Freezair For A Limited Time - TV Tropes
- ️Mon Jun 07 2010
Is a twentysomething troper in the vague direction of Arizona. Loves to write, and really, really needs to go over her pseudo-novel and clean out some of the artifacts of her... less-good-writing days. Naturally, she loves TV Tropes because it helps her with her writing, and even serves as a profound source of inspiration.
According to her friends, family, and accquaintances, she knows "something about everything", and as such, adds lots of different kinds of examples to the Wiki. (To herself, she feels pretty dumb compared to other people.) She's familiar with a pretty wide range of "stuff," from the most Trope Overdosed shows out there to obscure children's books. In particular, she adds stuff from Nintendo games, 90's animated movies (and Pixar), and random fantasy novels. (Yet, oddly enough, has not read anything in The Wheel Of Time or A Song Of Ice And Fire.)
Among her cohorts, she is the Gamer Chick, Insufferable Geniusnote , The Snark Knight, and occasionally the Lovable Coward and Covert Pervert. She finds it hilarious that she is also apparently very desirable among tropers.
Tropes I Am Responsible For Proposing
Tropes I YKTTW'd (I didn't launch some, though):
- Use Your Head
- Orphanage of Fear
- May–December Romance: It just felt like one of those things we should have, y'know?
- Greasy Spoon: I realized we had no trope to describe the truck stop in The Emperors New Groove, despite it being one of those Seen It A Million Times things.
- Robot Maid
- Amazing Technicolor Population
- Purely Aesthetic Era
- Photo Montage
- Tree Buchet
- Stock Video Game Puzzle
- Heart Container
- We Sell Everything
- Go for the Eye
- Pages Needing Wicks
- Self-Fanservice
- Fartillery
- Wonder Child
- Antidisestablishmentarianism
- Pages Needing Example Sorting
- Lantern Jaw of Justice
- Lyrical Shoehorn (though it's probably one of my worst pages)
- Helpful Mook
- Mook Bouncer
- An Interior Designer Is You
- Call a Smeerp a "Rabbit"
- People Farms
- Cartoon Cheese
- Episodic Game
- Video Game Flight
- Quintessential British Gentleman
- Strawberry Shorthand
- Happily Adopted
- Pop-Star Composer: Inspired by the Nostalgia Chick: "Is it just me, or does this movie seem like a dumping ground for songs David Bowie didn't want on any of his albums?"
- Panspermia
- Infinity +1 Element
- Triumphant Reprise
- Racing Minigame
- Adorkable
- Alternate Animal Affection
- Impossibly Delicious Food
- Watch Out for That Tree!
- Adaptation Explanation Extrication
- 2½D
- Random Effect Spell
Pages I Only Launched
Other Stuff
Other largish odds and ends I've done:
- Responsible for getting So Bad Its Horrible moved to Darth Wiki
- Split Crowning Moment Of Funny into its respective pages from a single article
- Got Sugar Wiki addicted to "Pollyanna
- Launched the character page for Paper Mario
- Launched the character page Spyro the Dragon
- Made an Awesome Music page for Rayman
- Made an Awesome Music page for Opoona
- Made an Awesome Music page for Vexx
WORKS PAGES I ADDED (Broken down into categories)
Video Games
- Forty Winks
- Banjo Kazooie
- Bonsai Barber
- Candy box!
- Chibi Robo
- Dewy's Adventure
- Diddy Kong Racing
- Dragon Seeds
- Dokapon Kingdom
- Eien No Filena
- Eternal Eyes
- Icycle
- Jett Rocket
- Guilty Party
- Mad World
- Magic Pengel
- Mini Ninjas
- Mission In Snowdriftland
- Monster Racers
- Monster Rancher (Sort of: It was there as a stub, and I gave it a total overhaul)
- Mushroom Men
- Ni No Kuni
- Panel De Pon
- Rabbids Go Home
- Rocket Robot On Wheels
- Scribblenauts
- Scaler
- Seiklus
- Shantae
- Snowpack Park
- Water Warfare
- Wandering Willows
- One Hundred Cupboards
- Abarat
- The Beyonders
- Brave Story
- The Candy Shop War
- Dark Lord Of Derkholm (Created the original description/tropes list before it was a separate page)
- Dragons
- Erec Rex
- Fablehaven
- Falcon Quinn
- Five Kingdoms
- The Hounds Of The Morrigan
- The Magids (See Dark Lord Of Derkholm)
- Pillage
- The Secret Of Castle Cant
- Septimus Heap
- Song in the Silence
- Stone Fox
- Wizards Hall
Movies and TV
- Animal Crossing (The movie, not the game)
- Fighting Foodons
- Guardian Fairy Michel (technically Korean Animation, but it did have a Japanese producer)
- Ni No Kuni (kind of counts as both this and a video game)
- Stitch
- Twin Signal
- Hyperbole And A Half (blog)
- Gourmet Gaming (blog)
- Gronk (webcomic)
- Living With Monster Girl (Webcomic... doujinshi... hentai... thing)
- Lucahjin (Let's Play-er)
- Magi Nation (TCG)
- Muse Magazine (Magazine)
- Pcull44444 (Let's Play-er)
Entry Pimp Stuff
Stuff I Entry Pimp:
- Psychonauts, although there seem to be some surprisingly dedicated fans of it here. Thus, I often find good Psychonauts examples taken. D'awww. (Alternatively, D'artagnan.)
- Beyond Good And Evil. I think I've added over half its examples by now. If you see an example from this game somewhere, it has an almost 90% likelihood of having been added or tweaked in some fashion by me, to the point where I'm more surprised to see examples from it that I didn't add. I need a hobby.
- Chibi Robo. Made the page for it, too.
- Monster Rancher. Somebody needs to love this series... Looks like it has to be me, since I almost single-handedly populated it.
- Banjo-Kazooie. How did we get a trope named after one of its levels, and all those examples, without giving it a page?
- Magi Nation. I recently rediscovered all my old cards. Nostalgia overwhelemed me, and I couldn't help myself.
- Diana Wynne Jones. Just the author in general. (If I hear another random Internet-goer use the name "Hauru", I'ma cap some-bod-ay.)
- Fossil Fighters, because dinosaurs are awesome.
- Various Harvest Moon games, especially DS (Cute) and/or Animal Parade. Repeated references to Carter are because I married him in Cute.
- The Legend Of Zelda, Metroid, and other Nintendo odd's bods
- lee4hmz: Hi Freezy, just thought I'd drop by and say something cute pithy here. Something pithy...c'mon, brain, I know you can do it...bleh. Maybe I need more sleep. Oh well. *hugs*
- Hi Freezy :D - Spain Sun
- How dare you be so consistently awesome? - Skarmory The PG
- Made Of Win personified! —a vandal
- Yes, yes, yes! Watson, you're brilliant! -Tofu
- I just read your post on "Odd Confessions" about Charles. It's brilliant! Thanks for providing me with a good laugh! ~ Sunny V
- You are certainly a nice person. - English Ivy
- *shakes your contributor page*-Ponicalica
- Unclickable blue text. -harmattane
- O HAI. -Charlatan
- It feels good to say what I want
It feels good to knock things down It feels good to see the disgust in their eyes It feels good and I'm gonna go wild
Spray paint the walls! - -FieryGunHand
- I find you to be cool - Bold as Love
- Hi! I know you! You're that cool person! =D -Sporkaganza
- Greetings fellow Arizonan. YYZ a/k/a Jakes Brain
Thanks for being my liveblog partner, dood. Thanks for suffering through Dingo Pictures with me. It makes it worth it. :') ~ Pirka
- Hi. Just wanted to say I like "A Charlie Brown Christmas" also. It's a Christmas classic for TV. Also, I believe life is better with friends, not enemies. (8^) -AlBundyFan365
- OMG EEGEES. They are the best thing. Tho I am usually boring and just get the lemon flavor.note -Merton
- Thanks for the Harvest Moon suggestion. You seem like a neat person. :) -snailbait
- When a troper gets her own quotes page and nobody objects, you can just tell that she's awesome. -The Hero Hartmut
- Anyone who entry pimps Chibi Robo deserves a cookie in my book.-DrStarky
- I still have no idea what's in that thread you made about me, but the mere fact that you're planning something— a conspiracy! >w>— tells me that you are made of crowning moments. Of awe-inspiring awesomeness. You rock, ma'am. -D Jay 32
- Anyone promoting A Charlie Brown Christmas is aces on my book. - Amused Troper Guy
I Blame TV Tropes For My Addiction To The Following:
Just for Fun, here is a list of tropes that I have used in my own writing.
In my original fantasy stories:
- Arthur Dent: Ran's nonmagical mother, Alicia Cole, who also becomes the Team Mom to the protagonists.
- Book Of Shadows: The Griffin Family... Book of Shadows. Gee, you think?
- Buffy Speak: Ran is full of it, as is Apollo occasionally.
- The Clan: The various magical "Families." Of course, some of them take their clannishness more seriously than others.
- Crystal-Ball Scheduling: The episodes of the Laser Lady TV series. Lampshaded at one point, when Ran says:
"I always found this show allegorical, for some reason."
- Disney Death: Dax. Except he comes back... evil.
- Drill Sergeant Nasty: Igor is a borderline case.
- Eldritch Abomination: The Dark Archons.
- Embarrassing Middle Name: "Galadriel." (Ran's mom is a real Geek.)
- Fake Memories: Several characters, though I'm not saying who.
- Fantasy Kitchen Sink: Because even I like to play by the Rule of Cool.
- Five-Man Band:
- The Hero: Nikolai "Nick" Griffin (Sometimes he and Ran swap places, and he becomes The Lancer)
- The Lancer: Ran Cole (Sometimes she and Nick swap places, and she becomes The Hero)
- The Big Guy: Alexander "Alex" Phoenix
- The Smart Guy: Samantha (Nick also counts, but Samantha is even smarter than he is)
- The Chick (Non-Action Guy): Apollo Sun
- Gender-Blender Name: Sasha is male, though he admits, before his transformation into a MacGuffin Girl, that he doesn't really have a set sex.
- Genre Savvy: Apollo Sun, quite literally. He reads lots of fantasy novels—or as mages call it, "ma-fi" (magical fiction).
- Happily Married: Saradeana and Cosmo. Even though they fight (frequently), they admit, "We'd do each other more harm by keeping our feelings bottled up, anyway."
- Head Pet: Samantha, sometimes.
- Heroic BSoD: I think all the main cast members have had one so far.
- Ho Yay: Nick is canonically gay, so Ho Yay is natural and endorsed.
- Instant Expert: Subverted to hell and back. Naïve Newcomer Ran tries a lot of "big" spells, but always does them wrong—she badly injures herself doing so more than once.
- Insufferable Genius: Nick Griffin, full stop.
- Imaginary Friend: In the first "book," before Sasha becomes a MacGuffin Girl. (MacGuffin Man, actually.)
- Is It Always Like This?: During a Food Fight sequence:
Ran: Do these happen often?
Apollo: On "bad food days?" With frightening frequency.
- I Owe You My Life: Lampshaded and spoofed with a young dragon named "Blinky." He's a Small, Annoying Creature in the worst way, but he luckily ends up an Androcles' Lion.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Alex, though good luck seeing the "heart of gold" part.
- Jumped at the Call: Nick and Ran, even though there wasn't explicitly a "call" to begin with. Until they found out...
- The Call Left a Message: As it turns out, it's been the job of the Head of the Griffin Family to manage the Wordkeepers all along, and a "watchward" was provided for that purpose.
- Knight Templar: The Agency, or at least a significant portion of them. The rest are usually Punch Clock Villains.
- Lampshade Hanging: Genre Savvy Apollo does this all the time—usually to point out why trying to Save The World is a bad idea.
- Laser-Guided Amnesia: The powers of a rare kind of mage called a Forget-Me-Not, which is also what Ran is.
- The Libby: Subverted. There are a trio of nasty, petty, "glamorous" girls—who are almost universally despised for being nasty and petty. They're only popular among their Girl Posse.
- MacGuffin Girl: Sasha and Connie and three others without names yet.
- Magical Land
- The Masquerade: Only it's not such a masquerade, as there's no penalty for telling normals. But considering the Knight Templar are out to kill you, it's not such a good idea to tell everyone what you are.
- Mayfly–December Romance: Mages (who live to be about 300) regularly fall in love with "mortals" (ordinary lifespan). As Zeki does with Ran's mom.
- Meaningful Name: Everyone, because mages have an obsession with Meaningful Names.
- Mentors: Lots of them:
- Cantella Scroll, the "main" mentor, is a cross between The Dumbledore and The Obi-Wan.
- Samantha, who is an Old Master and sometimes The Professor.
- Seamus, who is generally Mr. Exposition.
- Also, to a lesser extent, Zeki, Lincoln, and the other "cool" teachers. I guess Adults Aren't So Useless after all...
- Me's a Crowd: Ran's "Family Spell," which creates five separate Rans.
- Must Have Lots of Free Time: Cantella, though she admits that she considers the heroes her plain-old-regular friends.
- Naïve Newcomer: Ran, though she learns pretty quickly. Not quickly enough, though...
- Noodle Implements: Used when describing the plot of a Le Film Artistique that Ran and Apollo both hated:
Apollo: ...and honestly I hated that crazy French movie about the guy in love with his second cousin from Düsseldorf, thank you very much, but Oak won?t shut up about the damn thing!
Ran: Oh, God, the one with the guy who sounded like a German Elmer Fudd?
Apollo: And he had that crazy fetishistic thing about dressing up like a milkman!
- Noodle Incident: "The candle incident" is something that apparently happened between the first two books. The characters refuse to divulge what actually happened during it.
- Oh, Crap!: Ruri Glacier in the Battle Royale of the first "book."
- Our Monsters Are Different: And all its related subtropes.
- Our Souls Are Different: Stars are ensouled. You do NOT want to mess with the spirit of a star.
- Overly Long Name: Nick's full name, which has something like 12 components.
- Pardon My Klingon: "Jet'vsabu!" Metaphorically, it means "vomit." Literally, it tranlates to "pumpkin innards."
- Pass the Popcorn: Genre Savvy Apollo demands to know what happens when largely Genre Blind Nick gets introduced to Harry Potter books.
- Power Perversion Potential: A frequent subject among my co-author, beta readers, and I.
- Psychopathic Manchild: Dax in every "book" after the first one.
- Reasonable Authority Figure: Cantella.
- Sealed Evil in a Can: The five Words of Power, which eventually get turned into MacGuffin Girl sidekicks to the Big Bad.
- Ship Tease: I enjoy playing with my pre-readers.
- Shout-Out: I'm a geek. They happen.
- Slow Clap: Lampshaded. When Apollo makes what he assumes is a Whoopi Epiphany Speech and doesn't get one, he complains: "Where's my slow clap?"
- Start of Darkness: The epilogue of the first "book." At first it seems like a Downer Ending, but it isn't. The chapter epigram makes the whole thing rather Anvilicious.
- Straight Gay: Nick, The Hero. He does cook well, however, leading his Lancer Ran to tease him—he retorts by saying that it has nothing to do with being gay, and everything to do with the fact that Real Men Wear Pink.
- Trademark Favorite Food: Ran and gum. Vast tracks of gum. So much gum, she occasionally renders herself unintelligable chewing it. So much gum, it's a kind of unofficial currency between her and her friends.
- Tsundere: Saradeana Falconer is a Tsundere all grown up and put in charge of a school. (Lord have mercy on her poor student's souls!)
- Uncanny Valley Girl: Sabeen, one of the Girl Posse to The Libby.
- Villains Out Shopping: Also, Villains At The Mall and Villains Getting Fast Food.
- Weaksauce Weakness: Magnetism. A large-enough magnetic field can severly weaken or knock out a mage.
- Witch Doctor: Toyed with. There's a "vivimage" ("healer" or general magical doctor) whose nametag introduces him as "COSMO FOXGLOVE, W.D."
- Wizarding School: The James Falconer Academy. "In-world," it was initially a bit of a subversion when it was first founded, as it wasn't supposed to teach magic at all—merely to be a place where mage students could be themselves without having to maintain The Masquerade all the time. However, magic crept into the curriculum anyway.
- Words Can Break My Bones: The plot of the "series" is based around five magical words of power that were so strong, they had to be destroyed.
Stuff in progress that I'm working on; probably not interesting to you
Major Characters
Banjo the Honey Bear
One of the two heroes of the series, and the one who does most of the legwork. For the most part, Banjo is an easygoing, not-always-very-bright bear whose biggest loves in life are good food, good naps, and, for reasons that are difficult to fathom, hanging out with Kazooie. However, he's not beyond adventuring, especially if a witch is threatening to cut into his relaxation time!
- Big Brother Instinct: Even if he's not the most adventurous sort, he'll still do whatever it takes to save Tooty.
- Dumb Muscle: He gets a little smarter with each passing game, being almost up to Kazooie levels of snark in Nuts and Bolts.
- Genre Savvy: He becomes this in Tooie, but almost in a Genre Blind way. If that makes sense. (Being Genre Savvy is just sort of the way people are in the Banjoverse, and most of them aren't really Genre Savvy that they're Genre Savvy except Kazooie.)
- Non-Action Guy: Most of the time, but he can be brave and daring when he needs to be.
- Trademark Favorite Food: Honey, of course. It even heals him!
- Vague Age: He seems to be old enough to live by himself, but he doesn't age significantly between Tooie and Nuts and Bolts despite ten years passing. His voice gets deeper between Kazooie and Tooie; maybe he hit puberty?
- Vitriolic Best Buds: Him and Kazooie, of course.
- Vocal Evolution: Sports a much deeper voice in Tooie, and every game after. Possibly he grew up a little.
Banjo's best friend is a breegull—specifically, a Red Crested Breegull, and most of the time, she lives in his backpack. Unlike him, she is often chomping at the bit for adventure, and unlike him, she's very, very snarky and often rude. Despite this, she's not all bad, and if you hurt Banjo under her watch, there will be hell to pay.
- Action Girl: Definitely!
- Butt-Monkey: The world seems to enjoy using her as not just a punching bag, but a weapon.
- Deadpan Snarker: Oh yes. So very much.
- Feather Fingers: Has them in Nuts and Bolts.
- Genki Girl: In the first game, although she was still snarky, she was surprisingly much more earnest—she genuinely seemed to be enjoying her adventure, and had fun. In Tooie and afterwards, she's much more rude.
- Jumped at the Call: "Come on, Banjo, I want to go on an adventure!"
- Tertiary Sexual Characteristics: She had absolutely none until Nuts and Bolts, causing much Viewer Gender Confusion. When she got redesigned, she picked up long eyelashes, more ornate "hair," and feminine curves.
- Viewer Gender Confusion: Oh yes. Rude, crude, and the physical powerhouse of the pair? Hello, confusion!