Alex's Mobs - TV Tropes
- ️Sun Sep 12 2021
A small handful of the 80+ mobs the mod adds.
Alex's Mobs is a Game Mod made for Minecraft, created by alex_khaannote , Carro1001, and LudoCrypt. It is one of the most expansive mods created for version 1.19, the Wild Update.note
As its name suggests, it sets out to add new mobs, based off both Real Life and fantastical creatures, to the game. What sets the mod apart is how the developers take extra care to make the mobs as "vanilla-esque" as possible, meaning that they don't feel out of place in the world of Minecraft. Additionally, every single mob added has a purpose; none of the mobs are purely added for window-dressing, though they do help make the game's environments feel more alive.
The first version of Alex's Mobs was released on December 7th, 2020. Initially adding only 18 mobs, the mod has grown to add a whopping 89 creatures to the game as of version 1.22, with more being planned for future updates.
You can download the mod from CurseForge here. Note that it requires Citadel, a library all of alex_khaan's mods use, to function.
Compare Mo' Creatures, an older mod that also added a variety of new creatures of Minecraft, and what many consider Alex's Mobs to be a Spiritual Successor to. Compare and contrast Lycanite's Mobs, which also adds several new mobs but does so in its own fashion.
Alex would go on to create another mod with a focus on new cave biomes called Alex's Caves.
Alex's Mobs exemplifies the following tropes:
- Abnormal Ammo:
- The player can craft a Pocket of Sand from a Guster Eye, allowing them to weaponize sand as a ranged weapon.
- A Blood Sprayer can be crafted from Nether Bricks and the proboscis and blood sacs from a Crimson Mosquito. It uses blood, specifically from Crimson Mosquito Sacs, as ammo. The Hemolyph Blaster is similar, but uses Hemolyph Sacs instead.
- Achievement Mockery: Some of the advancements are rewarded for getting harmed by a mob, such as "Should've Gone For The Head"note , and "Mine? Mine? Mine?"note .
- Acrofatic: The Bunfungus, despite being very portly, is capable of hopping as fast as a regular rabbit when hunting down monsters.
- Adam and Eve Plot: There are only a small handfulnote of Devils Hole Pupfish in the world, and they only spawn within a single chunk. Players can have them reproduce by placing moss blocks in the water they live in, as they'll sometimes enter love mode while feeding off of the moss.
- Albinos Are Freaks: There is a very slim chance of finding a white albino lobster. Inverted with the black/melanistic lobster, which is also very rare.
- Alien Blood: The Hemolyph Blaster shoots blue blood, derived from Hemolyph Sacs, as ammo.
- Alluring Flowers: Acacia Blossoms, which are acquired by breaking acacia leaves are special flowers that can be used to tame and breed Elephants. They can also be used to breed Gazelles and Tigers, are one of the flowers that can be used to breed Hummingbirds and Bees, and are one of the many flowers that can be used to tame Flutters.
- Ambiguously Related: While the book does claim that the mungi are related to guardians is a bit questionable. And even though have many things in common, one has to keep in mind that one is a fungus and the other is fish.
- American Eagle: The advancement given for taming a bald eagle is called "Freedom Intensifies".
- Amphibian Assault: Downplayed with the Warped Toad, but they are capable of defending themselves should they feel threatened.
- Amphibian at Large: The Warped Toad is so large that it is possible to ride on their backs.
- An Ice Person: An ice dinosaur in the Froststalker's case, as it will shoot its ice spikes to attack. They can regain their spikes by dipping into cold water.
- Animal Eye Spy: By giving a tamed bald eagle a Falconry hood and using a Falconry glove, the player can directly control their eagle, getting a bird's eye view of the surrounding area. They can also target enemies more easily even though they are technically blind.
- Animalistic Abomination: The Void Worm is an eerie-looking, giant worm-like... thing that makes equally scary noises and can only be summoned by throwing a Crimson Mosquito Larvae that has been put in a Capsid Block into the vast void that is The End. It can be split into multiple different worms if its body is attacked, and can create portals to slip away only to return and attack. The latter ability implies that it is some sort of interdimensional parasite.
- Animals Not to Scale: Some of the animals, especially the arthopods, are a lot bigger than their Real Life counterparts. The most egregious example is the Mantis Shrimp, which goes up to the player's knees, while actual mantis shrimps are barely bigger than a pointer finger.
- Animation Bump: The animations of the new mobs in general are much more fluid than that of most of the vanilla Minecraft mobs. Special mention goes to the Anaconda and Cave Centipede mob, both of whom smoothly slither up and down blocks.
- Anti-Frustration Features:
- Alex's Mobs has an extensive config file, letting the players control spawns, as well as some of the game's features, as they please. Even moreso if the player installs Configured
, which gives a configuration GUI to the mod.
- Gustmakers, which can be crafted with Guster Eyes, are simple-to-use redstone blocks that, when activated, shoot small gusts of wind that carry mobs and items a certain distance. These can be used to automate mob farms much easier, without having to deal with any fickle water physics.
- Crows have the ability to place certain items in marked chests, making them great for automating farms.
- The Wandering Trader will occassionally sell items from the mod, including hard-to-get and/or late-game ones. This also makes the Wandering Trader actually worth seeking out.
- Alex's Mobs has an extensive config file, letting the players control spawns, as well as some of the game's features, as they please. Even moreso if the player installs Configured
- Armored, but Frail: Rocky Rollers have low health compared to other hostile monsters, but make up for it with their high armor points.
- Artificial Stupidity: Flying mobs have a bad habit of getting stuck in structures. Due to their small size and tendency to gather items on the ground, crows are by far the worst offenders.
- Awesome, but Impractical: The Hemolyph Blaster is a powerful, rapid-fire gun... that needs to be crafted from the uncommon Organ Drops of a powerful miniboss that is already difficult to summon. It also requires Mimicream to craft, which requires the player to travel all the way to the End, find an End City and kill a Mimicube to obtain. Once it's crafted, you'll likely get to use it for two rounds at most before it runs out of ammo, mandating the player to summon and kill another Warped Mosco. This can be somewhat mitigated if the player enables it to be repaired with Mimicream in the config, but not much. However, you can enchant it with Mending and Unbreaking to make it usable for much longer.
- Bandit Mook:
- Wild raccoons will raid chests when looking for food, and both wild and tamed ones will occasionally attack villagers to steal their trading stock.
- Seagulls will steal food from the player's inventory if it's in their hotbar.
- Bears Are Bad News:
- Downplayed with grizzly bears. They usually leave the player alone, but if one gets too close to it (especially if they have a cub), then they'll attack. They can be tamed, however.
- Played straight with the dropbears, even if they're based off of koalas, which aren't true bears. These demonic marsupials will patiently wait on top of the ceilings of Nether Wastes for an unsuspecting player to pass by, before dropping down to deal heavy damage.
- Beary Friendly: If the player manages to tame a grizzly bear with honeycomb and salmon, then they'll get a loyal mount that can attack hostile mobs and occassionally shed their hair, which has a variety of uses.
- Big Creepy-Crawlies: Many of the arthopods are much larger than in Real Life. Special mention goes to the Void Worm, which is a huge interdimensional worm.
- Bloody Murder: The Blood Sprayer is a gun that uses blood from the sacs of a Crimson Mosquito as ammunition. The Hemolyph Blaster, its upgraded form, is a stronger version that uses Hemolyph Sacs as ammo instead.
- Blow You Away: Gusters attack by shooting small sand tornadoes, which catch and blow away the player. If the player obtains a Guster Eye from slaying one, then they can create a Gustmaker, a redstone device that also shoots small tornadoes (albeit non-damaging ones).
- Bottomless Pit Rescue Service: If tamed, a Cosmaw will grab its owner if they fall into the void of the End, saving them from certain doom.
- Boulder Bludgeon: Capuchin monkeys attack by throwing rocks.
- Captain Ersatz: The Warped Mosco is quite literally a blue, generically-named Buzzwole.
- Cartoon Creature: The Mungi don't resemble any Real Life animal or mythological creature (except for a certain race of small spacemen), making them some of the most bizarre creatures added to the mod.
- Cats Are Mean:
- Tigers are hostile and will attack on sight. However, feed them three pieces of raw chicken or pork and they will grant you the Tiger's Blessing, which protects you from their wrath and makes them fight for you.
- Downplayed with Snow Leopards. They don't attack the player unless provoked, but their habit of hunting livestock animals means that any player living in the tundra that wants to keep such mobs must stay alert. That being said, mobs that they kill will drop more loot.
- Ceiling Cling: Dropbears are hellish koala-like marsupials that are found in the nether. They cling to the ceilings of the nether wastes, dropping down to strike their prey. The player themselves can do this if they brew their claws into a Potion of Clinging, allowing them to switch between walking on the floor and the ceiling, a la VVVVVV.
- Circling Vultures: Soul Vultures circle the bone structures found in Soul Sand Valleys.
- Chest Burster: When bred, Tarantula Hawks don't immediately produce a miniature version of themselves. Instead they seek out a spider, paralyze it, lay an egg inside of it, then bury it. After some time, a grub will emerge.
- Clever Crows: Crows are highly intelligent, crop-eating mobs that swiftly fly away when approached. If the player tames one, then they can place a specific item in a chest that has been labelled with an item frame holding the respective item.
- Creepy Centipedes: The Cave Centipede is a giant centipede that lurks underground. It has purple Glowing Eyes of Doom and it can severely poison you if it lands a hit.
- Creepy Cockroach: Averted for the cockroach mob. Though they only spawn in the darkness, they're actually very skittish and run from players and light sources, as well as the cave centipedes that prey on them. At worst, they're a nuisance that eats dropped food on the ground.
- Deadly Dust Storm: Gusters are hostile, living dust storms that appear during thunderstorms in the desert.
- Dem Bones: The Soul Vulture, Bone Serpent, and Skelewag are all completely skeletal in appearance. Notably, the latter sometimes drops Fish Bones, which are required to make the Strange Fish Finder.
- Devious Dolphins: Downplayed with the Orca. It'll attack when provoked, and can and will attack certain mobs found in cold and/or oceanic biomes, but it will leave the player alone. If anything, the player wants to be near an Orca since it'll grant the Orca's Might effect, boosting attack speed. It'll also fend off polar bears, Drowned, and (Elder) Guardians.
- Developer's Foresight:
- If you have the Supplementaries mod installed, then fish oil can be used in place of blaze powder to make copper lanterns. Additionally, certain mobs from the mod can be placed in jars and cages, and tipped bamboo spikes exist for the new potion effects added to the game.
- Similarly, if Farmer's Delight (or any other mod that adds rice) is installed, and a furnace with fuel in it is nearby, then players can give a tamed mantis shrimp some rice and have it make shrimp fried rice
for them.
- If Domestication Innovation (another one of Alex's mods) is installed, then the Devils Hole Pupfish can be found in an Animal Tamer Villager's aquarium, saving the need to make a Strange Fish Finder. The mod also features perfect compatibility with Alex's Mobs in terms of enchantments.
- Dishing Out Dirt: Tamed mudskippers will spit mud balls at hostile mobs.
- Ditto Fighter: Mimicubes are relatives of Slimes and Magma Cubes found in End Cities that copy your weapons and armor when they attack. It drops Mimicream, which can be used to duplicate your armor and weapons (albeit at zero durability).
- Does Not Like Spam: Catfish hate sea pickles, and will spit out the contents of their stomachs when given them.
- Dracolich: The bone serpent is a giant, skeletal serpent found in the Nether that try to jump out of the lava to body-slam passing players.
- Dragon Rider: A variation, as the player can ride a tamed Komodo Dragon.
- Drop Bear: This mod adds them, and they're hostile mobs that resemble mutated koalas. However, instead of living in the canopy of a forest, it clings to the ceilings of the Nether Wastes.
- Eaten Alive: Large catfish, which can only be found in swamps, can eat a small mob alive and then spit it back out when hit or fed sea pickles. They keep said mob in their stomachs even while bucketed, making them useful for transporting such mobs.
- Eldritch Abomination: The Farseer is a barely-comprehensible Oculothorax that only spawns at the world border, and is said to be native to "universes orthogonal to our own". Extremely hostile, they will attempt to drown their targets in static and are quite hard to kill.
- Enemy Summoner: Rather than attacking directly, Skreechers cause a racket in order to activate Sculk Sensors, thus awakening a Warden.
- Everything's Better with Rainbows: Comb Jellies have rainbow bioluminescence and drop Rainbow Jelly when slain. This can be applied to mobs to give their body shifting rainbow colors or be used to craft Rainbow Glass, which changes color depending on where it's placed.
- Evil Counterpart: Straddlers are relatives of the Strider and somewhat resemble them, and are highly territorial, shooting their young at players that dare enter the Basalt Deltas. Averted for their young, the Stradpoles, which are completely harmless.
- Eye Pop: Downplayed due to the limitations of Minecraft models, but a catfish's eyes will bulge out when hit.
- Flight: If a player manages to reach a sunbird, then they'll get its blessing, which allows them to fly with an Elytra easier.
- Flying Seafood Special: The Cosmic Cod are big-eyed fish that float through the void of the End.
- The Spectre also qualifies as it greatly resembles a stingray that can bee seen drifting through the void of the end.
- The Cosmaw is one of the many aquatic looking creatures that actually leviate throughout the void of the end. And while it is very much alien in design, it is actually inspired by very much real, albeit extinct Tullimonstrum. A prehistoric sea creature that dwelled in the tropical coastal waters of muddy estuaries of the Pennsylvanian period.
- Gag Nose: The Mungi have giant, Villager-esque noses, despite being completely unrelated to them.
- Gaia's Vengeance: The Bunfungus is said to be the natural defense system of the mushroom fields.
- Gentle Giant: Though the Laviathan looks somewhat scary, being a huge, Nessie-like monster made of magma, it's completely passive and can be ridden by players as a means of transport across lava and water (though riding it in water will transform it into an obsidian form).
- Good Counterpart:
- The Mungus is a relative of the Guardians, but is completely passive and can actually help the player out by growing more mushrooms and mycelium.
- Spectres are closely related to Phantoms and look rather scary, but like the Mungus is completely harmless, and can serve as a method of transportation across the vast void that is The End.
- Green Aesop: Similar to dolphins and turtles in vanilla Minecraft, mobs that are also endangered species will not reward anything special upon getting killed; to reap the mobs' benefits, the player has to keep them alive (and possibly help them out in some way).
- Hat of Power: The Frontiersman's Cap which is crafted from a leather helmet, a raccoon tail, and five bear hairs, will increase the player's sneaking speed when worn.
- Horse of a Different Color: Some of the mobs that can be ridden include grizzly bears, elephants, and komodo dragons. Endergrades, which are giant, floaty purple tardigrades, can also be ridden, but they aren't tameable and need to be controlled via a chorus fruit on a stick.
- Holy Burns Evil: Sunbirds, which are presented as holy birds of flame, will burn any undead mob in their path.
- Homing Projectile: Tamed Flutters will defend their owners by shooting pollen balls that home in on attackers.
- Immune to Fire: A lot of the Nether dwelling mobs are fireproof which makes sense considering their home is filled with lots of fire and lava.
- Immune to Flinching: The potion of Knockback Resistance which is brewed by using some bear hair on potions of strength which upon consumption prevents the drinker from being knocked back.
- Incorrect Animal Noise: Averted with the Bald Eagle, actually! Rather than using the screech of the Red-Tailed Hawk, its sounds are high-pitched piping noises that are taken directly from Real Life.
- Informed Species:
- Invisibility: Tigers are able to vanish into thin air which allows them to get the drop on their prey.
- Item Caddy: Small and medium catfishes will eat any dropped item they can find. They can store up to three or nine stacks of items respectively, and carry these items even when bucketed. Players can either hit them or feed them sea pickles to make them spit up the items.
- Kill It with Water: Like the Endermen, Cosmic Cod are (ironically) hurt by water.
- Kimono Is Traditional: The Murmur, a mob that resembles a Youkai, will rarely drop its Unsettling Kimono, which makes undead mobs neutral to the wearer.
- Let's You and Him Fight: While attempting to drop on players, Dropbears have a tendency to accidentally attack Zombified Piglins, resulting in a brawl between the two species. The latter usually win due to their tendency to come in packs.
- Life Drain: Soul Vultures absorb the player's health when they attack. The player can weaponize this if they manage to get their Soul Hearts, which can be brewed into a Potion of Lifesteal.
- Long-Lost Relative: The Tusklin is the long-lost overworld ancestor of the Nether's Hoglins. They aren't much nicer than their descendants.
- Made of Iron:
- Unlike most mobs, Stradpoles can not only survive in lava but water as well.
- Similarly, the Laviathan can swim across lava and water with ease, though it will harden into an obsidian form when it makes contact with the latter.
- Maniac Monkeys: The Skreechers are horrifically mutated and hostile primates. Rather than attacking directly, they'll screech and set off Sculk Shriekers, often summoning a Warden.
- Mini-Boss: The Warped Mosco is one and it is not an easy opponent.
- Monstrous Germs: Enderiophages are giant bacteriophages that patrol the end, destroying any Endergrades they come across. However, they usually leave players alone unless provoked.
- Mosquito Miscreants: Crimson Mosquitoes are giant hostile mosquitoes that infest Crimson Forests and suck the blood of any warm-blooded creature that passes through. Its mutated form, the Warped Mosco, is even worse, being aggressive towards literally everything and being able to destroy blocks.
- Mushroom Man:
- Mungi are bipedal... things that spawn exclusively in Mushroom Fields and often have mushrooms growing on them. They can consume these mushrooms to grow more of them, or grow a single giant mushroom.
- Bunfungus are giant, plump rabbits that have been mutated by Mungi Spores and have fungus growing all over them.
- Misplaced Wildlife: In older versions, crocodiles could spawn near any body of water (sans oceans), despite being only supposed to spawn in swamps and (rarely) rivers. Including beaches and frozen rivers and ponds. This was fixed in version 1.12.
- Mythology Gag: The Straddlers, which are more aggressive cousins of the Strider, are based off of early concept art for the latter.
- Natural Weapon: The Skelewag's skull forms a natural sword, which players can sometimes collect and use as a fast weapon.
- Never Smile at a Crocodile: Crocodiles, which uncommonly spawn in swamps and rivers, are hostile and will try to snag the player in order to drag them to the water and perform a death roll. However, if a crocodile egg hatches near you, then it will imprint on you and guard its place of birth, averting this trope.
- Noble Bird of Prey: Bald eagles, which can be tamed by giving them fish oil, will defend the player from threats and can be controlled via use of a Falconry glove and hood.
- Not Quite Flight: Tamed sugar gliders can rest on its owner's head, letting the owner glide as if they had an Elytra.
- Oculothorax: The Farseer, a beholder-like abomination that only spawns at the very border of the world.
- One-Gender Race: As always, the animals that can breed aren't really male or female. You just need two and then give them their favorite food.
- Optional Boss:
- The Warped Mosco is a miniboss that can only be summoned by letting a Crimson Mosquito feed on a Mungus that is covered in Warped Fungus.
- The Void Worm, which spawns when a Crimson Mosquito Larvae is put into a Capsid Block and then thrown into the void of The End.
- Our Ghosts Are Different: The Underminer is the ghost of a miner that wanders in abandoned mineshafts. By dropping an ore block next to it, it will reveal the presence of others of that ore.
- Punny Name: Skelewag is a pun on skeleton and scallywag.
- Puzzling Platypus: Platypi are added by the mod, rarely spawning in rivers. They look odd, sound odd, and have a somewhat strange purpose: feeding them redstone dust makes them dig up clay balls and maggots, making them more easily renewable.
- Raising the Steaks: The Skelewag is basically an undead, skeletal swordfish and is sometimes ridden by a Drowned.
- Rain Dance: If a music disc is played near them, Rain Frogs will dance and summon rain.
- Rolling Attack: As their name suggests, this is the main modus operandi of the Rocky Roller. If the player slays one and gets its Rocky Shell, they can craft a chestplate that lets them pull this off as well.
- Shout-Out: Oodles of them.
- Many of the advancements' names are references to pop culture, such as "Eye of the Tiger", "Rigged From the Start", "Pic-A-Nic Basket?", "Crikey!", "Capsid-19", "Weird Fishes/Arpeggi", "Ghost! Ghost! Toast?", "Should've Gone For The Head", and "Mine? Mine? Mine?".
- The Mungus was pretty much an excuse to add an Among Us joke into the game. Fittingly, naming it "Drip" will give it the shoes seen in the infamous "Among Drip
" meme.
- Other name tag easter eggs include "Perry" for Platypi, as well as "Donkey Kong" and "Harambe
" for gorillas.
- Fish Oil, which is obtained from crafting four Blobfish, can be drank to grant levitation in the rain, a reference to the Cover Yourself In Oil
- You can craft a Pocket of Sand from a Guster Eye, which uses sand as ammo.
- One of the toucan variants, which is bright blue with a rainbow beak, bears a close resemblance to Toucan Sam, the Froot Loops mascot.
- One of the mod's Easter Eggs involves giving a cockroach some maracas, causing it and any other surrounding cockroaches to dance to La Cucaracha. The surrounding cockroaches' dance is based off of the Dancing Cockroach
meme. Similarly, the ability to turn a cockroach rainbow is based off of a variation of the aforementioned meme.
- Most of the banner patterns this mod adds are based off of flags of real-world places. These include California (Bear), The British Empire (Union Jack Ensign), Australia (Star Cross), and Brazil (Caption Band).
- Similar to the Mungus above, the Bunfungus is a thinly-veiled Big Chungus mob.
- The Stink Ray is based off of the Fart Gun from Despicable Me, and the advancement received for crafting it is "I SAID DART GUN!".
- Shown Their Work: The creators of Alex's Mobs did their research on the Real Life animals added to the mod, and it shows:
- Platypuses inflict poison when they attack, a reference to how the males have venomous spurs that they use for offense, primarily during mating season. Additionally, their love for redstone is based off of the fact that platypuses use electroreception
to locate prey.
- Any mob unfortunate enough to get punched by a mantis shrimp on land will be set on fire. Real life mantis shrimp can punch with enough force to boil the surrounding water.
- By labelling a chest with an item frame and an item, a crow will pick up more of the given item and put it into chest, referencing how some crows have been trained
to pick up litter and put it in the correct container.
- Emus will almost always dodge arrows and will become hostile towards anything holding a ranged weapon. This behavior has been observed in real life emus, with their uncanny ability to dodge bullets with finesse, and was a big contributor in the species' victory in The Emu War.
- Both blobfish and frilled sharks will turn an unnatural pink color if above a certain y-level. Because these creatures live under deep waters with high pressures, the change in pressure upon leaving deep waters will cause them to change appearance.
- Komodo dragons will attack and eat baby dragons, a behavior that has been observed in real life.
- Tigers will turn near-invisible when stalking prey. Although they don't actually become invisible, real life tigers are incredible at stealth thanks to their striped pattern allowing them to blend in with their surroundings, especially since most of their prey's eyes can't process their orange coloration correctly.
- You can feed a shoebill crocodile eggs in order to increase the chances of them catching stuff when they go fishing. Shoebills in real life can and will eat baby crocodiles as a regular part of their diet.
- The behavior and reproductive habits of the tarantula hawks are surprisingly accurate. They sting spiders to paralyze them, before burying them in the sand for later. If bred with fermented spider eyes, they won't immediately produce a mini tarantula hawk; rather, they'll wait until a spider comes along before stinging and burying it. After some time, a grub will emerge before maturing into a full grown hawk. Just like their depiction in the mod, real life tarantula hawks are parasitoids, and lay their eggs in paralyzed tarantulas.
- Anacondas are found in swamps and can move fine both on land and in water. In real life, Anacondas are surprisingly good swimmers, often lurking in the water while stalking prey.
- Banana slug slime can be collected and crafted into a block that can absorb huge amounts of water, turning it into crystallized mucus. This is accurate to real life banana slug slime, which can absorb up to 100 times its weight in water and helps the slug stay moist.
- Mudskippers will sometimes be seen raising their fins and circling one another in order to assert dominance, behavior that matches real life mudskippers.
- The Devils Hole Pupfish can only be found in one chunk of the world, swimming in an underground pool and feeding on moss. As their name suggests, the real life species is only found in Devils Hole, a cavern filled with water, and lives its life as a bottom- and surface-feeder.
- Platypuses inflict poison when they attack, a reference to how the males have venomous spurs that they use for offense, primarily during mating season. Additionally, their love for redstone is based off of the fact that platypuses use electroreception
- Smelly Skunk: The Skunk will shoot a noxious fluid at anything that relentlessly chases it, inflicting nausea.
- Snakes Are Sinister:
- Downplayed with rattlesnakes. They don't actively attack players; much like Real Life rattlesnakes, they rattle their tails as a warning, and anything that doesn't back off will be rewarded with a venomous bite.
- Anacondas are a straighter example, as they're aggressive towards both players and animals. They swallow their prey whole, so animals that they eat don't drop anything. However, they eventually shed their skin after eating enough animals, which can be used to craft a Vine Lasso, which is basically a stronger, throwable lead, or a banner pattern based off of Brazil's flag.
- Speed Shoes: The Roadrunner Boots which are crafted from leather boots, four roadrunner feathers, and two blocks of chiseled sandstone, is a special pair of boots that will increase the player's movement speed when moving on sand.
- Stealthy Cephalopod: The mimic octopuses will use camouflage to blend into their environments.
- Stock Animal Diet: Many of the mobs that require food to be tamed are fed with foods commonly associated with them. For example, grizzly bears require honeycomb and salmon to be tamed, while gorillas and capuchin monkeys need to be fed bananas.
- Stock Ness Monster: The Laviathans are a volcanic variety of the infamous plesiosaur that make their homes in the vast lava lakes of the Nether.
- Swordfish Sabre: The Skelewag's skull is a rare drop from the bony swordfish which allows the user to perform the same attacks of the monstrous fish. It deals 4.5 damage to the target and has an attack speed of 4. What makes it different from a normal sword however is that it can also be used to block attacks like a shield.
- Tastes Like Friendship: A lot of the mobs can be tamed by feeding them food. However, they are not all the same and require you to get creative when trying to domesticate them.
- The Power of the Sun: The advancement for reaching a sunbird and gaining its blessing shares the name with this trope. Additionally, any undead mobs that are in its flight path will be set on fire.
- Threatening Shark:
- Zig-Zagged with the Hammerhead Shark. It will attack players and mobs that are low on health without being provoked so it can snag an easy meal. However, as long as the player has a decent amount of health (and doesn't attack it first), then the shark will leave them alone.
- Similarly, Frilled Sharks look creepy and threatening, but don't attack the player unless they're attacked first.
- Video Game Caring Potential:
- If you give an Endergrade that has been infected by an Enderiophage with the Ender Flu a Chorus Fruit, you'll get a handful of experience.
- The player can rarely find beached Cachalot whales during thunderstorms. If the player pushes them back into the ocean without harming them, then they'll be rewarded with Ambergris, a somewhat disgusting substance that has a variety of uses.
- Video Game Cruelty Potential:
- You can raise a crocodile egg yourself, be it obtained from breeding two crocs together or as a rare drop from killing them. You can also use it in place of chicken eggs in recipes that require them, or give them to a shoebill to increase their chances of catching stuff.
- Blobfish, like other small aquatic mobs added by the mod, can be caught in buckets, brought to and placed on dry land, and forced to remain their unnatural pink color if given a Slimeball. Given that the pink coloration is a result of extreme tissue damage, you can subject a blobfish to a Fate Worse than Death so it can serve as a silly decoration.
- Raccoons will sometimes attack Villagers and steal their items. A perfectly viable strategy is to tame raccoons and have them attack Villagers to steal their valuable items, which can sometimes include diamond tools and armor.
- Video Game Cruelty Punishment:
- As usual, hurting any of the neutral mobs will cause them to retaliate. However, those that are also endangered species in Real Life (such as elephants and cachalot whales) will not drop anything useful when killed.
- Try to kill a sunbird? You'll get cursed, which hinders jumping, increases fall speed, and boosts fall damage. And no, you won't get anything if you do manage to kill it anyway.
- Vile Vulture: Soul Vultures are hostile mobs that circle Soul Sand Valleys, and will attack the player on sight, draining their health.
- War Elephants: If the player manages to tame and raise a baby elephant that grows into a tusked one, then they can unleash a devastating charge attack by feeding the elephant wheat while riding it.
- Weaponized Offspring: Straddlers will chuck their young, the Stradpoles, at the player to attack. They deal high knockback, which can cause the player to fall into a lava pool in the Basalt Deltas.
- Weaponized Stench: The player can collect a skunk's lingering spray to create Stink in a Bottle, which can be crafted into a Stink Ray. When shot at a mob, hostile and neutral mobs will become distracted and attack the unlucky mob.
- Wicked Wasps: The Tarantula Hawks will attack the player in swarms if provoked, but they otherwise avert this trope. They dispose of spiders, and can be tamed to deal a good chunk of damage in combat (especially against arthopods).
- Youkai: The Murmur is a Rokurokubi-like mob that can extend its neck great distances in order to attack its target.