The DCU - TV Tropes
- ️Mon Mar 14 2022
Trademark Favorite Food in this franchise.
Comic Books
- Batman:
- The Robins all have their favorite foods.
- Dick Grayson loves cereal and pineapple pizza.
- Jason Todd loves chili dogs and bread. He also loves Neapolitan ice-cream.
- Tim Drake loves doughnuts. And potato chips. He's rarely seen eating anything else. When Damian gets temporarily locked up in a room (supposedly used by Tim normally) after his arrival at Wayne Manor, an opened bag of potato chips can be seen close to the big screen TV. As revealed in Robin (1993) #116, his favourite pizza topping is Canadian bacon and onion with artichoke hearts.
- Stephanie Brown, who went on to become Batgirl, seems to have a thing for waffles. However, her go-to comfort food is mashed potatoes.
- Damian Wayne also appears to enjoy cereal.
- Cassandra Cain became fond of assam tea after she moved to Blüdhaven. She also tends to down big meals with a glass of milk.
- Tom King attempted to give one to Alfred; cucumber sandwiches. In a bit of a twist, it isn't quite that Alfred is constantly eating them himself, but he insists on making them constantly for the other members of the Bat Family. The punchline being that nobody else really likes them very much except for Tim, but none of the others have the heart (or the nerve) to ask him to stop, even Bruce.
- The Robins all have their favorite foods.
- Doomsday Clock (2017): Rorschach II is deeply fond of Alfred's pancakes to the point that the butler literally cooks a batch to try and bribe him with after reading Kovacs' diary. It backfires horribly.
- Green Arrow (Oliver Queen) has had a thing about chili for decades. Rather spicy chili at that. Only he, Black Canary (his wife) and Batman have been able to take his personal recipe without trouble.
- Martian Manhunter loves Chocos, The DCU's lawyer-friendly equivalent to Oreos. He loves them to the point that when Blue Beetle and Booster Gold buy every Choco in the area, he turns into a raging monster. Turns out Chocos have a chemical reaction with Martian physiology equivalent to that of narcotic drugs with human physiology. Eventually, J'onn manages to bring it down by using his shapeshifting to excise the parts causing the addiction, but he still loves them, to the point where after his death in Final Crisis, Batman leaves a Choco on his grave.
- Superman:
- According to the Bronze Age, Superman's favorite food is beef bourguignon with ketchup. In the Injustice video game series it even counts as a Something Only They Would Say. Early 2000's comics vary on whether Superman is a vegetarian or not, and if he is he prefers peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, possibly a shoutout to a licensed Superman peanut butter from the 1960s and 1970s. In the 90's, he frequently mentioned that he liked his mom's rhubarb pie.
- Clark and Lois are mentioned as being very serious about the diet of their son Jon Kent, and limit how much junk food he eats. When he's away from parental supervision for any period of time, such as when he's hanging out with Damian, he tends to drink as much soda as he can get away with. When his folks are around, he's usually drinking milk.
- Lex Luthor loves cakes so much that he once stole forty when no one was looking. He took 40 cakes. That's as many as four tens, And That's Terrible!
- Pre-Crisis, Supergirl's favourite meal is Veal Marsala, as well as her cousin's Spanish Omlet.
- Power Girl and Christopher Kent seem to like bacon cheeseburgers, the latter lamenting that the former isn't there to make them when Kara describes making an authentic Kryptonian feast for a picnic in one comic.
- Watchmen: Rorschach is often seen eating sugar cubes, but given his personality, it's hard to know if he eats them out of like of the taste or simple need for something to give him energy easily. He also seems to be fond of raw eggs, and beans straight from the can. He is never seen eating anything cooked (though he sits in the Gunga Diner).
- Wonder Woman: Since 2011, Diana has developed a love of ice cream, which has made it into several adaptations (including the not-in-continuity Wonder World where a teenage Diana introduces her two guards to the treat).
- Batman Returns: The only food Oswald Cobblepot/The Penguin is ever seen eating is raw fish, fitting with him being a self-proclaimed animal.
- Superman: Brainiac Attacks: By his admission, Jimmy prefers cheeseburgers and chili fries.
Live-Action TV
- Batman (1966)
- Exaggerated — according to Batman, Egghead's diet consists eggsclusively of triple-A grade white eggs.
- Alphabet soup for Colonel Gumm, who goes so far as to add extra letters.
"This alphabet soup needs more consonants in it."
- Arrowverse:
- The Flash (2014):
- Dr Harrison Wells is very fond of the Big Belly Burger at the local mall, and can be seen enjoying takeout at various points during the series, including when imprisoned in the Pipeline after his true identity is revealed. It turns out that the reason he likes it so much is that they have run out of cows in the future.
- The Trickster I seems to have a thing for red licorice vines. Not unlike Stickybeard.
- Supergirl (2015):
- Kara Danvers loves donuts, potstickers and pizza.
- Maggie Sawyer, according to Alex, loves tiramisu.
- Nia Nial loves breakfast burritos.
- The Flash (2014):
- Lucifer (2016): Dan loves pudding cups, so much so that he almost kills Lucifer while under effects of a Hate Plague because Lucifer keeps stealing his puddings from the precinct fridge. Dan's daughter Trixie loves chocolate cake. When Dan needs to bribe her into doing something he promises Trixie she can have chocolate cake every day for a year.
Western Animation
- The Batman (2004): Despite that a lifetime supply of Kremelos didn't make up for his perceived humiliation, Arthur Brown/Cluemaster admits they're moist and delicious.
- DC Animated Universe:
- Batman: The Animated Series:
- Killer Croc is fond of chicken (as shown in "Love Is a Croc"), though he prefers it raw and can eat four or five whole ones in one sitting, each in one bite.
- Harvey Bullock is often seen munching on donuts.
- Richie of Static Shock is once bribed out of important information for cheeseburgers ("With grilled onions!", he later bemoans).
- Batman: The Animated Series:
- Teen Titans (2003):
- Beast Boy is borderline obsessive about tofu. He's down on meat in general since, as an animal-based shape-shifter he has "Been most of those animals" and the thought of eating them squicks him out.
- Cyborg is equally keen on meat, causing vast amounts of pointless arguing over pizza toppings. As Raven put it in The Abridged Series: "Oh yeah, THIS won't get repetitive!" Pizza also has a very special place, but everyone on the team loves it.
- Starfire drinks mustard like most people drink soda. This is just one of the many weird things she does because she's an alien.