Luc - TV Tropes
- ️Sat Sep 25 2010
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But anyway:
Pages that I created that I'm personally proud of:
- A Guide to Easy Launching of Your TLP (Originally, A Guide To Easy Launching Of Your YKTTW)
- List Of Shows That Need Summary (Inspired by the fact that I suck at writing summaries of fiction, and wanted an article for In Nomine and It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia (the latter because I wanted to know if it was worth seeing.))
- Canonical List of Subtle Trope Distinctions (I didn't know what the difference between some tropes were, and wanted an article to explain such.)
- Tropey the Wonder Dog (The name wasn't mine, but I did write the description, which I am proud of)
- Playing With Wiki, along with the basic template thereof. (I figured that the old forum game was actually a better use of Wiki resources then Haiku-Wiki, after seeing Haiku-Wiki.)
- I provided the name for Grey-and-Gray Morality
- Exactly What It Says on the Tin (Inspired, IIRC, by Snakes on a Plane's strong draw of being such)
- Wrong Genre Savvy (Particularly inspired by a combination of a scene in Tales of MU and a character in The Amazing Maurice And His Educated Rodents)
- A boatload of Laconic Wiki entries.
- Trope Codifier (Inspired by the fact that people were complaining that Dungeons & Dragons didn't qualify for the title of Trope Maker for the Standard Fantasy Setting, and yet it occupied a position equivalent to a a Trope Maker in the history of said meta-setting.)
Proud enough to take credit for having started (both YKTTW and launched), but not proud enough to feature in the list above, listed in random order:
- "What Now?" Ending (Inspired by Buffy and The Shield both having a bunch of these no-cliffhanger cliffhangers)
- Only in Florida
- Universal-Adaptor Cast (Originally, Commedia Dell Arte Troupe) (Inspired by some of the more bizarre variations in Ramna 1/2 AU fanfic I've seen)
- Fair-Play Whodunnit
- Loads and Loads of Races (Inspired by the Elder Scrolls and Warlords Battlecry series.)
- John Munch (As the trope says, it's his appearance in the French version of Law And Order Criminal Intent that tipped him over into a trope of his own.)
- Strawman Has a Point (Originally, The Strawman Strikes Back)
- Should We Have This? (I asked this frequently in my YKTT Ws.)
- Wanton Cruelty to the Common Comma
- Fashion Dissonance
- In-Universe Marketing
- So You Want To/Make A Joke About The So You Want To Namespace
- Sliding Scale of Antagonist Vileness
- Villains Act, Heroes React
- Played for Drama
- Fantastic Sapient Species Tropes
- Videogame Objectives (Originally, What Measure Is An Objective)
- Fishing Minigame
- Caustic Critic (As the original YKTTW states, the inspiration for this one was Zero Punctuation, which clearly had a parent genre of some kind.)
- Standard Fantasy Setting (Originally, ISO Standard Fantasy Setting)
- Ban on Politics
- Sympathetic Murderer (an obvious corollary to Asshole Victim)
- The Horde
- The Theorem Of Narrow Interests
- Discussed Trope (From what I recall, this was CSI's fault; in particular, their treatment of Arsenic in one episode.)
- Conspiracy Kitchen Sink (Inspired by Illuminatis and Deus Ex.)
- Video Game Difficulty Tropes (A spin-off of Classic Video Game "Screw You"s, when I realized that there wasn't an Index for difficulty.)
- Regenerating Shields, Static Health (I played Alpha Protocol and Borderlands relatively soon after one another, and realized we didn't have an article on this surprisingly common Health system.)
- The Man in the Mirror Talks Back (And yes, the name is a Michael Jackson reference.)
- Less Disturbing in Context
- Makes Just as Much Sense in Context (The name came first for this one.)
- Example Sectionectomy (I had launched Pet-Peeve Trope, and noticed several other tropes that had "No Examples, Please")
- The Problem with Pen Island
- Entertainingly Wrong (Inspired by a fanfic, Inviolate, where Lex Luthor concludes that Bruce Wayne is backing Batman, but also assumes that Batman is Matches Malone)
- Decoy Trial (originally, Trial Of Somebody Besides The Defendant)
- The Gimmick
- Trope Grid
- Heel–Face Revolving Door (Inspired by Magneto.)
- Sliding Scale of Villain Effectiveness (In launching Sliding Scale of Antagonist Vileness, I noticed a gap in our sliding scales.)
- Zig-Zagging Trope (Inspired by an example in Asshole Victim that was both inverted and played straight.)
- Trans Gender Tropes (Mainly created so that there would be perfectly valid redirects at Transvestite Tropes and TG Tropes.)
- Obvious Crossover Method
- Audience Reactions (originally, Audience Reaction Tropes) (I noticed that there were tropes that weren't quite objective, and weren't quite subjective)
- Insane Troll Logic (Originally intended to act as a release valve for You Fail Logic Forever (Back when it was You Fail Logic Forever), which was preposterously large at the time.)
- Russian Roulette
- Franchise Original Sin
- Epic Riff (I noticed we were missing this. I take no responsibility for the sheer awfulness that the example section became, although in retrospect, a preemptive Example Sectionectomy would not have been amiss.)
- Did You Just Romance Cthulhu? (I noticed that "Did You Just Suck Off Cthulhu" in Tropes That Will Never Happen had enough examples that it could be a trope on its own, so I YKTT Wed it.)
- Difficulty Levels
- Stock Monster Symbolism
- Cool, but Stupid
- Grappling with Grappling Rules (Inspired by Darths & Droids coverage of the topic.)
- In Dex Machina
- Unreliable Expositor (Inspired in particular by the fact that the Batman Beyond example wasn't covered by Unreliable Narrator.)
- God Never Said That
- Bit-Part Bad Guys
- The Stations of the Canon (Inspired, as the description implies, by reading a lot of Harry Potter fanfiction. I think this one was particularly inspired by Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality and a fic called "School Spirit", both of which had very unusual Sorting Hat Scenes, and made me realize that there was a very particular formula to "different Harry Potter" fics.)
- Sliding Scale of Proactiveness
- Non-Malicious Monster (Inspired by King Kong.)
- Asshole Victim
- That One Rule (Inspired by realizing that Grappling with the Grappling Rules lacked a parent trope.)
- Adventure-Friendly World (Inspired by the realization that Warhammer is the way it is because of such considerations.)
- Audience Surrogate
- Sliding Scale of Fourth Wall Hardness
- Classic Video Game "Screw You"s (Inspired by the realization that I Wanna Be The Guy was merely a listing of such developer dick moves.)
- The War on Straw (I noticed that we had a lot of tropes about Strawmen. The name is not mine.)
- Hypocrisy Nod
- Sliding Scale of Proactiveness
- Writers Suck (Inspired in particular by the CSI episode mentioned in the trope.)
- Pot Holing of Writers Suck led to Bad Writing
- Basic Mystery Classes
- Trope Enjoyment Loophole (Inspired by the realization that As Good as It Gets was a case of Why Do You Hate The Dog, but that it avoids the usual pitfalls of that particularly Fridge Horror heavy trope.)
- Reimagining the Artifact (Not gonna lie: Inspired by the Battlestar Galactica reboot, mixed with Krypto The Superdog.)
- Vampire Detective Series (The trope was inspired by the realization that the then running show New Amsterdam qualified as such)
- Older Than the NES (I noticed we lacked an Oldest Ones in the Book index for video games, and sought to correct that.)
- Intended Audience Reaction (originally, They Plotted a Perfectly Good Waste)
I've also launched but not YKTT Wed a few tropes: