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  • ️Thu Dec 13 2012

Stalker With A Crush

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Stalkers With A Crush in Comic Books

The following have their own pages:


  • Used as part of the backstory in the first Blacksad comic. When Blacksad meets her Natalia is harassed by a stalker, and hires Blacksad to get rid of him. Blacksad does so by shoving a gun in the guy's mouth and threatening to kill him.
  • In Disney Ducks Comic Universe, Brigitta MacBridge for Scrooge, though the actual stalking has been toned severely down since her early appearances.
  • Fables Snow White is unlucky enough to get two.
    • Prince Brandish was arranged to marry Snow when they were young and years later still wants to keep good on the betrothal despite the fact she’s married with kids. Brandish is adamant about marrying her with all that implies and not only kills her husband Bigby (he gets better) but he also threatens to kill Snow’s children which sets her off.
    • Ichabod Crane towards Snow as well, following her and taking pictures which leads to Bigby smashing his head in. The video game takes Crane’s stalking of Snow even further.
  • The Gold Key run of Hanna-Barbera's The Funky Phantom created a character named Priscilla Atwater, a ditzy Revolutionary War-era lady ghost that carried — and still carries — a torch for Mudsy.
  • Hero Squared: Milo Stone briefly regresses into one of these after his girlfriend Stephie breaks up with him.
  • Invincible: Anissa begins to stalk Mark and watch him from afar, before she reveals she’s chosen Mark (who’s married to Eve at time) to be her mating partner and gives him a Forceful Kiss. Mark of course rejects her, and much like the Nightwing and Tarantula example in the DC page things quickly become horrifying as Anissa is Not Good with Rejection.
  • Mr. Gosh from Lenore the Cute Little Dead Girl is practically obsessed with the titular (10 years old) Lenore, but he's probably the kindest and the least disturbed character in the comics, despite of all the violence and the killing he gets usually from Lenore and Ragamuffin.
  • Piruja is this to Victor in Minimonsters.
  • Darth Vader, of all people, got one of these during the Star Wars Vader Dark Visions comics, an Imperial nurse who developed a decidedly one-sided attraction to the Dark Lord of the Sith, keeping souvenirs of his cybernetic surgeries and even developing delusional fantasies of Vader being her protector. But when she finally sought Vader out in his chamber to try to make something of this, she promptly got Vader's saber through her chest for her trouble.