Western Animation - TV Tropes

  • ️Tue Aug 28 2012

  • Avatar: The Last Airbender:
    • THE BOULDER talks like this out of ego. While he is an Expy of The Rock, he still speaks like this even after he became a soldier.
    • Big Bad Hippo also speaks like this because of his low intelligence.
    • Of course, there's "never room for Old Sweepy".
  • The Batman: Detective Cash Tankinson usually refers to himself in the third person.
  • In the Batman: The Animated Series episode that introduced Mr Freeze, Batman uses this when explaining his plans for the day to Alfred, due to involving both of his identities: "First Batman will do this, then Bruce Wayne will do that."
  • On Beat Bugs, it zigzags very heavily, but Buzz as the youngest bug sometimes speaks of herself in the third person.
  • Lemme tell you something, TV Tropes! Not mentioning Rath from Ben 10: Alien Force makes Rath really angry!!
  • A Pimp Named Slickback in The Boondocks. And make sure you call him "A Pimp Named Slickback" or you'll set yourself up for a huge Pimp Smack.
  • Chestnut from that show called Chowder.
  • On Code Lyoko, this occasionally happens to Odd and Ulrich.
  • Codename: Kids Next Door
    • Abigail Lincoln, AKA Numbuh Five, habitually refers to herself as "Numbuh Five". She often gives her thoughts on a subject by saying "Numbuh Five says..." Parodied, sort of, by Wallabee Beetles in a Season 3 ep: "Well, Numbuh Four wouldn't mind having some cheeseburger time..."
    • Moosk from "Operation: K.N.O.T." does this as well, as a Shout-Out to Minsc.
  • On Creative Galaxy, the "superhero" Captain Paper is this. "Captain Paper likes all of your costumes!" Epiphany also speaks this way during the rare times she actually speaks of herself.
  • On Doc McStuffins, Count Clarence, a cardboard bat toy, is this, and he always appends it with "the Magnificent." Super Stuntman Steve often refers to himself in third-person as well. There's also Lala, which is unsurprising, given that she's a baby toy and already speaks using Baby Talk. Though she's perfectly capable of using personal pronouns and seems to be inconsistent with it.

    Lala: Oh, no. Did I get thrown out of the baby's room 'cause baby doesn't like Lala?

  • Drawn Together
    • Foxxy Love frequently refers to herself as "The Foxxy".
    • "Ling-Ling also do this!"
  • Rolf on Ed, Edd n Eddy talks like this quite a bit. "Rolf sweats himself to understand your modern go-go world!"
  • On Esme & Roy, Tillie refers to herself this way.

    Tillie: Tillie want to play with her monster-sitters.

  • The Fairly Oddparents makes a quick joke about this in the episode where Wanda and her seemingly hotter blonde twin sister switch places in "Blondas Have More Fun." When Jorgen Von Strangle is yelling at the imposter Wanda for irresponsible wishes, Blonda snaps:

    Blonda: Now you listen here jar-head!! I've been running around trying to keep Bucky McDeath Wish here happy, and what do I get?!
    Jorgen: Uhhh...
    Blonda: A big musclehead YELLING AT ME ALL DAY!! Wow. I never realized how tough Wanda has it.
    Jorgen: But this isn't about you! It's about your getting-less-hot-by-the-second sister Blonda! She won't kiss Doctor Poof EverWish and they're going to cancel All My Biceps!
    Blonda: I'LL save the show! But you have to promise to stop blaming Wanda for everything!
    Jorgen: I dunno why we are talking in third person, but okay. Jorgen will stop yelling at Wanda.
    Blonda: And YOU! Stop with the extreme wishing or you'll be kissing Jorgen at MACH FOUR!!
    Timmy: Yes! Timmy promises to stop his extreme wishing!

  • On Franklin, Harriet Turtle, Franklin's little sister, does this. She grows out of it in later installments, though it does tend to be a bit of a Zigzagged Trope.
    • Little Crow from Franklin and the Turtle Lake Treasure always does this.
  • Futurama
    • Occasionally, Zoidberg has the tendency to refer to himself in the third person, usually when gloating about something idiotic.

    "... but you still have Zoidberg! You all still have Zoidberg!"

    • "All humans are vermin in the eyes of Morbo!"
    • And of course who could forget Scruffy. The Janitor.
    • "The Big Brain am winning again! I am the greetest!" (Justified in that he's trapped in a book written by Fry.)
    • Bender is great!
  • Oberon in Gargoyles doesn't always refer to himself in the third person (often employing the Royal "We" instead), but slips into it if he's angry or making a dramatic pronouncement (which is often).

    "Oberon does not compromise—Oberon commands!"

    • Puck also occasionally refers to himself this way, sometimes along with Spell My Name with a "The". Maybe it's a Third Race thing.

    Puck: Puck is many things, but never a poor guest.

  • George, George, George of the Jungle speak third person too. AHHHHHHHH! AHHHHHHHH! Watch out for that... wait... tree doesn't rhyme with "too"!
  • On Goldie & Bear, Big Bad (The Big Bad Wolf) sometimes does this.

    Big Bad: Oooh! Big Bad's got a big, bad idea!

  • The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy depicts Dracula as a crazy old guy who does this.

    "You're not the boss of Dracula!"

  • On Guess How Much I Love You, Little Brown Bear is this in "Christmas to the Moon and Back." He also has the habit of referring to other characters in the third person instead of using pronouns.
  • R'Qazz in He-Man and the Masters of the Universe refers to himself in the third person. This leads to a bit of confusion when he first meets Skeletor, since Skeletor wasn't given his name first. He catches on quickly and says he can respect it. Even when transformed, R'Qazz sticks to the third person, now calling himself Beast Man.
  • In the Hey Arnold! episode "Curly's Girl", Curly does this a total of four times near the beginning of the episode.

    "Curly cleans the fur, and you, Rhonda, all you have to do is pretend to be Curly's girlfriend for a week."

  • Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi:
    • Atchan always does this.
    • Wall habitually does this.
  • I.R. Baboon from I Am Weasel, though there's severe overlap with You No Take Candle.
  • The title character of Invader Zim does this multiple times per episode, although he still uses personal pronouns when speaking normally, using this trope usually only when he's shouting. "VICTORY FOR ZIM!"
    • In most instances, you can expect almost pornographic Large Ham emphasis on 'Zim.'

    "Zim needs no vacation!"

    "Treachery! Lies! ZIIIIIMMM!"

    "Zim? Lose? Impossible!"

  • Uncle in Jackie Chan Adventures.
  • The Jungle Bunch has Miguel the gorilla.
  • When The Flash and Lex Luthor end up switching bodies in Justice League, Flash-In-Lex's-Body (FiLB) speaks about "I, Lex Luthor" quite a bit... of course, this is mostly played for laughs... and it works!
  • Kaeloo: Bad Kaeloo usually refers to herself in third person.
  • On Kate & Mim-Mim, Boomer is younger than the other characters and always speaks of himself in the third-person.
  • Kim Possible
  • Shelfish Sheldon, the antagonist of Mack & Moxy who is out to keep the "Great Helpee" to himself, speaks of himself in this manner. His Catch Phrase, after failing (which he always does), is "Next time, Shelfish Sheldon shall succeed!"
  • R.E.G.I.S. from Megas XLR. The R.E.G.I.S. Mk5 is invincible. Your pathetic tropes cannot harm the R.E.G.I.S. Mk5, which is invincible.
  • In "All Pupa'ed Out" from Miss Spider's Sunny Patch Friends, Cookie the caterpillar matures out of both this and Elmuh Fudd Syndwome in the space of just a couple days.
  • Bombo in Monster Allergy, but he can say "me".
  • The Flea of ¡Mucha Lucha! is an even more obvious parody, although he does say "I", "me", or "my" occasionally. (He obviously takes after his parents; they do it too.)
  • Muppet Babies (1984): Baby Animal talks this way as part of his blend of Hulk Speak and Baby Talk. He even does it in the theme song: "Animal dance!"
  • My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic:
    • The Great and Powerful Trixie is insulted that she has yet to be glorified on this page!
    • I, Photo Finish, make declarative statements! Yeees!
    • Yona the yak does this all the time (This is a common feature of all Yaks, actually)
    • In "Putting Your Hoof Down", Fluttershy starts doing this after becoming more assertive, calling herself "New Flutterfly" while referring to "Old Fluttershy" in the past tense.
  • Phineas and Ferb
    • Buford does this sometimes.
    • Isabella too. She even asks her chihuahua to try.
  • Wizard Kelly from The Proud Family. Suga Mama also speaks like this occasionally, and this goes for Penny's cousin Chanel as well.
  • Razzberry Jazzberry Jam: The Shock always refers to The Shock in the third person, as The Shock is a parody of… Slash, who doesn’t actually do this. The Shock is confused by this, or The Shock would be if The Shock knew The Shock was supposed to be a Slash parody. Or who Slash was.
  • Robotboy has trouble with saying things like "I", "Me" and "You", sounding quite strained when using them.
  • Rosie's Rules: Rosie's brother, Iggy, talks in the third-person since he is so young.
  • The Simpsons:
    • Disco Stu doesn't advertise.
    • But Duffman totally does! Oh yeah!
    • Ol' Gil refers to himself in the third person, yes siree!
    • Groundskeeper Willie mostly uses first person, but occasionally uses third. In one episode, it's used to make an Accidental Innuendo type joke. "That's the last time ye'll slap yer Willie around!"

      Willie: Willie hears ya. Willie don't care.

  • Sonic does it on occasion in Sonic Boom. In the episode "Sole Power", it gets lampshaded, with a dose of Hypocritical Humor.

    Sonic: Yeah! Sonic's back, baby!

    Amy: Don't refer to yourself in the third person. It's creepy.

    Knuckles: Yeah. Knuckles hates that.

    • Becomes a Brick Joke at the end of the episode, after Sonic destroys Eggman's robot.

      Sonic: Now that we're done warming up, Sonic's gonna go for a run. (runs off)

      Eggman: Do you guys think it's creepy when he refers to himself in the third person?

      Tails, Amy, Knuckles and Sticks: (flatly) Yeah.

  • South Park:
  • The Spectacular Spider-Man
    • Mysterio does this; of course, Spidey being who he is mocks him for it.

      Mysterio: You dare call Mysterrrio a magician?! Fool! Mysterrio is no illusionist playing parlor tricks! Mysterrio is the master of the arcane arts!
      Spider-Man: Well it seems to me "Mysterrrio" is the master of talking about himself in third person.

    • Kraven the Hunter also does this in the very next episode. Spider-Man, naturally, lampshades it.

      Spider-Man: Hey, Spidey never does anything easy! Aw, now you've got me talking in the third person! Just for that... [Slam!]

  • Star Wars: The Clone Wars has Moralo Eval, a recurring bit-part villain, do this. In the old lore his entire species did as well!
  • The Pandronians, first seen in Star Trek: The Animated Series and brought back for Star Trek: Lower Decks, have the odd habit of referring to themselves as "This One".
  • Star Trek: Prodigy: Jankom Pog always does this, apparently because of a malfunctioning computer that couldn't remember his name. He started referring to himself in the third person for its benefit, and the habit stuck.
  • Steven Universe:
    • When Steven has accidentally taken over Lars' body and got invited into the Cool Kids' dance troupe.

      Steven-Lars: Lars is gonna be psyched!
      Buck: Buck is pleased.

    • Later in the episode: "Buck is no longer pleased."
    • Steven in general occasionally speaks in the third person. For instance, he provides the Title Drop in "Story for Steven" when asking his dad to tell him a story. He also does so when playing Zoltron in "Future Boy Zoltron".
    • Topaz, the Fusion, speaks of her individual component Gems, who are also Topaz:

      Topaz: I don't know what Topaz would do if she didn't have Topaz.

    • The revelation that White Diamond has the ability to puppeteer Gems and has been directly controlling her Pearl for her entire screentime makes the instances where "White Pearl" mentions her master an example of this in retrospect.
  • Yoshi from the Super Mario World animated series.
  • Transformers:
    • Waspinator of Beast Wars combined this with an odd, buzzing lisp and several other weird speech quirks. "Ant-bot get blown up, Waspinator salvage. Waspinator get blown up, nobody salvage. Why universe hate Waspinator?" Whenever he stops doing so, you know something's serious or amiss.
    • Beast Machines has Tankor, though it's all an act after he gains access to Rhinox's intellect.
    • Wasp of Transformers: Animated who doesn't get the "-inator" part until he's actually turned into a technorganic wasp Transformer is a somewhat more tragic version, speaking normally at first but winding up sounding much like Waspinator after being driven mad by a lot of Break The Not So Cutie that isn't played for humor as it was with Waspinator. (He's a jerk, but not enough of one to deserve what happened to him.)
    • Me, Grimlock, play with this trope! Me, Grimlock, include name in sentence, but also say "me" which is first person pronoun! In some versions me Grimlock stupid, but sometimes me speech proze... speech podzezor... me talk box thingy just broken. Even in the evil universe, I, Grimlock, who is gifted with remarkable intelligence, still speak with such linguistic idiosyncrasies. Mustn't complain to much now, wot?
    • Then there's Soundwave and, to an extent, Wheelie.
    • And the rest of the Dinobots.
  • Uncle Grandpa once took three weeks to understand how Pizza Steve used this trope, to realize that he accidentally sent him to the moon.
  • In VeggieTales, Khalil's puppet character Lutfi often talks this way, though sometimes he refers to himself as "I".
  • Grougaloragran, the ancient dragon in Wakfu, always uses his full name instead of "I", despite it being a mouthful.
    • In fact, this speech pattern is followed by all the other sentient dragons with the exception of Adamai.
    • There's also Ogrest who doesn't use self-referential pronouns as well.
  • All of the characters on the preschool-targeted British / Canadian series Waybuloo inevitably refer to themselves in this manner.
  • Ice Bear from We Bare Bears structures his sentences along the lines of "Ice Bear _____". A flashback episode suggests that this was because he was reared by a Russian man who spoke the same way.
  • Passlings from W.I.T.C.H. do this, Blunk being the most notable.
  • X-Men: The Animated Series:
    • Gambit. Used a little elsewhere, though not quite as much as he does it here. Definitely the arrogant version.

      Gambit: Gambit gon' deal you a real fine hand! [throws exploding cards]

      [sneaking into an enemy facility and finding it too easy]
      Gambit: Where's de challenge for dis still-proud master t'ief? Either Gambit better den he t'inks... [trap is sprung] ...or 'Gambit' been set up.

      [after making Christmas dinner]
      Gambit: Gambit does not make TV dinners!"

    • Apocalypse's Horsemen are prone to using their own names in a sentence whenever possible. "Pestilence shall separate the weak from the strong!" "It's time to welcome Death, X-Men!"
  • Young Justice (2010): Forager never uses first or second-person pronouns and instead always refers to himself in the third-person. Miss Martian explains that this is the norm for his species in their native language and is a result of their complex sense of self, which is why it carries over even when Forager starts speaking English. Frequently results in quite a bit of repetition in his dialog (e.g. "Forager is Forager" instead of "I am Forager"). This even extends to his Fred Bugg persona, where he continues to refer to himself in the third person but using Fred Bugg instead of Forager. (When he first started, he kept referring to himself as, "Fred Bugg-With-Two-Gs", because Violet called him that not knowing he would take it literally, this was later corrected as just Fred Bugg) Other members of his race, including another Forager from a different hive, as well as the evil Mantis, also do not use pronouns and refer to themselves in the third-person.