Ever After High - TV Tropes
- ️Sun Nov 12 2017
From Mattel comes the Fractured Fairy Tale spinoff of Monster High: Ever After High.
In the enchanted world of Fairy Tales, the plot rules the entire universe: every story has a princess or other fairy tale protagonist; an evil queen, a dastardly villain, and/or a terrible monster; and there is always, ALWAYS a Happily Ever After.
To help ensure that this cycle is never broken, Ever After High was established. Run by Headmaster Grimm (and observed by his less by-the-book brother), staffed by the fairy godmothers and fairy tale personae of old, it ensures that the newest generation of Fairy Tale protagonists and antagonists follow the exact same route as their parents, ensured through a magical ritual called Legacy Day.
Problems start when Raven Queen, daughter of the Evil Queen from Snow White, doesn't WANT to become an evil queen. With the cycle threatened, her fellow characters' tales jeopardized, and Happily Ever After no longer a sure thing, this school year promises to be one to remember... not to mention a certain extraterrestrial friend.
In addition to the toys and video content, the series is gaining an Expanded Universe with two book series, one by Shannon Hale and the other by Suzanne Selfors. One book, The Legend Of Shadow High, crossed the series over with Monster High after plans for a movie were shelved. A Netflix series premiered on February 6, 2015.
The majority of the franchise was quietly discontinued in 2017 after a few years of disappointing sales, and Mattel re-focusing on the Monster High and Enchantimals franchises. Mattel officially announced the cancellation on their Twitter in 2018. Dolls have left stores, and the cartoon series has ceased as well, with only Once Upon a Twist books being released on an irregular schedule afterwards. The official Youtube channel also uploads regularly as well, but it's only reposts and compilations of previous material.
Direct character-specific tropes to the Character Page.
Stories in the Franchise:
- Sleeping Beauty
- Pinocchio
- Snow White
- Alice in Wonderland
- The Three Little Pigs
- Goldilocks and the Three Bears
- Little Red Riding Hood
- Cinderella
- Jack and the Beanstalk
- Little Bo Peep
- The Frog Prince
- Classical Mythology
- Vasilissa the Beautiful
- The Pied Piper of Hamelin
- Rumpelstiltskin
- The Gingerbread Man
- Robin Hood
- Rapunzel
- Swan Lake
- The Little Mermaid
- The Nutcracker (only in the books)
The franchise provides examples of:
- Absurdly Divided School: Students are divided into two groups, Royal and Rebel. The Royal students are intent on following their individual destinies to keep their stories alive, while the Rebel students are unhappy with their destinies and would rather follow their own.
- Abusive Parents: For all of the fluff and sweetness in Fairy Tale World, this trope is pretty rampant, with a dose of Parental Neglect. Honestly, what kind of parent is fine with their children having no say in how to live their lives and, depending on the legacies, forcing them into situations where they could end up imprisoned as villains, or in a cursed sleep, facing deathly perils, and unwanted Arranged Marriages as heroes?
- Although Raven Queen loves her mother, the latter was quite emotionally abusive to her before imprisonment in trying to make Raven an Evil Queen.
- King and Queen Charming enforce a "Men Are Strong, Women Are Pretty" ideology on their three kids while treating them like fancy trinkets to show off to their royal friends.
- In Dragon Games, though she does love her daughter, Snow White clearly doesn't care about Apple's personal opinions, and tells her daughter outright that a good reputation should be valued more than doing the right thing.
- A Day in the Limelight: In the books, Maddie, Kitty and Cedar become the stars after the Jabberwocky incapacitates the main cast.
- Affectionate Parody: Lovingly pokes fun at the horrible implications of fairy tale universes, but is very upbeat and optimistic about it.
- All Girls Want Bad Boys: Inverted here as Dexter Charming is attracted to the school's
supposed biggest villain despite the fact he's suppose to be a standard Prince Charming.
- Alpha Bitch: Duchess Swan tries her best to be this, but as her name implies, she just can't usurp Apple as the most popular girl in school.
- Alphabetical Theme Naming: All the girls from Wonderland have names that rhyme with a long "E" sound; Maddie, Lizzie, Kitty, Bunny, and Courtly.
- Alternate Continuity: Like its sister series, its books, The Storybook of Legends, The Unfairest of Them All, and A Wonderlandiful World, could count as this as they introduced characters and events not see in the Webisodes. Unlike Monster High however, the differences are much more subtle. Interestingly though there are a few things in the books that are explained in the show, like how Raven knows Cerise's secret or vice versa, like why Cerise has to keep her true self hidden.
- The biggest change is what Raven sees in the Storybook of Legends in the book and the webisode.
- This is further shown in the Thronecoming special where we find that the Storybook of Legends shown was a fake.
- Spring Unsprung shows that there is still one portal between Wonderland and Ever After and Lizzie has the only map to be able to find it. In the books being stuck in Ever After with no way to return home is a big aspect of the Wonderlandians characters, but especially Lizzie.
- It seems even the books themselves have differing continuities between the two series.
- Ambiguously Related: Raven's father is The Good King. Its not a stretch to assume he's also the father of Snow White. note This, in turn, would make Snow and Raven half-sisters and therefore mean Raven is Apple's half-aunt.
- Animal Motifs: The costumes in the Thronecoming line are inspired by an animal, specifically their Loyal Animal Companion in the books: Apple's snow fox, Raven's dragon, Blondie's baby bear, Cupid's pegasus, and Briar's unicorn.
- Arc Words: "Legacy". "Destiny" also counts.
- Babies Ever After: All of the main characters are children of the original fairy tale protagonists and antagonists.
- Bad Future: The SDDC dolls depict their characters in situations they dread and fear, i.e., Raven becoming the Evil Queen, Cerise being the Big Bad Wolf, and Cedar becoming a helpless puppet forever.
- Bad Is Good and Good Is Bad: The Royals and Headmaster Grimm try to hammer this into Raven Queen as much as possible. It doesn't really work, but that doesn't stop them from trying.
- Generally, every child of an antagonist is expected to think this way.
- Beauty Is Never Tarnished: As part of Beauty Equals Goodness, those with a destiny as a Princess Classic or Prince Charming are more likely to resist getting dirty. Villains and less than squeaky clean heroes are sadly not so lucky.
- This fanart and excerpt from one of the books
illustrates it nicely. Raven may be one of the fairest in the land, but unlike Apple, one dry leaf on her skirt doesn't qualify as "a mess" to her.
- This fanart and excerpt from one of the books
- Became Their Own Antithesis: A non Character Development example. In Spring Unsprung, thanks to a cursed book planted by the Cheshire Cat, Ever After High's student become the opposite of their true selves:
- Sweet, all-loving Apple becomes an Alpha Bitch with omnicidal tendencies.
- Heroic Daring becomes a coward.
- Proper Lady Ashlynn becomes an apathetic slob.
- Nature Hero Hunter becomes a brute.
- Clumsy Humphrey Dumpty becomes a daredevil.
- Poppy the hairstylist shreds all her costumers' hair.
- Cedar becomes...a liar.
- Because Destiny Says So: The Fairy Tale Universe is held together by the power of the Happily Ever After—endangering it can have unpleasant consequences. Or does it?
- Berserk Button: Do NOT ever insult Raven's father. She will lose her temper, and case a spell that will end up Gone Horribly Wrong.
- Birthday Episode: The Birthday Ball line is a very vague example, having no media tie-in and not even stating the birthday guest of honor.
- Bittersweet Ending: Most of the books have this. Although not signing the book doesn't cause Raven or Apple to go "poof," there is still the problem of what happens once the Royals have to act out their stories and when the Rebels don't want to.
- Blah, Blah, Blah: In "Maddie-in-Chief":
Raven: (watching Apple's campaign video on her Magic Mirror) Royal bleh, and royal blah, and royal na-na-na!
- Blinded by the Light: Prince Daring advices people to cover their eyes, look away, or have some VERY dark shades on hand whenever he smiles.
- Bloodless Carnage: Averted in Thronecoming when Apple pricks her finger and bleeds. It's nothing major, but many children's works wouldn't show blood at all.
- Boarding School: Unlike Monster High, the students all live in dorms.
- Both Sides Have a Point: Contrary to popular fan belief, the Rebels’ ideas about destiny aren’t completely flawless, and the Royals aren’t all that selfish.
- Most of the Rebels want to discard their prewritten destinies because they don’t fit the Character Archetypes they’re supposed to play in the story. They become seen as delinquents by the Royals and the elders of the realm for wanting to discard centuries of tradition and the well-being of other characters in their destinies to satisfy their own selfish desires. However, what most of the Royals don’t understand is that it’s easy for them to follow destiny because of the positive roles they’ve been born into, not everyone was promised a hero’s quest or a Happy Ending. Many Rebels are at risk of losing their identities and given a Downer Ending to their lives. For most of the Rebels, risking going poof is worth a chance of getting to Earn Your Happy Ending, and many would rather take that risk than pledge themselves to a life of certain doom.
- Most of the Royals are Prince Charmings and Princess Classics who have been promised a Happily Ever After by birthright. Hence, it’s easy for fans and the Rebels to see them as selfish and out of touch for not understanding that not everyone wants to commit to their predestined story roles and sacrifice their own dreams and hopes just so the princes and princesses can get what they want. However, the Royals also see abandoning tradition as something they could tip the balance of the world as they know it. After all, this has been the system for eons, and no one knows for certain what will happen if they go against it. In their eyes, the Rebels are the selfish ones for possibly putting everyone in danger by ditching their important roles to set off on their own paths.
- Brick Joke: Briar jumping out a window is pretty funny. What happens a few minutes later is even funnier.
- Calvinball: Wonderland croquet works this way.
Lizzie: Apple, Raven, you know the rules: I make them up as you go along.
- Can't Kill You, Still Need You: Why Headmaster Grimm doesn't expel Raven following her decision to not sign on Legacy Day, and why he doesn't expel all the students that touched the Jabberwocky prison. They have their destinies to fulfill, even if they do not accept their fates.
- Cassandra Truth: In "Maddie's Hat-Tastic Party" Cerise reveals her wolf ears, but everyone thinks they're fakes for Maddie's tea party.
- Casting Gag: Cindy Robinson (voice actress of Maddie and Ramona amongst others) was on Broadway. One of her notable roles was Little Red Riding Hood in Into the Woods. Considering Ramona's parentage and the parent she has to keep secret, this becomes deeply ironic.
- Cats Are Mean: Zig-zagged. At first, Kitty seems like a typical mean girl who cares more about playing pranks on everyone than having friends. By the end of Spring Unsprung, her tune has changed considerably. Played a little straighter with Kitty's mother, the current Cheshire Cat, but even she isn't all bad.
- Chekhov's Gun: At the beginning of Epic Winter, it is made evident that Crystal cannot tie her shoelaces to turn them into skates. She later shows Jackie Frost that she has learned this, thus proving that she's matured for the better.
- Civil War vs. Armageddon: In the TV series, most episodes center around the conflict between Rebels (who want to defy their destinies and be free from their fundamentally oppressive society) and Royals (who believe that not following tradition will endanger the world itself). Since everyone's fates are intertwined, this causes a lot of sociocultural friction, but neither side is portrayed as wrong — unlike the villains of the more action-oriented films, who just want to kill everyone.
- Clap Your Hands If You Believe: In Book Three, Maddie calls on the readers to imagine the Jabberwocky falling back into Wonderland.
- Clear My Name: In Book Two, Maddie is blamed for breaking the Jabberwocky's prison and Raven and Apple have to consult the Evil Queen to create a spell of Irrefutable Evidence.
- Cloudcuckoolanguage: Riddlish, the cryptic rhyming language of the usually mad residents of Wonderland
- Conditioned to Accept Horror: Teeangers sign away their lives and in some cases, their own death warrants, and have been doing so for several generations. While there have been those who question the system and rebel throughout, many see this as completely normal.
- Continuity Nod: Apple corrects herself and says she is the student council co-president alongside Maddie in The Unfairest of Them All.
- Contrasting Sequel Main Character: Frankie is naive and peppy due to a lack of life experience at all, Raven is cynical due to a life where she's been treated as the bad guy. There are other contrasts too, like how the headmistress of Monster High is the Big Good and the headmaster of Ever After High is the Big Bad.
- Costume Porn: Many of even the regular school uniforms are highly detailed. The fancier outfits take it even further.
- CPR: Clean, Pretty, Reliable: Darling does this to Apple in Dragon Games, though given that Apple wakes up almost instantly after their lips touch Kiss of Life is probably more accurate.
- Crapsaccharine World: Sure, it's a fairytale world with happily ever afters around every corner...if you're a character who's supposed to get one. Otherwise you're supposed to fill your role even if it leads to your own personal ruin. The Rebels clearly see it as this and want to change things.
- Darker and Edgier: Is ironically this to Monster High. Ever After High has an overarching plot involving really dark looks at destiny, fate, and the notion of "happily ever after". Look at their first major conflicts. Monster High's is about the Fearleading Squad competition. Ever After High has its main character having to weigh possibly being erased from existence and starting a conflict that may doom multiple stories.
- The aesthetic, however, is clearly Lighter and Softer, putting it on both sides of the idea.
- The books are a bit darker than the webisodes, which deal in small Slice of Life stories, though the events of Thronecoming are pushing the webisodes toward a darker story arc.
- Deadly Prank: The main conflict of the Spring Unsprung plot in a nutshell. A prank set by Kitty's mom causes students to act the opposite of their true selves, and that snowballs into the potential destruction of Ever After.
- Deadpan Snarker: Raven, several times.
- Deconstruction: Of fairy tales and the idea of "happily ever afters".
- Designated Hero: Prince Daring In-Universe, by virtue of being himself.
- Designated Villain: Raven Queen In-Universe, as she's the daughter of the Evil Queen from Snow White. She resents this deeply and wants to be seen as the good person she really is.
- Does This Remind You of Anything?: A series about people who want to keep their destiny because they get happy endings and a guaranteed life of contentment, and others who are Doomed by Canon and don't get a chance to express who they really are and want to change the status quo. Is this about fairy tales or about privilege and class warfare?
- Cerise Hood painstakingly hides any physical hint of her relation to her father, has to keep her parents relationship a secret in fear of being kicked out of school, her father losing his job, and her family being run out of town. Best seen when Hood Hollow act viciously prejudice when they find out Cerise's parentage, calling her an abomination and threatening to banish her. Is this about fairy tales, or of racism and the prejudice interracial families face?
- Doomed by Canon: In universe, all of the Big Bad children, including Raven Queen. This is why she wants to rebel, more so in that she doesn't want to become the person her mother was.
- Duchess too, considering that her destiny is to lose her true love, be forever turned into a swan, and forced to live out the rest of her life in solitude.
- Briar also invokes this trope, as her destiny is to sleep for a hundred years and wake up missing everyone she used to know and love.
- Do Not Go Gentle: The majority of Briar Beauty's antics and interactions with others usually involve her "living it up" before her hundred-year slumber.
- Don't Go in the Woods: A fairy tale staple, it appears in the form of the infamous Dark Forest. It is not properly featured until the Forest Fest arc.
- Dramatically Missing the Point: In the first book, Apple despite insisting on being Raven's roommate really doesn't see that Raven is a good person, will die or at least suffer an unhappy ending like Raven's mother, and be compelled to attempt killing Apple who is also a nice person if Innocently Insensitive. All Apple cares about is reaching her own happy ending that she's been expecting since birth.
- Early-Bird Cameo: You can spot Kitty Cheshire and Lizzie Hearts in the background of the pilot.
- Elegant Gothic Lolita: The outfits here are very fanciful and elegant, due to the fairy tale influence. Kitty sports the gothic version in her signature outfit.
- Everyone Went to School Together: The basic premise.
- Facepalm: Raven does this at the end of Replacing Raven, when one of the three little pigs decides to become a 'balloonatic' instead of evil, thus ruining Raven's chance of getting a replacement for her role in Snow White.
- Fairy Tale Free-for-All: The franchise is about the offspring of famous fairy tale characters attending the titular high school.
- Famous Ancestor: All of the students have these, and the need to take up their roles forms the primary thrust of the story (one way or another).
- Fantastic Racism: At first, there is a lot of this towards the children of villains, even passively. Best seen in the initial treatment of Raven. Ramona Badwolf even calls Justine Dancer out for it Moonlight Mystery when the latter implies Ramona stole her shoes.
- Fetch Quest: Apple and Raven go on one to prevent Maddie's banishment, gathering ingredients for a spell that has to be completed before the punishment takes place.
- Flower Motifs: The outfits from the Spring Unsprung line are full of these. Considering they were created for a springtime festival, it makes sense.
- Follow in My Footsteps: Taken to extreme levels.
- The Four Loves: Explored in Heart Struck. The effects of Cupid's love arrows are irreversible since "love is a force of nature", but there's many kinds of love such as friendship, romance and "meant-to-be-together".
- Fractured Fairy Tale: Oh so very much. A prime example would be Cerise, daughter of Red Riding Hood. Her father is the Big Bad Wolf), and Charming's floodlight-grade smile has some... interesting effects on her.
- Friendly Enemy: Unless dealing with the issue at the heart of the matter, that is the nature of their destinies, the Rebels and Royals can get along quite well. Apple is actually more disappointed that her "frienemy" Raven isn't acting "enemy" enough.
- Funny Foreigner: The Wonderlanders sometimes serve as this, due to not being native to Ever After. Maddie is a prime example.
- Generation Xerox: The point of Ever After High. Descendants are to relive their parents' stories, whether they like it or not, and this has happened over and over.
- God Save Us from the Queen!:
- Raven Queen's mother has quite the reputation in Fairy Tale Land. Raven will inherit this if she accepts her destiny.
- Appropriately, Lizzie Hearts is shaping up to be this. Her mother is even worse, having gone completely off her rocker even for a Queen of Hearts and causing their world to be declared a hazard area. Though it's actually Raven's mother's fault. Lizzie later realizes that she can still be the Queen of Hearts while having some compassion.
- Go-Karting with Bowser: Despite being designated enemies and having fairly heated debates about destiny, Apple and Raven are also portrayed as being perfectly capable of hanging out and generally being friends. One Funny Background Event in "Poppy The Roybel" is the two of them playing video games together while Poppy is thinking over which group she prefers.
- Good Princess, Evil Queen: The franchise, being a Fairytale Free For All focusing on the children of various fairy tale characters, has this.
- The offspring of fairytale heroes and heroines run the gamut of personalities and high-school archetypes but the main princesses are generally sweet and good. For all the entitlement of Princess Apple White, Snow White's daughter, she is seen as a Purity Sue In-Universe, is genuinely kind and generous, and wants to be a good Princess Classic.
- Meanwhile, Queens are at least jerks. Raven's mother is the Evil Queen from Snow White's story; she is still trying to manipulate the world of Ever After. Wonderland's Queens aren't quite evil, but the Queen of Hearts was poisoned into madness by the Evil Queen and her co-ruler the White Queen is a Stern Teacher who has no problem with publicly humiliating students. Snow White herself, now Queen, gets a dose of Adaptational Villainy in the cartoon — she is portrayed as a narcissist who tries to get Raven to follow the story.
- Good Versus Good: Particularly in the books, Both Sides Have a Point is often presented to keep one side from being favored by the narrative too much. Raven's situation is obviously unfair, and she is depicted as being in the right to change it, but Apple's points about the fallout of that decision are portrayed as equally valid in the books. The Royals and Rebels are both depicted as being genuinely good people having a philosophical disagreement about the future rather than good vs bad. The only characters that aren't really portrayed as good people are Headmaster Grimm, who is heavily implied to be a Well-Intentioned Extremist trying to keep the stories just as they are so nothing unexpectedly bad happens, Duchess Swan, who is a
Jerkass Woobie on account of genuinely getting a raw deal from her destiny but taking it out on others instead of trying to change it, and Raven's mom, who is depicted as an Abusive Parent in the books and intended to destroy the world.
- Grey-and-Gray Morality: Both the Rebels and Royals are not shown as evil or unjustified. Both sides have valid points in their argument about destiny.
- This is further shown by people on one side of the debate leaning toward the other for different reasons. Briar Beauty and Cedar Wood being the best examples.
- Further explored later in season 2 of the webisodes, with some Royals like Blondie Lockes and Lizzie Hearts deciding that they're still Royals if they follow the intent of their story and plan to go with their destiny in the end, even if they're taking slightly rebellious actions now.
- Heel–Face Revolving Door: Dexter Charming is officially a Royal and tends to support them, but when Raven is involved he seems to skew more Rebel.
- High School AU: Main premise.
- His Name Really Is "Barkeep": "Queen," "Hatter," "Huntsman", "Piper", and the like aren't just titles or job descriptions like they were in the original fairytales, but the students' surnames.
- And there's multiple families with the last name "Charming" who produce princes. "Blondie Branches Out" even involved Dexter listing all of the various Charming families he and Daring aren't related to.
- How We Got Here: Both Raven & Apple's first webisode starts with them at Legacy Day before abruptly stopping and taking us back to their first day at school.
- Improbably Female Cast: While there are a number of male characters, the cast is heavily skewed in favor of female characters, especially when it comes down to who is considered important.
- Innocently Insensitive: Apple's idea of cheering up Raven after the latter's Berserk Button is pressed by Duchess is to bring her a goblin decoration in the hopes that something evil would help.
- Irony: Kids from Wonderland, a world that literally runs on nonsense, have the more normal, commonplace names than ones from in Ever After.
- It's All About Me: Apple's main concern about Raven going off-script is that it will cause them both to go Ret-Gone. Never mind that Raven is feared by the school because of her destiny, and that her magic tends to go horribly wrong. Admittedly, that does make it somewhat more justified- while she is thinking about herself, the consequence for her is death.
- Kick the Dog: In this case, transform the dog. Raven had a cute puppy that her father gave her, and her mother then turned it into a bone rat. Raven since then decided to never be evil.
- Kissing Under the Influence: In Heart Struck, Hunter gets his hands on Cupid's love arrows but he's unaware that the arrows seek for hearts to strike. Because of his pride as an accurate hunter, he tries to shoot all arrows at some targets, causing a love frenzy in the school.
- Lighter and Softer: The fairy tale theme is much "happier" than the horror theme of Monster High. The plot, on the other hand...
- Leaning on the Fourth Wall: The male narratoris on Raven's side and the female one on Apple's. It's a large source of humor. Thankfully if they bicker too much Maddie can call them on it. it turns out they are a married couple. Their daughter, Brooke, is training to be a narrator.
- Loser Son of Loser Dad: Woe to you if you were born outside of royalty, or ones who married into royalty—even more woe if you ARE royalty, but of the evil variety. On the other hand, some 'evil' royals, like Lizzie Hearts, are exceptions to this.
- Lower-Deck Episode: The Epic Winter Netflix special stars Crystal Winter, a brand new character, as well as characters that have usually been sidelined in the bigger adventures. Apple and Raven are at best background characters.
- Mad Oracle: Giles Grimm has, in addition to being trapped in the Vault of Lost Tales, been cursed to speak only in riddles that make no sense. Naturally, Maddie knows what he's really saying.
- Magitek: Magic mirrors fulfill the same function as the internet, called the MirrorNet here. Students are regularly seen with MirrorPhones and MirrorPads, and have "Mirror blogs" which look a lot like Facebook feeds.
- Manipulative Bastard: Milton Grimm. To ensure that Raven accepts her destiny in The Storybook of Legends, he creates a series of clues that lead Raven to believe that Bella Sister died alone, with regret. Maddie undoes the scheme without blinking an eye.
- Also, in the book Next Top Villain he reveals that the reason he put Duchess Swan, a princess, in the villainy class is because he is hoping that if Raven doesn't sign Duchess will take over her role as evil queen. He knows how desperate Duchess is for her own happily ever after and figures that she would be willing to become the next evil queen as a means to get access to dark magic that could undo her swan curse.
- Man in the Iron Mask: Milton Grimm trapped his brother Giles in the basement and cursed him to be unintelligible, because they disagreed on whether or not destiny is meant to have the final word.
- Meaningful Name: A lot of these for the students: "Apple" White (referencing the poison apple), "Briar" Beauty (a reference to Briar Rose), "Ashlynn" Ella (a reference to Aschenputtel, the Brothers' Grimm version of Cinderella), etc.
- Mythology Gag: Quite literal. Plenty of elements from the original stories are incorporated into the characters as jokes. Examples include:
- Baba Yaga's office having chicken legs.
- Mr. Piper's playing summoning a swarm of rats.
- Professor Rumpelstiltskin's "extra credit" being spinning hay into gold for him.
- Coach Gingerbread Man emphasizing the importance of knowing how to run properly and quickly, especially if someone is trying to eat you.
- In the novel, Maddie ends the Wonderlandian pet summoning dance with "Oh, frabjous day!"
- Poppy and Holly being the twin daughters of Rapunzel is accurate to the original story, where Rapunzel actually did have twins (though in the original tale they were a boy and a girl).
- Necessary Evil: It's literally necessary that certain students turn out evil for the stories to go on as planned. Raven's whole plot is that she doesn't want to be evil while Apple's is about how without Raven, her story lacks a villain and therefore cannot go on as planned.
- No Ending: Due to the toyline being discontinued, the storyline has no real resolution.
- Official Couple: Ashlynn Ella and Hunter Huntsman. They're so official that their dolls come together in the same package. You literally can't have one without the other.
- Only Six Faces: In both dolls and animation, the facial designs are rather unvaried- the original lineup of dolls all used the same facial sculpt, and few characters since have gotten their own.
- Opposites Attract: A platonic version with Raven and Apple. The two disagree on almost everything and season three spends a good amount of time showing the two as polar opposites. That said, they both try their hardest to remain friends and even their biggest disagreements can't break their bond.
- Painting the Fourth Wall: When the Jabberwocky works its madness magic in Book Three, even the Narrator gets affected and starts to spout nonsense with pink and purple letters. Maddie has to take over.
- Parents as People: We see some of the students' families in the books. For the most part, they are all Good Parents with the exception of Raven's mother, whose attempts to teach Raven to be evil were often downright abusive, and Lizzie's mom, who adores her daughter but gave her advice not to make friends and generally throw her weight around like a good Queen should. Apple's mother is a kind and reassuring figure, but she's helpless to advise Apple how to deal with the situation at school beyond believing in herself and believing in Raven. Dragon Games gives us an entirely different take on The Fairest of Them All.
- Even Raven's mother, as horrible as she is, shows signs of this. Despite being the biggest bad the fairy tale world has ever seen, her main concern seems to be getting her daughter to finally be like her so that they can bond, something she fails at spectacularly.
- In Raven's SDCC doll letter it is revealed that the reason she decided to expand beyond her story and take over all other fairy tales is because of Raven. She loved her daughter and thought it was unfair that she would be hated and feared because of her evil destiny. Her solution was to take over and force everyone to love the both of them.
- Pimped-Out Dress: During specials, several if not all the girls get new gorgeous dresses. Legacy Day, Thronecoming, Spring Unsprung and Way Too Wonderland all feature this trope in all its splendor. Though Way Too Wonderland notes that the dresses are somewhat Impractically Fancy Outfits.
- Portmanteau Couple Name: Blondie refers to Ashlynn and Hunter as "Huntlynn" In-Universe.
- Pun: When four students find themselves at a frozen yogurt stand, they all get scared away by a spider who wanted to make the girls acknowledge that there is "web access".
- Punny Name: It's a Monster High spinoff, so this is inevitable.
- Race Against the Clock: Apple and Raven's quest in The Unfairest of Them All involves gathering ingredients for a quest that will prove Maddie's innocence, before she is permanently banished.
- Rage Against the Reflection: Apple does this in Dragon Games on the Evil Queen's Mirror, inadvertently freeing her.
- "Rashomon"-Style: The two-part pilot, with one episode from Apple's POV and one from Raven's. Interestingly, the scenarios change in the intros. For instance, in one, frog!Hopper is kissed and turns back into his human form, while in the other, he is rejected and turns back into a frog.
- Also after Legacy Day, when we first see the split between the Royals and Rebels take hold. The Royals seemingly remember Raven as ranting about how if she doesn't get the story she wants nobody should, while the Rebels recall Apple sounding borderline dictatorial about how everyone has to do what the story tells them. Neither is what actually happened, but it does a great job is illustrating both groups' standpoints.
- Ret-Gone: According to Headmaster Grimm, an Unreliable Expositor if there ever was one, failing to pledge your destiny means your story-and everyone in it-ceases to exist and is forgotten. Raven calls his bluff, but Apple and many of the Royals are concerned their stories-and their family and friends-will cease to be if the traditions aren't followed.
- Royal School: Not only about a half of the students are princes and princesses due to the fact their parents were this before them, but they call themselves "Royals",actually.
- Running Gag: Throughout all of Replacing Raven, the little pig says 'DUN NUN NUN' every time he does something 'evil'.
- Screw Destiny: A major point, and the Rebels' ultimate goal. Unofficial leader Raven just doesn't want to be evil. Runs into Both Sides Have a Point because there are (possible) consequences for this.
- Sealed Evil in a Can: Implied with a mirror in the Headmaster's office.
- Raven's mother herself is also trapped in a magic mirror, as revealed in her e-book.
- Sequel Hook: The end of the Thronecoming special shows the Wishing Well portal transported the Storybook of Legends to Wonderland, presumingly setting up the tale of Spring Unsprung.
- Sequel Episode: Spring Unsprung starts up where Thronecoming left off.
- Ship Tease:
- In Apple's Birthday Bake-Off, Raven says that she will make Apple's birthday cake with sugar, and cinnamon and a little bit of ''love''! Then in Thronecoming there is Apple telling Raven that she considered her a loved one. This is further emphasized in Spring Unsprung when Raven tells the corrupted Apple she's not acting like the Apple she knows and loves.
- Daring and Lizzie get some of this in the third book, as do Dexter and Raven. Lizzie and Daring in Next Top Villain get quite a lot of teasing, if mostly one sided.
- In Thronecoming, the popular Daring/Cerise ship finally gets some of this.
- Dexter and Raven get some in "Cupid Comes Clean...Kinda". note
- Dragon Games gave Apple/Darling huge traction, as Darling is the one to save Apple from the curse, not Daring.
- Epic Winter gives so much ship tease to Daring and Rosabella that they're practically an official couple by the end.
- Ship Sinking: Apple and Daring's couple status took a huge hit in Dragon Games when it turned out Daring was not Apple's destined prince. Epic Winter further hits the nail in the coffin when Daring in turned into a beast and Apple can't turn him back with a kiss.
- Shout-Out: Apple White's comments about sending the Rebels to their own Evil School in Maddie's flash back are a nod to the book series The School for Good and Evil which separates Fairy Tale characters in such a fashion. Another occurs in Spring Unsprung, when one of the Wonderland kids throws the apparently "useless beans" out of the dumpster and the beans grow into a huge beanstalk, an obvious reference to Jack and the Beanstalk.
- When Ramona Badwolf made her webisode introduction, her first words were: "Hello Cerise."
- While Rosabella Beauty is obviously the daughter of Beauty and the Beast, her design and name imply a connection to a different version of the famous couple.
- Sibling Yin-Yang: The Grimm brothers couldn't be more different. Besides being on opposite sides in the Royal/Rebel conflict and their conflicting colour schemes, Milton is stern, plump and well-groomed, while Giles is scruffy and thin, but very friendly. This is even reflected in their bases of operation: Milton's office is in a high tower and immaculate, while Giles' Vault of Lost Tales is underground and a chaotic mess.
- Sliding Scale Of Free Will Vs Destiny: This is pretty much the main source of conflict between the Royals and the Rebels.
- Sliding Scale of Shiny Versus Gritty: The show is on the shiny end of this. Few things aren't clean and pretty.
- Spinoff: From Monster High.
- Spanner in the Works: Maddie in The Storybook of Legends, given her ability to hear the Narrator and to communicate with Milton Grimm, which gives Raven the true story of what happened to Bella Sister.
- Stating the Simple Solution: Raven does this in one episode when the MirrorNet is down and points out they can talk about what they wanted to post. It gets subverted when Apple points out there's an online test that day for their Sadistic Teacher.
- Stealing the Credit: "Ashlynn's Fashion Frolic" introduces the eponymous character's step-cousins, who join the fashion show just to spite her. During their fashion run, they claim the whole event was their idea until it ends up backfiring when the countdown to noon (which they did not know about) turns their designer clothes into rags and Headmaster Grimm catches on what happened. As a result, Ashlynn's step-cousins had to clean up the mess they made.
- Stylish Protection Gear: In the winter episodes, the girls have fancy winter dresses trimmed with fur.
- Swapped Roles: In Thronecoming, the girls go inside a huge Storybook of Legends, in order to find missing pages of the real one. To do that, they have to look for them inside different books, but not knowing which story is which, they end up with jumbled roles:
- Apple becomes Sleeping Beauty, and falls prey to the sleeping curse. Fortunately, Briar comes to her rescue.
- Ashlynn becomes Pinocchio, strings and all.
- Blondie becomes the Mad Hatter, just in time to be chased by the Queen of Hearts' Court.
- Cupid becomes Cinderella, just as she loses her slipper and her carriage turns back into a pumpkin.
- Cedar becomes Goldilocks, just when the three bears are returning home.
- Maddie becomes Cupid, but is poor with a bow and arrow.
- Briar becomes the Evil Queen, and finds the poisoned Snow White (Apple) in the glass coffin.
- Raven becomes Snow White, and witnesses just how evil her destined role is, while the Evil Queen in disguise tries to force the poisoned apple on her.
- Terminally Dependent Society: The kingdoms rule Ever After according to the cycle of stories, guaranteeing people are who they are destined to be and nothing new or unscripted happens. The Evil Queen's conquest and Raven's rebellion, however, shake up this status quo. Headmaster Grimm can only double down on the legacy system, and no other adult figure can comprehend characters not following the fairy tales. In the book The Unfairest of Them All, Apple looks to the previous generation's royalty for solutions to the Royal/Rebel conflict, and is discouraged to realize they are kind of stupid and can't help her.
- Toyless Toyline Character: Happens quite a bit, oddly enough. Between some excellently-designed Backgrounders (who aren't even named), and the occasional named character with some importance (Melody Piper went two years without a doll; Hopper Croakington and Humphrey Dumpty still don't have them (and won't anymore, given the line's cancellation)), you'll find a lot of fans clamoring for dolls. Male characters especially suffer from this — Daring Charming was a character of great importance to the plot from the beginning (he was the most high-end of the male Royals, Dexter's brother, and believed to be Apple's betrothed in the future), yet didn't get a doll for the first three years of the franchise. Key villains like The Evil Queen, The Cheshire Cat and The Red Knight also go without dolls.
- Transformation Sequence: In Way Too Wonderland, when Lizzie, Maddie, Kitty, Raven, Apple and Briar are transported to Wonderland after Raven tries to undo her mother's curse, their dresses all turn into Wonderland-inspired fashion for no apparent reason (other than to sell toys, of course).
- Twice Shy:
- Dexter Charming has a lot of difficulty telling Raven he has a crush on her, even though she appears to return his feelings. His attempt to write Raven a love note ended up with her wrongly believing that Dexter is in a relationship with Cupid.
- The trope is also in full swing in regards to Bunny Blanc and Alistair Wonderland.
- Twin Switch: An unorthodox example happens between fraternal twins Dexter and Darling Charming in the book, A Semi-Charming Kind of Life. When Dexter gets sick, Darling secretly takes his place in a Heroics Class where a suit of armour is required, partially to save her brother's face with their Stage Parents, and partially so she can live her secret dream of being a Knight in Shining Armor.
- Uncanny Valley: Cedar's dolls normally suggest her puppet heritage with her lipstick, but her 2016 "total puppet" SDCC doll gives her wide eyes and a functional dummy-style jaw, which is much creepier than it probably should be. The donkey ears and long nose don't really help matters, either. There appears to be a slightly broken base between fans who love the doll and appreciate all the references to the original Pinocchio story, and those who think it's simply creepy. Since Cedar's situation is presented as a bad thing, it's possible that the uncanniness is intentional.
- Wham Episode:
- The Tale of Legacy Day where Raven refuses to sign the Storybook of Legends, and the official split between the Royals and the Rebels occurs.
- Thronecoming where it's revealed what was wrong with the Storybook of Legends. Turns out it has been a fake since the beginning. Raven's mother stole it while in school and hid it in her and Little Red Riding Hood's former dorm room (now Briar and Ashlynn's), meaning that actually, none of those who signed the book are chained to their destinies yet. Oh, and Briar finds the real book, throws it into the Wishing Well and it landed in Wonderland.
- Way Too Wonderland: The Evil Queen gives to Courtly a book on black magic, which is so powerful that can even surpass Raven. Because of this, Raven has no other option than to sign her page in the real Storybook of Legends to acquire her full powers, meaning that she bound herself to her destiny. On the bright side, Raven magically tears the pages of the book and fuses them with the students so, if any of them wants to follow their destiny they can, while those that don't now can't be forced.
- Dragon Games: Apple frees the Evil Queen from her mirror prison, and she almost manages to destroy Ever After High. It is revealed that Daring is not Apple's prince (and it's implied that it's actually Darling) and Apple understands that in order to find who she actually is and her place in the world, she needs to let go of her legacy and follow her heart.
- White Stallion: In the Selfors novels, Darling Charming receives a white stallion who represents both of her social personae. "Sir Gallopad", as she calls him, is a small and mild-mannered steed her parents chose because they wanted her to have a safe horse. He is also fast, utterly loyal to her, and (unbeknownst to her parents) capable of magic Chameleon Camouflage. Basically, he's the perfect horse for someone who spends half her time disguised as a knight.
- Wild Card: Quite a few characters are neither Rebel nor Royal. Dexter is officially a Royal, but expresses some rebellious attitudes in his mirror texts, and so is classed with neither on the character page. The Frog Prince is often seen with the Royals, but likewise tends to go along with Rebel plans like Cupid's True Hearts Day party. Kitty is also often shown with the Rebels in group shots but is really The Gadfly who will mess with either side as she wants. Courtly Jester is a literal wild card, daughter of the Wonderland court's Joker. She lacks a destiny altogether, and desperately wants to have a greater part.
- The Worf Effect: In Book Three, the Jabberwocky incapacitates most of the main cast, all of whom belong in a World of Badass, so that Maddie, Cedar, Kitty and Lizzie have to take over and save the day. It shows how dangerous the Jabberwocky is.
- World of Pun: In a similar vein to Monster High, if there's a fairy tale or magic-related pun to be made, they'll make it.
- Would Hurt a Child: Headmaster Milton Grimm. He's perfectly willing to condemn unwilling teenagers to fates that they don't want, all to preserve order. He was also going to banish Maddie to Neverland, even though it would Ret-Gone her story and trigger her allergies to pirates.
- You Can't Fight Fate: The reason Ever After High exists in the first place is to ensure even the children follow their parents' legacies.
- You Mean "Xmas": The world of Ever After has True Heart's Day for Valentine's Day and New Chapter Day for New Year's. EAH's Spring Fairest seems to be based on May Day.
- A rare example of a school holiday is present as Thronecoming is a stand-in for Homecoming.
- Your Approval Fills Me with Shame: Ashlynn starts questioning her True Hearts Day choice because not only are her friends concerned about her choice, but Duchess thinks it's a great idea. In the end she decides it doesn't matter and goes Rebel anyway.
- Raven feels like this every time her mother shows pride in, or approval for, Raven and her actions.