlebotinum Overload: Isaka's demise is a result of this.
- Picky Eater: The Sweets Dopant, to the extent that she is revealed by reacting violently to Akiko's desserts (it's not even in Lethal Chef territory, just rank amateur). It's not played for laughs either.
- Plug 'n' Play Technology: Justified by nearly everything being designed by Shroud, but every piece of equipment that Double has is compatible with every other part. The Gaia Memories that Double uses have special effects when inserted into the Memory Gadgets or Accel's Engine Blade, the Gadgets can be attached to Double's weapons to give them new functions, and Accel's Bike Form and A-Gunner tank are cross-compatible with Double's motorcycle and its attachments. Just about the only combination that isn't shown is what would happen if Double tried to use the Pseudo-Memories that normally go in the Gadgets.
- P.O.V. Sequel: Returns: Accel. Eternal is an aversion, however - it serves as a prequel to The Movie
- Power Gives You Wings: Nasca Dopant busts this out in his first real battle with Double
- In a strange example, the Quetzalcoatlus Memory itself has wings.
- CycloneJokerGoldXtreme also gains a fancy pair of wings in A to Z. It's also the highest level of power Double's achieved.
- Power Level: In "Farewell, N!", Saeko mentions to her father that Kirihiko has attained the Super-Speed powers of the Nasca Memory. Ryubee states that it means he has finally reached the second level of its powers. Too bad we don't get to see him use them for much longer.
- And in "The Likelihood of the G", Saeko uses it and attains level 3, complete with a sporty red color scheme.
- Power of Trust: Detective Jinno turns out to have weaponized this quite unintentionally when he was a beat cop. When delinquents (like a young Shotaro) would make up lies to avoid getting in trouble, he would believe them so completely that the liars would end up wanting to believe it themselves.
Shotaro: He isn't easy to fool. He's skilled at being fooled.
- Previously on…: Done with a String Theory, which was revealed in Movie Wars Core to be the creation of Soukichi's old partner.
- Pre Ass Kicking One Liner: "Now, let us count your sins" usually precedes the beatdown of the Monster of the Week.
- Private Detective
- Private Eye Monologue: Shotaro's very first one started as a spoof, but following that, he drops a few lines here and there, and always at the end of every arc.
- Purple Is the New Black: Even though the Joker and Skull memories are all black, the color of their symbol and associated color-coded attacks are purple.
- Redemption Equals Death: Kirihiko.
- In "Goodbye to the E", the entire Sonozaki family seems significantly calmer and content in their version of the afterlife, inverting this trope into Death Equals Redemption for Ryubee and Saeko.
- Refuge in Audacity: Akiko using her slipper on a police detective in "Find the C". She takes it one step further in "The D was Watching" by barging into the police station as well.
- In "Who the K Needs", she breaks out a pair she calls "dowsing slippers" to search for an artifact left in a ruin-ish area. And they work.
- Deconstructed by Terui Ryu, who's allowed to exact his personal agenda with Rider gear from Shroud, despite being with the police, instead of say, being put through a psych evaluation following the death of his whole family.
- Retro Universe: Though he lives in a modern time, Shotaro styles his life after 40s' hardboiled noir.
- Rich Bitch: Wakana Sonozaki.
- "The Radio Q" implies that she's more tsundere.
- Right-Hand Cat: Fitting of an evil mastermind, the head of the Sonozaki Family has one named Mick. It even has its own Gaia Memory and Dopant form: Smilodon.
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: A majority of the Dopants who can be classified Jerk Ass Woobie fall on this motivation, but special propos to Kujo Aya/Triceratops Dopant in avenging her unjustly-persecuted lover and Yukie Sudo/Yesterday Dopant for trying to avenge her murdered brother Kirihiko, the Nasca Dopant.
- Running Gag: Shotaro and his "half-boiled" lifestyle.
- Jun dropping things.
- Saint-Bernard Rescue: Episode 19 has a brief moment where Philip pretends he's a St. Bernard
thanks to Wakana's radio show. Shotaro is not amused.
- Scenery Porn: During Akiko's dream in episode 30, we get to see Osaka's Tower of the Sun
, its castle
, and the Tsutenkaku
, all in about 5 minutes.
- Sharing a Body: Though not the first to feature the idea, this is the first Kamen Rider series with two people merging into a single Rider.
- Ship Tease: Akiko's had ship tease with Shotaro (particularly "The P's Game" and "Y's Tragedy") and Terui ("The P's Game" and "The O Chain"). She and Terui become the Official Couple after "The O Chain", episode 44.
- Begins Night also hinted that Elizabeth has a crush on Philip.
- "The Radio Q" has some ship teasing between Philip and Wakana. Which, like Kamen Rider Den-O, is also
Squick Tease as it turns out that Philip and Wakana are brother and sister.
- In "Y's Tragedy", Shotaro appears to develop feelings for Yuko, who's really Yukie Sudo, the Yesterday Dopant. Delusion Diary #9 hints that he is prepared to wait for her until she regains her memories.
- Shoe Slap: Akiko does this to Sho fairly often, like whenever he says something cryptic or talks about something she doesn't understand. Which is often.
- Short-Distance Phone Call: Philip and Wakana do this in "Client X".
- Shout-Out:
- If using Western naming order, Shotaro Hidari shares the initials of Sherlock Holmes.
- In the first episode, Shotaro pulls out a copy of Raymond Chandler's The Long Goodbye, one of the quintessential hard-boiled detective novels.
- Philip's name is a reference for famed private eye Philip Marlowe, the protagonist of The Long Goodbye. In fact, Sokichi Narumi named the amnesiac Philip directly after him.
- The "Fuuto Irregulars" seem to be an analog to the Baker Street Irregulars from the Sherlock Holmes series.
- Shotaro's first name may be based on the creator of Kamen Rider, Shotaro Ishinomori. Notably, though, the Kanji for "Sho" is different.
- The name 'DJ HURRY KEN' doubles as a Punny Name and a shout out to Ken Hirai
note .
- Ep. 29 is titled "Nemuri Hime no Yuutsu".
- Akiko's dream about turning into Double has the transform FX changed to say "Naniwa no Bishojo Kamen" ("The Masked Beauty of Naniwa"), a reference to Bishoujo Kamen Poitrine.
- The Beast Dopant has a wife named Belle.
- ...who's also the Zone Dopant, able to fold into a tetrapod shape and act in a supporting role to the Beast Dopant in combat.
- In Begins Night, Sokichi says "Those who shoot should be prepared to be shot at."
- In "Y's Tragedy", Isaka says that the Yesterday Dopant found a way to counter the insanity from Memory usage by draining the fluid buildup from the Memory and projecting it into other people to create a form of mind control. Think he got that from Jason Stryker's case file?
- A reference to The Old Man and the Sea is used as a password in "The O Chain". It's even described as "by Hemingway".
- In "Who The K Needs", Accel links up with the Turbuler parts and fights the Terror Dragon as a human torso mounted on a flight booster; this may be a Shout-Out to Mobile Suit Gundam, where the Gundam had a near-identical configuration with the G-Armor (dubbed "Gundam + B-Parts" officially).
- The Hyper Battle video where they're dealing with a Donburi Dopant has Shotaro, Akiko, and Ryu go at it a'la Iron Chef in order to solve the case as Philip was too hungry to even go into the Bookshelves. To wit: Kitchen Garage instead of Kitchen Stadium, Philip dressing up in glittery clothes as the Chairman (although not as flashy as Kaga's wardrobe), and banging a gong.
- And the Frog Pod doing the "battle commentary" with the voice of Shinichiro Ohta, Iron Chef's floor reporter.
- During one of the "Hardboiled Deulsion Diary" omake shorts on the DVDs, Shotaro has a daydream where the rest of the cast are hitmen after his life. Ryu ends up dressed like Duke Togo of Golgo 13, complete with fake eyebrows and sideburns.
- In the Net Movies released with W Forever, the logo for Isaka's segment is the logo for House, with "Dopant" replacing "House".
- At the beginning of The Gaia Memory Of Fate, one of the people on the helicopter says "Kamen Rider" in perfect English and along the lines of Dragon Knight's transformation call.
- Also, in the same movie, before the duo becomes Double for the first time in the movie, Shotaro enters via bike and delivers a flying side kick. Now recall that time a similar hero did that.
- The NEVER uniforms resemble those given to several recent Power Rangers, and during one scene, where they're all together in Dopant Form (with Daido in Eternal's form), one can't help by think of Power Rangers. Bear in mind Koichi Sakamoto is on that set...
- Ryu/Accel's spin attack in episode 28 and against Weather and Nazca in Gaia Memory of Fate looks pretty familiar.
- W Returns: Accel adds the spinning of those bike-wheels on his legs as a defensive weapon.
- In another "Hardboiled Delusion Diaries" omake, Magician Akiko's magic show is called "Princess Akiko's Magical Stage".
- In the final battle, Jun/Utopia tries to drain the power of W CycloneJokerXtreme, but is physically harmed by the power being too much for him to absorb, much like in Kinnikuman when Buffaloman is burning up inside from absorbing Kinnikuman's Burning Inner Strength.
- Shout-Out Theme Naming: Carrying over the theme started in Kamen Rider Decade with Natsumi (Summer) and Haruka (Spring); Akiko (Autumn), and the F Afterglow arc character Fuyumi (Winter).
- In an extremely obscure example, the bands that perform the Rider's image songs (Labor Day, Galveston 19, Florida Keys, and Wilma-Sidr) are all named after famous 20th century hurricanes.
- Wilma-Sidr is a double-theme naming, "Sidr" being a Category 5 Cyclone in the Indian Ocean.
- And believe it or not, the recurring brand name Windscale
also counts.
- In an extremely obscure example, the bands that perform the Rider's image songs (Labor Day, Galveston 19, Florida Keys, and Wilma-Sidr) are all named after famous 20th century hurricanes.
- Show Within a Show: Shotaro and Philip's are huge fans of the radio show "Healing Princess", hosted by Wakana Sonozaki, who they don't realize is one of the villains.
- Played straight with Kaze no Saheji, see Daytime Drama Queen above.
- Signature Style: Koichi Sakamoto has been invited back to Japan to direct several Toei projects, including W Returns: Accel. Let's just say that other directors might not have gotten the hang of choreographing Accel Booster.
- Sitcom Arch-Nemesis: Mikio's deputy, Shun Makura, to Shotaro. Lampshaded all the way in "The W Search".
- Kirihiko and Wakana seemed to be this at first, but they got over it.
- Someday This Will Come in Handy: Santa-chan, another informant, gives Shotaro a bunch of miscellaneous crap in "Don't Lay a Finger on M", including a deck of cards. Shotaro later plays a winner-take-all game of Old Maid, and won in the end with those same cards.
- Spell My Name With An S: Quite literally, in the show it's the Nasca Dopant, not the Nazca Dopant.
- Philip was subject to this as well. In the show, his "Gaia" Aura spells his name as "Philippe" while every magazine that prints the characters' names in English uses "Philip".
- The show's logo has "Kamen Rider Double" written clearly in English, while the English speaking fandom (and a fansubbing group) prefered "Kamen Rider W" (to where that fansubbing group hard encoded "Kamen Rider W" over the "Kamen Rider Double" in the logo). Part way into the show, the production company began using "Kamen Rider W" in English to refer to the show instead.
- The main rider's name is also a bit tricky as it's offically spelled "Kamen Rider W [Double]" in Japanese but both "W" and "Double" have been used and western fans generally tend to go with "W" (with a notable exption being the FANDOM
wiki) while the offical international romanization for both the rider and show is "MASKED RIDER DOUBLE".
- Spit Take: Shotaro has two: one in the first episode when Akiko informs him that she's his new landlord and is evicting him, and another in the Gaia Memory Encyclopedia.
- Spooky Photographs: A fusion of type 1 and 2 here. The Sonozaki family photo
◊ reveals them for what they really are
- Then played for laughs in the beginning of "Client X", when Dr Yamashiro walks into the agency while Akiko and Shotaro are too preoccupied with taking staff photos to notice him at all...until they see the resulting photos...
- Stage Mom: Akiko comes up against them in "The O Chain"
- The Starscream: Saeko Sonozaki spends a few episodes turning into this while being seduced by Isaka Shinkuro. She finally dares to attack her father in "Beyond R"...only to have Weather die on her, leaving her alone in her attempted coup.
- Until Jun Kazu shows up to help her ...
- Stealth Hi/Bye: Ryubee pulls the Stealth Hi on occasion, while Shroud tends towards the Stealth Bye.
- Straw Vulcan: Philip is somewhere between this and, appropriate for the detective theme, The Watson.
- Stringy-Haired Ghost Girl: The Virus Dopant, in a nutshell.
Stunt Double: Used on occasion for Mick, because obviously there's no way they'd put a real cat in harm's way. The W Forever net videos parody this during Kirihiro's "interview" with Mick: when Kirihiro gets mad and starts beating on Mick, it's obviously a plush cat. Then after Mick turns into the Smilidon Dopant and gets his revenge, Kirihiko himself turns into a human-sized dummy with a photograph of Kirihiko's face taped to the head.
- Subordinate Excuse: Kazu claims to be in love with Saeko and wants to be her business partner/subordinate so he can help her defeat her father.
- Superpower Lottery:
- Inverted with the Virus Dopant. Kirihiko thinks that its ability to manifest and act outside of its user's body makes it more deadly. It certainly seems that way at first, racking up a fairly large body count compared to previous Dopants, but Saeko soon reveals that the Virus Memory should have been able to effortlessly kill everyone in the city in seconds. Thanks to the state of its user, it's weak enough to only be able to put up a challenge for Double rather than kill him outright.
- The Weather Dopant can tap into pretty much every Elemental Power in the book. In his first episode alone he used Playing with Fire, An Ice Person, Blow You Away, and Shock and Awe, and the drowning murders imply he also has Making a Splash.
- Any Memory can eventually win the lottery if it's pushed far enough by a compatible user, with each level of power unlocked both amplifying the Memory's existing powers and adding new ones. The Nasca Memory goes from a fair challenge to Double's initial forms at Level 2 to being able to manhandle Double and Accel at the same time in Level 3. The Claydoll Memory goes from a pathetically weak form, with no real powers besides a Healing Factor, to eventually becoming an unstoppable juggernaut.
- Utopia is a particularly extreme example, as its power is being a Reality Warper that draws its power from the hopes of whoever it's fighting.
- Despite all these winners, the Terror Dopant stays on top because his is the best power in the setting: he can make anyone who might think of challenging him simply not want to do that anymore. Most of the show's plot is Shroud's efforts to create someone with both the physical power needed to kill Terror and the immunity against his ability necessary to actually do it.
- Super Prototype: Inverted; according to official info, Skull and his Lost Driver are the prototypes for Double and his Double Driver. While Skull is more generally useful since it only requires one user, Double is more powerful and versatile.
- Survivor Guilt: There's some evidence Shotaro has this with regards to his mentor; at least part of his stand-offishness with Akiko is that, as Sokichi's daughter, she's a constant reminder - especially when asking after her father.
- Sweet Tooth: The Sweets Dopant suffer from this.
- Take Our Word for It: Jimmy's third and final performance - despite sticking with his "Spilk" music (and the obvious absence of any kind of Training Montage), he finally earns genuine applause just for "putting his true heart into it", but the audio is left out so we never hear a thing.
- Take That!: The Dummy Dopant in Begins Night is a bogus priest who's started his own movement with numerous celebrity believers. Either a dig at the Church of Happyology, or the Japanese equivalent, the Happy Science movement.
- Take Up My Cool Hat: Shotaro's mentor is fatally wounded in the prologue, and passes on his hat to Shotaro before he dies. Shotaro doesn't walk around wearing it after that though: He hangs it on the door to the Elaborate Underground Base and wears a different one.
- Begins Night mentions that Shotaro started out with no hat; he inherited his mentor's entire hat collection.
- Judging by the Utopia arc's trailers Shotaro finally considers himself worthy of wearing it.
- It's his "Not playing around anymore." hat. Shotaro took on Utopia sans transformation to foil his plot, armed with nothing but gadgets and style. He even blocked an attack USING the hat.
- Taking the Fight Outside: Shotaro is having a friendly conversation with another patron at the barber shop. They keep just missing getting to see each other's faces for some time. When Shotaro realizes he's been chatting with The Dragon, we get the following as the poor owner can only look on in confusion:
Kirihiko/Nazca Dopant: You!
Shotaro: YOU!
Kirihiko: Let's take this outside! - Talking with Signs: Either the writing on Akiko's slippers are responding to this trope, or she's got dozens of pairs hidden someplace...
- Deconstructed in "The Likelihood of the G" with Kawai Toru, who's dependent on writing in his notepad because he can't bring himself to speak up, much like another Hikikkomori.
- Teens Are Monsters: EXE in the final episode, in which one of them claims that they are going to succeed the Museum. Now, seeing what the Museum is made of, that's
saying something.
- Teleport Spam: The Zone Dopant's shtick.
- Ten Minutes in the Closet: Dango and Chizuru get locked in the RevolGarry together in episode 8. This seemed to be the non-romantic type; making up results in them spending the next few minutes of the episode street dancing rather than any hugging or kissing.
- Theme Music Power-Up:
- "W-B-X ~W-Boiled Extreme~" plays precisely four times in the series, and every time it signaled incoming awesomeness. In Episode 28, it started when Double and Accel fought the Weather Dopant together and performed a Double Rider Kick. In Episode 48, it played when Shotaro confronted Jun Kazu and kicked his ass without transforming. And it plays in the final episode over Shotaro and Phillip's first post-reunion fight as Double as they kick the Energy Dopant's ass. In W Forever, it plays over the transformation to CycloneJokerGoldXtreme and Eternal's subsequent ass-kicking atop Fuuto Tower.
- Each of the primary forms has their own theme music that goes along with them as well. CycloneJoker gets "Cyclone Effect", HeatMetal gets "Free Your Heat", LunaTrigger gets "Finger On The Trigger", and CycloneJokerXtreme gets "Extreme Dream".
- Accel gets his own song in "Leave all Behind".
- This Loser Is You: Lampshaded with the human form of Cockroach Dopant, who's clearly a Hikikomori. The manga retroactively adds one by stating that the Cockroach Memory is cheap and easy to produce and thus is rather commonly used for crime.
- This Is What the Building Will Look Like: The second Fuuto Tower shown in "The Girl...A".
- Time Skip: One year passes in between the events of episodes 48 and 49.
- Tokyo Tower: Tokyo Fuuto Tower is a prominent landmark for this season, topped with a MASSIVE windmill for good measure.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: A bit toyed with Queen and Elizabeth's duo; Queen falls more in Emo-Deadpan Snarker territory, Elizabeth plays her trope straight.
- Tragic Keepsake:
- Shotaro still has the hat Sokichi gave him as he died and a keychain that Kirihiko gave him before dying, telling Shotaro to protect the city.
- Yukie has been holding on to Kirihiko's scarf ever since his death.
- Traintop Battle: "Don't Lay a Finger on M"; bus-top variant.
- The Unfavorite: This, along with a good case of Well Done Daughter Girl, is what prompts Saeko's progression into becoming The Starscream.
- Unflinching Walk: From the trailer, Skull does this in the new Movie War Core
- Unholy Matrimony: Presumably, Saeko's former husbands (even Kirihiko) were in on this, but now it's more of like "Unholy Engagement" in her case with Isaka, actually.
- Or was. He's dead now.
- Upgrade Artifact: Quite literally in the Accel DTV, which introduces the Gaia Memory Enhancement Adapter. The Commander Dopant uses it, then it gets handed off to Ryu, giving him Accel Booster Form.
- Verbal Tic: Wakana with her "Tch", complete with closeup. Also borders on being a Catch Phrase by definition.
- Similarly (albeit more disturbing), Isaka too, see Shout-Out above.
- Villain with Good Publicity: The Sonozaki family is, superficially, portrayed as rich, respectable benefactors of Fuuto City, with a daughter being a popular idol. Despite being the presumed head of an illegal device syndicate. The Mafia references probably help.
- Weaponized Landmark: NEVER planned to turn Fuuto Tower into one - one that would kill off everyone in the city and turn them into undead, so to speak.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: The point of the Gaia Impact was to ensure the continued survival of humanity.
- Commander Dopant in W Returns: Accel.
- Wham Episode:
- "Client X". In the first part, the man who erased Philip's memory is revealed, and the protagonists learn that it is the Sonozaki family behind the Gaia Memory business. Apart from that, Foundation X, another benefactor of the Museum, is revealed. Things go From Bad to Worse in the second part with the revelation that Philip is Raito Sonozaki and him learning that Wakana is not only his sister, but a Museum Dopant.
- The second part of "The Likelihood of the G". Wakana can now access the Gaia Library and has a level of power leagues beyond Xtreme, Saeko has the rather inpressive Nasca Level 3, and it turns out every success that Shotaro and Philip had was allowed by Ryubee simply to gather information on them.
- "The O Chain". Wowzers. In the first part alone, we find out Weather got his Gaia Memory from Shroud. Shroud also reveals CycloneAccel Xtreme. And Shroud is Fumine Sonozaki, Ryubee's wife and the mother of Saeko, Wakana, and Raito/Philip. Also Foundation X is behind the new generation of Gaia Memories that will be used in the upcoming movie.
- The first part of "Who the K Needs" is probably the grand champion of them all now. What starts with a leadup to a wacky case quickly devolves into mindfuckery and realizing just how powerful Ryubee is. And worst of all is that there's still four episodes left for the writers to screw around with.
- The first part of "The Forgotten U". The next time they become Double, Phillip will die.
- Let's just say, every episode after "Beyond R", as it's turned into a Wham Arc.
- Wham Line: The above have some rather good wham lines.
- "Client X":
- Yamashiro: They were...the memories of your (Phillip's) family.
- Yamashiro: Your...real name is...Sonozaki...Raito.
- "The Likelihood of the G"
- Wakana: It's the same power that you guys have, Raito.
- "The O Chain"
- Shroud: It's true (regarding weither or not she gave Isaka the Weather Memory)
- Wakana: That woman's real name is Fumine Sonozaki. She's Raito's and my...mother.
- "What The K Needs"
- Ryubee: It is not a lie. You (Phillip) are dead. It happened 12 years ago.
- "The Forgotten U"
- Phillip: The next time we transform into W...my body will be destroyed.
- "The W Search": While it's the first episode of the entire series, Shotaro's line pretty much sets up the premise of how Double will operate with just a few words.
- Shotaro: I shall show you my... no... our power!
- "Client X":
- What Kind Of Power Is It?!: Unlike previous series which stuck to animal-themed (and sometimes plant-themed) Monsters of the Week, some of the Gaia Memories produce Dopants with thematic concepts (like Violence or Death). Then there are the Dopants with powers from objects that are not animal, vegetable, or mineral (Money and [Fire]Arms). And then there are the Gaia Memories belonging to the Sonozaki Family.
- The Nasca Dopant's powers are themed after the Nazca lines
in Peru. Apart from the flight afforded to him by the Hummingbird Geoglyph, his other powers (fighting with a sword and throwing laser bombs) don't have anything to do with the Nazca lines. His "Level 2" power of superspeed makes even less sense.
- Level 3's strength could be attributed to the Giant.
- The Clay Doll Dopant shoots laser bombs out of her left arm. However, being shattered into billions of pieces is only a minor and temporary inconvenience as her Dopant body is made up of some kind of magical porcelain that puts itself back together.
- The Terror Dopant's powers turn out to be more straightforward than his daughters' and son-in-law's: he oozes Primal Fear that coats everything, including the camera lens. His other powers may very well be Eldritch Tier.
- Turns out just seeing him use his powers is enough to make Shotaro paralyzed with fear at the very sight of him, even when he's not transformed. If that doesn't qualify as Eldritch I don't know what does.
- How about the MONSTROSITY that erupts from his head!?
- Then there's the Taboo Dopant. Flying around and shooting laser bombs isn't taboo
. Looking like this
◊ probably is though. However, killing your husband because he found out about your family's deep dark secret is definitely Taboo.
- It probably has more to do with taboo practices, such as dark/witch/voodoo magic. Even if they're not literally magic, it makes the theme fit more given she looks like a voodoo doll gone mad.
- Even Double himself isn't exempt from this. The Joker Memory is the intrinsic power of the Trump Card. How this applies to unarmed combat is up to anyone's interpretation.
- "Unarmed combat" also seems like a lame power because all his forms have hands and feet and are thus perfectly capable of punching or kicking. It comes off as copout of an explanation, even: they forgot to have it do anything and just said "it...uh...lets him hit stuff!" In the movie, soloing as Kamen Rider Joker, Shotaro indeed fights without weapons and is really good at it, and he's far from the first Rider to get along just fine with no further combat abilities, but again...being stronger while suited is something all Toku heroes, including Double in other forms, can claim, and is thus hardly a satisfying answer to "what is Joker's special ability?"
- If Chalice is an indicator, it applies quite well.
- Actually, Joker increases his unarmed combat skills, and the difference is noticeable. When using Trigger or Metal, he's noticeably less skilled; Trigger just rolls around and shoots, and Metal just whacks stuff. Only Joker has notably advanced martial arts skills.
- It does work when you consider the way the two memories' abilities combine. Joker makes the other memory apply to the body instead of a weapon (Take Luna, for example. Luna Trigger has bendy bullets, Luna Metal has a bendy staff...only Luna Joker has bendy limbs.)
- In episode 46 Shroud refers to Shotaro as a 'wild card'note , referring to his status as Spanner in the Works, so it could be a kind of Personality Powers.
- And Accel's Accel Memory is the intrinsic power of Acceleration. Who knew that the change of velocity with respect to time turned you into a motorcycle?
- The Utopia Dopant's powers seem to be telekenisis, and a variety of Elemental Powers. As to what those have to do with a perfect society, your guess is as good as mine.
- At first glance, it's gravity manipulation, but that's just his staff. It's actually Rewriting Reality by absorbing people's hopes.
- Skull also has a nice case of this. The bones that make up the face apparently translates into having a gun.
- A lot of these issues can be handwaved, though, by the fact that the Gaia Memories are designed to carry all knowledge on the subject they're labelled under, even the obscure stuff or forgotten stuff. Given the knowledge is implied to be taken from the Earth itself, that's a pretty vast amount of data to draw powers from.
- In the case of the Kamen Riders they are also using equipment and modified Memories specifically designed to channel the power of the Gaia Memory into an armored suit form for stability and safety reasons which might explain some of the oddities the Memories manifest as.
- The Nasca Dopant's powers are themed after the Nazca lines
- What Measure Is a Mook?: Despite Thou Shalt Not Kill being applied to everybody else, nobody takes offense to the killing of Masquerade Dopants. Examples:
- FangJoker's debut has one very pissed Philip murdering an entire army of mooks in order to get to the Arms Dopant, and almost cut through Akiko as well. Once the drama ends, nobody really seems to care.
- Then Accel casually cuts down a bunch of them in the serial right after he agrees not to kill anybody.
- Of course, it's worth noting that Masquerades simply disintegrate when sufficiently damaged, as opposed to suffering a Memory Break like most other Dopants.
- What the Hell, Hero?: Shotaro and Ryu's relationship is mostly based on calling each other out.
- When Elders Attack: What old Shotaro does against the Old Dopant in episode 44. He smacks him repeatedly with a cane while he's still in human form, taking him off-guard as he's mocking him.
- Ryubee Sonozaki counts.
- Wiki Walk: Whenever someone mentions a concept Philip isn't familiar with, he obsessively researches it until he knows everything about it. For example, he goes through one after Akiko mentions "Takoyaki". When Shotaro returns, all the whiteboards are covered in notes about it... and he's still far from done.
- Wind Turbine Power: the entire city of Fuuto, making it potentially the most eco-friendly city in fictional Japan
- With Great Power Comes Great Insanity: See G-Rated Drug, above. Improper use of a Gaia Memory, just like any other drug, can cause addiction and wear away at a user's mind/personality. Practice safe doping: Always use a Driver.
- Wonder Twin Powers
- The Worf Barrage: Saeko blasts Kazu with constant fireballs in both his human and Dopant forms. He emerges completely unscathed and at one point on fire. It helps that he is Dead All Along.
- Xtreme Kool Letterz: Played unbendingly straight with the Xtreme Memory.
- Yank the Dog's Chain: Since the show's tone purposely stays happy despite the Film Noir aspects, none of the episode arcs are truly Downer Endings, but the first six eps all have at least one person involved in the case end up without a happy ending in some way. "The Abandoned U" takes the cake, though.
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: A subtle case with Shroud and Terui, wherein she deliberately lies and says he ran the motocross course fast enough to be able to handle Trial's power. He hadn't, and as a result she was sending him off to die. It didn't bother her, and she simply noted he wasn't any use to her anymore.
"This clinches it!"