Anime & Manga - TV Tropes

  • ️Sun Apr 02 2023
  • Case Closed:
    • A good fraction of all the plots have this in grown-up form. They either get murdered or end up being the reason why someone was murdered in the first place.
    • Sonoko is a milder version. Sure, she's a Spoiled Brat quite often, but she's not outwardly malicious and cares genuinely for Ran (therefore, she thinks Shinichi's not good enough for her). And her Long-Distance Relationship with Makoto is quite cute.
  • At first it appears that Chiko, the main character of The Daughter of Twenty Faces, plays this type straight to form. Then we find out she has a good reason to put up the act that she does. After this, the trope is subverted as she practically tries too hard to contribute and be nice to her new "family".
  • Daimos: On the surface, Reiko is a polite Proper Lady. However, when she doesn't get her away, she resorts to crying and throwing tantrums. Because she's froma rich family, she's used to getting everything she wants and doesn't comprehend that Kyoshiro doesn't like her.
  • Doraemon: Suneo Honekawa's family is filthy rich (and according to one chapter, has been since the Sengoku Period), and he never lets his friends forget about this. Most chapters featuring him have him brag about how rich he is.
  • Dragon Ball:
    • Bulma has spades of this, especially early in the series. She somewhat grows out of this as she gets older, although it still pops up from time to time, even after having Trunks and Bulla.
    • Kid Trunks from Dragon Ball Z comes off as one (probably gets it from his mother, Bulma). Unlike the selfless and heroic Future Trunks who grew up in the ruins of a world destroyed by the Androids, Kid Trunks grew up in a peaceful world as the treasured child of a rich family, with his not-dead-this-time father Vegeta as his trainer and primary male role model, rather than the kind-spirited Gohan.
    • Frieza hides it much better than most, but it's there. He practically has a temper tantrum when he learns that he can't use the Dragon Balls without a help of a Namekian, whom he had all but killed at this point, and when Vegeta tricked him earlier and stole his Dragon Balls, he was close to stomping his feet and threw random energy waves across the planet. His spoiled nature really comes to light when he's outmatched against Super Saiyan Goku, where he name calls, spouts words of hatred, demeans, and even begs for his life after his own foolishness costs him an arm and both of his legs. Throughout his entire life, Frieza thought he was the strongest and everyone should do what he wanted. When he finally meets someone stronger than him, he's revealed as the spoiled child that he is. In the Non-Serial Movie Cooler's Revenge, his older brother Cooler outright describes Frieza as a "little brat" whom King Cold spoiled rotten.
    • Barry Khan from Dragon Ball Super is depicted as such. He expects to be given anything and everything he wants, and when he doesn't get it, he throws a fit. It's so bad that when Videl rejects his flirting, he first attempts to set Gohan up to be injured in a stunt for his movie, and then tries to trick Videl into thinking that Gohan is cheating on her, to no avail. Videl even calls him out on it, remarking that despite being treated like royalty, Barry is so insecure that he'll resort to trickery and blackmail whenever he's not the center of attention.
  • Fruits Basket: Akito Sohma's father and the members of the Sohma household spoiled her rotten, giving a pass to her increasingly bad temper tantrums and encouraging the A God Am I mindset that causes Akito to believe everyone must do as she says. As a child, Akito was more of a pampered sweet girl, as evidenced by her genuine kindness when she played with Yuki. However, once Ren's psychological abuse broke her, her kindness warped into insanity and cruelty, and she began to really act like an entitled brat.
  • Future Robot Daltanious: Princess Catine is an Expy of the aforementioned Reiko and is just as bratty. Even her nanny, Judela, gets fed up with her behaviour, and she's usually on her side.

    Judela: [watching Catine throw a tantrum because her romance didn't go as expected] If you courted him harder, he would have wanted to be with you.

  • Hello! Sandybell: Kitty. As she's the daughter of the wealthy Shearers, her mother and father indulge her every desire, she's never been told no before. She believes she's entitled to Mark's hand in marriage and turns full Crazy Jealous Guy when he runs away from home and harasses Sandybell about him. Even before that, she was the resident Alpha Bitch of her corner of Scotland, antagonizing not only Sandybell, but other kids too.
  • Hetalia: Axis Powers:
    • Prussia is apparently this, as Word of God says that the reason he is the way he is is that the Pope would let him do whatever he wanted when he was a child.
    • Chibiromano (South Italy, or Italy Romano, as a child) was spoiled, lazy, and entitled to boot, as his caretaker Spain definitely wasn't disciplining him. He grew into a Perpetual Frowner and very heavy Tsundere.
    • Ladonia is not only a Bratty Half-Pint, but he's prone to throwing tantrums when things don't go his way, many of which involve attacking Sweden, who seems incapable of disciplining him.
  • Nishiki from Kamisama Kiss, mainly due to the influence of his family retainer and right-hand man. The brat part gets beaten out of him by the end of his story arc.
  • In Kiki's Delivery Service, Kiki after befriending an elderly lady, helps her deliver a fried fish cake for her granddaughter's birthday, something that her granddaughter likes. Making the entire thing the old-fashioned way and battling through a storm, Kiki arrives and meets the granddaughter, who only turns up her nose that her grandmother got her another one of those fish cakes and barely gives a thanks to the soaking wet Kiki. Though there are arguable Pet the Dog moments showing she isn't all that. She actually doesn't protest when her friends compliment Kiki's independence and is shown to befriend Kiki by the epilogue.
  • Lady!!: Thomas and Mary Waverly. Whenever anyone tries to warn Baron Madeleine Waverly of their behaviour, it falls on deaf ears. In one episode Madeleine hires a tutor, but the kids, not wanting to study, play pranks on her and blame Lynn. When it's proven they are the culprits, Madeleine refuses to listen and insists Lynn is the problem. They're always let off for their bad behaviour and continously antagonize Lynn and her friends.
  • In Magic Knight Rayearth, Umi Ryuuzaki is like this at first. She complains incessantly about being stuck in another world with no luxuries and (in the anime) missing her fencing tournament. She does end up learning to leave it behind, although she's still very insistent on having her opinions be heard.
  • Nozomi in the Sun: Miki Koda. She was raised by her mother Sumiyo to believe that she was above everyone else because she was rich, and is coddled by her endlessly. She strictly believes that Miki should never have to hear the word "no" in her life, and if she ever does, well, that's nothing a little yen can't fix.
  • Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin, an alternate retelling of Mobile Suit Gundam:
    • Garma Zabi is portrayed as this. He whines about Char getting all the glory and pesters his more prominent family members into giving him a combat posting so he can earn some fame for himself... after complaining about looking like the "baby" of the Zabi family. It should be noted, however, that this is an Alternate Character Interpretation that clashes with Garma's canon personality from the original anime. Garma being a Spoiled Brat is actually Char's view of him that has existed since the original anime. There are these words he utters during Garma's funeral:

      Gihren: Why did my brother, Garma, has to die?
      Char: [watching the broadcast, while Gihren continues his speech] Because he was a spoiled brat.

    • Bright Noa calls Amuro Ray this when slapping him because his father never punched him... Yeah, it doesn't make much sense, but he probably meant the fact that he was never corrected for showing a whiny behaviour.
  • Subverted in (what else?) Neon Genesis Evangelion. Asuka initially appears to be this... until it's revealed that she's doing it on purpose to alienate others because she's suffering from abandonment issues; there's been no one around in her life to spoil her.
  • One Piece:
    • The World Nobles are basically what would happen if you gave a spoiled brat enough wealth and political power to be completely untouchable and able to do whatever they can. On top of being ridiculously rich, they are also spoiled to the point that they think everything belongs to them, and sadly, considering they are descended from the twenty kings who founded the World Government, few would disagree with them. Their attitude is supported by their ability to call in one of the Admirals for any reason, meaning that anyone who refuses to take the abuse they constantly dish out gets a walking natural disaster sicced on them. It's because of this that the only people considered capable of defying the World Nobles are the Four Emperors, the four most powerful pirates in the world — mainly because not even the Admirals stand a chance against one of them.
    • Doflamingo might be the worst of the lot. He grew up as a World Noble with all of the privileges that entailed and didn't take it well at all when his father took their family away from that life to lives as commoners. Even after killing his own father and presenting his head to the World Nobles, they refused to reinstate his status because he was from a "family of traitors". All of his villainy is done out of petty resentment at the world for taking away the privileges he feels entitled to have, which you can more or less relate to him having a temper tantrum.
  • Ranma ½:
    • Tatewaki Kuno, who is so spoiled and egotistical that he can't get it through his head that not every girl is attracted to him. He's a Handsome Lech and a picky eater.
    • Kodachi, unlike her brother, realizes that not everyone she is attracted to is automatically attracted to her, but refuses to let that get in her way because she always gets what she wants.
    • Villain of the week Azusa is a rich and childish ice skater who has an unfortunate habit of taking any object she deems cute, regardless of ownership. If she's denied, she cries, screams, and attacks the owner with a Hyper Space Mallet until they give up the item. Even the Kuno siblings find her unbearable.
    • Mariko Konjo, another minor villain, always gets a victory for any team she cheerleads for because she cheats to win. If anyone complains, she sics her cheerleading goons on them.
  • Reborn! (2004):
    • Xanxus was a poor boy whose crazy mother managed to make the Ninth pity them and adopt Xanxus as his own son. The Ninth thought of him as his own son, and gave him love and affection — Xanxus, unfortunately, turned into a violent, ill-tempered Spoiled Brat who wasn't used to things not going his way. His being a Spoiled Brat is especially noticeable when one considers that, although being the Evil Counterpart to Tsuna, he actually had much less abuse and neglect in his past.

      Even ten years into the future, as much as he's thought to be less of a douchebag than before, he's still ridiculously spoiled and rotten-tempered. The most notable example is the "beef incident", where he beat the crap out of a bunch of underlings because he wanted to eat beef, and it had to be the best quality, and it had to be filleted, and how do they expect him to eat this shit?!

    • Hibari shows signs of being this, as well. Anything he wants, he gets. Or heads will roll. And the Absurdly Powerful Student Council doesn't exactly discourage his train of thought — they're pretty much his personal servants that help do anything (including some very morally ambiguous things) he wants. And just look at his reaction to when Mukuro beats him in a fight — he becomes obsessed with completely annihilating him, since he absolutely hates the idea of ever losing to someone. The only thing about Hibari, however, is that he really does have the strength and genius to justify his haughty, spoilt, stuffy attitude.
  • The Secret Garden (NHK): Mary Lennox was abandoned by her parents and left to be raised by servants, who never told her "no". By the start of the series, she's a grumpy, ill-tempered little snot, but has a Jerkass Realization thanks to Ben, Martha and Dickon and slowly becomes a better person.
  • Scarlett O'Hara from Steamboy. She's insufferably spoilt for a 14-year-old, which is the result of having five "mothers" (a.k.a. servants) who go through the "motherly" motions for her. She matures quite a bit during the movie and the ending credits imply that she stopped being a spoilt girl and became a haughty but independent woman.
  • Sword Art Online: Heavily implied to be the case with Sugou Nobuyuki. Having been a spoiled rotten "prince" of a Zaibatsu family since childhood has twisted Sugou into a Corrupt Corporate Executive with a God complex who thinks he's entitled to do whatever he wants, like rule the world and have Asuna to himself, has no ability to empathize with the rest of humanity, and thinks no one has any right to stop him. When he loses to Kirito, he outright whines and throws a temper tantrum over the fact that things aren't going his way.
  • Urusei Yatsura:
    • Shūtarō Mendō might border on being a Royal Brat, due to the fact that his family is insanely wealthy (among other things, they have their own private army and own a considerable chunk of Japan). Mendō is also a Handsome Lech, has to have his servants around to cover his every whim, sometimes throws tantrums when girls don't pay attention to him and tends to treat others of the lower classes like dirt.
    • Shutarō's sister is just as much of a brat; she's just less pompous and more sadistic, with a Lack of Empathy, viewing others as simply toys to abuse for her amusement.
  • In Wild Rock, Nava is absolutely spoiled rotten by his dad and uncles, gets into everything, and has the attention span of a fruit fly.
  • It is pretty much this trope that drove Keima from The World God Only Knows into the kind of... obsessive gamer he is. He has 6 LCD TVs, 6+ home videogame consoles, 10+ portable PFPs, and a collection of gal games... in his own personal game library. And where does this all come from? Well, the "M funds".
  • In Yu-Gi-Oh!, Kaiba accuses Noah of being a Spoiled Brat (in addition to being crazy), and he pretty much is; unlike most examples of this trope, Noah is incredibly dangerous, having almost godlike powers and an incredibly inflated ego while in the Virtual World, while still having no more wisdom than the child he resembles.
  • Papirurio from Zatch Bell!. His partner Lupa gives him what he wants because he's the Replacement Goldfish for her dead son.