Power Rangers in Space
- ️Fri May 25 2012
Spoilers for all Power Rangers entries preceding this one, particularly Power Rangers Turbo, are unmarked. You Have Been Warned!
AKA "The one that saved the Power Rangers franchise" or "Power Rangers: The Next Generation".
Power Rangers in Space is the sixth season of Power Rangers, adapted from Denji Sentai Megaranger. It is also the direct Sequel Series to Power Rangers Turbo.
Managing to save the series from cancellation, this is frequently cited as one of the best, if not the best, seasons of the franchise. For the first time, the series introduced a heavily serialized plot that built from episode to episode, featuring strong themes, characterizations, and coming to an epic climax that gives a degree of finality to the previous six seasons. It also eschewed the Black-and-White Morality that was prominent in previous seasons by featuring sympathetic villains, and also includes three reunion episodes and plenty of cameos that kept the continuity extremely tight.
After being defeated by Divatox's forces, the Power Rangers lose their Turbo powers, miraculously saved by a call she got from Dark Specter, the supreme leader of the United Alliance of Evil (U. A. E.) and overall Greater-Scope Villain (up to this point, at least). Following one of the contingency plans set down by Zordon before his capture, the Rangers make their way into space and (by chance) meet up with Andros, a lone Red Ranger determined to stop the U.A.E and rescue his missing sister, Karone. The former Rangers convince him of their worth and join forces with him as four new-coming members for his Ranger team.
Standing against them is Astronema, a Dark Action Girl agent of the U.A.E. sent to Earth to finish the job that Divatox started. With her is her Noble Demon second-in-command Ecliptor, the titular Doppelgänger Psycho Rangers and Card-Carrying Villain Darkonda. Meanwhile, Dark Specter is plotting to siphon Zordon's power to stage his final conquest on the galaxy, making it a race against time to rescue him before the universe is doomed.
The season ended with a blow-out finale for the entire "Zordon era" of the franchise, producing what remains on the sheer scale the biggest finale in PR history. This effectively wiped the slate clean for Power Rangers Lost Galaxy, as the staff and viewers went on to a new adventure that (for the most part) was unrelated to the events of the prior series.note (contains spoilers).
This season was also the last to feature Robert L. Manahan as Zordon before his death in 2000, Hilary Shepard Turner as Divatox, Barbara Goodson as Rita Repulsa, and Robert Axelrod as Lord Zedd before his death in 2019.
Recurring Power Rangers tropes include:
- Alas, Poor Villain: Ecliptor. He was one of the most sympathetic villains in the series. In the finale, he is destroyed by the energy wave released by Zordon, despite the far more evil Rita, Zedd, and Divatox being spared.
- Awesome Personnel Carrier: The Megatank.
- BFG: The Spiral Saber's Booster Mode (the Saber combined with Andros' Astro Blaster) with its dual-tipped firing aperture, fired in conjunction with the Quadroblaster, formed from the other weapons.
- Bifurcated Weapon: Astro Blasters, which can be split into two laser guns.
- Big Bad: Astronema serves as The Heavy and eventually the Dragon Ascendant to Greater-Scope Villain Dark Specter.
- Brats with Slingshots: Ashley's Star Slinger.
- By the Power of Grayskull!: "Let's Rocket!" is a combination of both this and Invocation.note
- Chest Insignia:
- Team logos - three triangles arranged as a rectangle - on the belts. There were also personal symbols on the helmet forehead, but they were only visible when they lit up.
- The helmet insignias tended not to be shown, as they were pieces of technology like computers or phones, an Artifact leftover from the tech-based Megaranger. (Andros and Ashley's symbols were used on occasion; when this happened it was referred to as their "Lightstar helmet modes"; that term was used in the toyline for basic figures of the Rangers whose symbols could light up.)
- A rare case for the villains having an insignia, what looks like an abstract, scowling face (possibly an abstract depiction of Dark Specter's face); it was most prominently seen on Astronema's Havoc Staff and her locket.
- City of Adventure: Angel Grove, though the Rangers also traveled all over the galaxy.
- Combining Mecha: There was a rare aversion in that the series' main mecha, the Astro Megazord, was a single Transforming Mecha and not a combination of multiple smaller pieces (though technically its shuttle did separate and dock with the main body). It does later combine with the Delta Megazord into the Astro-Delta Megazord. The Mega Voyager is the more traditional five-part combiner, and it can also take on the Mega Winger's wing pack (just the wing pack; the rest of it doesn't combine) as the Winged Mega Voyager.
- Compressed Adaptation: A downplayed example. In Space was given 43 episodes to Megaranger's 51.
- Cool Bike: Zhane's glider can transform into the Silver Cycle.
- Cool Board: The Galaxy Gliders.
- The Dragon: Co-Dragons Ecliptor and Darkonda.
- Evil Plan: This season raised the stakes from previous seasons and joined every villain thus far in an alliance to take over the entire universe.
- Five-Token Band: Caucasian Red and Yellow Rangersnote , a Hispanic Black Ranger, an African-American Blue Ranger, and an Asian Pink Ranger.
- And Andros is a human alien, so we have five different races.
- Greater-Scope Villain: Astromena answers to Dark Specter, who has caused all of the villains in the Power Rangers universe to join forces, but doesn't become directly involved with the conflict himself.
- Hand Cannon: Cassie's Satellite Stunner, and all the Rangers' weapons when combined with their Astro Blasters (referred to as Booster Mode).
- Heroes Prefer Swords: Andros' Spiral Saber, though you could be forgiven for thinking that This Is a Drill.
- Home Base: The Astro Megaship.note
- Humongous Mecha: As usual, the Zords are giant robots the Rangers use to fight.
- Made of Explodium: As is the case in the franchise, enemies often blow up when defeated.
- Law of Chromatic Superiority:
- Aside from the usual "Red Ranger gets everything" factor, this was the show that introduced the Battlizer and all other subsequent powered-up Red Rangers.
- This started the "Red Ranger is the main protagonist of the show" trend. In Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers no single Ranger was significantly more important than the other, even when Jason was Red Ranger and leader (and he, along with Tommy, has "legendary status" among fans). While Tommy was a spotlight stealer in the second season, by the time he became the Red Ranger in Power Rangers Zeo his spotlight-stealing was downplayed severely, though he did get the most toys.
- Make My Monster Grow: Accomplished through "Satellasers". Lampshaded by Elgar at one point, muttering "here we go again" as he fires them.
- There were also isolated cases where they grew via other means, like the Craterites piling atop their King Mook to form a giant Craterite Conglomerate.
- Mini Dress Of Power: Part of the Space Ranger girls' suits.
- Monster of the Week: Vaguely defined "aliens" that don't seem to share any singular origin. In fact, it's rarely even mentioned where they come from, simply appearing when the plot calls for it, and only occasionally being interviewed by Astronema before being sent. This is especially jarring, given how many of said monsters are based on Earth animals.
- Mooks: Astronema's Quantrons, the United Alliance of Evil's Piranhatrons, and the Craterites, originally used for training purposes by the Space Rangers.
- Never Say "Die": Unusually for Power Rangers, this tends to be averted depending on the episode. Specifically, see Death of a Child and Mistaken for Dying. While the word was never stated, there is no question what happened to Zordon.
- Recycled IN SPACE!: Despite the name, averted! The move to outer space brought a lot of changes to the status quo, such as more complex villains and mostly abandoning the City of Adventure setup in favor of searching alien planets for their kidnapped mentor. Some of these things were then recycled into future seasons, others weren't.
- Super Mode: This season was the first to introduce the "Battlizer" Red Ranger upgrade, which has continued to almost all following seasons. Surprisingly, this is an American creation; Megaranger had the Battlizer gadget, but it didn't have a Super Mode function. Interestingly, Megaranger actually had a team Super Mode in the Non-Serial Movie, where the core five donned golden torso armor, but this was not brought over to Power Rangers.
- Swiss-Army Weapon: Zhane's Super Silverizer.
- Thememobile: The Galactic Rover, Zhane's dune buggy
- Transforming Mecha: The Astro and Delta Megaships, the Mega Winger.
- Transformation Sequence:
- A pretty instant one. The rangers would call out “Let's Rocket”, open the cover on their wrist morpher, and punch in the code for the morphing sequence (335). The suit forms over the rangers immediately.
- For Zane, his morpher, which is more cell phone shaped, would require a different code (2580) which would be signified by morpher calling out “MEGA”. Otherwise his morph is pretty much the same as the others.
- Villains Act, Heroes React: As is the norm for Power Rangers, we generally get a MOTW appearing with an Evil Plan Once an Episode, with our heroes then arriving on the scene to stop them.
This subseries contains examples of:
- Adaptation Explanation Extrication: In The Psycho Rangers debut episode, they spend the first fight in a copy of the real Rangers' suits, for reasons that aren't adequately explained (it's not a Frame-Up, since they keep the costumes after the originals show up). In Megaranger, the Nezirangers were showing Villainous Respect to the Megarangers by dressing up as "the strongest warriors", only revealing their real appearances when they’d surpassed their opponents.
- Added Alliterative Appeal:
- The Rangers' weapons: Lunar Lance, Spiral Saber, Astro Axe, Satellite Stunner, Star Slinger and Super Silverizer.
- Galaxy Gliders.
- Alien Invasion: Given the series up until this point, this is to be expected, but taken up to eleven in the Grand Finale where the United Alliance of Evil launches an all out invasion on the entire universe (or given next season, at least the known universe) at once with everything they've got. They come very close to conquering the universe.
- Alien Sky: It is in space so we're bound to see some in the planets, foreign to our solar system, that are explored. Namely in "Satellite Search" (Ep. 6), with the planet Kalderon which appears to have what looks like two gigantic moons; one of those moons looks like the planet Jupiter. And as the volcano on that planet is emitting smoke and clouds, they turn different colors as they go up to the skies.
- All There in the Manual: The other Astro Morpher codes. Unlike Megaranger, 3-3-5 (the code for transforming) is the only one used onscreen. The other codes are:
- 2-5-9 (calls the Galaxy Gliders)note
- 7-6-1 (calls the Mega Tank)
- 1-0-8 (lets the rangers link with D.E.C.A.)note
- 5-4-1 (activates the Astro Megazord; also counts as a Mythology Gagnote )
- 9-1-2 (used only for the toy version; this activates a "Simon Says"-style game where the toy calls a number and the player repeats it, getting faster the longer the player keeps playing.)
- In one episode, the rangers use "0" to teleport to their last location.
- The series bible (and the Fox Kids website, which took info from said bible) revealed the real reason Elgar got sent to join Astronema, that being he somehow wrecked Divatox's Subcraft. (In-universe, he claimed Dark Specter had sent him.)
- Alternative Foreign Theme Song: The Korean dub used its own theme song rather than the American one.
- Antagonist in Mourning: Prior to their fight, when Rita hears that Divatox destroyed the Turbo Rangers, she reacts this way even asking Zedd if it was true.
Rita: Is that true? Did she really destroy the Power Rangers?
Zedd: Well... It is the universal gossip.
- It really seems more of disbelief that it's Divatox, of all people, that managed to defeat and destroy the Power Rangers, rather than her or Zedd, therefore depriving either of them the satisfaction of finally doing it themselves.
- Anti-Villain: Ecliptor is quite possibly the most likable villain in the history of Power Rangers. As it turns out he's noble and only does what he does because he's incredibly loyal to Astronema (almost like a father to her). When Astronema breaks out of her initial brainwashing and tries to become good, Ecliptor tries to join her, but they're both put under heavier brainwashing afterwards, but he remains as loyal as ever to her.
- Aren't You Forgetting Someone?: The Turbo Rangers get ready to return to Earth, but fail to realize that they left Alpha on the Astro Megaship.
- The Artifact:
- One that's series-wide, and only is recognizable if one knows the theme of Megaranger; technology and the objects associated with them. Some of these, though, are only present in the Japanese footage.
- The most egregious are the light-up symbols on the Rangers' helmets; each has a different technological device (i.e. CRT television, digital camera, satellite, etc.). (Some early episodes used the term "Lightstar helmet mode" in reference to the power provided by these symbols; this originated from the toyline, where it indicated the Ranger figures whose helmets could light up.)
- The morphers in Megaranger were used for a variety of things, a way to indicate an Activation Sequence by inputting different codes. In this show only 3-3-5 was used for the morphing sequence, but while having a code on the morpher is not a bad idea the Merchandise-Driven nature of the franchise made it obvious there was supposed to be more things. The battlizer in turn was upgraded in importance as number 3 activates the red ranger Super Mode, while the original device was centered on simply enhanced attacks similar to what Andros used initially.
- When T.J. and Ashley are trying out the Megaship's Simu-Deck in "Save Our Ship", two subtitles randomly appear as they are fighting: "MEGABLUE" and "MEGAYELLOW", the names for the Blue and Yellow rangers in Megaranger.
- When the rangers receive their new Quadroblaster, Carlos' helmet HUD instead labels it as the "MultiAttackRifle", its name in Megaranger.
- Logos with the acronym I.N.E.T. show up in "Save Our Ship", "The Delta Discovery", and in the hangar for the Mega V zords. It stands for "International Network of Excel-Science and Technology" who was the organization behind the creation of the Rangers' suits, weapons and mecha in Megaranger. It's subverted, however: where NASADA in Megaranger was only the name of the base INET used to build and launch the Mega Shuttle; it was converted in PR to serve as a full NASA expy.
- In a toy example, pressing the buttons 7-3-0 on the Digimorpher (Zhane's Morpher) would play a MIDI-fied version of the Denji Sentai Megaranger theme.
- Elgar is sent by Dark Specter to join Astronema in her fight against the Rangers... for some reason. Once Ecliptor and especially Darkonda arrive, Elgar shows up less and less, only appearing every now and then simply to remind us he still exists. This was probably forced on the production, as Megaranger's villainous comic-relief counterpart was a small imp-like character named "Bibidebi", who also acted as the method to enlarge the monsters (this character ultimately was not adapted, though a figure of him was included with the toy line's Craterite action figure).
- A minor one, but whenever Zhane's morphing sequence is shown, his morpher displays and speaks the word "MEGA".
- At times, Andros seems to be more laid-back, casual, gung-ho, and/or clumsy, compared to when we normally see him on-screen. (e.g. when the rangers receive their Mega Vehicles). This was an attribute from Megaranger's Red Ranger counterpart, Date Kenta, who was less experienced and less serious than the rest of the Megarangers. The clumsiness also only happens in the Japanese-sourced footage.
- One that's series-wide, and only is recognizable if one knows the theme of Megaranger; technology and the objects associated with them. Some of these, though, are only present in the Japanese footage.
- Artificial Gravity: All the spaceships have this, with no reason given as to how that technology exists.
- Artificial Intelligence: Aside from Alpha and D.E.C.A of course, the Mega Voyager seems to have some kind of sentience itself as, when being captured by the Psycho Rangers, it continues to struggle against them even after the Rangers have evacuated the cockpit.
- Baby Carriage: in "Silence Is Golden", with the added complication of the Psychos tracking the Rangers by their voices. Cassie can't shout a warning without endangering herself, but can't get to the carriage on foot in time either.
- Back for the Dead: Zordon and the Machine Empire. They're seen in a couple of episodes scattered throughout the season before they die in "Countdown to Destruction".
- Back for the Finale: Plenty of faces from the past come back for the show's ending.
- Rita, Zedd, Goldar, Mondo, Machina, Gasket, Klank & Orbus, and Divatox are all part of the UAE.
- Meanwhile, the Aquitian Rangers, the Gold Ranger (Trey of Triforia), Blue Senturion, and the Phantom Ranger are all fighting the U.A.E.
- Badass Bookworm: T.J. While a former Red Ranger and leader of the team, he was the only one who figured out a way to combat the Psycho Rangers.
- Bad Guy Bar: There's one present on the planet Onyx, full of Mooks, Monsters of the Week from the various seasons and, strangely enough, even monsters and mooks from other Tokusatsu shows produced by Saban, such as Big Bad Beetleborgs and Masked Rider.
- Bait-and-Switch Credits: The first episode has Divatox prominently in the opening credits, so you'd assume she's going to be the main baddie again. Besides appearances in some episodes (including the first), she isn't, and the actual Big Bad Astronema replaces her in the opening from the second episode onwards.
- Bar Brawl: Andros gets into a fight with Darkonda and some other villains at a bar on a backwater planet in "Flashes of Darkonda".
- Bastard Understudy: Astronema, AFTER Dark Specter brainwashed her.
- Berserk Button: Astronema blasts her way through the entire Ranger team when Cassie accidentally tears off her necklace.
- Averted somewhat the next time, when Andros does it, but then she's also commanding an entire battlefield including a monster and a bit busy. She's about to attempt it before the Rangers surround her and remind her of this, though.
- Big Damn Heroes: Justin and Storm Blaster drive through the door of a warehouse to free the Rangers, who are seconds from eating a projectile from the business end of the Monster of the Week's cannon.
- Bulk and Skull of all people do this in the finale.
- Bittersweet Ending: In the end, almost every villain has been eradicated or purged of evil, and Karone is back to normal, this time for good, and reunited with her brother. It seems that for the first time, the galaxy may have earned a respite from evil. Sadly... as great a victory as this was, it cost Zordon his life.
- Brainwashed and Crazy: After Astronema remembers her past as Andros' sister Karone, she gets brainwashed into being evil.
- The Bus Came Back:
- Adam Park in the episode "Always A Chance". He serves as a mentor to Carlos, helping him through a lapse in confidence and uses his damaged original Power Morpher (supposedly destroyed by Rito in MMPR season 3), in spite of Alpha 6's warning that morphing could kill him. To fans' delight, he first declares that "It's Morphin Time!", morpher in hand, and then calls out "MASTODON!" In a meta sense, this helps explain team-ups that happen in later series, as there is the implication that those powers could be repaired.
- Justin Stewart, as well, in "True Blue to the Rescue". Storm Blaster had a morpher in his glove compartment. Although, unlike Adam, he wasn't actually seen morphing.
- Phantom Ranger in "The Delta Discovery", where he gives the Rangers his Delta Megaship, the second Megazord.
- Call-Back: "True Blue to the Rescue" is named for the go-kart Justin built in the Turbo episode "Rally Ranger".
- Care-Bear Stare: Zordon's energy wave.
- Casting Gag: The Japanese dub features Masaya Matsukaze, who played Shun Namiki in Denji Sentai Megaranger, as Zhane. In that same dub, Yuji Kishi, who reprised the role of T.J., voiced Dark Specter.
- Cerebus Syndrome: The premise of the season is that Zordon has been captured by the Legion of Doom and is slowly dying, with the Rangers desperately trying to rescue him before it's too late. Not only do the Rangers utterly fail to save him, but the Red Ranger is also forced to kill him in the Grand Finale. Yikes.
- Chekhov M.I.A.: Andros' missing sister mentioned near season start counts as this as well.
- Chekhov's Gun: Andros' and Astronema's lockets.
- Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: The villains probably would've won this season if not for the fact that they spent more time backstabbing each other than fighting the Rangers. Two of the most important villains end up taking each other out without the Rangers even needing to fight them.
- Chuck Cunningham Syndrome: Happens to Lt. Stone and the Juice Bar; they're replaced by Adelle and the Surf Spot.
- Color-Coded Characters: Defied during the Story Arc with the Psycho Rangers, T.J. figured that by homogenizing all their colors and uniforms they could confuse the Psycho Rangers enough to get an advantage (the Psychos had developed themselves to be The Rival to their color counterpart, while individually they are pretty powerful their obsession with their counterpart made the costume/color switch unbearable). This specific color combination (red/blue/black/yellow/pink) doesn't appear again until Operation Overdrive.
- Continuity Nod: Bulk's reaction to discovering the identities of the Power Rangers "Them?" is that exact same thing he said when he discovered their identities temporarily in Season 2 of Mighty Morphin.
- Contrasting Sequel Antagonist: Astronema is this to Divatox. While Divatox was mostly a childish buffoon who was very Laughably Evil, Astronema is a very serious (and tragic) character.
- Cool Old Lady: Ashley's grandma may be overly attentive and even somewhat annoying, but when the fate of the city is on the line, you can count on her... to drive a sedan straight into a seven-foot-tall monster during a battle with the Power Rangers.
- Cool Starship:
- The Astro Megaship.
- The Delta.
- The Mega Winger.
- Covers Always Lie: The cover
◊ for the VHS release of the Psycho Rangers arc is only titled by the season name, and it claims to be "An All-New Feature-Length Movie!", when in reality they're just 5 individual episodes that cover one story arc. Nowhere else is it advertised as a movie.
- Crash-Into Hello: Astronema and Zhane have one on Earth. It's unusual because it's not their first meeting but Zhane doesn't recognize her because she is in Earth clothes with her natural hair.
- Crisis Crossover: When the very first episode involves a meeting between every major villain from the past five seasons (plus more!), you know this trope is in play.
- Crossover: The episode "Shell Shock" which crossed over with Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation. Yes, this is canon on the Power Rangers side.
- Curb-Stomp Battle: Andros vs. Astronema in "Countdown To Destruction, Part 2". While he's busy trying to make her remember that they're brother and sister, she's busy kicking his ass.
- Also Satellite Search. Astronema is a great fighter already, and was taking on Carlos and Cassie at the same time...when Cassie tore off her locket by accident. Astronema immediately blasts them into submission.
- Averted when Andros does this a second time, however—she has to focus on the battle and enlarging her Batarax Monster, so she can't just blast them. She's also distracted by her long-lost brother as per the previous scenes.
- Also Satellite Search. Astronema is a great fighter already, and was taking on Carlos and Cassie at the same time...when Cassie tore off her locket by accident. Astronema immediately blasts them into submission.
- Cute Mute: "Silence is Golden" basically turned Cassie into this.
- Dangerous Forbidden Technique: Andros has the Battlizer from early on, and uses options one and two frequently. It's not until more than twelve episodes to the end of the series that someone actually asks why he never uses option three, which is because of this trope. As shown when a little kid activates it for him, option three activates the Red Battlized Ranger mode, and it hurts like hell. In Megaranger, all option three did was power up the blast from the Spiral Saber Booster Mode.
- Darker and Edgier: While the season in general was darker because of the whole Legion of Doom rising, the more mundane Earth-bound stories were also more mature and adult. In an early episode, Andros "befriended" a gang of criminals and naively helped them with car theft. This season set the template for darker, less kid-friendly mood/themes. The trend has endured in nearly every season afterward... even after Disney took over the franchise.
- Darkest Hour: "Countdown to Destruction" sees the Legion of Doom launch an all out invasion of the entire known universe, Earth included. By the end of it the Space Rangers are the last hope of the entire known universe, with the rest having been captured. Then Astronema accidentally kills herself when Andros reflects an attack back at her, making it seem like everything was for nothing involving her. It takes Zordon, the Big Good of the franchise up until that point, performing a Heroic Sacrifice for the day to be saved.
- A Day in the Limelight: "True Blue to the Rescue", resolving dangling plotlines from the end of Turbo (namely the fate of the supercars and Justin) but providing a more proper parting between the characters.
- Death Glare: Astronema gives Elgar this when, after she takes credit for the destruction of the Psycho Rangers and stopping them from draining Dark Specter's power (in reality having created the Psychos specifically to do exactly that), he points out that technically the Power Rangers were responsible for destroying the Psychos.
- Death of a Child: Believe it or not, played straight. True, it happens offscreen, to a character whom we never meet, but that doesn't change the fact that a girl who appears in Carlos on Call is stated to have had a twelve year old brother who died just recently. Hell, we even see the girl kneeling in front of his grave at one point! Of course, the episode was a straight adaptation from Megaranger.
- Decomposite Character: In Megaranger, the Big Bad turned the Death Neziros, the villain's base, into the Humongous Mecha Grand Neziros in order to fight the heroes. For In Space, the Death Neziros became the Dark Fortress while the Grand Neziros became Tankenstein, the last Monster of the Week before the Countdown To Destruction finale.
- Defeat Equals Explosion: Usually, but in some cases — typically where the monster was altered or somehow non-standard, they wouldn't explode like usual; Crocovile, for instance, turned into orange flames that went up into the sky before they exploded; the Barillian Bug died in a similar fashion. Ecliptor's giant defeat saw him explode into tiny little particles. (They still cut some of the explosions from Megaranger where the monster turned into a giant DNA strand that went into the sky and exploded, though.)
- Demoted to Extra: Bulk and Skull have relatively little to do with the Rangers, their antics were limited to adventures with Professor Phenomenous every couple of episodes, which also doesn't really form an overarching plot like it did in previous seasons. They do end up helping out in a major way during Countdown to Destruction.
- Deus ex Machina: In the finale, Zordon explains to Andros that rupturing his tube would end the battle, but also that he cannot do it himself and needs Andros to take him out. As it turns out, doing so kills all monstrous villains and footsoldiers, purify Rubber-Forehead Aliens and Human Aliens of the taint of evil magic, and does so while all existing heroes (Aquitian Rangers, Gold Ranger, Phantom Ranger, Blue Senturion) are on the ropes if not actually captured, neatly tying up all the loose ends of the series. As evidence that Tropes Are Not Bad, the sheer weight of what happened tends to overshadow the fact it is a Deus ex Machina.
- Does This Remind You of Anything?: Being kidnapped as a young child, taken away from everything you have known or loved and, forced/groomed/brainwashed into committing unspeakable acts of violence and God knows whatever else for all of your remaining childhood and most, if not all, of your young adult life. Thank goodness that kind of stuff doesn't happen for real ... oh wait a minute.
- Two young siblings are in the park enjoying a game of catch. One of them throws the ball too far and the other one runs off to retrieve it...only to return and find that the other sibling has vanished without a trace.
- Dub Name Change: Averted with the Mega Voyager and Mega Winger, which keep their Megaranger names. Also becomes a
Woolseyism without any need for modification, as Power Rangers had already used "mega" as a term for their giant robots, so it all worked out in the end.
- Dystopia Justifies the Means: Astronema's explicit goal after being retrofitted with cybernetics to make her more evil than before. is to plunge the universe into darkness and eradicate all goodness.
- Early-Installment Weirdness: The early episodes continue to focus on the Rangers' school lives until being dropped for more focus on space stuff, with an ambiguous implication that they either just stopped showing up or somehow graduated off-screen.
- Ecliptor was originally a one-dimensional villain with no clear association with Astronema, and thanks to the Megaranger footage, pretty strange abilities, like being able to detach his head, create "cyber-shadows" to attack the Rangers with, grow giant without the use of Satellasers, and even fire breath! He was more like your standard PR villain (including the occasional pun) than the Noble Demon he would become. Most of the footage was before he got the tree-branch thing sticking out of his shoulder, so that's a helpful guide to when Ecliptor starts changing.
- Earth-Shattering Kaboom: While not actually ever used for its intended purpose, missiles with the power to blow up a planet were created during the finale. It took one of them to take out Dark Specter - he was impacted in the back with it by Darkonda. Being hit with said missile didn't kill him. It took Darkonda hitting him with a second Planet Killer to destroy him for good, and he still survived long enough to take Darkonda with him.
Easily Forgiven: Zhane gets an invitation to go on a date with Astronema (who is usually trying to kill them, being a villain and all). He prepares to go out and meet her while the other 5 Rangers are losing a battle against a monster. He walks past the bridge of the ship, seeing the video screen showing his friends in danger, and he still tries to sneak past. But he gets noticed by Alpha and has to go save the day until he was late enough Astronema was furious with him. In the end, the other rangers are possibly aware of the fact he tried to date the woman who constantly tries to kill them, but shrug it off... and when Andros finally does give him some grief about this several episodes later, it's only because he'd found out that Zhane was technically dating his sister.
- Easy Amnesia: T.J. suffers an injury that causes him to lose his memories of who he is and being a Ranger in the episode "T.J.'s Identity Crisis".
- Evil Is Petty: The forces of evil in general, but their behavior toward the people of KO-35 stand out. For no readily explained reason, they attacked them, drove them off their planet, and kept chasing and attacking them.
- End of an Age: To the Zordon-era. "Countdown to Destruction" shows us why.
- Enemy Civil War: A downplayed but very important part of the series' arc. Dark Specter and Astronema are some of the most ludicrously powerful villains in terms of sheer resources in the entire franchise. And the series features a team-up of all previous villains (and their monsters!) But...
- Darkonda and Ecliptor are The Rival to each other and spend several episodes fighting each other. Ecliptor even accounts for two of Darkonda's deaths.
- Astronema's attempted early Heel–Face Turn ends up with her pseudo-father Ecliptor fighting his own men to hold the line while she and the Rangers leave. This leads to Dark Specter having Darkonda reprogram Ecliptor, which also leads to...
- ... A reprogrammed Astronema, who is now The Starscream, draining Dark Specter of his power using the Psycho Rangers...
- ... Who are so obsessed with their personal rivals that they're even willing to betray each other, and eventually break apart from the other villains and wind up fighting Ecliptor when they have the Rangers at their mercy, and allowing the Rangers to end one of Astronema's plans.
- And finally, Darkonda's own The Starscream tendencies lead him to killing Dark Specter, who also kills him.
- To a far lesser extent, Divatox doesn't get along well with most of the other villains, and is jealous of Astronema's prime position in Dark Specter's plans.
- Establishing Character Moment: Andros infiltrated an Alliance meeting in the first episode, was discovered, and had to fight his way out. That's how you introduce a character. Astronema is also in the same scene, as a coldly calculating villain contrasting the Large Ham hysterics of Rita and Divatox, and she is smart enough to identify the cloaked figure, Andros, as a spy. Both serve as an effective introduction to the new tone of the series.
- Everyone Can See It: The whole team has been well aware of how Ashley and Andros feel about each other since the first episode, even though it took Andros a while to figure it out. The two of them being teased over it make up some of the funnier moments of the series.
- Expository Hairstyle Change: Astronema, though she also has plenty of non-Expository Hairstyle Changes, too.
- To the point where Ashley comments "I liked you better as a blonde!"
- Expy: NASADA for NASA.
- The Astro Megaship is essentially a Power Rangers-ized version of the Enterprise D, with a healthy helping bridge/corridor design of Voyager, to boot! The Megalasers serve as phasers, the Synthetron stands in for the replicator, and the Simudeck for the Holodeck. In fact, if one thinks about it, it has a somewhat overall analogous shape, but compressed. (The two large landing supports on the bottom that lead to the cargo bays are similar in shape, but not function, to the warp nacelles of Star Trek's starships, and the rounded shape of the ship itself is similar enough to the saucer sections.)
- The Faster-Than-Light Travel ability of the Astro Megaship uses "Hyper-Rush [Velocity] (number)" in place of "Warp Factor (number)".
- Not to mention that the Quantrons' weapons are clearly inspired by Klingon bat'leths.
- Face Death with Dignity:
- Zordon demands that Andros do what he has to do to save the universe, then simply closes his eyes and lets him do it.
- In "Countdown to Destruction", Bulk and Skull led the civilians into the fray alongside the Power Rangers knowing full well that this might be the end for the both of them.
- Faeries Don't Believe in Humans, Either: The Rangers and Ninja Turtles each originally dismissed the other as an urban legend.
- Fake Relationship: "Grandma Matchmaker" in which Ashley asks Carlos to pretend to be her boyfriend in order to get her granny to stop smothering her.
- Flatline: In "Survival of the Silver", the EKG attached to Zhane's cryogenic chamber flatlines while the Rangers are battling a group of hooded aliens. It's subverted as shortly afterwards, not only does Zhane's pulse restart, but the cryogenic chamber also opens and Zhane turns out to be alive and well.
- Filler: "Carlos On Call", the episode immediately after the introduction of the Psycho Rangers. It revolves around a little girl blackmailing Carlos, and while the Psycho Rangers do appear, the episode doesn't move their plotline forward in any significant way. This is probably why in the collected VHS version, said episode was left out.
- Finale Production Upgrade: The entire show was a major shift in tone and production quality for Power Rangers. The franchise started out as a continuation of the childish-kitschy stories found in Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers, Power Rangers Zeo, and Power Rangers Turbo (which set up much of this season in its' finale story arc), Saban pretty much took the standards-and-practices rulebook and threw it out the window for the season. There is evidence some were believing this to be a Finale Season for Power Rangers, so they threw everything they could at it.
- The original Sentai series was focused on electronics, technology and cyberspace, but had some space-themed ideas so they turned it into a Space Opera. The Megaship was a full size and dynamic sci-fi location akin to the Enterprise on Star Trek, including a bridge, engineering and crew quarters. There was a lot more location shooting, turning various deserts, quarries and forests into passable alien worlds, and some much more inventive use of studio backlots and filming in the city as well, especially in the Grand Finale.
- Its finale, one of the most memorable among fans, brought 6 years of story to a conclusion, with drama, maturity, and effects to match in the two-part finale "Countdown To Destruction": The villains finally begin their full conquest of the entire universe. Infrastructure and cities are leveled (not just suggested), with a fully realized Alien Invasion. Battles are also being fought on other planets with other Rangers and allies trying to Hold the Line. Many recurring characters are shown trying to survive in a war torn Angel Grove, including Surf Spot manager Adele and the comedy relief of Bulk, Skull, and Professor Phenomenus. When Zordon, their mentor over 5 seasons, is finally found after a season-long search, Andros must make a decision, the only way to defeat all of the evil in the universe is for Andros to shatter Zordon's Plasma Energy Tube, killing him, but sending out an energy wave that disintegrates all non-humanoid evil beings into dust.
- The standard Power Rangers formula was turned it on its head, producing heroes with conflicted motivations and villains that questioned their place in life, Astronema being one of them ( actually Karone, the long-lost sister of Andros, the Red Ranger). Most villains up to this point were of the over-the-top variety, and even the more intimidating ones were made more silly and ineffectual over time. In Space produced/adapted ruthless villains that lived up to their characterization and had more complex story and characters arcs, including Ecliptor, Darkonda, the Psycho Rangers, and Astronema herself. Many individual episodes would more directly emulate an entirely different genre, and using the sentai footage as little as possible while staying on brand with a Humongous Mecha battle at the end. One episode had a murderous humvee stalking the Rangers in a manner that resembles a slasher film. Another played as an Impossible Mission of sorts as the Rangers had to infiltrate a compound in another dimension that prevented them from morphing. All of this required a lot more complex cinematography, more dynamic editing and on-set special effects.
- First-Episode Twist: The series' premiere spoils the ending of Power Rangers Turbo, beginning with T.J., Carlos, Ashley, Cassie, and Alpha 6 in space to try and stop Divatox after the loss of their powers and the destruction of their lair.
- Fluffy the Terrible: The never-seen "Scrudley", Astronema's pet up until about 7 episodes into the season.
- Foreshadowing: While introducing himself to Astronema, Darkonda mentions that he met her once, but Astronema doesn't remember meeting him. Darkonda "met" Karone/Astronema when he kidnapped her.
- Freud Was Right: When you look at the Mega Voyager combination sequence, it starts looking a little... suggestive. Not to mention the remaining part of the Mega V3 is fired as the finisher.
- From Bad to Worse: In the lead-up to the Grand Finale they lost two of their Megazords, effectively reducing their Mid-Season Upgrade and working only with what they started with.
- Fusion Dance: "Darkliptor", a fusion of Darkonda and Ecliptor.
- Gambit Roulette: Technically Zordon didn't plan for every possible event but he was Crazy-Prepared enough and hoped the Rangers used it to their advantage.
- Getting Crap Past the Radar: In the gag reel of the credits of "The Barillian Sting", Christopher Khayman Lee, voicing Andros the Red Ranger, managed to pull a joke (with the dialogue toned-down in later airings; turning it into more of a "blink-and-you'll-miss-it" joke), where Andros finds a bottle of blue pills marked "Stud". (Originally, Andros hung a lampshade, pointing out that "this is just what you need to score with the chicks!"
, but in later airings and versions, he just says "I've been looking all over for these things!"
- Gondor Calls for Aid: In the Grand Finale, it shows all still active Rangers and groups trying to resist the Alliance of Evil.
- Gone Horribly Right:
- Dark Specter had Astronema brainwashed back to evil after her first Heel–Face Turn. It worked a little too well and she became The Starscream.
- The Rangers set out with two missions this season: find Zordon, and defeat the United Alliance of Evil. They accomplished both, but not without Zordon having to die in the process.
- Grand Finale: "Countdown to Destruction" brings the Zordon Era to a definitive end, where Dark Specter is destroyed and Astronema becomes the Supreme Leader. Andros travels to the Dark Fortress to destroy Zordon's energy tube, turning Astronema back into Karone and ridding the universe of evil once and for all. With peace restored, the Rangers head off into space for another adventure with Karone in tow.
- Gut Punch: The last stretch of the series was a pretty intense series of dramatic events, but the Rangers managed to pull through and achieve victory over and over again. Two episodes prior to the season finale comes an episode where Ecliptor super-charges himself. You'd think with the Rangers' winning streak they'd make it through just fine, but then Ecliptor destroys the Delta Megazord in one hit. Instantly the stakes are raised and anything can happen, which it does.
- Haplessly Hiding: In "A Ranger Among Thieves", as part of the comedic relief for the episode (and keeping with the theme of the series), Bulk, Skull, and Professor Phenomenous have been searching for alien life to study, but expecting hostile creatures along the way. For this particular episode, the trio have hidden themselves in repurposed trash containers, with a nearby food trap, to catch any wildlife that they think is a hostile alien. Unfortunately for them, collectors mistake them for actual containers, and dump actual trash into them.note
- Heel–Face Turn:Astronema, aka Andros' sister Karone. If Dark Specter hadn't intervened, pretty much everything bad that happened in the second half of the series (and possibly, Kendrix's Heroic Sacrifice in Lost Galaxy) would have been avoided, due to the Big Bad having switched sides. Well, maybe. See Nice Job Fixing It, Villain!, below.
- The Hero Doesn't Kill the Villainess: In the season finale, Andros shatters Zordon's containment tube, releasing an energy wave that kills some of the villains and purifies the others. With the exception of Lord Zedd, all the male villains are killed. On the other hand, every female villain except for Queen Machina is purified.
- Heroic BSoD: In "Always a Chance", Carlos had one after accidentally injuring Cassie when fighting Lizwizard. He managed to snap out of it when Adam risked his life by using a battle-damaged Power Morpher to help Carlos against the monster.
- Heroic Bystander: the civilians in the "I am Spartacus" scene (below)
- Heroic Sacrifice: Zordon. When he saw that the Alliance was going to overwhelm every Power Ranger team and force for good in the galaxy, he had Andros shatter his time warp tube. The resulting energy pulse neutralized all of the Big Bads and turned their mooks into dust. Deus ex Machina, sure, but damn if it wasn't amazing.
- Hilarious Outtakes: The last season to have outtakes shown in the end credits.
- Hoist by His Own Petard: Darkonda tries to trick Andros into running between trees where lasers will blast to smithereens whoever walks through there. Ecliptor forces Andros away, and Darkonda is stupid enough to be blasted by his own trap. It's not that Ecliptor likes Andros at all, it's that he's the lesser of two evils because Darkonda is so bad.
- Holy Hand Grenade: Zordon's death unleashing the wave of good.
- Hope Spot: In the first half of the finale, Zordon tries talking Astronema down. For a moment, she hesitates, her implants short-circuiting as he tells her she is not evil... and then she just goes right back to business.
- Hour of Power: Right after getting unfrozen, Zhane had a limit of two and a half minutes.
- Human Popsicle: Zhane is frozen for two years until thawed out in "Survival of the Silver".
- I Am Spartacus: Possibly the best scene in all of Power Rangers history. Astronoma delivers an ultimatum to the people of Angel Grove: surrender the Power Rangers or everyone dies. Suddenly Bulk, Skull, Professor Phenomenus, Adelle, and everyone else say that they're the Rangers. Just before Astronema kills everyone, the real Rangers reveal themselves (morphing in full view of the public, something Zordon specifically told them not to do) and attack, with Bulk and Skull leading the civilians into the fray.
- I Cannot Self-Terminate: Zordon. It doesn't matter how powerful your magic is or how great your wisdom, if you lack any means of physical interaction with the world around you, you need help to commit suicide.
- Iconic Outfit: Andros' cloak from his Establishing Character Moment: he shows up with it for both of his future team-ups.
- If I Do Not Return: Andros and Ashley share a moment of this during the finale before he goes to try and bring back his sister. She however assures him they'll see each other again.
- Insistent Terminology: Carried over from Turbo: Nobody ever says "bomb". They're called "detonators".
- Intercontinuity Crossover: The episode "Shell Shocked" is one with Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation, which was also made by Saban and aired on Fox Kids.
- It Has Been an Honor: Implied in the Grand Finale, as Bulk and Skull shake hands before they lead the civilian mob to aid the Rangers. They likely don't expect to survive, but go out to help the Rangers anyway.
- I Work Alone: Andros tries doing this to the others at first, but realizes they mean well, and he could use the help.
- Large Ham: Melody Perkins, depending on the wig. Until she's brainwashed, anyway... She does a fairly impressive job of suppressing it during her brief Heel–Face Turn, though.
- Leaning on the Fourth Wall: When she battles the Mega Voyager in One-Winged Angel form, Psycho Pink calls it an "overgrown toy".
- Legion of Doom: The United Alliance of Evil, a Villain Team-Up of every previous villain as well as new ones Astronema and Dark Specter. They don't work together all that much until the finale at which point they launch an all out invasion on the entire universe.
- Let's Get Dangerous!:
- Alpha 6 and D.E.C.A, the Robot Buddy and the Cool Starship, utterly humiliate Ecliptor in "The Impenetrable Web".
- The citizens of Angel Grove, led by Bulk and Skull during "Countdown to Destruction part 2". After six years of being bystanders, they finally show their fangs with their I Am Spartacus moment and then charge headfirst into an army of enemy foot soldiers.
- Lightning Can Do Anything: Zhane recharges his morpher by having it struck by lightning.
- Love Redeems: Especially in the familial sense, serves as a major theme. It's explicitly stated that Dark Specter and Darkonda worry that Astronema might defect to good because Ecliptor showed her caring as a father figure, and that caring is completely at odds with being evil. She does.
- Love Triangle: Subverted. Zhane spends time with Ashley, which made Andros jealous, but Zhane convinced him that they were just friends and they repaired their friendship.
- Luke, I Am Your Father: Astronema is really Andros' sister, Karone.
- Magic Countdown: Concerning Dark Specter's plan to drain Zordon of energy; the visual effect is visibly moving in every episode he is in, yet it should overtake him before the end of the next commercial break.
- Malicious Misnaming:
- Divatox calls Rita "Frieda", but it's doubtful the misnaming is accidental.
- In "The Impenetrable Web", Alpha 6 addresses Ecliptor as "Eclip-toad".
- Maximum Fun Chamber: "Playing with Scrudley".
- Miracle Food: The Astro Megaship comes with a "Synthetron" that makes food out of thin air (but it doesn't taste that great).
- Mistaken for Dying: Zhane, when the other Rangers hear his time is limited, but don't catch it only applies to his Hour of Power. This episode is notable for averting Never Say "Die", as Zhane very specifically says "They think I'm dying".
- Morality Dial: Used on the Delta Megazord in "The Great Evilizer".
- Morality Pet: Inverted between Ecliptor and Karone. She was his boss but when she did a Heel–Face Turn, he couldn't find it in him to fight against her.
- Ms. Fanservice: Perhaps fitting into the Darker and Edgier theme for the season. Ashley wears a lot of skirts when in her "Earth" clothes. She even gets a Panty Shot in one episode (though this was likely unintentional).
- Astronema's outfit beneath her armor is either leather or some kind of latex, with a silver corset over it. It's a bit...subtly risque given that this is a kid's show.
- Musical Nod: The music used for Carlos' Training Montage in "Always a Chance" is the song "Strike" from VR Troopers, which was also used in his debut scene is Turbo's "A Drive to Win".
- My Sister Is Off-Limits: Andros to Zhane, only realized after the fact.
- Mythology Gag: Two of the team's Megazords retain their Sentai counterpart's names Mega Voyager and Mega Winger.
- Nice Job Fixing It, Villain!: Ironically, if Dark Specter had just let Astronema go and not brainwashed her, things might have turned out better for him. Seriously, the brainwashing made her far more evil - so much that she wanted to be in charge. As a result, she used the Psycho Rangers to fight the Rangers - their real purpose being to weaken him - and this left him vulnerable to Darkonda's attack, ultimately leading to his demise.
- Of course, it might have also avoided the Bittersweet Ending too and led the Rangers to an even greater victory, so it's really hard to tell just who would have been better off if he hadn't taken that route.
- This trope is all over the place in this series. The Psycho Rangers' infighting was really the only reason they didn't defeat the Rangers. Ecliptor and Darkonda constantly ruin each other's plans, culminating in Ecliptor "destroying" Darkonda and causing him to lose one of his lives. In the Grand Finale, Darkonda betrays Dark Specter, who was already weakened due to Astronema using the Psycho Rangers to drain his power, leading to them destroying each other and thus saving the universe. Really, if Astronema's Heel–Face Turn had stuck, the Space Rangers probably could have just sat back and waited for the villains to take each other out.
- Nigh-Invulnerable: Dark Specter. In the finale Darkonda steals a Velocifighter with special planet-destroying missiles equipped. One he plans to use on Dark Specter and the other on the Dark Fortress (where Astronema and Ecliptor are). He fires one at Dark Specter who goes down... and then promptly gets back up. It takes wasting the one intended for the Dark Fortress, fired directly down Specter's throat, to put him down for good, and he still manages to hang on long enough to eat the aforementioned Darkonda alive.
- No Ontological Inertia: A shape-shifting monster makes Astronema look like Ashley, after which the real Ashley is kidnapped. To escape, she tricks the monster into giving her Astronema's body and then returns to help the other Rangers destroy it. Luckily, when she takes her helmet off she's back to normal, the monster's spells having been broken by its death.
- Nonindicative Name: Sure, they're in space, but they tend to fight on Earth an awful lot; about 90 percent of their fights take place on Earth due to the source material.
- No OSHA Compliance: Just like the Star Trek aesthetic this season heavily borrowed from, nobody thought of putting seat belts on the bridge of the Megaship. Many attacks on the Megaship cause the Rangers and Alpha to get rock-and-rolled all over. They even get launched over the control panels when the Megaship makes a crash landing after being struck down by a storm, in "The Rangers' Leap Of Faith".
- No Plans, No Prototype, No Backup: The Interstellar Scanner, in "T.J.'s Identity Crisis", when the Rangers use it to try to search for Zordon. Darkonda and Ecliptor destroy it easily, just as the rangers are about to locate Dark Specter's spaceship.
- One-Hit Kill: After a serious power upgrade, Ecliptor destroys the Delta Megazord with a single slash of his sword.
- One, Two, Three, Four, Go!: Played with; since this is a space-themed show, the opening credits begin with a countdown, starting from five.
- Opponent Switch: To help the Rangers a better match against the Psycho Rangers, TJ comes up the strategy to use this trick against them. Well at first it appears to work, it's not long before the villains to just switch back to the opponents they have a chance against. The Psycho Rangers merely defeat the Ranger they're currently fighting, and then go and wipe the floor with their actual opponent. Just because it sounds like a good strategy on paper, doesn't mean it will work. The Rangers then try the same strategy again, but this time by having the other rangers each disguise themselves as the Blue Ranger, making the Psycho Rangers unable to figure out who their usual opponents are.
- Out-of-Context Eavesdropping: Andros and Cassie hear Alpha tell Zhane he "Doesn't have much time". They jump to the conclusion Zhane is dying, but it's really about his morphing power running out in 2 and a half minutes.
- Parental Abandonment: The Rangers, despite still being high school students (early episodes of this season even go by showing the five, except Andros, still attending Angel Grove High), apparently lived on board the Megaship. One would have to wonder about their parents and/or guardians thinking where EXACTLY they were the whole time.
- Which leads nicely into making you wonder just how much of space could they explore looking for Zordon if they had to be within reach of Earth for school five days a week?
- Presumably the Astro Megaship keeps on going with Alpha and DECA operating it when the the Rangers are gone, and the rangers can teleport in and out of it.
- It's also possible that they graduated offscreen at some point early in the season, especially considering that they're only shown to be in high school in a couple of early episodes. The latter half of the series completely drops that aspect of the story.
- This trope only really applies to Carlos and Ashley. When T.J. and Cassie were introduced, it was when they were moving to Angel Grove on their own. Meanwhile, Andros' parents are mentioned as being alive (though we never get to see them, not even during Karone's Face–Heel Turn).
- Which leads nicely into making you wonder just how much of space could they explore looking for Zordon if they had to be within reach of Earth for school five days a week?
- Pragmatic Adaptation: The themes of the source footage, Denji Sentai Megaranger, revolved around high (
at the time) technology and gadgets. The story was more akin to The Last Starfighter with regards to the plot, and while there were space vehicles, there wasn't much actual space travel involved. Liberties were taken, to say the least.
- Word of God says that the space theme was chosen because the early footage they had of Megaranger had them think it was a space-based season; when they found out the truth and the filming had already begun, all the space surfing scenes had to be added in to make it work. Becomes Hilarious in Hindsight when an actual space-themed Sentai airs 19 years later.
- Psychic Powers, specifically Mind over Matter: Andros.
- Pstandard Psychic Pstance: He uses the "gesture at what you're affecting" variant.
- The Psycho Rangers: While the idea of a team consisting of evil versions of the heroes had been used in the franchise before, In Space's Psycho Rangers were the first characters to really do justice to the concept of a team of evil power rangers. Thus, they became the Trope Namer.
- Retcon At the very end Zordon dies and unleashes the Z-wave, which disintegrates or purifies all the villains in the universe. This is because this series was meant the be the end of the whole franchise. When the show was Un-Cancelled Power Rangers Lost Galaxy was planned, they changed it so this event only affected the Milky Way Galaxy, rather than the entire universe, thus allow them to make new villains.
- Rocket Punch: The AstroDelta Megazord's finishing move.
- A Rotten Time to Revert: The Silver Ranger's transformation doesn't last for very long due to damage after being cryogenically frozen), running the risk of changing back to human form in the middle of a fight. The villains try to take advantage of this by timing how long the transformation lasts, then having a monster attach a bomb to Silver just before time runs out.
- Sassy Black Woman: Adelle.
- Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: Andros and Zhane.
- Series Fauxnale: "Countdown to Destruction" was made to end the series, with almost all the villains of the past and present launching a full-scale conquest of the universe, only for Zordon's death being required for his power to spread through the universe, reducing the overwhelming majority of the villains to dust and purifying a small handful of fan-favorites into non-evil humans.
- Shoo Out the Clowns: Bulk and Skull get a massive reduction in screen time.
- Shout-Out: A few to Star Trek and Star Wars, including a holodeck and numerous random lines, such as T.J. saying that they're going down to a planet on the Dagobah system to search for Zordon.
- The Quantrons are armed with Bat'leths.
- One early episode had a pair of characters called George and Lennie.
- Sky Surfing: "Galaxy Glider, hang ten!"
- Space Is Noisy: Very much so.
- Space Opera: The first season where the series went in this direction. Compared to earlier seasons, this one was Darker and Edgier, there was more drama, the conflicts were on a much larger scale, the stakes were higher, and the story was less episodic and more arc-based. Probably one of the reasons it was such a success.
- Spanner in the Works: The Rangers (along with Bulk, Skull, Professor Phenomenus, Silvy and a bunch of other civilians) might've been trapped as datacards had it not been for the Psycho Rangers surviving as ghosts and using the scanner to re-materialize themselves, much to Ecliptor's shock. The Psychos proceed to re-materialize the Rangers so they can fight them again, which in turn leads to the captive civilians being rescued and Secret City being destroyed.
- Spell My Name With An S: The Silver Ranger is named Zhane with an H in it, although most people spell that name Zane. And One Direction fans think it should be Zayn.
- Interestingly, the Latin American dub pronounces the name as "Shane", the same way as a future Ranger five seasons later.
- Spoiler Opening: Averted for the two-part premiere "From Out of Nowhere". In order to hide their identities, the first episode's opening omits Andros and has Divatox as the villain instead of Astronema, implying that she would be returning as the season's villain. For part 2, Astronema was put in the opening credits while still omitting Andros.
- Spot the Imposter: "Invasion of the Body Switcher" has Astronema change herself to look like Ashley and Ashley later using the monster who made this possible to alter her appearance to look like Astronema. This results in Astronema's minions trying to figure out which of the two is the real Astronema and the rest of the Rangers having to figure out which of them is the real Ashley.
- The Starscream:
- The first of these was Darkonda. Interestingly, he wasn't after the Big Bad of the season per se. Rather, he wanted to go all the way and destroy The Man Behind the Man. Interestingly, he succeeded, but failed to survive the attack.
- Astronema herself was a Starscream after being brainwashed by Dark Specter to remain evil, which apparently worked a little too well. Using the Psycho Rangers had two purposes: fighting the true Rangers and weakening the Dark Specter. She intentionally connected their powers to his, hoping that their frequent battles with the Rangers would weaken him enough for her to destroy him and usurp his position as leader of the alliance. Unfortunately for Astronema, the Psycho Rangers were impatient and unwilling to follow her plans, which led to them being defeated before this plan could succeed.
- Superheroes in Space: This series took the eponymous superheroes and moved them to space.
- Surprisingly Realistic Outcome: In the finale, the Mega Winger — already damaged from the previous few episodes — finds itself unable to really deal with the Velocifighters, which end up destroying it. Zordon had a good reason for not wanting the Rangers to escalate the battle first; simply put, Humongous Mecha aren't really equipped to deal with entire fleets of fast, heavily armed space fighters.
- Suspiciously Similar Substitute: Alpha Six was retooled in this season to be Alpha Five in all but name. Vocal Evolution played a big role, trading in the annoying Noo Yawk accent of Catherine Battistone to cute little brother
-ish vocals of Wendee Lee.
- Swapped Roles: Bulk and Skull are actually the straight men to Professor Phenomenus' antics.
- Swiss-Army Tears: Used in the finale to bring Karone back to life, and revert her cyborg modifications.
- Sympathetic Villain, Despicable Villain: Ecliptor and Darkonda. While both are Card-carrying villains, Ecliptor is a Noble Demon with positive traits such as his Undying Loyalty towards Astronema, who he treats like a daughter. Darkonda, by contrast, is a Hate Sink who holds no loyalty towards anyone, and even tries overthrowing Dark Spectre.
- Taking You with Me:
- Dark Specter gets destroyed by Darkonda's missile, but he manages to swallow Darkonda in his fighter as he explodes.
- Zordon tells Andros to shatter his energy tube, to which, the Red Space Ranger reluctantly complies. Zordon ends up dying instantly but his death makes an energy wave that wipes out the United Alliance of Evil.
- The Only One Allowed to Defeat You: The Psycho Rangers have to be the ones to defeat the Power Rangers and they have to do it in combat. They will not accept anything less. When Astronema captures the Rangers in a machine that turns them into data cards, the Psychos steal the data cards and, despite having the Rangers in an utterly helpless form they could easily destroy in the palms of their hands, they put them back through the machine to reconstitute them, just so they can fight them again.
- To Create a Playground for Evil: The general goal of the United Alliance of Evil is to snuff out all possible sources of light and goodness, and make a universe for them, as Astronema outlines to her forces.
When we're finished, there will be no peace in the universe. No love, no happiness, only anger! Chaos! GREED!
- Tron Lines: Ecliptor has digital green lines on his body.
- Tropes in Space: Well, obviously.
- Batman Can Breathe in Space: At least they've been consistent with survival in space being possible without spacesuits throughout.
- Frictionless Reentry: Averted for Rule of Cool: The Megaship transforms in space and then drops out of orbit to fight the Monster of the Week, so it's able to enter the battlefield with a flaming shield!
- Holodeck Malfunction: in an early episode, after lightning strikes the Megaship while travelling in Earth's atmosphere.
- Human Aliens: Andros, Zhane, and Karone, though pretty much every non-Rubber-Forehead Alien from the last five seasons who occasionally show up count too.
- Lampshaded by the Earth Rangers when they first meet Andros, who handwaves it with "Earth isn't the only place humans live."
- Numbered Homeworld: Andros' homeworld is named KO-35.
- Telepathic Spacemen/Humans Are Psychic in the Future: Andros, though he's telekinetic instead of telepathic. And he's not from the future, either. It's also implied that it's something people from Earth are perfectly capable of learning to do, as he offers to give Ashley some tips on learning telekinesis (though he says it takes years of practice).
- The Unfought: Despite being the mastermind behind the events of the series (and the Zordon era at large), and likely being the most powerful villain in the franchise yet, the rangers never fight Dark Specter, with him being destroyed by infighting within his ranks.
- The Unmasking: In the finale, the Rangers' identities become public knowledge.
- Vague Age: Started to creep into the show by this season. Four of the five Rangers are presumably high school students since they stepped in when four of the previous Rangers graduated, and we even see them attending school in a few early episodes. But there is never any mention of their parents (not even when Astronema's forces occupy Angel Grove), and they are able to leave Earth for extended periods of time without any mention of them missing school or having to cover up their absences at home. (A late-season episode implies that the Rangers graduated off-screen, as a teacher refers to Carlos as a former student.)
- Wham Episode: "The Secret of the Locket".
- "Countdown to Destruction".
- Wham Line:
Zordon: The forces of evil have already captured most of the universe. Soon they will capture the Earth.
Andros: Yes, I know...
Zordon: You can stop it from happening.
Andros: How?! Tell me!
Zordon: Shatter my energy tube.
- What Happened to the Mouse?: In "Countdown to Destruction", most villains in the series either perished or were purged of evil, but many were not there, and what ultimately happened to them remains unknown. Goldar is the best example. Rito Revolto and Master Vile were absent too, as were many minor villains.
- At least Goldar was confirmed in Beast Morphers to have died (likely due to the wave) and he ends up dead again after a brief revival.
- Power Rangers: Soul of the Dragon reveals that Finster was purified and lives on Earth working as an artist
- Justin, Storm Blaster, and Lightning Cruiser: Storm Blaster and Lightning Cruiser are freed from Divatox's forces and Justin is left with apparently fully-functional Turbo Ranger powers (not even borderline useless ones, like Adam's Black Mighty Morphin powers)... And none of them are ever heard from again, not even during Countdown to Destruction, where a simple, voiceless cameo by the Blue Turbo Ranger and a couple of prop cars would've been easy to fit in.
- What Measure Is a Non-Human?: Enforced by virtue of
Executive Meddling. Initially, Karone would have been the only villain to have survived the Z-Wave by virtue of only being under mind control, but the show was forbidden to destroy human-looking villains. Divatox, Rita and Zedd all get turned good at the end, but robots, mooks and "monsters" are turned to dust, regardless of whether they might have had redeeming qualities or been capable of good in the past.
- Who Murdered the Asshole?: Alluded to in "Flashes of Darkonda". When Darkonda starts screaming in pain after the strength serum he consumed has caused him to ooze out goo and caused him excruciating pain, Ashley asks who would do that to Darkonda. T.J. replies Probably only half the Universe."
- Word Salad Lyrics: The onscreen text in the morphing sequence. Something about the puppy canoe of hope.
- That sequence is the same as Megaranger, except with the "MORPHING COMPLETE" screen over the "MEGA(color) READY" text. Refer to the Gratuitous English entry there to see what exactly is written there.
- Word, Schmord!: The episode "The Impenetrable Web" has Elgar remark "Megazord Schmegazord".
- World-Healing Wave: The point of Zordon's Heroic Sacrifice is to unleash a wave that will either reform or destroy the Power Rangers' enemies.
- World of Pun: A staple for every Power Rangers season...