Bubsy 3D - TV Tropes

  • ️Sat Nov 11 2023

Bubsy 3D (Video Game)

Also known as Bubsy 3D: Furbitten Planet or Bubsy is 3D in "Furbitten Planet", Bubsy 3D marked the Video Game 3D Leap for the Bubsy series of games, being first released for the PlayStation console in 1996 in North America (Europe wouldn't get it until 1997).

The story begins when the Woolie Queens, Poly and Esther, kidnap Bubsy and take him to their home planet of Rayon, still intending to steal the yarn of Planet Earth. Thanks to a malfunction on the Raylon ship, however, Bubsy manages to escape amidst the chaos. Now he must try to build a rocket ship out of atoms and rocket pieces and escape the planet.

Given this game's... reputation it was extremely doubtful this game would ever be released again (The first two games weren't great either, but at least they were still functional and had passable graphics, which is why they got rereleased as the Bubsy Two-Fur in 2015). However, in 2024 Limited Run Games announced Bubsy in: The Purrfect Collection, another Compilation Re-release featuring Bubsy's history to be released at some point in 2025; and yes, 3D is included (along with the first two games (again) and the Gameboy port of II).

Tropes in this video game:

  • Alliterative Name: One level is named "Catatomic Catastrophe".
  • Anti-Frustration Features: The game will angle the camera downwards when you jump so that you can see where Bubsy will land when platforming. This feature backfires in a sense, as while it's helpful during the various precision platforming areas, the camera can be disorienting when in boss levels, where jumping will cause the camera to stop looking at the boss.
  • The Bad Guy Wins: The Woolies win if you don't collect everything. If you do, they still win anyway. You're destined to lose from the word "go".
  • The Battle Didn't Count: Even though you defeat Poly and Esther, the story has them defeat Bubsy and capture him. At least, that's how the Woolies see it.
  • Breaking the Fourth Wall: Bubsy starts messing with your TV settings after a while of not pressing any buttons.
  • Burp of Finality: One of the death animations is a treasure chest swallowing Bubsy whole and burping.
  • Covers Always Lie:
    • The North American release featured a positive critic quote on the front cover from EGM. In reality, the quote came from a preview in Electronic Gaming Monthly - their review of the actual game when it came out was a 3.25 out of 10.
    • Averted with the European/Australian covers, however; not only does it lack these, or any review blurbs, but the back of the case doesn't even have descriptive text to try and sell people on the game, only having screenshots to show for it.
  • Downer Ending: Both endings involve Bubsy stranded, lost in space if you failed to collect everything and lost in time if you did. Either way, with their arch-nemesis out of the picture, the Woolies move forward with their plans to conquer Earth.
  • Elvis Has Left the Planet: Referenced when Bubsy leaves Rayon dressed as Elvis, with the Woolie leader declaring that "Bubsy has left the planet."
  • Large Ham: Bubsy. Definitely.
  • Literally Shattered Lives: One of Bubsy's death animations has him literally fall apart into pieces.
  • Loads and Loads of Loading: The game has loading times for the title screen...which is just a static image, by the way. Granted, it was released when disc-based gaming technologies were in their infancy...
  • Medium Awareness: Bubsy will occasionally say lines such as "Now, what would a platform game be without platforms? Hmm, I wonder if there's any extra lives up there," and "Oh look, an arrow, aren't these game designers wonderful?"
  • Multiple Endings: If you beat the game without collecting everything, Bubsy's rocket ship doesn't have enough power to make it to Earth, and he ends up stranded in space. This allows the victorious Woolies to continue their galactic conquest. If you do find everything, Bubsy's rocket ship has too much power, and he accidentally puts himself in Pre-Historic times. This allows the victorious Woolies to continue their galactic conquest.
  • No Indoor Voice: Bubsy screeches virtually every single one of his lines.
  • No Name Given: Despite being the penultimate boss and the most prominent character in the intro and endings, the Woolie General has no official name.
  • Oxygen Meter: Some levels take place underwater and give Bubsy a diving helmet. You get 180 seconds of air to start the level, and can pick up air tanks for an additional 100 seconds of air, up to a maximum of 999 seconds. In addition, the air tanks respawn after 30 seconds.
  • Pun-Based Title: The game features such punny names like Furbitten Planet (Forbidden Planet), in the level titles "Claws for Alarm" (Cause for alarm), "Clawstrophobic" (Claustrophobic), "Woolie Bully" (Wooly Bully by Sam the Sham and the Pharaohs), "Missing Lynx" (Missing links), "Dome Sweet Dome" (Home sweet home), "Das Bobcat" (Das Boot), "Domicidal Maniac" (Homicidal maniac), "Crimson Hide" (Crimson Tide), "Mortal Bobkat" (Mortal Kombat), "Zzzotz Nice" (That's nice), "Daze of Thunder" (Days of Thunder), "Woolieville Horror" (The Amityville Horror), "Bright Light Big Woolies" (Bright Lights, Big City), and "Escape From WooL.A." (Escape from L.A.).
  • Quote Mine: The review on the front cover goes beyond this as it sports a quote from a preview, not an actual review.
  • Sequel Hook: With Bubsy Trapped in the Past, the Woolies plan to invade Earth and take all of the wool for themselves.
  • Shout-Out:
    • The intro to "Escape From WooL.A." shows Bubsy dressed as Snake Plissken.
    • At the end, the Woolie leader says "Bubsy has left the planet", as Bubsy is dressed in an Elvis outfit.
    • Bubsy says, "Hey, how did I end up in Triassic Park?" at the end of the game.
  • Tank Controls: Bubsy is unable to turn and move forward at the same time.
  • Techno Babble: The Woolie scientist Professor Nylon attempts to explain how Bubsy constructed a rocket ship, harnessed the power of atoms, and traveled through time, while being interrupted by a rowdy audience.
  • Third Is 3D: Not counting Fractured Furry Tales, this is the third game in the series and it makes use of 3D graphics.
  • Uranus Is Showing: Bubsy's first words are, "I knew I should have taken that left turn at Uranus."
  • X-Ray Sparks: When Bubsy runs into an electrical opponent (a large spark), Bubsy is electrified and his bones show through his skin.