Video Games - TV Tropes
- ️Sun Mar 24 2019
The Stoic
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- ALTER EGO (2018): Es mentions that, even though her facial expression didn't change, she's happy to see you.
- Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad, one of the main characters from Assassin's Creed. Subject 16 even described him as a "stoic, 12th century Assassin in the Holy Land" in Assassin's Creed: Revelations.
- True to the character, Batman: Arkham Asylum has the Dark Knight as unflappable as possible in spite of the terrible things the Joker and the other villains do. Only Scarecrow is able to get some kind of reaction, but that's more the effects of his fear gas.
- For someone trapped in a studio full of murderous ink monsters, Henry from Bendy and the Ink Machine is unflappable. Even after destroying a living theme park ride that was trying to kill him, he has nothing to say.
- Rachel Alucard of BlazBlue, as well as her companion Valkenhayn R. Hellsing, are generally aloof and reserved throughout the games. This stands out a lot since BlazBlue is a World of Ham filled to the brim with Hot-Blooded Large Hams who can't keep their voices down. Even then, they have their moments.
- Chuck Greene from Dead Rising 2. He never seems to drop the Clint Eastwood-like stare even if he faces against zombies or psychopaths.
- JC Denton from Deus Ex, although talks frequently compared to others, shows VERY little emotion when speaking. He might as well be a robot, but then again... Cybernetics Eat Your Soul.
- The fact he talks so much emphasises his stoicism. He seems quite philosophical and clearly has a deep understanding of the issues he's involved in.
- His brother shows noticeably less detachment, and the other nano-aug you meet (Walton Simons) gets quite irritated with the protagonist on a couple of occasions. Gunther Hermann, a mechanical augment, shows himself to be quite emotional but presumably hides it as best he can whilst working with his sociopathic partner Anna Navarre. So soul-eating probably hasn't happened here... these people are just damaged.
- JC does briefly let his stoicism slip, ever so slightly, shortly before the denouement.
Bob Page: I will burn like the brightest star!
JC: Oh, you're gonna burn, alright. - And again when taunting Maggie Chow about the fatal mistake in the latter's Xanatos Gambit.
- Vergil from Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening in direct contrast to his cocky Jerkass brother. However, as the game progresses, we learn that he's far less emotionally mature than his brother, becoming furious when he loses control of the situation while Dante becomes much more serious.
- Dragon Quest:
- Dragon Quest IV: Meena stays very calm and collected most of the time. Often the only one who breaks this is her sister.
- Dragon Quest V: The Hero is implied to be a rather serious, somber person through other character's dialogue, and is generally always shown with a rather grim expression on his face in artwork. Considering his life though, this is completely justified.
- Undine and Salamander, Arioch's pact-partners in Drakengard, are of this sort. At one point they tell the protagonist about Arioch's disturbing past and try to explain why she's so Ax-Crazy, and they do so with all the vivacity of a dead cockroach.
- Muriel in Duel Savior Destiny is perpetually quite stoic, which sharply contrasts with her highly outspoken daughter. When Taiga finally gets to see her laugh, he's actually terrified and runs away.
- Dynasty Warriors gives us Zhou Tai, a man who barely emotes in the face of victory or defeat. Very little phases him, and most of the things he says are spoken in a whispery growl.
- In The Elder Scrolls, this is Subverted by the Argonians. Other races believe Argonians to be this, assuming them to have no emotions or feelings. This is largely attributed to their lack of facial muscles needed to display human-like facial expressions. Anyone who pays attention to their voices can quickly deduce that this is simply not true. Even those who barely understand the languages of Men and Mer can have strong emotion in their voices.
- Joshua Graham and Legate Lanius in Fallout: New Vegas are both notable stoics, men who don't raise their voices, even in anger. The most that players will see them emote is some degree of Tranquil Fury in the case of Joshua and either unemoted contempt or faintly damning respect from Lanius, depending on how you approach him. Recruitable companion Boone appears to be so stoic as to be a textbook Cold Sniper. Initially.
- Fancy Pants Man from Fancy Pants Adventures. He's a Silent Protagonist who does not reveal much about his own personality.
- Final Fantasy:
- Golbez winds up as the Stoic in Final Fantasy IV: The After Years.
- Shadow from Final Fantasy VI. When the heroine asks him for words of wisdom about her screwed-up life, he tells he can't help and boasts about having killed off his emotions. Later, when his daughter, Relm, becomes a part of the party, he never speaks to her beyond warning that his dog will bite.
- Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII. In the original games, everyone else is usually made to run in cutscenes just to save time, and presumably you're not supposed to think they're really running. Sephiroth walks. In the movie Advent Children, he never blinks and hardly ever grunts or breathes during the whole intensive battle scene he gets. Appearing preternaturally unaffected is the most distinctive behavioural trait he has. Crisis Core, the prequel, portrays him as a Sugar-and-Ice Personality instead.
- The main character of Final Fantasy VIII, Squall Leonhart. His Catch Phrase is "...whatever."
- Auron from Final Fantasy X practically embodies this trope (as well as a score of others, but let's not go there...). He's mainly the 'Combat Vet' version, mixing in a handful or two of the action hero variant, and a pinch of Aloof Big Brother, mostly near the beginning.
- Actually, Shell-Shocked Veteran would be the best way to describe him and he has a pretty good reason for it: your two best friends die, but you try to keep it together when you learn that they died in vain and you get a Hannibal Lecture that all your life was based on a lie. If that doesn't mess you up in the emotions department, nothing does.
- Llyud and the Aegyl in Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings. This is due to their anima — essentially soul energy — having been drained from them, rendering them genuinely incapable of emotion.
"I cannot even understand why you cry."
- Final Fantasy XIII's protagonist Lightning fit this trope, combined with her status as a Lady of War.
- Gears of War's Marcus Fenix has only one emotion: varying degrees of annoyance at everything. The most emotion one can usually get out of a Shell-Shocked Veteran like him is a growl of rage.
- That stoicism is played brilliantly in Gears 2, as the few rare instances where he shows an emotion other than anger are made all the more powerful. Particularly potent is the brief flicker of pain he shows when Dom finds and has to Mercy Kill Maria.
- Grand Theft Auto:
- Grand Theft Auto III has Claude. Not only he is a Heroic Mime but he also shows no reaction whatsoever when he sees Asuka and Miguel dead.
- Grand Theft Auto IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony has Luis Lopez as the stoic in terms of most facial expressions.
- Halo:
- The Master Chief himself! Our main protagonist, he kicks alien butt, holds off an epidemic Flood virus, and stops Halo from detonating while keeping a cool head the whole freakin' time. And the guy never shows emotions to boot (probably because he's in a giant robot suit that masks every emotion his body tries to show). But still, if he's asked to jump out of a ship and hurl into outer space, he'll do it while saying in a calm voice, "Sir, finishing this fight". Definitely a Stoic who doesn't afraid of anything. Except at the deaths of Miranda Keyes, Sgt. Johnson, and especially Cortana.
- Truth as well, as not even the destruction of the Halo ring fazes him. Until Halo 3, where it's revealed that he was merely masquerading as the Stoic to hid his sadistic psychopathic personality and extremely high temper.
- Agent 47 from the Hitman series, oh so hilariously much. He doesn't even attempt to act the part of anything he dresses up as, and will continue to glower menacingly and talk in an unenthusiastic deadpan voice even when dressed as a clown, a children's mascot, a groovy hippy, a surfer dude, etc.
- Reaper and Shadow of Jagged Alliance, combined with the Quiet One. They do, however, break out of it occasionally (such as Shadow snarking at the Crepitus, giant bugs, or Reaper getting injured or spotting enemies).
Reaper: "I'm bleeding. That's cool."
- The King of Fighters:
- Several characters act this way , but the most notable is likely K'. He never so much as smirks, his voice rarely moves past a monotone, and his introductory line is a muttered, "Heh. Now I'm mad."
- The Alternate Universe Maximum Impact has several characters (Soiree and the Genki Girls Yuri and Kula) who try to cheer up the cast's stoics before their fights. The responses range from K' dismissing them to Iori making a death threat.
- Torgal from The Last Remnant is an excellent example, he has the least lines out of the main group and shows very little emotion.
- In his Flashback Nightmares, it's revealed he has an excuse: Due to his emotions, he chickened out of mercy killing his bandit partner, leaving him to a painful, torturous death.
- The Legend of Zelda:
- The titular Princess Zelda in the majority of her appearances keeps a cool head regardless of how bad her situation is. Particularly the iteration in The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, where she endures her captivity by Zant and watching him seize control of Hyrule with a Stiff Upper Lip. This makes Zelda's Heroic BSoD Cry into Chest during a flashback to when she and Link are the only survivors of Calamity Ganon's return in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild even more powerful as a result.
- Link in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time very rarely changes his expression from a straight face, and when he does, it's usually in shock from whatever horrible monstrosity he's just encountered. The only other time he really smiles is in his Item Get!! pose and after he and Zelda escape Ganon's Castle at the end of the game.
- The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild has Link mostly stoic and there's a backstory as to why he is that way. 100 years prior to the plot, Link was picked to be Zelda's royal knight and it put a lot pressure on him. In order to avoid being a letdown or say something he could regret, Link chose to act stoic and never speak in order to maintain his professional demeanor. Once he and Zelda start to open up to each other, it turns out Link isn't quite so stoic since he loves to eat a hearty meal and can be a bit of a glutton.
- Kazuma Kiryu of the Like a Dragon series is pretty stone-faced. If he shows emotion, it's either a warm smile towards a child or a Death Glare towards someone REALLY stupid about to get beaten to within an inch of their life.
- There's a whole race of stoics in Lusternia, the Lucidian. Their progenitor was The Spock of the Elder Gods. They're highly intelligent, made of crystal, and are coolly indifferent to most other mortals - except the Trill race.
- Mass Effect's Urdnot Wrex is a centuries-old warrior whose iron-cold stoicism in combat comes from a combination of long experience and more jaded cynicism than you can shake a stick at. The most you can get out of him in the majority of circumstances is a calm remark on how satisfying that last round of gunplay was. However in Mass Effect 2, the only non-stoic part was seeing Shepard is alive again, and he says: "Shepard, my friend!" In 3, if you kill Mordin during the sequence when the cure is deployed for the Genophage he will go into an unstoppable rage as you essentially doomed his entire species since said cure became ineffective because it denatured from the heat of the lab fire.
- Raiden, in Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. Compared to his... emotionality in Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty, he's quiet and deadly calm, the epitome of the perfect killing machine. However, it turns out that Raiden is, in fact, Not So Stoic.
- Minecraft: Story Mode: Even though she’s not emotionless, it takes quite a lot to rattle Petra. A prime example is when she only feels comfortable telling Jesse about her Wither sickness, making her quite a Stoic Woobie. Even when Character Development sees Petra becoming more open and emotional, Jesse’s the only one she feels completely comfortable confiding in.
- From the Neptunia series:
- While Neptune herself doesn't really count, her goddess alter-ego Purple Heart does, being more calm and reserved in comparison to her fellow CPUs, though she does have her moments.
- Blanc would also count as this, at least when she doesn't snap and start bashing someone over the head with a hammer...
- Nintendo Wars: The Advance Wars series has Hawke from Black Hole Rising and Dual Strike, and Gage from Days of Ruin. Unlike the other COs, they lack "happy" portraits for when their units win battles, and the former only ever has "..." as a reaction to a battle.
- OFF's Batter remains impassible throughout the entire game, not raising his voice or losing his terseness even when threatened, battling, or witnessing some of the nastier events in the story.
- The protagonist Abe no Seimei of Onmyōji, a kindhearted man who never shows any extreme emotion despite all the things that happen to him.
- Persona:
- Tatsuya of Persona 2 has a reputation as a "cool", standoffish loner, though it's mostly just a product of being shy and awkward around others.
- The male protagonist of Persona 3 is considered to be this by many of the other characters in the game. Some of his closest friends are often envious of his cool and collected nature in any situation, and it causes some problems with the emotional stability of the group. The female protagonist, on the other hand, is something of a Genki Girl.
- Yu Narukami, the protagonist of Persona 4, is consistently calm and level-headed. It's not just a product of him being a (mostly) silent protagonist either; he's the same way in the spin-offs that give him plenty of dialogue.
- The protagonist of Persona 5 zig-zags this: in his civilian life, he is fairly quiet and doesn't say much (although he sometimes may exhibit dry wit). In the Metaverse, however, when he dons his Joker disguise, he is a bit more talkative and a lot more showy. His friend and teammate Yusuke also tends to be quiet and calm, although he has his share of Not So Stoic moments (particularly when his Persona awakens).
- Cyrus from Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum believes that emotions are "useless sentimentality". He uses this as his justification for destroying the universe and creating a new one with all humans stripped of emotions and spirit.
- Regarding his "emotionlessness", it's pretty clear through his actions and words that he very obviously still has them. Consider that when he initially tells the player character this, he's nearly screaming at them. In Platinum, he is forced to confess, due to having a meltdown of rage, that he still has them.
- Certain Pokémon like Lucario and Umbreon are like this in Pokémon X and Y's Pokémon-Amie. They don't budge much even when you pet them, compared to others who are practically squealing.
- The protagonist (both Male or Female) in Sun and Moon, as well as its enhanced versions, almost to a fault. They barely emote whatsoever, so much so that the number of times their face changes from a 'blank smile' can actually be counted on only two hands.
- The hero of the first games, Red. He's usually depicted with a serious frown, and isn't very talkative even in later appearances as an NPC, speaking in Visible Silence.note
- Raidou Kuzunoha the Fourteenth of Raidou Kuzunoha vs. The Soulless Army experiences some rather disturbing events with a perfectly straight face, which make the few moments when he is visibly shocked/distressed more emotional for the player (this player, at least) than they normally would be. (And it makes the game over scene much more frightening when one takes into account how terrified he is.) Also, no matter how joyous the music or visuals, his oh-so-tiny smile at the end drove the feeling of victory home (as if visually whispering I won...). Not bad for a silent protagonist.
- HUNK from Resident Evil never breaks composure, save for grunts or growls when in pain, and treats being in the thick of battle against monsters with the same attitude a regular person treats shopping at a grocery store. In fact, he reacts with more emotion to his comrades screwing up or acting unprofessionally than he does to waves of monsters and doesn't even flinch when he's telling his own escape pilot to just go and leave him behind to his death.
- In Roots of Pacha, Jag is a quiet firemaker who is often seen chopping wood alone or spending time in the forest by himself. He slowly warms up to the protagonist as they bond with him, revealing that he hides his emotions to avoid being seen as weak like his previous tribe did.
- In Sabres of Infinity, Aside from expressing his contempt of Upper-Class Twit Elson, Cazarosta has few moments when he shows even an ounce of emotion in the story, working hard to gain his trust can make him open up a little more.
- Samurai Warriors has Hattori Hanzo, ninja writ large and also a man of very few words (most of them involving darkness, shadows, and death). His early voices were practically paper-thin.
- The protagonist of Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey, despite being a Heroic Mime, is noted by the rest of the cast to be very calm and controlled, which is why they rely on him so much. And they freak out at the start of the Chaos Path when he kills Gore: "Did you just laugh?"
- In Silent Hill 4: The Room, this is one of the things Henry and Walter have in common. Except that Walter sometimes smiles and laughs.
- The Original Generation cast members of Super Robot Wars got plenty of the most stoic characters: Kyosuke Nanbu is a gambling mecha pilot with a mild monotone and Raidiese F. Branstein keeps a low profile amongst Ascended Fanboy teammate Ryusei Date. It wouldn't be Super Robot Wars if these two didn't break out of their stoicism: endanger Kyosuke's Ms. Fanservice girlfriend and he delves into a deep Tranquil Fury, while mentioning Raidiese's dead sister-in-law, when you're the one who orchestrated her death, you'll see him go batshit insane upon hearing it.
- One more for Kyosuke. Try to kill his True Companions in front of him and make it look like it's his fault. The man will break down in tears and enter a Heroic BSoD right off bat.
- Veigue Lungberg from Tales of Rebirth is the epitome of this trope within the Tales Series. How bad is it? For one, he is the only character who doesn't have a smiling frame in the skits, and the only time he ever smiled was in one anime cutscene. And it was a tiny, very reserved smile. His gloominess is even constantly mocked by the other party members, especially Mao.
Tytree: If we hang around in a dark place like this, then we're gonna end up gloomy just like Veigue here!
Mao: No~, anything but that!
Veigue: ...We're leaving this instant. - Presea Combatir progresses from Emotionless Girl in Tales of Symphonia to this trope in the sequel, where within a minute of making her first appearance, she bullshits a group of guards into believing they'd be victims of a horrible (and weird) curse if they opened the iron maiden that the heroine was hiding in prematurely... only for it to be revealed that there was a trick back in there anyway, and she just bluffed the baddies for the hell of it. And doesn't break a smile or drop the Creepy Monotone once.
- Team Fortress 2's Heavy is described as this, but he cheers up once he starts killing people. When we see him, he's always killing people. The stoic side comes out more in the supplementary materials such as comics, where he's often pretty quiet and level-headed when compared to other characters.
- The Spy is a better example, staying calm even when he's burning to death, though revealing he lets loose quite a bit in his domination lines—particularly, he finds the fact that the Sniper lives in a van hilarious.
- The Sniper's domination lines
reveal, aside from his normal, cheerful side, that he can be both incredibly stoic and incredibly insane. And in the Meet The Sniper video, he claims that emotions are what a guy who beats up his wife over a golf trophy has. He is a professional, and professionals have standards.
- Radigan Conagher, the Engineer's grandfather. Or at least he was, until exposure to Australium started to give him literal Testosterone Poisoning...
- Taion from Xenoblade Chronicles 3 is generally reserved in the way he expresses his emotions, although he points out to Eunie that he's not nearly as emotionless as some might think.