BB Senshi Sangokuden - TV Tropes

  • ️Sun Apr 27 2014

BB Senshi Sangokuden (Toys)

BB Senshi Sangokuden (BB戦士三国伝) is a toyline created by Bandai, commemorating the 20th anniversary of SD Gundam, and going from 2007 to 2011.

A continuation of the long-running BB Senshi line of SD Gundam models, this series also draws upon Romance of the Three Kingdoms for its characters, whose designs are all based on classic Gundam models from the Universal Century to the semi-recent Gundam Wing and G Gundam. So far, the story has been divided into three chapters: Fuuun Gouketsu Hen, Eiyuu Gekitotsu Hen and Senjin Kettou Hen. Expanding on this is the sidestory Sangokuden Gaiden: Buyou Gekitou Roku, and an Animated Adaptation, SD Gundam Sangokuden Brave Battle Warriors, (SDガンダム三国伝 BraveBattleWarriors) which aired after Sgt. Frog, and can be found on YouTube. The anime also had its own sidestory manga titled Brave Battle Warriors Genesis, which had four story arcs that focused on Ryuubi, Ryofu, Sousou, and Sonsaku.

Note: This article uses the Japanese version of Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and as such "Cao Cao" = "Sousou", "Liu Bei" = "Ryuubi", "Sun Quan" = "Sonken", as the English dub uses those names (ironically, the subtitles use the original names).

Not to be confused with Dynasty Warriors: Gundam, which stars Gundams in Dynasty Warriors gameplay. Also has nothing to do with SD Gundam World Sangoku Soketsuden, other than Sangoku Soketsuden being a Spiritual Successor of sorts to Sangokuden.

BB Senshi Sangokuden provides examples of the following tropes:

  • 2D Visuals, 3D Effects: Brave Battle Warriors mixes cel shaded CGI characters (usually leading ones) with normally animated ones, leading instantly to speculation that anyone not in CGI is not getting a model kit made. Kanpei Gundam turns from cel to CGI in his debut episode.
  • Alas, Poor Villain: Enjutsu Zssa's final moments get dragged out quite a bit. Then his body gets reused as powerup armor.
  • Amplified Animal Aptitude: The horses of the Nanban Kibatai are bred and trained to traverse the implausible terrain of the untamed Southern regions.
  • Anachronism Stew: Ignoring the fact that every character is a robot, the series is full of characters armed with not-so-advanced weapons (swords, spears, polearms, bows, and throwing blades), and some characters wield advanced weapons (machine guns, BFGs, and mobile artillery). There's also Sekitoba turning into a motorcycle, Kannei's jetski... the list goes on.
  • Animated Adaptation:
    • In the form of The Movie, double-billed with the fifth Sgt. Frog movie.
    • And an animated series following The Movie (in 15-minute episodes) is now on air.
  • Arch-Enemy: Sousou's (Cao Cao) most prominent and persistent enemy is Ryofu (Lu Bu). A failed Toutaku (Dong Zhuo) assassination attempt culminates in the two clashing, with Ryofu being impressed with Sousou's prowess. He sees Sousou as one of the only people who can stir his battle-hungry soul and make his blood boil the most. Sousou is not just unimpressed by his adversary's lust for battle; he considers Ryofu to be the biggest obstacle to his vision—conquering Mirisha and bringing peace to the land. Therefore, Sousou and Ryofu fight numerous times, and most of the time, Ryofu gains the upper hand (the most Sousou can manage is a stalemate). The climax of their conflict is when Sousou dons the Celestial Armour, and Ryofu is excited to face his Worthy Opponent at his strongest. However, even the strongest on the battlefield is no match against the power of the heavens. Ultimately, Sousou finishes Ryofu off with a divine-powered Finishing Move, ending the conflict. Unlike many other instances of this trope that feature deep personal enmity, Sousou mourns the loss of a rare talent in the world.
  • Blade Spam:
    • Kan-u's special move has him performing 100 glaive thrusts within a split second.
    • During Episode 45 of the anime, Chouhi trades blows with Choukou's Rapid-Fire Fisticuffs by rapidly thrusting his polearm.
  • Bling of War:
    • Nearly every set has gold parts (two notable exceptions, Shiba-I and Shuuyu, are the tacticians). A few deluxe sets up the ante with vacuum metallised gold.
    • Shuuyu IS Bling of War, considering that his actor is the Hyaku-Shiki.
  • Bloodless Carnage: There is no blood in Brave Battle Warriors, even when wounds are visible. This makes sense because everybody's a mech. This does not apply in the manga adaptation; the mechs spill blood when they take damage.
  • Brick Joke: Reactions over one of Ryubi Gundam's twin katanas being "forgotten" for the anime were mixed, but the anime's final arc even goes on to omit one of the twin Phoenix swords that Sousou Gundam gets.
  • Butt-Monkey: Chouhi is pretty much the Butt-Monkey around these parts. Though in Brave Battle Warriors, Sonken Dendrobium is openly mocked by pretty much everybody, since he has yet to level up.
  • Calling Your Attacks: Whenever a character executes their special move or uses an extraordinary weapon, they yell the name of said move/weapon. Every named character, no matter major or minor, does this.
  • Camp Gay: The Chou Trio, who speak with overly effeminate overtones and in Brave Battle Warriors, have body language to match.
  • Combining Mecha: from the (heavily reimagined) Yellow Turban brothers to Shuu Neue Ziel with the Black Gyokuji and three sons of Shiba-I.
  • Cool Horse: Practically everyone, at least implied so.
  • Cool Shades: Kan-U Gundam, Sonken Gundam, Sosaku Physalis and Sonken Zephyrantes actually have these incorporated into their design. The Shuuyu Hyakushiki model includes an alternate sticker for the eyes intended to invoke this.
  • Death by Origin Story: Played straight in both the manga and anime. Roshoku GM Cannon and Touken GM, we hardly knew ye.
  • Do Not Touch the Funnel Cloud: Ryofu's Tornado Move in the anime inflicts massive damage with its 3 funnel clouds. Every character in the anime i) is perfectly safe before they touch them, ii) can block it for a while, and iii) survives despite getting hit.
  • Dragons Up the Yin Yang: Being a series based on Romance of the Three Kingdoms, it is not surprising to see Eastern dragons being stuck on the weapons and armour of warriors, especially when it involves those in the Shou faction, like Ryuubi (Liu Bei), Kan-u (Guan Yu), Chouhi (Zhang Fei), and Chou-un (Zhao Yun).
  • Dramatic Irony: The Battle of the War Gods Comic World and manga utilizes this heavily with Souhi and Shiba-i. While Souhi sees Shiba-i as a trusted advisor, anyone who's read Clash of the Heroes knows he's plotting to fulfil the Armageddon chapter of the G Records.
  • Elemental Weapon: Several characters cannot control Elemental Powers but can channel the elements with their weapons when they call out their attacks. For example, Chouhi's polearm shoots lightning, and Ryofu's halberd summons whirlwinds.
  • Expansion Pack Past: Pretty much the point of the Spin-Off Sangokuden Gaiden.
  • Expy:
  • Forged by the Gods: The Celestial Armournote  is a divine weapon that is unleashed whenever the Imperial Seal emits a pillar of light, responding to the resolves of The Four Gods successors. It is said to be capable of destroying a country.
  • The Four Gods: As symbols and motifs for the different factions instead of actual characters.
    • Seiryuu, in blue, represents the kingdom of Shou and Ryuubi Gundam.
    • Suzaku, in red, represents the kingdom of Giga and Sousou Gundam.
    • Byakko, in yellow rather than white, represents the kingdom of Gou and Sonken Gundam.
    • Genbu, in purple rather than black, represents Toutaku Zaku's unnamed forces (though their flag carries the kanji for his name. And the soldiers are all in green for some reason.)
  • Four Is Death: The Nanban Four Kings, based on the Walter, Grand, Heavens Sword and Master Gundams from G Gundam.
    • The Four Perils in the Legend arc. They were born from the pieces of darkness and are the key to resurrecting Shuu as Shuu Destroy.
  • Golden Super Mode: Ryuubi enters his Trinity Form after donning his sworn brothers' (Kan-u and Chouhi) pauldrons. In this state, his body turns gold, he can fly, and he can deliver a powered-up version of his special move.
  • Gratuitous English: The anime trades the Fuun Gekitotsu etc. subtitle for "Brave Battle Warriors."
  • Heel–Face Turn: Several. Most of them even keep the motif of whichever faction they defected from (see The Four Gods above). The notable exception is Kyou-I F91, who goes through an Expository Design Change.
  • Historical Beauty Update: This may be the only Three Kingdoms adaptation that DOESN'T depict Zhang Fei and Meng Huo as The Big Guy Boisterous Bruisers. And Dong Zhuo is above average in size but NOT fat.
  • Historical In-Joke: The descendants of Sima Yi may have won in the end, but here they've only seized control of a dark version of the Imperial Seal, and it's not been doing them any favors...
  • Homage: The characters (and some MacGuffins) draw their design not only from classic Gundams, but Koei's treatment of the Three Kingdoms characters in all their Dynasty Warriors games. Lu Bu's pheasant feathers? Ryofu Tallgeese has 'em. Ma Chao's wild hair? Bachou Blue Destiny has ARTICULATED hair. Sun Ce's giant tonfa? Wait till you see what Sonsaku Physalis' shoulder boosters double up as.
  • IKEA Weaponry / Swiss-Army Weapon: Seveal. The box for Kakouen Daras even proclaims "6 different weapons in 1".
  • Legacy Character: Several, particularly in Sangokuden Gaiden. Ryuhou and Choubou even carry weapons identical to those of Ryubi and Chouhi respectively.
  • MacGuffin:
    • The Tengyokugai, Tenkaisyo and Ryuukihou double as IKEA Weaponry. The Black Gyokuji may be based on Psycho Gundam but acts as a MacGuffin instead of a character.
    • And there's the Gyokuji, the Imperial Seal that ignited the whole war in the first place.
  • Mega Neko:
    • Sonken Gundam's Goutaitei upgrade involves the Kourinpaku, a massive tiger-shaped coat of arms.
    • The gate of Korou Fortress is shaped like a large tiger.
  • Merchandise-Driven: Reaches an egregious level when the new Kiba Breaker toyline, featuring our heroes on motorised mounts that are basically Weaponised Cars with horse heads, make it into the anime.
  • Mid-Season Upgrade:
  • Military Mashup Machine: Lampshaded with Moukaku Gundam's elephant cavalry (the use of elephants in war is Older Than Feudalism) that transform into tanks (their more contemporary equivalent).
  • Mooks: The Butaihei, modelled after the RX-79 GM (for Shou, Gou, Giga), Zaku-1 (Toutaku Zaku and maybe Giga), and Leo (Ryofu Tallgeese's personal army). Moukaku Gundam has the Nanban Kibatai.
  • Mythology Gag: For starters...
    • Shouretsutei Ryuubi resembles the Hakuryu Taitei Gundam, acknowleging the nobility of his bloodline.
    • Chou-un, the youngest of the Five Shou Generals, is based on the V2 Gundam.
    • Bachou's Red Eyes, Take Warning mirrors the effect of the Blue Destiny EXAM system.
    • Moukaku, bearing the title Ashurao, not only resembles the Gundam Ashurao but mimics the Ass Kicking Pose normally adopted by Shining or G-Gundam in their boxart.
    • Shukuyuu is known to fly into a Berserker Rage just like Allenby.
    • Sonsaku Physalis is possessed by Shuu Neue Ziel late in the storyline - both are based on Anavel Gato's mecha.
    • At one point, Sonsaku and Shuuyu debate about battlefield tactics, specifically asking Shuuyu to develop a strategy that doesn't risk the lives of half of Sonsaku's men. Shuuyu's response is that Sonsaku keeps asking for the imposssible. Sonsaku's response is directly lifted from Mu La Flaga's catchphrase.

      Sonsaku: You're saying my strategist can't make the impossible possible, then?

  • Omake: This seems to qualify.
  • Only One Female Mold: All the female models are the exact same build, regardless of age, while males come under regular, Toutaku, and Ryofu Tallgeese.
  • Palette Swap:
    • Glaringly obvious with the three factions' footsoldiers, all based on the RX-79 GM and only differentiated by color.
    • Among the named characters, there's Gien Gundam, identical to Kochu Gundam but based on the 'Titans' recolor into which their archetype, the RX-178, was also recolored.
    • Shiba-I Sazabi goes through one for his promotion to Giga Taifu, particularly notable as he gets recolored INTO the Sazabi's normal colors (white to red).
    • This happens more often with the merchandise of course - not just straight recolors, but the Kanpei Gundam and Shuusou Doven Wolf sets include recolored Ryuubi parts.
  • Plug 'n' Play Technology: Several cases thanks to the model kits' interchangeability. The Ankoku Gyokuji in particular is capable of combining with different characters to become Expies of One-Winged Angel-class mecha from different Gundam continuities.
  • Power Gives You Wings: Several. Notably Kyou-I Gundam upon assuming his full F-91 form.
  • Punny Name: the Nanban Kibatai. 'Kiba' can mean both 'fang' or 'horseback riding', but this mounted cavalry carries standards with the kanji for 'fang'.
  • Rapid-Fire Fisticuffs: Choukou Zaku III's special move has him unleashing a barrage of punches with his gauntlets at the enemy.
  • Real Is Brown: Take a look at the recolored Koumei Re-GZ and Shuuyu Hyakushiki for the tie-in with the live-action movie Red Cliff.
  • Recycled with a Gimmick: Romance of the Three Kingdoms with classic Gundam models.
  • Sailor Earth: the number of unused Three Kingdoms or even Dynasty Warriors characters, coupled with the immense amount of leftover Gundam mecha provide prime fodder. Xiao Qiao Methuss, Cao Zhi Airmaster, Cao Ren Leopard...
  • Scarf of Asskicking: Sonken Zephyrantes and his Chousa Four Riders have been retconned with these in the anime. Bright red. Can't miss 'em.
  • Shoulders of Doom: Several.
    • Particularly the Ryukihou whether it's on Shuuretsutei Ryubi or the Five Shou Generals. The Brave Battle Warriors version of Shuuretsutei Ryubi has the added option of swapping his regular pauldrons (Kan-U and Chouhi's) with all the ones the other Five Generals would use.
    • Shuu Neue Ziel is almost all giant shoulders.
  • Shout-Out:
  • The Smurfette Principle:
  • Spared by the Adaptation: A select few, most notably Chousen Qubeley (although she doesn't make it out of the entire series).
  • Spell Blade: Whenever Sousou performs his special move, he imbues his blade with fire and spews it towards the enemy.
  • Technicolor Wind: The winds of Ryofu's attacks are purple (which compliments his status as the strongest on the battlefield), with a bit of lightning.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Kyou-I, from smalltime Giga field tactician based on a Zaku-II to heavily-armed Shou general based on the F91 Gundam F91.
  • Tornado Move: Ryofu's anime-mid-season special move has him conjuring a tornado to fling 3 tornados at the enemy.
  • The Worf Effect: Kouten The. O, the Yellow Scarf Rebellion's most powerful weapon, goes down almost immediately to make way for Toutaku Zaku's forces.
  • You Shall Not Pass!: Chouhi (Zhang Fei), during the Battle of Chang Ban, pulls off a similar feat as his novel counterpart. Knowing that things are going south for Ryuubi (who is out of commission due to losing against Sousou) and co., he stations himself in the middle of the narrow bridge to block Sousou's army and buy time for Chou-un to retrieve Ryuubi's Cool Sword and his allies to escape. His gambit succeeds, with him besting all five of Sousou's champions, destroying the bridge, and guaranteeing his allies' and his own survival before staggering out of exhaustion.