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  • ️Sun Feb 03 2019

Toilet Humour

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  • Allison Pregler seems to have a thing for fart jokes. She seems to have made them more often than any other TGWTG reviewer.

    "I don't care, that's why I get paid to be a critic and you don't."

  • The Angry Video Game Nerd, specifically diarrhea in this case.
    • "He'd rather have a buffalo take a diarrhea dump in his ear."
  • Bad Lip Reading has lots and lots of toilet humour. Rick Perry pooed in space, Katniss Everdeen has the squirts, Rick Santorum thinks diarrhea is OK and once let it shoot out for half a block, Newt Gingrich went poo-poo in the egg salad, and Selina Meyer pooed into her sheets.
  • Console Wars:
    • Used at the end of the Beauty and the Beast episode. After beating the two licensed games based on the movie, the curse over the talking SNES and Genesis is broken, turning them into a talking bedpan and a talking toilet paper roll, respectively. Unfortunately for them, Greg drank too much beer and Dan ate too much beans, and there's no nearby bathroom.
    • The Boogerman episode is filled with this. Then again, considering the game being reviewed, it should come as no surprise.
    • In the Batman Forever episode, Pat and Dan watch a fictional deleted scene on the blu-ray of the titular film that Dan ordered where Two-Face and The Riddler pee on Batman. They then watch an unreleased "Weird Al" Yankovic parody of "Kiss From a Rose" called "Piss on Heroes".
    • In the T2: The Arcade Game episode, Dan reveals that the Genesis version of the game's soundtrack is composed by Matt Furniss, as opposed to Andy Brock's soundtrack in the SNES version. When Pat says that the Genesis verion's soundtrack isn't from the arcade, Dan reminds Pat that he's a Matt Furniss fan, and tries to show him audio evidence of it on his phone. The preceding messages reveal Dan talking to Eric, who clogged the toilets at Barnes & Noble, Cheesecake Factory, Buy Baby Buy, and Wendy's (the last of which he did after eating an extra order of fries).

      Pat: I'm kind of worried about Eric.

  • has regularly indulged in this. One notable example from columnist Ian Fortey features him explaining that everyone is harboring some kind of disgusting secret, then explaining his. He describes once walking home from the grocery store with, among other things, his favorite kind of bread. While cutting through a schoolyard he experiences a Potty Emergency and has to relieve himself in some bushes. Realizing he has nothing to wipe with, he reluctantly uses some of the bread and abandons the whole loaf there out of disgust. Later he sees all the bushes have been removed and speculates that a child probably found the poopy bread and told people about it and got made fun of, being called something like "Poop Sandwich Billy". He expresses remorse and apologizes to Poop Sandwich Billy for ruining his life.
  • Scanlan is an everflowing fount of this in Critical Role, beginning with a habit of shitting on enemy beds and later acquiring a potion that allows him to view any location where he has previously left a (blue, glowing) present. This feat gained the immediate name of "shit-scrying".
  • Averted in Destroy the Godmodder. A certain player attempted a string of toilet humour based attacks, they were all blocked as being [expletive].
  • Many cartoons on Flowgo are full of toilet humor.
  • The Funniest Minecraft Videos Ever: With the Colossal TNT mod, the way to create TNT is to press shift, which also makes the player crouch. Naturally, the group compare the TNT blocks to poop.
  • Gold Tongues features Petrol doing the whole "Pull My Finger" joke in front of a child in chapter 4. Chapter 5 has him farting again when Stix asks him if he has gas (as in petroleum gas, not flatulence).
  • I Used to Believe: There are sections for beliefs related to farting, weeing and pooing, and toilets.
  • Jack Vale Films:
    • One popular series of pranks is pretending to fart in public.
    • One prank involved pretending his dog was peeing everywhere.
    • One "Old Man Harry" prank involved pretending to poop on the sofa.
    • One of the "Nonsense" pranks involves the word "piddle" in a Non Sequitur.

      Jack: "Piddle on the cow fat in the middle".

  • YouTube LPer NintendoCapriSun is quite reputable for this.

    "Get some more toilet paper!"
    "You know, IN THE BATHROOM!"

  • Microsoft Sam Reads Funny Windows Errors: Sam often talks about "taking a dump" (often of the diarrhea variety), and his "diarrhea-infested toilet".
  • Retarded 64: This happens in the FIRST EPISODE... Princess Peach farts out a shopping list and it hits Mario right in the noggin. Ooooh, that's nasty. It is rather vague if this counts since it's the projectile that does the harm, not the fart.
  • Rocked uses a farting/excreting sound effect whenever talking about Metallica's Load and ReLoad. He even hopes that his fans will now associate those two albums with that sound effect.
  • In "I REFUSE TO DIE-Respawn Man (Part 1/4)" on Santoro Gaming, Matt plays Respawn Man, a game where he plays as a character who can come back to life numerous times and leave his corpses behind when he dies. In one part of the video, his character dies, and Matt comedically replays it, because he finds the sound of his character’s death that sounds like him crapping himself funny.
  • The SCP Foundation has SCP-789-J, the Butt Ghost, a ghost that lives in a toilet.
    • SCP-666 1/2 -J is this (specifically, the food poisoning sort) taken up to eleven. It describes in excruciating, over the top, hammy, and flowery detail the effects on the bowels of anyone who eats it, playing it for Narm Charm.
  • Almost every story in the Legatum series is bound to have some form of scatological humor or a minimum of one Gasshole, since the series takes place during The Dung Ages.
    • Smirvlak's Stone is full of this. It isn't uncommon for one of the characters to use their farts or bodily waste to gross out others in an attempt at humor.
    • The Green Wanderer has a lot less scatological humor compared to Smirvlak's Stone. Nevertheless, the story contains a scene where an orc farts nonstop in his sleep and his companion is forced to leave because of the stench, and another scene where a filthy cyclops tries to get an orc to scratch his feces-laden ass.
    • Help Not Wanted has two instances where Ogrell the ogre intentionally shits himself so the stench will ward off predators. He also wakes up Groshlar, Grovmar, Bunng and Krumvell by farting very noisily while they're sleeping.
    • Scrambled Egg has a scene where Snorrv repeatedly farts in front of Tanya's face solely to annoy her.
    • Help Not Wanted: Remixed Phallic Memories in HD features Krumvell passing gas after fooling Grovmar into thinking he heard a "suspicious noise" nearby. The same story has Groshlar messily soiling himself as a way to get back at some orcs who insulted him.
  • Star Farts and The Empire Farts Back.
  • A brave soul watched through several hours of footage from televangelist Robert Tilton's show Success-N-Life, compiled his often strange facial expressions and exclamations, and added well-timed farts for a video series known as The Farting Preacher. The series dates all the way to the early '80s and is still going today.
    • It's also expanded out a bit on YouTube, with other televangelists like Kerney Thomas, John Hagee and Kenneth Copeland getting the spotlight. Turns out, weird twitches and sudden outbursts are just something a lot of TV preachers just do, which makes a lot of them ripe for parody.
  • Defied in The 10 CRAZIEST Scientific Theories About Existence! by Matt Santoro. Matt is about to make a poop joke, but decides not to, because he wants to keep the video highbrow.
  • In The Ten Minute Bible Hour video "Was The Bible Edited", its host edited a scene from When Harry Met Sally... to replace Meg Ryan's fake orgasm sounds with burps and farts to prove the point that editing has the power to change the meaning of something.
  • Channel Awesome
    • During The Nostalgia Critic's review for Battlefield Earth, after asking one of the aliens from the film how they conquered Earth despite their bad war tactics, the alien revealed his race won because they fart atomic bombs.
    • At the end of his review of The Garbage Pail Kids Movie, the movie transformed the Critic into sentient feces.
    • He also uses it during The Star Wars Holiday Special.

      Critic: My god, I'm actually getting stupider while I am watching it! There goes my college education! There goes whatever five times five equals! There went my name, don't remember anymore. There went the ability to control my bowels. [takes a dump in his pants] I'm stupid now, I don't even care.

    • Done with astonishing care and precision in his Master of Disguise review, which features the incarnate spirit of the movie's recurring flatulence joke.
    • In a Bum Review for "The Nerd vs NC: The Final Battle," Chester A. Bum stated, "I can make fireballs too! All I need is a lighter and a can of beans. You may think that joke's beneath me... but it's not."
    • In his Eight Crazy Days review, the Critic gets annoyed by a scene which involves reindeer eating feces and keeps referencing it in his angry comments about the movie (at least when he isn't complaining about Whitey's annoying voice). Later on we get the "Happy Madison Audience" who laugh hysterically at the mention of "poop". He later lures the "Happy Madison Audience into a room simply by releasing excrement and then pointing it out, before throwing inside a grenade and locking the door.
  • Parodied in Third Rate Gamer with So Unfunny, It's Funny Toilet Humour. From the Yoshi's Island "review":

    TRG: Shy Guy? More like Crap Guy! (Fart noise) (A picture of a turd appears on the Shy Guy)

  • Maximus Slade from T.O.T. is fond of this type of humor, along with Black Comedy. Chapter 7 shows him farting in a vandal's face, peeing on a jack-o-lantern and a man's slippers, and later having his farts lit on fire.
  • ToughPigs has an article called "The ToughPigs Maturity Test" in which the main goal is for the participant who is being given the test to to read two Bear in the Big Blue House books that are supposed to be toilet-training aids without making toilet humor jokes or laughing at the toilet references in the books.
  • TV Go Home featured a recurring series of (thankfully fictional) films entitled Widdleplop Farm where the hapless farmer (as played by Ralph Fiennes) was continually showered in animal faeces in increasingly ridiculous circumstances. The descriptions of his ordeal were... less than wholesome, to the extent that they Crossed The Line Twice.
  • Most scenes in the Whateley Universe that include Miasma. His superpower? Farts. Even his friends give him grief about this. Unless he's giving someone grief using his superpower.
  • A Zero Punctuation video is apparently never complete without a visual-assisted pun on crap, usually the "full of" or "cramming down people's throats" variety.
  • A Brazilian meme involved mixing the digestion-helping yogurt Activia with something else leading to scatological phrases (the original was "I mixed Activia and Johnnie Walker. I'm shitting and walking".)
  • One of Father's Day e-cards offered by features a kid coming home to find his dad on the toilet and reacts in disgust at the horrid smell. The video is accompanied by a Bad to the Bone parody song about the dad's toilet habits and the video itself includes shots of the dad on the toilet, complete with various farting sounds and noxious green fumes.
  • During one of The Derp Crew's Mario Kart 8 sessions, John Page took a break that was much longer than anyone was expecting, to the point that everyone was wondering if he and his fiancee were getting frisky or if he was stuck in the bathroom, which led to much joking about both possibilities. When he finally got back, he confirmed that it was the latter.
  • Shipwrecked Comedy rarely deals in Toilet Humour, but their sketch "A Book By Its Cover" was built on it, which the Tin Can Bros used against them in the groups' (scripted) feud.
  • Yuro: In Yuro's guide on the Okhotnik, the ship is compared to a piece of turd. A picture shows a heavily pixilated Okhotnik to solidify the comparison (the Okhotnik's thin shape with its reddish-brown deck color just adds more to the comparision).