Another Metroid 2 Remake - TV Tropes
- ️Sat Apr 26 2014
Another Metroid 2 Remake (aka Project AM2R) is a Fan Remake of the 1991 Game Boy game Metroid II: Return of Samus, started and headed by Argentinian programmer Milton "DoctorM64" Guasti. The project, which started development around 2006, aims to update the gameplay and graphics of the original game in the vein of Metroid: Zero Mission, and while beginning as a hobby project by Guasti, it expanded over time to include several different contributors from around the globe.
The game was officially released the August 6th 2016, for the 30th anniversary of Metroid. Due to DMCA takedowns, apparently sent on Nintendo's behalf, you can no longer download it from the developer's blog. Guasti said at first he and the rest of the development team would continue to update and improve the game, but due to a DMCA notice sent by Nintendo directly a week after the first DMCA notice (which apparently wasn't from an official Nintendo source), any future updates that were planned are now squashed. Guasti since has requested fans to not be angry at Nintendo for the DMCA takedowns, as it is their legal obligation to protect their IP. He has also suggested people buy the original Metroid II off the eShop to show them that people are still interested in the 2D Metroidvania genre.
Of course, given that the game had already been released, this was guaranteed to cause Streisand Effect and ensured that fans would put up their own downloads. Furthermore, some dedicated fans have since managed to reverse engineer the game's source code, and have as a result been able to release a couple of unofficial patches, fixing most, if not all, of the remaining bugs and even implemented most of the original team's planned, but unfinished features, and keep supporting the game through new releases into the 2020s.
As for the title; Guasti explained that when he started the project, it was merely one of out of a quite few other attempted remakes of Metroid 2, hence the "Another" in the title. Ironically, where the other projects ended up being abandoned, AM2R was the the only one to actually get a full release.
As it turned out, Nintendo had a hidden agenda behind their takedown request: they'd been working on their own remake, Metroid: Samus Returns, which would be announced at E3 2017 before coming out on September 15 of the same year.
To celebrate the remake's fifth anniversary and Metroid's 35th anniversary, DoctorM64 released a spinoff in 2021 called Skippy the Bot, a short platformer puzzle game featuring a robot that appeared in a section of AM2R.
This game contains examples of:
- Adaptational Badass:
- Not only are the Metroids harder to kill, they get slightly smarter each time you kill one, gaining moves like mid-air dodges and a high-speed charge-dash.
- Arachnus is also tougher than in Metroid II and even its appearance in Metroid Fusion, now being faster and able to take a lot more hits.
- The Geneses in Metroid Fusion were standard enemies that were restricted to crawling around in ceiling ducts and dropping acidic saliva on you. In this game, just one Genesis has a lot more room to move around, can do a lot more damage, and serves as the game's Optional Boss.
- Adaptation Distillation:
- In the original game, there were four distinct types of liquid: an unidentified thick liquid that impaired Samus's movements (seen in Phase 1 and Phase 9); normal water that was largely aesthetic and did not affect gameplay (seen in Phase 3 and Phase 7); an unidentified black liquid that was also aesthetic (seen only in Phase 8); and the corrosive deadly liquid that drained with every earthquake. Another Metroid 2 Remake makes no distinction between the thick liquid and normal water, with water acting as it does in later games such as Super Metroid. The deadly liquid is also depicted as lava, rather than a separate unique substance, and is the only liquid seen in the Nest (completely replacing the black liquid from Phase 8).
- In the original game, Samus can only hold one beam weapon at a time. Therefore, while they were first offered in previous areas, each beam type could also be collected from a secondnote Chozo statue found later in the game so that Samus would not have to backtrack as much if she needed to switch beam types. In Another Metroid 2 Remake, beam weapons are permanently held once collected, so each beam is only offered by a single Chozo statue in the game. (As a nod to the original, the location the four Chozo statues were found in the original now holds the Tester boss fight, a machine that uses all four beams in combat.)
- Save Stations, Missile Batteries, and Big Energy Balls have been condensed into a single Save Station that fills all three purposes.
- Adaptation Expansion: In spades.
- Numerous areas have been given complete artistic overhaulsnote , entire enemies and even bosses have been added from scratch, and items and powers featured later in the Metroid series have been added as well.note
- Other areas have been given complete additions. For example, the Tower has been given a whole new sub-area, the Power Plant, which was not in the original Phase 7. An entirely new area, the Distribution Center, was added between Phase 7 and Phase 8.
- In the original Metroid II, Samus's mission was just to exterminate all of the Metroids. In this version she also has the secondary mission of finding the Research and Rescue Teams sent by the Galactic Federation, which were mentioned in Metroid II's instruction manual but did not appear anywhere in the actual game. She fails to save the Research Team, and is just barely too late to save the Rescue Team.
- Adapted Out: The Septoggs and Blob Throwers do not appear in this remake. Fan updates would later add them back in (see below).
- Always Close: The escape sequence in this game does not use a timer, but a meter monitoring the temperature of a power cell. This will speed up if the player moves quickly, and it will always fill up just in time for the heavy bulkhead doors.
- Anti-Climax: The scripted event where the Queen Metroid starts biting down on Samus can be resolved by dropping a Power Bomb in her stomach and having her explode in a shining burst of light, her bloody carcass dripping around you as it rests on the ground... or you can just let off a few more missiles/super missiles/regular bombs/power bombs in her mouth and watch something that's about as climactic as any other Metroid death, possibly less so.
- Anti-Frustration Features:
- The scattered energy/missile rechargers from the original are now part of the more easily-found Save Stations, making it much easier to replenish missiles (as well as scrapping the possible need to farm pickups upon loading up a saved game).
- The 1.1 patch adds a transporter from the final area, allowing players to backtrack for upgrades without having to take the lengthy trek back through the Nest.
- Artifact Title: Zig-zagged. The project got started in 2006, when interest in Metroid II fan remakes was extremely high due to the very successful Metroid: Zero Mission (a remake of the first game) and there were plenty of efforts to make a fan remake of the second game in the same vein. As the years went by, every one of these projects ended up dying or disappearing, and AM2R simply turned out to be the last man standing. However, it was DMCA'd shortly after release because Nintendo had an actual remake in the works, so now the title fits again because it literally is another Metroid II remake.
- Body Horror: The first time you see an Alpha molt from a regular Metroid, it's much like the original: the molted skin bursts and out comes the Alpha. But when you meet your first Gamma, it shows up as a regular Alpha... then its eyes close, its plated armor segments and its legs and fangs elongate amid spurts of gray blood, showing that the transformation is far from painless, and its now-triplicated eyes open and it screeches. The transition from Gamma to Omega is similarly painful-looking.
- Boss Arena Urgency: At the Tower, one Gamma Metroid is fought in a cavern full of sand. The sand covers a deadly bed of spikes along the cavern floor. Unfortunately, both your own shots and the Gamma Metroid's electrical attack will clear away any sand that they touch. The longer the fight continues, the less safe ground Samus has to stand on.
- Boss Remix: The boss theme of Genesis is a fast-paced intense remix of the theme for the GFS Thoth, the area where Genesis is encountered.
- Call-Back:
- After the chamber that upgrades Samus' suit to the Gravity Suit opens, the shadows plus her blue Tron Lines make her briefly look like Dark Samus.
- You can find the landing site and base of Galactic Federation Troopers in this game. In a similar manner to Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, it's not a pretty sight... Thankfully, though, there's no zombie troopers to deal with this time around.
- Call-Forward:
- Near the GFS Thoth, you can find the same room Samus got infected by the X Parasites in at the beginning of Metroid Fusion. There's even the same enemy placed there, albeit it's obviously not infected... yet.
- Aboard the GFS Thoth itself, you find a trio of creatures from Metroid Fusion stored inside capsules: B.O.X.'s brain, an Evir, and a piece of Nightmare. Hiding near them as a boss is another enemy from that game, the Genesis. The Save station there also is of a design similar to the Navigation/Recharge rooms from Fusion.
- Serris, a boss fought on the research station in Metroid Fusion, makes an appearance in the Distribution Center, and it's tougher than the parasite-emulated one.
- Beating the game in under two hours gets you a scene featuring Samus contacting Ceres Space Colony.
- Curb-Stomp Battle: When a newly grown Omega Metroid faces the last surviving Galactic Federation troopers, it kills them in the time it takes Samus to cross the room.
- Divergent Character Evolution:
- While Moheeks still behave identically to Needlers and Tsumuris when on land (sticking to surfaces and crawling along at any angle or orientation), they now swim around freely when they appear underwater at the Distribution Center.
- Shirks no longer behave identically to Senjoos, now adopting a much more aggressive behavior as they purposefully try to ram into Samus instead of simply circling around in the air.
- TPOs and Meboids, two examples of the very common "fly back and forth horizontally" enemy type from the original game, now each have unique behaviors. TPOs will split in two when attacked and aggressively home in on Samus. Meboids spawn infinitely from clusters that they swarm around to protect, and can only be effectively defeated by freezing them with the Ice Beam and shattering them with a missile.
- Door to Before:
- Inside the Distribution Center area lie three tubes leading to previous areas (the Golden Temple, Industrial Complex, and Tower, with a fourth tube leading from the Tower to the Hydro Station). These tubes effectively act as a Warp Zone, enabling quick travel across much of the game world once you can access them with the Screw Attack.
- Version 1.1 added another tube linking the Genetics Laboratory with the Hydro Station (and conveniently situated near the tube leading to the Tower), serving as an easy way to get back to the rest of the map from the final area without having to go back through the Nest. (A rocky wall prevents using it to Sequence Break until you've already killed enough Metroids to unlock the Genetics Lab.)
- Dramatic Irony: The log of a deceased trooper aboard the GFS Thoth comments about how someone like Samus would've made a difference in their expedition had the Federation not refused to call a bounty hunter to save face. He also mistakes her for a man. For further irony, once Samus does escort an expedition team in that area in Fusion, she's the one who gets in trouble by being infected by the X parasites.
- Dual Boss: When Samus finds the dead research team, she must fight two Alpha Metroids at the same time. Exaggerated later in the Distribution Center, when she must fight five Alpha Metroids at once. There's also a point in the same area where she must fight two Gamma Metroids at once.
- Easy-Mode Mockery: Similar to Metroid: Zero Mission, if you beat the game on Easy, you can only get the ending picture featuring a fully armoured Samus, regardless of how quick you were.
- Enemy Scan: Information on certain bosses and Metroids (as well as the area) are provided using incoming scan data similar to Metroid Prime, except the game scans automatically.
- Evolving Weapon: The default Power Beam, which gets upgraded throughout the game until it can charge up, pierce walls, fire three shots at once, penetrate enemies, and freeze enemies.
- Fan Remake: Of Metroid II: Return of Samus.
- Fission Mailed: The game is scripted so that it is impossible to escape the blast radius of the exploding power cell underneath the Tower. Players may notice the power cell's temperature increases at a much faster rate once they reach the two blast doors, and it will always detonate just as the second door opens. After an explosion that fills the whole screen, they are treated to the image of Samus lying on the floor amidst the rubble as her energy drops quickly... but then unexpectedly stops at five, and she gets back up. Going back towards the ruined power cell chamber leads players to a free Energy Tank and Missile Tank, fully replenishing Samus's health and then some.
- Five-Second Foreshadowing: At the bottom of the Hydro Station Breeding Grounds is an Alpha Metroid partway evolved into the next phase of Metroid evolution. On the way back out of that room is a surprise encounter with a fully metamorphosed Gamma Metroid.
- Game-Breaking Bug: The initial release contained two major glitches that could significantly impact gameplay. Fortunately, Patch 1.1 fixed both of these issues:
- If you're one of the unlucky ones to have a certain graphics card, Samus would turn invisible when you equip the Gravity Suit. While it's not entirely game-breaking as you could use the Varia Suit instead, it makes navigating the underwater areas needlessly more difficult and turns Serris into a much more difficult fight.
- In the final area of the game, if you froze a Metroid and it went off-screen, it was possible for it to despawn, making the game Unintentionally Unwinnable. Because the doors lock during Metroid battles, you couldn't simply exit and reenter the room to try to respawn the Metroid, and you were trapped in the room permanently, forcing a restart from your last save point.
- Genre Refugee: The Tester boss would be more at home in a Bullet Hell game.
- Guide Dang It!:
- Acquiring the newly added charge beam in the demo. When you encounter it, it's blocked up by a different colored block. Nothing you can do can break it, so in grand Metroid tradition you think you're supposed to come back with a weapon that can break it. Nope! Absolutely none of your upgrades can break it. Instead, you're supposed to shoot the orbs hanging from the ceiling not far off in order to move it. Not only is there no indication you're supposed to do that or that the two are related, unless you start shooting around at random and accidentally hit one, said orbs also blend way too well into the background, which would make one believe they are nothing but background. In the full release, the steps above net you an Energy Tank, while the Charge Beam can be found where the Ice Beam was in the original.
- The hunt for the Ice Beam in the final version of the game requires traversing a whole area filled with unbreakable water monsters that serve as gates, and then finding one room that is nearly identical to one other room in this area, save for one breakable block. Hope you're prepared to use all your power bombs.
- Harmless Freezing: Largely averted, which is surprising since most Metroid games play it straight. Frozen enemies are affected by gravity and will eventually shatter (you can speed up the process with a missile). Played straight with the Larval Metroids in the last area, which must be frozen then shattered with missiles as per other games in the series.
- Heartbeat Soundtrack: The remixed theme for The Nest
features a steady, heartbeat-like rhythm.
- Injured Player Character Stage: After a massive explosion leaves Samus with 5 energy left, the player must choose whether to return to the Tower or explore the destroyed Power Plant. If they choose the former, then Samus must carefully navigate her way to the nearest save station to replenish her suit's energy, avoiding enemies that are strong enough to kill her in one hit at this stage. The latter option is considerably safer, since there are no enemies and it eventually leads to an Energy Tank.
- Interface Screw: Throughout the Distribution Center are explodable spheres and energy fields that effectively act as EMPs, causing static on the screen and disabling Samus's weapons if triggered.note
- Jump Scare: The game isn't full of them, but those scarce ones will definitely make you jump in surprise:
- At the entrance to the Hydro Station, an Alpha Metroid just bursts out of a rock in front of you.
- One of these happens when you are exploring the Research Team facility and all of a sudden, not one but two Alpha Metroids attack you.
- Then you reach a certain room in Distribution Center, and you run into five of them. Oh, and just when you thought it can't get any worse, then you meet two Gammas in another room within same area.
- Kill It with Ice: The Ice Beam will be your go-to weapon for enemies that are vulnerable to being frozen. In particular, the organic barriers around the underwater ruins and the Larval Metroids in the Genetics Laboratory can only be destroyed by freezing them and then shattering them with missiles.
- King Mook: The Queen Metroid, and to a lesser extent the Omega Metroids.
- Knockback: Features all three kinds! Getting hit makes Samus flinch (which also cancels her charge beam if you were charging up) and knocks her back a bit. Strong enemies like Zeta and Omega Metroids are capable of not only causing knockback, they can also cause knockdown to stun Samus for a moment.
- Late to the Party: In a change from the source material, Samus is not just on SR388 to eradicate the Metroids, but also to find the whereabouts of the Federation Research team of the GFS Thoth, and the Search-and-Rescue team that got sent after them.
- Lone Wolf Boss: Unless one counts the numerous evolutionary forms of Metroids as bosses, none of the game's bosses save for the Queen Metroid have any ties to the Metroids and are all just acting of their own programming or accord.
- Magic Countdown: A variation of this plays out in the Power Bomb Escape sequence. If you are doing poorly, the unstable reactor's temperature will climb slowly until you reach unmarked progress points. If you are able to speed through the obstacles and fights in your path, the temperature will seem to 'spike' as you cross those progress points. No matter your performance, you will always be held up by the slowly-operating blast doors at the very end so that you get caught in the blast.
- Mercy Invincibility: Downplayed. While the 2D Metroid games had somewhat short invincibility frames, this game has them so short that they may as well not exist. The near lack of invincibility frames will tear you up if a Zeta or Omega Metroid manages to corner you, or if you're caught in Genesis's high-velocity acid spit.
- Metroidvania: The original game is looked down upon by Metroid fans today for being one of the few games with a lesser Metroidvania influence. Taking this criticism to heart, DoctorM64 and the rest of the team have gone and added more elements that are common in the genre, such as optional side areas, secret passages between areas, and sections of the map that require late game items to reach.
- Militaries Are Useless: Surprisingly averted with the Search and Rescue marines. Not only did they make it quite far into SR388, but when you finally catch up they're busy actually gaining the upper hand against a Zeta Metroid. Unfortunately, it picks that moment to metamorphose into an Omega Metroid (which even Samus will struggle to defeat) and soundly slaughters the marines.
- Missing Secret: The warp zone in the Distribution Center has a suspicious locked tube that isn't ever used. Hacking reveals it is coded with the same destination of the tube to its right.
- Mook Promotion: The Genesis creature from Fusion appears as an optional boss.
- Musical Spoiler: The music that plays during the Torizo boss battle is a remix of the Metroid Prime 2: Echoes theme for Chykka. The Chykka boss fight has two phases, with a non-winged larva in the first phase and a winged adult in the second phase. This is a hint that Torizo will also be a two-phase fight, with a winged form in the second phase.
- Nerf: Omega Metroids were considered to be
That One Boss by many due to how hard they hit and how they could eat up a lot of missiles, especially if you missed a lot with your Super Missiles (or just didn't have many to begin with). Patch 1.1 reduced their health and damage output.
- Not His Sled:
- Oh, you thought you were just gonna walk out with the Space Jump, like in the original game? Think again. The Chozo statue awakens and reveals itself to be a Torizo.
- The battle for the the Spring Ball was a simple matter of bombing Arachnus in the original. Here, it revs itself like Sonic the Hedgehog, and you have to carefully place bombs to launch it into electrified spikes on the wall three times.
- Thought you could mix and match strategies and use the Power Bombs to instagib the Queen Metroid like in Metroid: Other M? Hope you like pain with your futility! There's a scripted event where the Queen bites down on Samus when she has no more room to run, and that is when you re-enact its death scene from Other M.
- In the original game and the demo versions, the Ice Beam was the first beam upgrade you could find. In the final version, however, it's the last beam upgrade you find! The item you find in the place you originally found the Ice Beam? The Charge Beam, which was not in the original game.
- Optional Boss: Genesis, boss of the GFS Thoth, is completely optional to find and only holds expansion pickups. Furthermore, unlike other somewhat optional bosses that guard maneuverability or beam upgrades, the only thing you gain from beating it is a single Energy Tank.
- Parrying Bullets: Both Gamma and Zeta Metroids will gladly swat away every other missile you shoot at them.
- Power-Up Letdown: The Ice Beam. You get it as the last weapon in the game, at a point when your beam has been upgraded enough to make quick work of most enemies. The way it freezes enemies makes it much more tedious to farm powerupsnote , leading many players to turn it off unless actually needed. Despite being rendered obsolete by the Space Jump, many fans also miss the series-staple ability to use frozen enemies as platforms.
- Puzzle Boss: Arachnus reprises the role; this time, though, the puzzle is different.
- Shielded Core Boss: The Tester has two layers of shielding protecting its vulnerable core: four segments of armor plating that are immune to beams but vulnerable to missiles, and an energy shield that is immune to missiles but vulnerable to beams. Each segment of armor will eventually repair itself if not destroyed completely, but the inner energy shield is gone for good once you break it (unless you're playing on Hard Mode, in which case it will also regenerate over time).
- The Stinger: The last Metroid is in captivity. The galaxy is at peace.
- Stupidity Is the Only Option: The room with the Power Bombs requires Samus to use them and damage a power cell in order to exit, leading to her having to run and escape the Power Plant in order to not get caught in the cell's meltdown.
- Tank-Tread Mecha: The Tank Prototype, which appears to block Samus's path as she escapes the meltdown in the Power Plant. It has multiple components that can be attacked and destroyed separately to weaken it (its treads, which allow it to move; its Arm Cannon, which allows it to fire plasma shots; and its head, which allow its missile barrages to home in on Samus), but it's only defeated for good once you destroy the core under its chest armor.
- Toppled Statue: The Genetics Laboratory notably features a destroyed Chozo upgrade statue near its entrance, with the head torn off and shattered on the floor. This is done to highlight the extreme danger of the area you're about to enter.
- Unexpected Gameplay Change: In the Industrial Complex, Samus remotely takes control of an Autoad that must carefully navigate assembly lines to deliver Super Missiles and clear the path.
- Wake-Up Call Boss:
- The Chozo Defense System. While it's a fairly easy fight, it wakes players of the original game up to the fact that things have changed and that knowledge of the original won't be enough to get them through.
- Arachnus can be a little tricky, as most players won't have more than 2 energy tanks unlocked when facing it (although you can unlock the Varia Suit in the same area for better defense and the Hi-Jump Boots for more evasive ability), and it can deplete your energy quite fast if you are not careful. Placing bombs while avoiding getting rolled over require good reflexes from the player.
- Torizo, the animated Chozo Statue that holds the Space Jump. It's got plenty of health and moves really fast when it's low on health. And it has two phases, with no chance to refill your health in-between.
- Warm-Up Boss: The Chozo Defense System. Those spike walls aren't going to crush you, they're just there to make the battle feel more claustrophobic.
- You Are Too Late: Samus finally arrives to the aid of the Search-and-Rescue team... right as the Zeta Metroid they are fighting reaches its final metamorphosis and becomes an Omega Metroid. Samus is only able to watch as the remaining Federation Marines are slaughtered.
- Your Princess Is in Another Castle!: Most of the new bosses, but the aforementioned room with the Space Jump deserves special mention for having two instances in the same room! Just when you think you've defeated the Torizo, out comes the jetpack.
Fan patches contain examples of:
- Adapted Out: Subverted. The 1.4 fan patch rectifies this trope and adds Septoggs and Blob Throwers back. Blob Throwers in particular get an anemone variant in the Distribution Center.
- Apocalyptic Log: Fan patch 1.4 adds these in form of dead Federation Marines you get to scan. One of them in particular gets quite obsessed over hunting down the Metroid that killed his partner.
- Asymmetric Multiplayer: The Multitroid version of the game also includes a "SA-X" mode with two teams — one team uses Fusion suits and only start with ice missiles, and the other team are SA-X enemies with a full set of equipment. The Fusion players have to complete the game as normal, while the SA-X players have to kill all the Fusion players before they can do so. The latter is trickier than it sounds, since locating the Fusion players on such a big map is enough of a challenge to begin with. The SA-X players start with a significant advantage in terms of combat capability, but the Fusion players gradually become more capable of fighting back as they acquire upgrades — on the other hand, the SA-X players will respawn back at their starting point when killed, whereas the Fusion players only have one life each.
- Call-Back: One of the logs added in the 1.4 fan patch show the different forms of Metroid seen over the course of the Metroid Prime games, while explaining why the ones at SR388 are so unique.
- Didn't See That Coming: The research team came prepared with many ways to freeze Metroids and have their back up blast them to pieces. But when it turned out that the Metroids could grow into a freeze-proof form that can only be taken out by excess missiles, they were caught completely off-guard and were mostly helpless.
- Harder Than Hard:
- Fusion Mode, added on the 1.4 fan patch, is unlocked after finishing the game in under 4 hours. It gives Samus her Fusion Suit, which means she's practically made of paper in comparison to Normal Mode, and her enemies become even tougher. It also makes all organic enemies generate X instead of regular pickups and gives the non-Metroid organic bosses a final Core-X form.
- There are a multitude of options available to make things even harder for yourself. Start with less Missiles, Energy Tanks hold less, give bosses more health and/or more damage... You can also turn on Insanity Mode, which removes the ability to save.
- Jump Scare: The 1.4 fan patch adds a new one, giving players in higher difficulties an extra surprise: more Metroid larvae to fight at the Genetics Laboratory. Gets particularly bad in the last room where you encounter them, which requires you to drop through the floor into a pit full of larvae.
- Mythology Gag: One of the Federation logs mentions a "Survival simulator", referring to the Survival mode from Metroid Prime: Hunters: First Hunt.
- New Game Plus:
- Added in the 1.2 fan patch. The lava starts off at the level just below the Distribution Center, allowing you to explore everything up to that point in whatever order you want, though you have to defeat all the Metroids in those areas before you can go any further.
- There's also a Random Game+ mode, which is like New Game+, but it shuffles the locations of all the major upgrades (for example, you might get the High Jump Boots as early as the Golden Temple, but have to wait until the Tower to get the Charge Beam). Some minor modifications are made to the levels so you can't get trapped without a way to progress. There are also options that allow you to shuffle just the regular item expansions or to shuffle the item expansions with the major upgrades.
- The Stinger: The 1.4 fan patch adds a second stinger if you collected all the pickups: The crystals the Baby Metroid were feeding on were actually crystallized X Parasites, which are now starting to revitalize and roam free on SR388, as Samus exterminated their only predators.
- Wake-Up Call Boss:
- While Arachnus was already one of these in the base game, it takes it to a new level in Fusion Mode. It's the first organic, non-Metroid boss you face, which means it's the first one to turn into a Core-X when it's killed; players that just barely managed to kill Arachnus will suddenly find themselves facing one last phase to the fight.
- Torizo also qualifies, as Arachnus is largely an optional boss — the Space Jump is far more necessary for progression than the Spring Ball, so players will be less inclined to skip the Torizo battle.